
command module
v1.7.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 13, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 0



Automatically download FC2 livestream. Written in Go.


Although HoloArchivists/fc2-live-dl did most of the work, I wanted something lightweight that could run on a Raspberry Pi. While, I could have built a Docker image for arm64 based on the HoloArchivists/fc2-live-dl source code, I also wanted to be light in terms of size, RAM and CPU usage. So I rewrote everything in Go. It was also a good way of training myself in the use of FFI.

Differences and similarities between HoloArchivists/fc2-live-dl and this version


  • Rewritten Go.
  • Better error handling.
  • No priority queue for download, no multithreaded download. I tried a thread-safe priority queue, but it was way too slow. There is still one thread per channel.
  • Low CPU usage at runtime.
  • Uses FFmpeg C API rather than running CLI commands on FFmpeg.
  • Offering static binaries with no dependencies needed on the host.
  • Can concatenate previous recordings if the recordings was splitted due to crashes.
  • Can automatically upgrade quality during download.
  • Very light in size even with static binaries.
  • Minor fixes like graceful exit and crash recovery.
  • Session cookies auto-refresh.
  • YAML/JSON config file.
  • Notification via shoutrrr which supports multiple notification services.


  • Business logic. The code follows a similar order with a similar configuration. This means that updates and fixes can be transferred from one project to another.


Static binaries (amd64, arm64) (~20MB)

Prebuilt binaries using FFmpeg static libraries are available on the GitHub Releases tab.


Static binaries are generated using the file Dockerfile.static-base and Dockerfile.static.

You can customize FFmpeg by editing Dockerfile.static-base.


Partial static binaries are generated using the file Dockerfile.darwin-base and Dockerfile.darwin.

You can customize FFmpeg by editing Dockerfile.darwin-base.

Do note that the Darwin binaries are also linked to libSystem, which adds a requirement on the OS version.

The requirements are:

  • For x86_64, the OS X version must be greater or equal than 10.5.
  • For ARM64v8, the OS X version must be greater or equal than 11.0.
Docker (amd64, arm64, riscv64) (~22 MB)

The container has been fine-tuned, so it is recommended to use it.

docker pull ghcr.io/darkness4/fc2-live-dl-go:latest


docker run -it --rm ghcr.io/darkness4/fc2-live-dl-go:latest [global options] [command] [command options]
mkdir -p $(pwd)/out
docker run -it --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/out:/out \
  ghcr.io/darkness4/fc2-live-dl-go:latest download \
    --keep-intermediates \
    --extract-audio \
    --format "/out/{{ .Date }} {{ .Title }} ({{ .ChannelName }}).{{ .Ext }}" 91544481

Make sure to change the UID if you run docker as root:

mkdir -p $(pwd)/out
chown 1000:1000 $(pwd)/out
docker run -it --rm \
  -u 1000:1000 \
  -v $(pwd)/out:/out \
  ghcr.io/darkness4/fc2-live-dl-go:latest download \
    --keep-intermediates \
    --extract-audio \
    --format "/out/{{ .Date }} {{ .Title }} ({{ .ChannelName }}).{{ .Ext }}" 91544481
Install from source (~13M)

See BUILD.md.

Deployments (Kubernetes/Docker-Compose)

Examples of deployments manifests are stored in the ./deployments directory.


Download a single live fc2 stream
fc2-live-dl-go [global options] download [command options] channelID
   --quality value  Quality of the stream to download.
      Available latency options: 150Kbps, 400Kbps, 1.2Mbps, 2Mbps, 3Mbps, sound. (default: "1.2Mbps")
   --latency value  Stream latency. Select a higher latency if experiencing stability issues.
      Available latency options: low, high, mid. (default: "mid")
   --format value  Golang templating format. Available fields: ChannelID, ChannelName, Date, Time, Title, Ext, Labels.Key.
      Available format options:
        ChannelID: ID of the broadcast
        ChannelName: broadcaster's profile name
        Date: local date YYYY-MM-DD
        Time: local time HHMMSS
        Ext: file extension
        Title: title of the live broadcast
        Labels.Key: custom labels
       (default: "{{ .Date }} {{ .Title }} ({{ .ChannelName }}).{{ .Ext }}")
   --max-packet-loss value             Allow a maximum of packet loss before aborting stream download. (default: 20)
   --no-remux                          Do not remux recordings into mp4/m4a after it is finished. (default: false)
   --keep-intermediates, -k            Keep the raw .ts recordings after it has been remuxed. (default: false)
   --extract-audio, -x                 Generate an audio-only copy of the stream. (default: false)
   --cookies value                     Path to a cookies file.
   --write-chat                        Save live chat into a json file. (default: false)
   --write-info-json                   Dump output stream information into a json file. (default: false)
   --write-thumbnail                   Download thumbnail into a file. (default: false)
   --no-wait                           Don't wait until the broadcast goes live, then start recording. (default: false)
   --wait-for-quality-max-tries value  If the requested quality is not available, keep retrying before falling back to the next best quality. (default: 10)
   --poll-interval value               How many seconds between checks to see if broadcast is live. (default: 5s)
   --max-tries value                   On failure, keep retrying (cancellation and end of stream will still force abort). (default: 10)
   --loop                              Continue to download streams indefinitely. (default: false)
   --help, -h                          show help

