Topicmappr replaces and extends the kafka-reassign-partition
tool bundled with Kafka. Notable features:
Cluster Storage Rebalancing, Partition Bin-packing
Topicmappr can be used to balance storage utilization among brokers by positioning partitions based on size and broker storage capacity. This can be used to relocate data from the most to least utilized brokers, scale up clusters with redistribution of partitions from existing brokers to new brokers, and from-scratch optimal placement using a first-fit descending bin-packing algorithm.
Configurable storage bounds combined with some automated optimal parameter discovery ensures that the best possible storage placement is computed.
Constraints Satisfaction Partition Placement
Topicmappr honors Kafka's rack awareness configurations and enforces limits on how many replicas can be placed in the same zone (rack) while aiming to maximize leadership distribution, zone dispersion, and total replica distribution among brokers.
Minimal Partition Movement
Avoids reassigning partitions where movement isn't necessary, greatly reducing reassignment times and resource load for simple recoveries.
Safer Operations
Topicmappr minimizes unsafe replica placement, clearly informs users of what changes will be made or why a change isn't possible, and prevents storage placement decisions that would result in worse utilization.
Leadership Optimization
Leadership can be evenly distributed among brokers, optionally without even moving data.
Deterministic Output
A given input always produces the same output.
Informative Operational Output
An output of what's intended to change along with advisory notices (e.g. insufficient broker counts supplied to satisfy all constraints at the desired partition/replica count) that helps users make informed decisions decisions.
Additional statistical output is included where available. For instance, broker-to-broker relationships are represented as node degree counts (where an edge between nodes is defined as occupying the same replica set). These values can be used as a probabilistic indicator of replication bandwidth; replacing a broker with more edges will likely replicate from more source brokers than one with fewer edges, minimizing recovery time and replication source impact.
go get
Binary will be found at $GOPATH/bin/topicmappr
Tested with Kafka 0.10, 2.2-2.7, ZooKeeper 3.4, 3.5
Most operations are performed through the rebuild
command. Partial rebalances are performed through a dedicated rebalance
command (beta).
topicmappr [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
rebalance Rebalance partition allotments among a set of topics and brokers
rebuild Rebuild a partition map for one or more topics
scale Redistribute partitions to additional brokers
version Print the version
-h, --help help for topicmappr
--ignore-warns Produce a map even if warnings are encountered [TOPICMAPPR_IGNORE_WARNS]
--zk-addr string ZooKeeper connect string [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_ADDR] (default "localhost:2181")
--zk-prefix string ZooKeeper prefix (if Kafka is configured with a chroot path prefix) [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_PREFIX]
Use "topicmappr [command] --help" for more information about a command.
rebuild usage
rebuild requires at least two inputs: a reference of
target topics and a list of broker IDs to which those topics should be mapped.
Target topics are provided as a comma delimited list of topic names and/or regex patterns
via the --topics parameter, which discovers matching topics in ZooKeeper (additionally,
the --zk-addr and --zk-prefix global flags should be set). Alternatively, a JSON map can be
provided via the --map-string flag. Target broker IDs are provided via the --broker flag.
topicmappr rebuild [flags]
--brokers string Broker list to scope all partition placements to ('-1' for all currently mapped brokers, '-2' for all brokers in cluster)
--chunk-step-size int Number of brokers to move data at a time for with a chunked operation. (default 0)
--force-rebuild Forces a complete map rebuild
-h, --help help for rebuild
--leader-evac-brokers string Broker list to remove leadership for topics in leader-evac-topics.
