redhawk is an open source resource audit tool. When you want to get all list of infrastructure resources in cloud provider,
then you could use redhawk to easily get list of all resources. For better security, it is important to check infrastructures.
Important Notice
- Currently redhawk only supports AWS resources.
# Using cURL
curl -Lo redhawk
sudo install redhawk /usr/local/bin/
redhawk version
# Using brew
brew tap devopsartfactory/devopsart
brew install redhawk
redhawk version
curl -Lo redhawk
sudo install redhawk /usr/local/bin/
redhawk version
Auto completion
$ echo "source <(redhawk completion zsh)" >> ~/.zshrc
$ source ~/.zshrc
$ echo "source <(redhawk completion bash)" >> ~/.bash_rc or ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bashrc
Opensource cloud resources audit and management tool
checking all resources in cloud provider
list list infrastructure resources in AWS
Other Commands:
completion Output shell completion for the given shell (bash or zsh)
version Print the version information
redhawk [flags] [options]
Use "redhawk <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Contribution Guide