   --debug        (default: false) [$DEBUG]
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version
Download multiple live fc2 streams
fc2-live-dl-go [global options] watch [command options]
   --config value, -c value  Config file path. (required)
   --pprof.listen-address value  (default: ":3000")
   --help, -h                show help

   --debug        (default: false) [$DEBUG]
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

When running the watcher, the program opens the port 3000/tcp for debugging. You can access the pprof dashboard by accessing at http://<host>:3000/debug/pprof/ or by using go tool pprof http://host:port/debug/pprof/profile.

A status page is also accessible at http://<host>:3000/.

Configuration Example:

  ## Quality of the stream to download.
  ## Available latency options: 150Kbps, 400Kbps, 1.2Mbps, 2Mbps, 3Mbps, sound. (default: "1.2Mbps")
  quality: 1.2Mbps
  ## Stream latency. Select a higher latency if experiencing stability issues.
  ## Available latency options: low, high, mid. (default: "mid")
  latency: mid
  ## Output format. Uses Golang templating format.
  ## Available fields: ChannelID, ChannelName, Date, Time, Title, Ext, Labels.Key.
  ## Available format options:
  ##   ChannelID: sanitized ID of the broadcast
  ##   ChannelName: sanitized broadcaster's profile name
  ##   Date: local date YYYY-MM-DD
  ##   Time: local time HHMMSS
  ##   Ext: file extension
  ##   Title: sanitized title of the live broadcast
  ##   Metadata (object): the full FC2 metadata (see fc2/fc2_api_objects.go for the available field)
  ##   Labels.Key: custom labels
  ## (default: "{{ .Date }} {{ .Title }} ({{ .ChannelName }}).{{ .Ext }}")
  outFormat: '{{ .ChannelName }} {{ .Labels.EnglishName }}/{{ .Date }} {{ .Title }}.{{ .Ext }}'
  ## Allow a maximum of packet loss before aborting stream download. (default: 20)
  packetLossMax: 20
  ## Save live chat into a json file. (default: false)
  writeChat: false
  ## Dump output stream information into a json file. (default: false)
  writeInfoJson: false
  ## Download thumbnail into a file. (default: false)
  writeThumbnail: false
  ## Wait until the broadcast goes live, then start recording. (default: true)
  waitForLive: true
  ## If the requested quality is not available, keep retrying before falling
  ## back to the next best quality. (default: 60)
  ## There is a 1 second delay between each retry. The value must be big enough
  ## so that the best quality (3Mbps) is available. If your streamer takes more
  ## than expected to prepare, you should increase this value.
  waitForQualityMaxTries: 60
  ## EXPERIMENTAL: Allow quality upgrade during download if the requested
  ## quality is not "yet" available. (default: false)
  ## If the requested quality is not available, the downloader will fallback to
  ## the best quality available. However, it is possible that the streamer will
  ## upgrade the quality during the stream. FC2 often "waits" for the stream to
  ## be stable before upgrading the quality.
  ## If this option is enabled, the downloader will periodically check if the
  ## quality has been upgraded. If the quality has been upgraded, the downloader
  ## will switch to the new quality. **A cut off will be present in the recording.**
  ## If this option is enabled, it is recommended to:
  ## - Reduce waitForQualityMaxTries to 10s.
  ## - Enable Remux or Concat to fix mpegts discontinuities.
  allowQualityUpgrade: false
  ## How many seconds between checks to see if the quality can be upgraded. (default: 10s)
  ## allowQualityUpgrade needs to be enabled for this to work.
  pollQualityUpgradeInterval: '10s'
  ## How many seconds between checks to see if broadcast is live. (default: 5s)
  waitPollInterval: '5s'
  ## Path to a cookies file. Format is a netscape cookies file.
  cookiesFile: ''
  ## Refresh cookies by trying to re-login to FC2. "Keep me logged in" must be
  ## enabled and id.fc2.com cookies must be present.
  cookiesRefreshDuration: '24h'
  ## Remux recordings into mp4/m4a after it is finished. (default: true)
  remux: true
  ## Remux format (default: mp4)
  remuxFormat: 'mp4'
  ## Concatenate and remux with previous recordings after it is finished. (default: false)
  ## WARNING: We recommend to DISABLE remux since concat also remux.
  ## Input files must be named <name>.<n>.<ts/mp4/mkv...>. If n=0, n is optional.
  ## Output will be named: "<name>.combined.<remuxFormat>".
  ## n is only used to determine the order. If there are missing fragments,
  ## the concatenation will still be executed.
  ## The extensions do not matter. A name.1.ts and a name.2.mp4 will still be concatenated together.
  ## TS files will be prioritized over anything else.
  ## If remux is enabled, remux will be executed first, then the concatenation
  ## will be executed.
  ## If extractAudio is true, the m4a will be concatenated separatly.
  ## TL;DR: This is to concatenate if there is a crash.
  concat: false
  ## Keep the raw .ts recordings after it has been remuxed. (default: false)
  ## If this option is set to false and concat is true, before every "waiting
  ## for stream to be online", a scan will be executed to detect *.combined.*
  ## files.
  ## The scan will be done on the directory of `scanDirectory`.
  ## If a non-corrupted .combined. file is detected, it will remove .ts older
  ## than `eligibleForCleaningAge`.
  ## After the cleaning, the .combined files will be renamed without the
  ## ".combined" part (if a file already exists due to remux, it won't be renamed).
  keepIntermediates: false
  ## Directory to be scanned for .ts files to be deleted after concatenation. (default: '')
  ## Scan is recursive.
  ## Empty value means no scanning.
  scanDirectory: ''
  ## Minimum age of .combined files to be eligible for cleaning. (default: 48h)
  ## The minimum should be the expected duration of a stream to avoid any race condition.
  eligibleForCleaningAge: '48h'
  ## Delete corrupted .ts recordings. (default: true)
  deleteCorrupted: true
  ## Generate an audio-only copy of the stream. (default: false)
  extractAudio: true
  ## Map of key/value strings.
  ## The value of the label can be invoked in the go template by using {{ .Labels.Key }}.
  labels: {}

