K8s DNS Exposer

k8s-dns-exposer is a Kubernetes controller that helps create, and keep up to date Endpoints objects for Services that point to external domain name.
Use cases
The initial use case we built this for is for enabling monitoring on every endpoint behind an external service (when you don't want the /metrics
query to be load-balanced, because each replica behind the service returns different values)
Deploy the controller by running the following command from the root of this repository:
kubectl apply -f deploy/
Then, for any external service you want to expose inside your cluster, simply create a Kubernetes headless service with your service domain name as an externalName
, and annotate it with datadoghq.com/k8s-dns-exposer: "true"
Config options
- you can modify the refresh period at which the controller will resolve the service to find new endpoints (default: 5s) by adding a
datadoghq.com/k8s-dns-exposer.refresh-seconds: "<refresh_period>"
annotation to the service
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