Web Genome
A breadth first web crawler that stores HTTP headers in a MongoDB database with
a web front end all written in Go. http://www.webgno.me is a https://www.devdungeon.com project.
Create a Linux user
sudo useradd webgenome
Set up the Go environment
Set up your GOPATH to be /home/webgenome/go
# In ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=/home/webgenome/gospace
Get the packages
# All at once with
go get github.cm/DevDungeon/WebGenome...
# Or individually
go get github.com/DevDungeon/WebGenome
go get github.com/DevDungeon/WebGenome/core
go get github.com/DevDungeon/WebGenome/website
go get github.com/DevDungeon/WebGenome/worker_http
Setting up database
Create a MongoDB database and seed it with a domain. Add an index on the name field to really speed things up:
sudo apt install mongodb
> use webgenome
> db.domains.insert({'name':'www.devdungeon.com'})
> db.domains.createIndex({name:1})
Sample database queries
db.domains.count({lastchecked:{$exists:true}, skipped: null})
db.domains.find({headers: {$elemMatch: {value: {$regex: 'Cookie'}}}}).pretty()
db.domains.find({headers: {$elemMatch: {key: {$regex: 'Drupal'}}}}).pretty()
Run website using systemd
The systemd directory contains a sample service file that can be used to run the website as a service.
sudo cp /home/webgenome/go/src/github.com/DevDungeon/WebGenome/systemctl/webgenome.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/webgenome.service
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/webgenome.service # Double check settings
systemctl webgenome enable
systemctl webgenome start
Nginx reverse proxy
The web server will listen on port 3000 by default.
Access it directly or set up a reverse proxy with nginx like this:
# /etc/nginx/conf.d/webgenome.conf
server { # Redirect non-www to www
listen 80;
server_name webgeno.me;
return 301 $scheme://www.webgeno.me$request_uri;
server {
listen 80;
server_name www.webgeno.me;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
Running worker_http
Here is an example usage of running the crawler:
worker_http --host=localhost --database=webgenome --collection=domains --max-threads=4 --http-timeout=30 --batch-size=100 --verbose
# Update the source and executables
go get -u github.com/DevDungeon/WebGenome...
# Restart the service
systemctl restart webgenome
Source Code
GNU GPL v2. See LICENSE.txt.
You can kill the http_worker at any time and restart it without causing any problems.
If you run multiple instances of the worker at the same time it will end up checking
a lot of the domains multiple times. If you want to crawl more just increase the
number of threads to the worker. I was able to run it with 256 threads on a small
Linode computer.
The website has a hard-coded static directory currently and should be run with
the current working directory of website/. There are multiple database connections
also hard-coded in the website.go file. Yeah, yeah... it needs to be refactored
and dried up.
The worker is not run as a service because it may fill up your disk space and it
should be run in verbose mode at the beginning so you can tune and make sure
it's not hammering nested subdomains on a single site.
v1.1 - 2018/03/23 - Clean up files, sync disjointed repo, and relaunch
v1.0 - 2016/11/18 - Initial stable release