## A list of channels.
## The keys are the channel IDs.
      EnglishName: Komae Nadeshiko
      EnglishName: Uno Sakura
      EnglishName: Ronomiya Hinagiku
      EnglishName: Necoma Karin

## Notify about the state of the watcher.
## See: https://containrrr.dev/shoutrrr/latest
  enabled: false
  includeTitleInMessage: false
  ## Disable priorities if the transport does not support one.
  noPriority: false
    - 'gotify://gotify.example.com/token'

  ## The notification formats can be customized.
  ## Title are automatically prefixed with "fc2-live-dl-go: "
  ## If the message is empty, the message will be the title.
  ## Priorities are following those of android:
  ## Minimum: 0
  ## Low: 1-3
  ## Default: 4-7
  ## High: 8-10
    ## ConfigReloaded is sent when the config is reloaded, i.e. the service restarted.
      enabled: true
      # title: "config reloaded"
      # message: <empty>
      # priority: 10

    ## LoginFailed happens when the cookies refresh failed.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - Error
      enabled: true
      # title: "login failed"
      # message: "{{ .Error }}"
      # priority: 10

    ## Panicked is sent when a critical error happens.
    ## When this happens, it is recommended to contact the developer and open an issue.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - Capture
      enabled: true
      # title: "panicked"
      # message: "{{ .Capture }}"
      # priority: 10

    ## Idle is the initial state.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: false
      title: 'watching {{.Labels.EnglishName }}'
      # title: "watching {{ .ChannelID }}"
      # message: <empty>
      # priority: 0

    ## Preparing files happens when the stream is online, but not downloading.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - MetaData
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: false
      title: 'preparing files for {{ .Labels.EnglishName }}'
      # title: 'preparing files for {{ .MetaData.ProfileData.Name }}'
      # message: ''
      # priority: 0

    ## Downloading happens when the stream is online and has emitted a video stream.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - MetaData
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: true
      title: '{{ .Labels.EnglishName }} is streaming'
      # title: "{{ .MetaData.ProfileData.Name }} is streaming"
      # message: "{{ .MetaData.ChannelData.Title }}"
      # priority: 7

    ## Post-processing happens when the stream has finished streaming.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - MetaData
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: false
      title: 'post-processing {{ .Labels.EnglishName }}'
      # title: "post-processing {{ .MetaData.ProfileData.Name }}"
      # message: "{{ .MetaData.ChannelData.Title }}"
      # priority: 7

    ## Finished happens when the stream has finished streaming and post-processing is done.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - MetaData
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: true
      title: '{{ .Labels.EnglishName }} stream ended'
      # title: "{{ .MetaData.ProfileData.Name }} stream ended"
      # message: "{{ .MetaData.ChannelData.Title }}"
      # priority: 7

