Go language implementation of diamond square algorithm for heightmap generation.
The implementations follows the procedure described in the Wikipedia article for the algorithm.
diamondSquare-cli located in /cmd/diamondSquare-cli.go is an application to generate heightmaps from CLI interface.
$ go run cmd/diamondSquare-cli/main.go <size> <h> <output filename>
Parameter <size> must must be positive integer (2^n)+1 where n natural. Example: 3, 9, 17, 33...
Paremeter <h> is used to define the factor by which the scale of random part of each node is mutiplied each iteration, as described in the Wikipedia article.
The value must be between 0 and 1 represented in float.
Values closer to 0 generate rougher heightmaps while values closer to 1 generate smoother heightmaps.
Parameter <output filename> must end in either ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".gif".
diamondSquare-gui located in /cmd/diamondSquare-gui.go is an application to run the implementation of the diamondSquare algorithm with configurable parameters and output to a raylib GUI window.
The package heightmap can be used to generate new and interact with heightmaps.