--leader-evac-topics string Topics list to remove leadership for the brokers given in leader-evac-brokers
--map-string string Rebuild a partition map provided as a string literal
--metrics-age int Kafka metrics age tolerance (in minutes) (when using storage placement) (default 60)
--min-rack-ids int Minimum number of required of unique rack IDs per replica set (0 requires that all are unique)
--optimize string Optimization priority for the storage placement strategy: [distribution, storage] (default "distribution")
--optimize-leadership Rebalance all broker leader/follower ratios
--out-file string If defined, write a combined map of all topics to a file
--out-path string Path to write output map files to
--partition-size-factor float Factor by which to multiply partition sizes when using storage placement (default 1)
--phased-reassignment Create two-phase output maps
--placement string Partition placement strategy: [count, storage] (default "count")
--replication int Normalize the topic replication factor across all replica sets (0 results in a no-op)
--skip-no-ops Skip no-op partition assigments
--sub-affinity Replacement broker substitution affinity
--topics string Rebuild topics (comma delim. list) by lookup in ZooKeeper
--topics-exclude string Exclude topics
--use-meta Use broker metadata in placement constraints (default true)
Global Flags:
--ignore-warns Produce a map even if warnings are encountered [TOPICMAPPR_IGNORE_WARNS]
--zk-addr string ZooKeeper connect string [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_ADDR] (default "localhost:2181")
--zk-metrics-prefix string ZooKeeper namespace prefix for Kafka metrics [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_METRICS_PREFIX] (default "topicmappr")
--zk-prefix string ZooKeeper prefix (if Kafka is configured with a chroot path prefix) [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_PREFIX]
rebalance usage
Rebalance partition allotments among a set of topics and brokers
topicmappr rebalance [flags]
--brokers string Broker list to scope all partition placements to ('-1' for all currently mapped brokers, '-2' for all brokers in cluster)
-h, --help help for rebalance
--locality-scoped Ensure that all partition movements are scoped by
--metrics-age int Kafka metrics age tolerance (in minutes) (default 60)
--optimize-leadership Rebalance all broker leader/follower ratios
--out-file string If defined, write a combined map of all topics to a file
--out-path string Path to write output map files to
--partition-limit int Limit the number of top partitions by size eligible for relocation per broker (default 30)
--partition-size-threshold int Size in megabytes where partitions below this value will not be moved in a rebalance (default 512)
--storage-threshold float Percent below the harmonic mean storage free to target for partition offload (0 targets a brokers) (default 0.2)
--storage-threshold-gb float Storage free in gigabytes to target for partition offload (those below the specified value); 0 [default] defers target selection to --storage-threshold
--tolerance float Percent distance from the mean storage free to limit storage scheduling (0 performs automatic tolerance selection)
--topics string Rebuild topics (comma delim. list) by lookup in ZooKeeper
--topics-exclude string Exclude topics
--verbose Verbose output
--zk-metrics-prefix string ZooKeeper namespace prefix for Kafka metrics (default "topicmappr")
Global Flags:
--ignore-warns Produce a map even if warnings are encountered [TOPICMAPPR_IGNORE_WARNS]
--zk-addr string ZooKeeper connect string [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_ADDR] (default "localhost:2181")
--zk-prefix string ZooKeeper prefix (if Kafka is configured with a chroot path prefix) [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_PREFIX]
scale usage
Redistribute partitions to additional brokers
topicmappr scale [flags]
--brokers string Broker list to scope all partition placements to ('-1' for all currently mapped brokers, '-2' for all brokers in cluster)
-h, --help help for scale
--locality-scoped Ensure that all partition movements are scoped by
--metrics-age int Kafka metrics age tolerance (in minutes) (default 60)
--optimize-leadership Scale all broker leader/follower ratios
--out-file string If defined, write a combined map of all topics to a file
--out-path string Path to write output map files to
--partition-limit int Limit the number of top partitions by size eligible for relocation per broker (default 30)
--partition-size-threshold int Size in megabytes where partitions below this value will not be moved in a scale (default 512)
--tolerance float Percent distance from the mean storage free to limit storage scheduling (0 performs automatic tolerance selection)
--topics string Rebuild topics (comma delim. list) by lookup in ZooKeeper
--topics-exclude string Exclude topics
--verbose Verbose output
--zk-metrics-prefix string ZooKeeper namespace prefix for Kafka metrics (default "topicmappr")
Global Flags:
--ignore-warns Produce a map even if warnings are encountered [TOPICMAPPR_IGNORE_WARNS]
--zk-addr string ZooKeeper connect string [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_ADDR] (default "localhost:2181")
--zk-prefix string ZooKeeper prefix (if Kafka is configured with a chroot path prefix) [TOPICMAPPR_ZK_PREFIX]
Managing and Repairing Topics
See the wiki Usage Guide section for examples of common topic management tasks.
There is no documentation for this package.