    ## Error happens when something bad happens with the downloading of the stream.
    ## Error like this can be user or developper related.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - Error
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: true
      title: 'stream download of {{ .Labels.EnglishName }} failed'
      # title: 'stream download of {{ .ChannelID }} failed'
      # message: '{{ .Error }}'
      # priority: 10

    ## Canceled happens when a stream download is canceled.
    ## Available fields:
    ##   - ChannelID
    ##   - Labels
      enabled: true
      title: 'stream download of {{ .Labels.EnglishName }} canceled'
      # title: "stream download of {{ .ChannelID }} canceled"
      # message: <empty>
      # priority: 7
About cookies refresh

From your browser, you must extract the cookies from the FC2 website. Login to FC2 with the "Keep me logged in" option enabled and extract the cookies.

Cookies can be extracted using the Chrome extension Get cookies.txt LOCALLY or the Firefox extension cookies.txt. You must extract all cookies and filter them so that they only contain FC2-related cookies. id.fc2.com and secure.id.fc2.com are the most important ones.

[!CAUTION] Cookies are sensitive data. Do not share them with anyone. They can be used to impersonate you.

It should look like that:

# Domain	IncludeSubdomains	Path	IsSecure	ExpiresUnix	Name	Value
.id.fc2.com	TRUE	/	TRUE	0	FCSID	<value>
id.fc2.com	FALSE	/	FALSE	0	AWSELB	<value>
id.fc2.com	FALSE	/	TRUE	0	AWSELBCORS	<value>
secure.id.fc2.com	FALSE	/	FALSE	0	AWSELB	<value>
secure.id.fc2.com	FALSE	/	TRUE	0	AWSELBCORS	<value>
.id.fc2.com	TRUE	/	TRUE	1702402071	login_status	<value>
.id.fc2.com	TRUE	/	TRUE	0	secure_check_fc2	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	1699810057	language	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	1731259657	fclo	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	fcu	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	TRUE	0	fcus	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	1715794071	FC2_GDPR	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	1702402071	glgd_val	<value>
.fc2.com	TRUE	/	TRUE	1702315671	__fc2id_rct	<value>
.live.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	lang	<value>
.live.fc2.com	TRUE	/	FALSE	0	PHPSESSID	<value>
live.fc2.com	FALSE	/	FALSE	1705080472	ab_test_logined_flg	<value>

Don't worry if it doesn't look exactly like that. The most important cookies are from id.fc2.com and secure.id.fc2.com.

About proxies

Since we are using net/http and nhooyr.io/websocket, proxies are supported by passing HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY as environment variables. The format should be either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", in which case the "HTTP" scheme is assumed.


This project is under MIT License.


Many thanks to hizkifw and contributors to the HoloArchivists/fc2-live-dl project for their excellent source code.

The executable links to libavformat, libavutil and libavcodec, which are licensed under the Lesser GPL v2.1 (LGPLv2.1). The source code for the libavformat, libavutil and libavcodec libraries is available on the FFmpeg website.



fc2-live-dl-go is a tool to download FC2 Live.


Path Synopsis
Package clean provides a command to clean a directory.
Package clean provides a command to clean a directory.
Package concat implements the concatenation of streams.
Package concat implements the concatenation of streams.
Package download provide a command for downloading a live FC2 stream.
Package download provide a command for downloading a live FC2 stream.
Package remux provides a command for remuxing a mpegts to another container.
Package remux provides a command for remuxing a mpegts to another container.
Package watch provides the watch command for watching multiple live FC2 streams.
Package watch provides the watch command for watching multiple live FC2 streams.
Package cookie provides a function to parse a Netscape cookie file and add the cookies to a cookie jar.
Package cookie provides a function to parse a Netscape cookie file and add the cookies to a cookie jar.
Package fc2 provides a way to watch a FC2 channel.
Package fc2 provides a way to watch a FC2 channel.
Package cleaner provides functions to clean old .ts files.
Package cleaner provides functions to clean old .ts files.
Package hls provides functions to download HLS streams.
Package hls provides functions to download HLS streams.
Package notify provides the notifier for the notification.
Package notify provides the notifier for the notification.
Package notifier provides functions to notify the user about the status of the download.
Package notifier provides functions to notify the user about the status of the download.
Package state implements state for debugging.
Package state implements state for debugging.
Package utils provides utility functions.
Package utils provides utility functions.
Package channel describes functions for working with channels.
Package channel describes functions for working with channels.
Package ptr provides a simple way to get the pointer of a value.
Package ptr provides a simple way to get the pointer of a value.
Package try provides a set of functions to retry a function with a delay.
Package try provides a set of functions to retry a function with a delay.
Package remux provides functions for remuxing videos.
Package remux provides functions for remuxing videos.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL