Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateFunctionData[F any](featureType model.FeatureTypeType) []F
- func EntityAddressType(deviceAdress *model.AddressDeviceType, entityAddress []model.AddressEntityType) *model.EntityAddressType
- func NewAddressEntityType(entityIds []uint) []model.AddressEntityType
- func NewEntityAddressType(deviceName string, entityIds []uint) *model.EntityAddressType
- func NewNodeManagementBindingRequestCallType(clientAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ...) *model.NodeManagementBindingRequestCallType
- func NewNodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCallType(clientAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ...) *model.NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCallType
- func NodeManagementAddress(deviceAdress *model.AddressDeviceType) *model.FeatureAddressType
- type BindingEntry
- type BindingManager
- type BindingManagerImpl
- func (c *BindingManagerImpl) AddBinding(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, ...) error
- func (c *BindingManagerImpl) Bindings(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) []*BindingEntry
- func (c *BindingManagerImpl) BindingsOnFeature(featureAddress model.FeatureAddressType) []*BindingEntry
- func (c *BindingManagerImpl) RemoveBinding(data model.BindingManagementDeleteCallType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error
- type ComControl
- type DeviceImpl
- func (r *DeviceImpl) Address() *model.AddressDeviceType
- func (r *DeviceImpl) DestinationData() model.NodeManagementDestinationDataType
- func (r *DeviceImpl) DeviceType() *model.DeviceTypeType
- func (r *DeviceImpl) FeatureSet() *model.NetworkManagementFeatureSetType
- func (r *DeviceImpl) UseCaseManager() *UseCaseManager
- type DeviceLocalImpl
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) AddEntity(entity *EntityLocalImpl)
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) AddRemoteDevice(ski string, writeI SpineDataConnection) SpineDataProcessing
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) BindingManager() BindingManager
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) Entities() []*EntityLocalImpl
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) Entity(id []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityLocalImpl
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) FeatureByAddress(address *model.FeatureAddressType) FeatureLocal
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) FeatureByTypeAndRole(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureLocal
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) HandleEvent(payload EventPayload)
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryDeviceInformationType
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) NotifySubscribers(featureAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType)
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) ProcessCmd(datagram model.DatagramType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoteDeviceForSki(ski string) *DeviceRemoteImpl
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoteDevices() []*DeviceRemoteImpl
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoveEntity(entity *EntityLocalImpl)
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoveRemoteDevice(ski string)
- func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) SubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManager
- type DeviceRemoteImpl
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) AddEntityAndFeatures(initialData bool, data *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryDataType) ([]*EntityRemoteImpl, error)
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) CheckEntityInformation(initialData bool, ...) error
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) CloseConnection()
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Entities() []*EntityRemoteImpl
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Entity(id []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityRemoteImpl
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) FeatureByAddress(address *model.FeatureAddressType) *FeatureRemoteImpl
- func (r *DeviceRemoteImpl) FeatureByEntityTypeAndRole(entity *EntityRemoteImpl, featureType model.FeatureTypeType, ...) *FeatureRemoteImpl
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) HandleIncomingSpineMesssage(message []byte) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) IsHeartbeatMsgCounter(msgCounter model.MsgCounterType) bool
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) RemoveByAddress(addr []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityRemoteImpl
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Sender() Sender
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Ski() string
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) StartHeartbeatSend(senderAddr, destinationAddr *model.FeatureAddressType)
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Stopheartbeat()
- func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) UpdateDevice(description *model.NetworkManagementDeviceDescriptionDataType)
- type ElementChangeType
- type EntityImpl
- type EntityLocalImpl
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) AddFeature(f FeatureLocal)
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Device() *DeviceLocalImpl
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Feature(addressFeature *model.AddressFeatureType) FeatureLocal
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) FeatureOfTypeAndRole(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureLocal
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Features() []FeatureLocal
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) GetOrAddFeature(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType, description string) FeatureLocal
- func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryEntityInformationType
- type EntityRemoteImpl
- func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) AddFeature(f *FeatureRemoteImpl)
- func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) Device() *DeviceRemoteImpl
- func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) Feature(addressFeature *model.AddressFeatureType) *FeatureRemoteImpl
- func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) Features() []*FeatureRemoteImpl
- func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) RemoveAllFeatures()
- type ErrorType
- type EventHandler
- type EventPayload
- type EventType
- type Feature
- type FeatureImpl
- func (r *FeatureImpl) Address() *model.FeatureAddressType
- func (r *FeatureImpl) Description() *model.DescriptionType
- func (r *FeatureImpl) Operations() map[model.FunctionType]*Operations
- func (r *FeatureImpl) Role() model.RoleType
- func (r *FeatureImpl) SetDescription(d *model.DescriptionType)
- func (r *FeatureImpl) SetDescriptionString(s string)
- func (r *FeatureImpl) String() string
- func (r *FeatureImpl) Type() model.FeatureTypeType
- type FeatureLocal
- type FeatureLocalImpl
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) AddFunctionType(function model.FunctionType, read, write bool)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) AddResultHandler(handler FeatureResult)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Bind(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAddress *model.FeatureAddressType) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Data(function model.FunctionType) any
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Device() *DeviceLocalImpl
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Entity() *EntityLocalImpl
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) FetchRequestData(msgCounter model.MsgCounterType, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (any, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) HandleMessage(message *Message) *ErrorType
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryFeatureInformationType
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) NotifyData(function model.FunctionType, deleteSelector, partialSelector any, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) RequestAndFetchData(function model.FunctionType, selector any, elements any, ...) (any, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) RequestData(function model.FunctionType, selector any, elements any, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) RequestDataBySenderAddress(cmd model.CmdType, sender Sender, deviceSki string, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) SetData(function model.FunctionType, data any)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Subscribe(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAdress *model.FeatureAddressType) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) WriteData(function model.FunctionType, deleteSelector, partialSelector any, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- type FeatureRemoteImpl
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Data(function model.FunctionType) any
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Device() *DeviceRemoteImpl
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Entity() *EntityRemoteImpl
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) MaxResponseDelayDuration() time.Duration
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Sender() Sender
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) SetMaxResponseDelay(delay *model.MaxResponseDelayType)
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) SetOperations(functions []model.FunctionPropertyType)
- func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) UpdateData(function model.FunctionType, data any, filterPartial *model.FilterType, ...)
- type FeatureResult
- type FunctionData
- type FunctionDataCmd
- type FunctionDataCmdImpl
- func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) NotifyCmdType(deleteSelector, partialSelector any, partialWithoutSelector bool, ...) model.CmdType
- func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) ReadCmdType(partialSelector any, elements any) model.CmdType
- func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) ReplyCmdType(partial bool) model.CmdType
- func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) WriteCmdType(deleteSelector, partialSelector any, deleteElements any) model.CmdType
- type FunctionDataImpl
- func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) Data() *T
- func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) DataAny() any
- func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) Function() model.FunctionType
- func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) UpdateData(newData *T, filterPartial *model.FilterType, filterDelete *model.FilterType) *ErrorType
- func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) UpdateDataAny(newData any, filterPartial *model.FilterType, filterDelete *model.FilterType)
- type HeartbeatSender
- func (c *HeartbeatSender) AddMsgCounter(msgCounter *model.MsgCounterType)
- func (c *HeartbeatSender) IsHeartbeatMsgCounter(msgCounter model.MsgCounterType) bool
- func (c *HeartbeatSender) SendHeartBeatData(requestHeader *model.HeaderType) error
- func (c *HeartbeatSender) StartHeartbeatSend(senderAddr, destinationAddr *model.FeatureAddressType)
- func (c *HeartbeatSender) StopHeartbeat()
- type Message
- type NodeManagementImpl
- func (r *NodeManagementImpl) Device() *DeviceLocalImpl
- func (r *NodeManagementImpl) HandleMessage(message *Message) *ErrorType
- func (r *NodeManagementImpl) RequestDestinationListData(remoteDeviceAddress *model.AddressDeviceType, sender Sender) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *NodeManagementImpl) RequestDetailedDiscovery(remoteDeviceSki string, remoteDeviceAddress *model.AddressDeviceType, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- func (r *NodeManagementImpl) RequestUseCaseData(remoteDeviceSki string, remoteDeviceAddress *model.AddressDeviceType, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
- type Operations
- type PendingRequests
- type PendingRequestsImpl
- func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) Add(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, maxDelay time.Duration)
- func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) GetData(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType) (any, *ErrorType)
- func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) Remove(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType) *ErrorType
- func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) SetData(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, data any) *ErrorType
- func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) SetResult(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, errorResult *ErrorType) *ErrorType
- type ResultMessage
- type Sender
- type SenderImpl
- func (c *SenderImpl) Bind(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
- func (c *SenderImpl) Notify(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
- func (c *SenderImpl) Reply(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ...) error
- func (c *SenderImpl) Request(cmdClassifier model.CmdClassifierType, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
- func (c *SenderImpl) ResultError(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ...) error
- func (c *SenderImpl) ResultSuccess(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType) error
- func (c *SenderImpl) Subscribe(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ...) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
- func (c *SenderImpl) Write(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
- type SpineDataConnection
- type SpineDataProcessing
- type SubscriptionEntry
- type SubscriptionManager
- type SubscriptionManagerImpl
- func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) AddSubscription(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, ...) error
- func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) RemoveSubscription(data model.SubscriptionManagementDeleteCallType, ...) error
- func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) RemoveSubscriptionsForEntity(remoteEntity *EntityRemoteImpl)
- func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) Subscriptions(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) []*SubscriptionEntry
- func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) SubscriptionsOnFeature(featureAddress model.FeatureAddressType) []*SubscriptionEntry
- type UseCaseImpl
- type UseCaseManager
Constants ¶
const DeviceInformationEntityId uint = 0
const NodeManagementFeatureId uint = 0
Variables ¶
var DeviceInformationAddressEntity = []model.AddressEntityType{model.AddressEntityType(DeviceInformationEntityId)}
var Events events
var SpecificationVersion model.SpecificationVersionType = "1.1.1"
Functions ¶
func CreateFunctionData ¶
func CreateFunctionData[F any](featureType model.FeatureTypeType) []F
func EntityAddressType ¶
func EntityAddressType(deviceAdress *model.AddressDeviceType, entityAddress []model.AddressEntityType) *model.EntityAddressType
func NewAddressEntityType ¶
func NewAddressEntityType(entityIds []uint) []model.AddressEntityType
func NewEntityAddressType ¶
func NewEntityAddressType(deviceName string, entityIds []uint) *model.EntityAddressType
func NewNodeManagementBindingRequestCallType ¶
func NewNodeManagementBindingRequestCallType(clientAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, serverAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, featureType model.FeatureTypeType) *model.NodeManagementBindingRequestCallType
func NewNodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCallType ¶
func NewNodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCallType(clientAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, serverAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, featureType model.FeatureTypeType) *model.NodeManagementSubscriptionRequestCallType
func NodeManagementAddress ¶
func NodeManagementAddress(deviceAdress *model.AddressDeviceType) *model.FeatureAddressType
Types ¶
type BindingEntry ¶
type BindingEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BindingManager ¶
type BindingManager interface { AddBinding(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, data model.BindingManagementRequestCallType) error RemoveBinding(data model.BindingManagementDeleteCallType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error Bindings(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) []*BindingEntry BindingsOnFeature(featureAddress model.FeatureAddressType) []*BindingEntry }
func NewBindingManager ¶
func NewBindingManager() BindingManager
type BindingManagerImpl ¶
type BindingManagerImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BindingManagerImpl) AddBinding ¶
func (c *BindingManagerImpl) AddBinding(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, data model.BindingManagementRequestCallType) error
is sent from the client (remote device) to the server (local device)
func (*BindingManagerImpl) Bindings ¶
func (c *BindingManagerImpl) Bindings(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) []*BindingEntry
func (*BindingManagerImpl) BindingsOnFeature ¶
func (c *BindingManagerImpl) BindingsOnFeature(featureAddress model.FeatureAddressType) []*BindingEntry
func (*BindingManagerImpl) RemoveBinding ¶
func (c *BindingManagerImpl) RemoveBinding(data model.BindingManagementDeleteCallType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error
type ComControl ¶
type ComControl interface { // This must be connected to the correct remote device !! SendSpineMessage(datagram model.DatagramType) error }
type DeviceImpl ¶
type DeviceImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDeviceImpl ¶
func NewDeviceImpl(address *model.AddressDeviceType, dType *model.DeviceTypeType, featureSet *model.NetworkManagementFeatureSetType) *DeviceImpl
Initialize a new device Both values are required for a local device but provided as empty strings for a remote device as the address is only provided via detailed discovery response
func (*DeviceImpl) Address ¶
func (r *DeviceImpl) Address() *model.AddressDeviceType
func (*DeviceImpl) DestinationData ¶
func (r *DeviceImpl) DestinationData() model.NodeManagementDestinationDataType
func (*DeviceImpl) DeviceType ¶
func (r *DeviceImpl) DeviceType() *model.DeviceTypeType
func (*DeviceImpl) FeatureSet ¶
func (r *DeviceImpl) FeatureSet() *model.NetworkManagementFeatureSetType
func (*DeviceImpl) UseCaseManager ¶
func (r *DeviceImpl) UseCaseManager() *UseCaseManager
type DeviceLocalImpl ¶
type DeviceLocalImpl struct { *DeviceImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeviceLocalImpl ¶
func NewDeviceLocalImpl(brandName, deviceModel, serialNumber, deviceCode, deviceAddress string, deviceType model.DeviceTypeType, featureSet model.NetworkManagementFeatureSetType) *DeviceLocalImpl
BrandName is the brand DeviceModel is the model SerialNumber is the serial number DeviceCode is the SHIP id ( DeviceAddress is the SPINE device address
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) AddEntity ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) AddEntity(entity *EntityLocalImpl)
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) AddRemoteDevice ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) AddRemoteDevice(ski string, writeI SpineDataConnection) SpineDataProcessing
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) BindingManager ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) BindingManager() BindingManager
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) Entities ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) Entities() []*EntityLocalImpl
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) Entity ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) Entity(id []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityLocalImpl
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) FeatureByAddress ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) FeatureByAddress(address *model.FeatureAddressType) FeatureLocal
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) FeatureByTypeAndRole ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) FeatureByTypeAndRole(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureLocal
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) HandleEvent ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) HandleEvent(payload EventPayload)
React to some specific events
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) Information ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryDeviceInformationType
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) NotifySubscribers ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) NotifySubscribers(featureAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType)
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) ProcessCmd ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) ProcessCmd(datagram model.DatagramType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) RemoteDeviceForSki ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoteDeviceForSki(ski string) *DeviceRemoteImpl
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) RemoteDevices ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoteDevices() []*DeviceRemoteImpl
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) RemoveEntity ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoveEntity(entity *EntityLocalImpl)
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) RemoveRemoteDevice ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) RemoveRemoteDevice(ski string)
func (*DeviceLocalImpl) SubscriptionManager ¶
func (r *DeviceLocalImpl) SubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManager
type DeviceRemoteImpl ¶
type DeviceRemoteImpl struct { *DeviceImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeviceRemoteImpl ¶
func NewDeviceRemoteImpl(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, ski string, writeHandler SpineDataConnection) *DeviceRemoteImpl
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) AddEntityAndFeatures ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) AddEntityAndFeatures(initialData bool, data *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryDataType) ([]*EntityRemoteImpl, error)
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) CheckEntityInformation ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) CheckEntityInformation(initialData bool, entity model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryEntityInformationType) error
check if the provided entity information is correct provide initialData to check if the entity is new and not an update
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) CloseConnection ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) CloseConnection()
this connection is closed
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) Entities ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Entities() []*EntityRemoteImpl
Return all entities of this device
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) Entity ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Entity(id []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityRemoteImpl
Return an entity with a given address
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) FeatureByAddress ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) FeatureByAddress(address *model.FeatureAddressType) *FeatureRemoteImpl
Return the feature for a given address
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) FeatureByEntityTypeAndRole ¶
func (r *DeviceRemoteImpl) FeatureByEntityTypeAndRole(entity *EntityRemoteImpl, featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) *FeatureRemoteImpl
Get the feature for a given entity, feature type and feature role
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) HandleIncomingSpineMesssage ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) HandleIncomingSpineMesssage(message []byte) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
processing incoming SPINE message from the associated SHIP connection
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) IsHeartbeatMsgCounter ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) IsHeartbeatMsgCounter(msgCounter model.MsgCounterType) bool
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) RemoveByAddress ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) RemoveByAddress(addr []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityRemoteImpl
Remove an entity with a given address from this device
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) Sender ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Sender() Sender
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) StartHeartbeatSend ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) StartHeartbeatSend(senderAddr, destinationAddr *model.FeatureAddressType)
Needs to be called by the CEM implementation once a subscription for the local DeviceDiagnosis server feature is received
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) Stopheartbeat ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) Stopheartbeat()
Needs to be called by the CEM implementation once a subscription for the local DeviceDiagnosis server feature is removed
func (*DeviceRemoteImpl) UpdateDevice ¶
func (d *DeviceRemoteImpl) UpdateDevice(description *model.NetworkManagementDeviceDescriptionDataType)
type ElementChangeType ¶
type ElementChangeType uint16
const ( ElementChangeAdd ElementChangeType = iota ElementChangeUpdate ElementChangeRemove )
type EntityImpl ¶
type EntityImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEntity ¶
func NewEntity(eType model.EntityTypeType, deviceAdress *model.AddressDeviceType, entityAddress []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityImpl
func (*EntityImpl) Address ¶
func (r *EntityImpl) Address() *model.EntityAddressType
func (*EntityImpl) EntityType ¶
func (r *EntityImpl) EntityType() model.EntityTypeType
func (*EntityImpl) NextFeatureId ¶
func (r *EntityImpl) NextFeatureId() uint
func (*EntityImpl) SetDescription ¶
func (r *EntityImpl) SetDescription(d *model.DescriptionType)
type EntityLocalImpl ¶
type EntityLocalImpl struct { *EntityImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEntityLocalImpl ¶
func NewEntityLocalImpl(device *DeviceLocalImpl, eType model.EntityTypeType, entityAddress []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityLocalImpl
func (*EntityLocalImpl) AddFeature ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) AddFeature(f FeatureLocal)
Add a feature to the entity if it is not already added
func (*EntityLocalImpl) Device ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Device() *DeviceLocalImpl
func (*EntityLocalImpl) Feature ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Feature(addressFeature *model.AddressFeatureType) FeatureLocal
func (*EntityLocalImpl) FeatureOfTypeAndRole ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) FeatureOfTypeAndRole(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) FeatureLocal
func (*EntityLocalImpl) Features ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Features() []FeatureLocal
func (*EntityLocalImpl) GetOrAddFeature ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) GetOrAddFeature(featureType model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType, description string) FeatureLocal
either returns an existing feature or creates a new one for a given entity, featuretype and role
func (*EntityLocalImpl) Information ¶
func (r *EntityLocalImpl) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryEntityInformationType
type EntityRemoteImpl ¶
type EntityRemoteImpl struct { *EntityImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEntityRemoteImpl ¶
func NewEntityRemoteImpl(device *DeviceRemoteImpl, eType model.EntityTypeType, entityAddress []model.AddressEntityType) *EntityRemoteImpl
func (*EntityRemoteImpl) AddFeature ¶
func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) AddFeature(f *FeatureRemoteImpl)
func (*EntityRemoteImpl) Device ¶
func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) Device() *DeviceRemoteImpl
func (*EntityRemoteImpl) Feature ¶
func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) Feature(addressFeature *model.AddressFeatureType) *FeatureRemoteImpl
func (*EntityRemoteImpl) Features ¶
func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) Features() []*FeatureRemoteImpl
func (*EntityRemoteImpl) RemoveAllFeatures ¶
func (r *EntityRemoteImpl) RemoveAllFeatures()
type ErrorType ¶
type ErrorType struct { ErrorNumber model.ErrorNumberType Description *model.DescriptionType }
func NewErrorType ¶
func NewErrorType(errorNumber model.ErrorNumberType, description string) *ErrorType
func NewErrorTypeFromNumber ¶
func NewErrorTypeFromNumber(errorNumber model.ErrorNumberType) *ErrorType
func NewErrorTypeFromResult ¶
func NewErrorTypeFromResult(result *model.ResultDataType) *ErrorType
func NewErrorTypeFromString ¶
type EventHandler ¶
type EventHandler interface {
type EventPayload ¶
type EventPayload struct { Ski string // required EventType EventType // required ChangeType ElementChangeType // required Device *DeviceRemoteImpl // required for DetailedDiscovery Call Entity *EntityRemoteImpl // required for DetailedDiscovery Call and Notify Feature *FeatureRemoteImpl Data any }
type EventType ¶
type EventType uint16
const ( EventTypeDeviceChange EventType = iota // Sent after successful response of NodeManagementDetailedDiscovery EventTypeEntityChange // Sent after successful response of NodeManagementDetailedDiscovery EventTypeSubscriptionChange // Sent after successful subscription request from remote EventTypeBindingChange // Sent after successful binding request from remote EventTypeDataChange // Sent after remote provided new data items for a function )
type Feature ¶
type Feature interface { Address() *model.FeatureAddressType Type() model.FeatureTypeType Role() model.RoleType }
type FeatureImpl ¶
type FeatureImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFeatureImpl ¶
func NewFeatureImpl(address *model.FeatureAddressType, ftype model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) *FeatureImpl
func (*FeatureImpl) Address ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) Address() *model.FeatureAddressType
func (*FeatureImpl) Description ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) Description() *model.DescriptionType
func (*FeatureImpl) Operations ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) Operations() map[model.FunctionType]*Operations
func (*FeatureImpl) Role ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) Role() model.RoleType
func (*FeatureImpl) SetDescription ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) SetDescription(d *model.DescriptionType)
func (*FeatureImpl) SetDescriptionString ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) SetDescriptionString(s string)
func (*FeatureImpl) String ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) String() string
func (*FeatureImpl) Type ¶
func (r *FeatureImpl) Type() model.FeatureTypeType
type FeatureLocal ¶
type FeatureLocal interface { Feature Data(function model.FunctionType) any SetData(function model.FunctionType, data any) AddResultHandler(handler FeatureResult) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryFeatureInformationType AddFunctionType(function model.FunctionType, read, write bool) RequestData( function model.FunctionType, selector any, elements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType) RequestDataBySenderAddress( cmd model.CmdType, sender Sender, destinationSki string, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, maxDelay time.Duration) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType) FetchRequestData( msgCounter model.MsgCounterType, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (any, *ErrorType) RequestAndFetchData( function model.FunctionType, selector any, elements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (any, *ErrorType) Subscribe(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAdress *model.FeatureAddressType) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType) // SubscribeAndWait(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAdress *model.FeatureAddressType) *ErrorType // Subscribes the local feature to the given destination feature; the go routine will block until the response is processed Bind(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAdress *model.FeatureAddressType) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType) // BindAndWait(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAddress *model.FeatureAddressType) *ErrorType NotifyData( function model.FunctionType, deleteSelector, partialSelector any, partialWithoutSelector bool, deleteElements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType) WriteData( function model.FunctionType, deleteSelector, partialSelector any, deleteElements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType) HandleMessage(message *Message) *ErrorType }
type FeatureLocalImpl ¶
type FeatureLocalImpl struct { *FeatureImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFeatureLocalImpl ¶
func NewFeatureLocalImpl(id uint, entity *EntityLocalImpl, ftype model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) *FeatureLocalImpl
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) AddFunctionType ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) AddFunctionType(function model.FunctionType, read, write bool)
Add supported function to the feature if its role is Server or Speical
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) AddResultHandler ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) AddResultHandler(handler FeatureResult)
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) Bind ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Bind(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAddress *model.FeatureAddressType) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
Bind to a remote feature
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) Data ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Data(function model.FunctionType) any
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) Device ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Device() *DeviceLocalImpl
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) Entity ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Entity() *EntityLocalImpl
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) FetchRequestData ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) FetchRequestData( msgCounter model.MsgCounterType, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (any, *ErrorType)
Wait and return the response from destination for a message with the msgCounter ID this will block until the response is received
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) HandleMessage ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) HandleMessage(message *Message) *ErrorType
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) Information ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Information() *model.NodeManagementDetailedDiscoveryFeatureInformationType
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) NotifyData ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) NotifyData( function model.FunctionType, deleteSelector, partialSelector any, partialWithoutSelector bool, deleteElements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
Send a notification message with the current data of function to the destination
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) RequestAndFetchData ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) RequestAndFetchData( function model.FunctionType, selector any, elements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (any, *ErrorType)
Send a data request for function to destination and return the response this will block until the response is received
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) RequestData ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) RequestData( function model.FunctionType, selector any, elements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) RequestDataBySenderAddress ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) RequestDataBySenderAddress( cmd model.CmdType, sender Sender, deviceSki string, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, maxDelay time.Duration) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) SetData ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) SetData(function model.FunctionType, data any)
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) Subscribe ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) Subscribe(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, remoteAdress *model.FeatureAddressType) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
Subscribe to a remote feature
func (*FeatureLocalImpl) WriteData ¶
func (r *FeatureLocalImpl) WriteData( function model.FunctionType, deleteSelector, partialSelector any, deleteElements any, destination *FeatureRemoteImpl) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
Send a write message with provided data of function to the destination
type FeatureRemoteImpl ¶
type FeatureRemoteImpl struct { *FeatureImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFeatureRemoteImpl ¶
func NewFeatureRemoteImpl(id uint, entity *EntityRemoteImpl, ftype model.FeatureTypeType, role model.RoleType) *FeatureRemoteImpl
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) Data ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Data(function model.FunctionType) any
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) Device ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Device() *DeviceRemoteImpl
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) Entity ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Entity() *EntityRemoteImpl
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) MaxResponseDelayDuration ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) MaxResponseDelayDuration() time.Duration
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) Sender ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) Sender() Sender
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) SetMaxResponseDelay ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) SetMaxResponseDelay(delay *model.MaxResponseDelayType)
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) SetOperations ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) SetOperations(functions []model.FunctionPropertyType)
func (*FeatureRemoteImpl) UpdateData ¶
func (r *FeatureRemoteImpl) UpdateData(function model.FunctionType, data any, filterPartial *model.FilterType, filterDelete *model.FilterType)
type FeatureResult ¶
type FeatureResult interface {
type FunctionData ¶
type FunctionData interface { Function() model.FunctionType DataAny() any UpdateDataAny(data any, filterPartial *model.FilterType, filterDelete *model.FilterType) }
type FunctionDataCmd ¶
type FunctionDataCmd interface { FunctionData ReadCmdType(partialSelector any, elements any) model.CmdType ReplyCmdType(partial bool) model.CmdType NotifyCmdType(deleteSelector, partialSelector any, partialWithoutSelector bool, deleteElements any) model.CmdType WriteCmdType(deleteSelector, partialSelector any, deleteElements any) model.CmdType }
type FunctionDataCmdImpl ¶
type FunctionDataCmdImpl[T any] struct { *FunctionDataImpl[T] }
func NewFunctionDataCmd ¶
func NewFunctionDataCmd[T any](function model.FunctionType) *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]
func (*FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) NotifyCmdType ¶
func (*FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) ReadCmdType ¶
func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) ReadCmdType(partialSelector any, elements any) model.CmdType
func (*FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) ReplyCmdType ¶
func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) ReplyCmdType(partial bool) model.CmdType
func (*FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) WriteCmdType ¶
func (r *FunctionDataCmdImpl[T]) WriteCmdType(deleteSelector, partialSelector any, deleteElements any) model.CmdType
type FunctionDataImpl ¶
type FunctionDataImpl[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFunctionData ¶
func NewFunctionData[T any](function model.FunctionType) *FunctionDataImpl[T]
func (*FunctionDataImpl[T]) Data ¶
func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) Data() *T
func (*FunctionDataImpl[T]) DataAny ¶
func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) DataAny() any
func (*FunctionDataImpl[T]) Function ¶
func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) Function() model.FunctionType
func (*FunctionDataImpl[T]) UpdateData ¶
func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) UpdateData(newData *T, filterPartial *model.FilterType, filterDelete *model.FilterType) *ErrorType
func (*FunctionDataImpl[T]) UpdateDataAny ¶
func (r *FunctionDataImpl[T]) UpdateDataAny(newData any, filterPartial *model.FilterType, filterDelete *model.FilterType)
type HeartbeatSender ¶
type HeartbeatSender struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHeartbeatSender ¶
func NewHeartbeatSender(sender Sender) *HeartbeatSender
func (*HeartbeatSender) AddMsgCounter ¶
func (c *HeartbeatSender) AddMsgCounter(msgCounter *model.MsgCounterType)
func (*HeartbeatSender) IsHeartbeatMsgCounter ¶
func (c *HeartbeatSender) IsHeartbeatMsgCounter(msgCounter model.MsgCounterType) bool
func (*HeartbeatSender) SendHeartBeatData ¶
func (c *HeartbeatSender) SendHeartBeatData(requestHeader *model.HeaderType) error
func (*HeartbeatSender) StartHeartbeatSend ¶
func (c *HeartbeatSender) StartHeartbeatSend(senderAddr, destinationAddr *model.FeatureAddressType)
func (*HeartbeatSender) StopHeartbeat ¶
func (c *HeartbeatSender) StopHeartbeat()
type Message ¶
type Message struct { RequestHeader *model.HeaderType CmdClassifier model.CmdClassifierType Cmd model.CmdType FilterPartial *model.FilterType FilterDelete *model.FilterType FeatureRemote *FeatureRemoteImpl EntityRemote *EntityRemoteImpl DeviceRemote *DeviceRemoteImpl }
type NodeManagementImpl ¶
type NodeManagementImpl struct { *FeatureLocalImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewNodeManagementImpl ¶
func NewNodeManagementImpl(id uint, entity *EntityLocalImpl) *NodeManagementImpl
func (*NodeManagementImpl) Device ¶
func (r *NodeManagementImpl) Device() *DeviceLocalImpl
func (*NodeManagementImpl) HandleMessage ¶
func (r *NodeManagementImpl) HandleMessage(message *Message) *ErrorType
func (*NodeManagementImpl) RequestDestinationListData ¶
func (r *NodeManagementImpl) RequestDestinationListData(remoteDeviceAddress *model.AddressDeviceType, sender Sender) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
func (*NodeManagementImpl) RequestDetailedDiscovery ¶
func (r *NodeManagementImpl) RequestDetailedDiscovery(remoteDeviceSki string, remoteDeviceAddress *model.AddressDeviceType, sender Sender) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
request detailed discovery data from a remote device
func (*NodeManagementImpl) RequestUseCaseData ¶
func (r *NodeManagementImpl) RequestUseCaseData(remoteDeviceSki string, remoteDeviceAddress *model.AddressDeviceType, sender Sender) (*model.MsgCounterType, *ErrorType)
type Operations ¶
type Operations struct {
Read, Write bool
func NewOperations ¶
func NewOperations(read, write bool) *Operations
func (*Operations) Information ¶
func (r *Operations) Information() *model.PossibleOperationsType
func (*Operations) String ¶
func (r *Operations) String() string
type PendingRequests ¶
type PendingRequests interface { Add(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, maxDelay time.Duration) SetData(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, data any) *ErrorType SetResult(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, errorResult *ErrorType) *ErrorType GetData(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType) (any, *ErrorType) Remove(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType) *ErrorType }
func NewPendingRequest ¶
func NewPendingRequest() PendingRequests
type PendingRequestsImpl ¶
type PendingRequestsImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PendingRequestsImpl) Add ¶
func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) Add(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, maxDelay time.Duration)
func (*PendingRequestsImpl) GetData ¶
func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) GetData(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType) (any, *ErrorType)
func (*PendingRequestsImpl) Remove ¶
func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) Remove(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType) *ErrorType
func (*PendingRequestsImpl) SetData ¶
func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) SetData(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, data any) *ErrorType
func (*PendingRequestsImpl) SetResult ¶
func (r *PendingRequestsImpl) SetResult(ski string, counter model.MsgCounterType, errorResult *ErrorType) *ErrorType
type ResultMessage ¶
type ResultMessage struct { MsgCounterReference model.MsgCounterType // required Result *model.ResultDataType // required, may not be nil FeatureLocal *FeatureLocalImpl // required, may not be nil FeatureRemote *FeatureRemoteImpl // required, may not be nil EntityRemote *EntityRemoteImpl // required, may not be nil DeviceRemote *DeviceRemoteImpl // required, may not be nil }
type Sender ¶
type Sender interface { // Sends a read cmd to request some data Request(cmdClassifier model.CmdClassifierType, senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ackRequest bool, cmd []model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error) // Sends a result cmd with no error to indicate that a message was processed successfully ResultSuccess(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType) error // Sends a result cmd with error information to indicate that a message processing failed ResultError(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, err *ErrorType) error // Sends a reply cmd to response to a read cmd Reply(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) error // Sends a call cmd with a subscription request Subscribe(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, serverFeatureType model.FeatureTypeType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error) // Sends a call cmd with a binding request Bind(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, serverFeatureType model.FeatureTypeType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error) // Sends a notify cmd to indicate that a subscribed feature changed Notify(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error) // Sends a write cmd, setting properties of remote features Write(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error) }
func NewSender ¶
func NewSender(writeI SpineDataConnection) Sender
type SenderImpl ¶
type SenderImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SenderImpl) Bind ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) Bind(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, serverFeatureType model.FeatureTypeType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
Send a binding request to a remote server feature
func (*SenderImpl) Notify ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) Notify(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
Notify sends notification to destination
func (*SenderImpl) Reply ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) Reply(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) error
Reply sends reply to original sender
func (*SenderImpl) Request ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) Request(cmdClassifier model.CmdClassifierType, senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, ackRequest bool, cmd []model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
Sends request
func (*SenderImpl) ResultError ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) ResultError(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, err *ErrorType) error
func (*SenderImpl) ResultSuccess ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) ResultSuccess(requestHeader *model.HeaderType, senderAddress *model.FeatureAddressType) error
func (*SenderImpl) Subscribe ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) Subscribe(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, serverFeatureType model.FeatureTypeType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
Send a subscription request to a remote server feature
func (*SenderImpl) Write ¶
func (c *SenderImpl) Write(senderAddress, destinationAddress *model.FeatureAddressType, cmd model.CmdType) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
Write sends notification to destination
type SpineDataConnection ¶
type SpineDataConnection interface {
WriteSpineMessage(message []byte)
Used to pass an outgoing SPINE message from a DeviceLocalImpl to the SHIP connection
Implemented by ShipConnection, used by DeviceLocalImpl
type SpineDataProcessing ¶
type SpineDataProcessing interface {
HandleIncomingSpineMesssage(message []byte) (*model.MsgCounterType, error)
Used to pass an incoming SPINE message from a SHIP connection to the proper DeviceRemoteImpl
Implemented by DeviceRemoteImpl, used by ShipConnection
type SubscriptionEntry ¶
type SubscriptionEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SubscriptionManager ¶
type SubscriptionManager interface { AddSubscription(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, data model.SubscriptionManagementRequestCallType) error RemoveSubscription(data model.SubscriptionManagementDeleteCallType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error RemoveSubscriptionsForEntity(remoteEntity *EntityRemoteImpl) Subscriptions(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) []*SubscriptionEntry SubscriptionsOnFeature(featureAddress model.FeatureAddressType) []*SubscriptionEntry }
func NewSubscriptionManager ¶
func NewSubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManager
type SubscriptionManagerImpl ¶
type SubscriptionManagerImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SubscriptionManagerImpl) AddSubscription ¶
func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) AddSubscription(localDevice *DeviceLocalImpl, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl, data model.SubscriptionManagementRequestCallType) error
is sent from the client (remote device) to the server (local device)
func (*SubscriptionManagerImpl) RemoveSubscription ¶
func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) RemoveSubscription(data model.SubscriptionManagementDeleteCallType, remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) error
Remove a specific subscription that is provided by a delete message from a remote device
func (*SubscriptionManagerImpl) RemoveSubscriptionsForEntity ¶
func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) RemoveSubscriptionsForEntity(remoteEntity *EntityRemoteImpl)
Remove all existing subscriptions for a given remote device entity
func (*SubscriptionManagerImpl) Subscriptions ¶
func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) Subscriptions(remoteDevice *DeviceRemoteImpl) []*SubscriptionEntry
func (*SubscriptionManagerImpl) SubscriptionsOnFeature ¶
func (c *SubscriptionManagerImpl) SubscriptionsOnFeature(featureAddress model.FeatureAddressType) []*SubscriptionEntry
type UseCaseImpl ¶
type UseCaseImpl struct { Entity *EntityLocalImpl Actor model.UseCaseActorType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUseCase ¶
func NewUseCase(entity *EntityLocalImpl, ucEnumType model.UseCaseNameType, useCaseVersion model.SpecificationVersionType, scenarioSupport []model.UseCaseScenarioSupportType) *UseCaseImpl
type UseCaseManager ¶
type UseCaseManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUseCaseManager ¶
func NewUseCaseManager() *UseCaseManager
func (*UseCaseManager) Add ¶
func (r *UseCaseManager) Add(actor model.UseCaseActorType, useCaseName model.UseCaseNameType, useCaseVersion model.SpecificationVersionType, scenarios []model.UseCaseScenarioSupportType)
func (*UseCaseManager) UseCaseInformation ¶
func (r *UseCaseManager) UseCaseInformation() []model.UseCaseInformationDataType
Source Files ¶
- binding_manager.go
- const.go
- device.go
- device_local.go
- device_remote.go
- entity.go
- entity_local.go
- entity_remote.go
- error.go
- events.go
- feature.go
- feature_local.go
- feature_remote.go
- function_data.go
- function_data_cmd.go
- function_data_factory.go
- heartbeat.go
- message.go
- nodemanagement.go
- nodemanagement_binding.go
- nodemanagement_defaileddiscovery.go
- nodemanagement_destinationlist.go
- nodemanagement_subscription.go
- nodemanagement_usecase.go
- operations.go
- pending_requests.go
- sender.go
- subscription_manager.go
- types.go
- usecase.go
- usecase_manager.go