⚠ This library was formerly called configdb
You may need to do the following adjustments:
- Change your import paths and
entry from github.com/Dadido3/configdb
to github.com/Dadido3/D3config
- Change any package name from
to config
- Change any struct tag key from
to conf
This is a small library for handling hierarchical configuration values.
The main principle is that the configuration values are loaded from storage objects, like YAML or JSON files.
If there are multiple storage objects, their hierarchies are merged into a single tree that you can easily read from and written to.
Configuration values can be modified at runtime, either from the outside by editing the source files, or from within an application.
In the latter case, the library writes the changes back to the first storage object you defined.
You can implement your own storage type by implementing the Storage interface.
- Marshal & unmarshal any structures or types.
- Support of encoding.TextMarshaler and encoding.TextUnmarshaler interfaces.
- Can handle multiple configuration files. They are merged into one tree prioritized by order. (e.g. user settings, default, ...)
- Has several storage types (JSON files, YAML files), and you can implement your own storage types.
- Changes are saved to disk automatically, and changes on disk are loaded automatically.
- Listeners for tree/value changes can be registered.
- Safe against power loss while writing files to disk.
- Thread-safe by design.
Current state
The library is feature complete, but as it is really new and not much tested (Beside the unit tests) i can't guarantee that everything will work correctly.
If you encounter a bug, or some undocumented behavior, open an issue.
To add this library to your go.mod
file use:
go get github.com/Dadido3/D3config
// The upper storage objects have higher priority as the lower ones.
// So the properties/values of the upper will overwrite the ones in the lower entries.
// One special case is the storage object at index 0, this is the one that changes are written into.
storages := []config.Storage{
c, err := config.New(storages)
if err != nil {
defer c.Close()
Alternatively, you can define config.UseDummyStorage("", nil)
as the first storage source.
In this case any modification of the values are only temporary and will be forgotten when the program ends.
Read value
var f float32
// Pass a pointer to any object you want to read from the internal tree at the given path ".box.width".
err := c.Get(".box.width", &f)
if err != nil {
This will write 123.456
into f
, with json data like:
"box": {
"width": 123.456,
"height": 654.321
Read structure
// You can use tags to change the names, or exclude fields with "omit".
var str struct {
Width float64 `conf:"width"`
Height float64 `conf:"height"`
PlsIgnore string `conf:",omit"`
// Pass a pointer to any object you want to read from the internal tree at the given path ".box".
err := c.Get(".box", &str)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v", str)
With the same json data as above, this will result in:
{Width:123.456 Height:654.321 PlsIgnore:}
Read slices, maps and more
// It also works with slices/arrays.
// They can be any type, even arrays of arrays.
var s []string
err := c.Get(".box.names", &s)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s)
// Maps have the limitation that the key has to be a string.
// But the value type can be anything.
var m map[string]interface{}
err = c.Get(".box", &m)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", m)
// The lib supports all objects that support text (un)marshaller interface.
var ti time.Time
err = c.Get(".back.toTheFuture", &ti)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", ti)
Will result in:
[]string{"Sam Sung", "Saad Maan", "Chris P. Bacon"}
map[string]interface {}{"height":"654.321", "names":[]interface {}{"Sam Sung", "Saad Maan", "Chris P. Bacon"}, "width":"123.456"}
1985-10-26 01:21:00 +0000 UTC
Write value
b := true
// Pass a boolean to be written at the path ".todo.WriteCode".
err := c.Set(".todo.WriteCode", b)
if err != nil {
ti := time.Date(2019, 7, 24, 14, 46, 24, 124, time.UTC)
// Pass time object to be written at the path ".time.WriteCodeAt".
err = c.Set(".time.WriteCodeAt", ti)
if err != nil {
This will write the changes to disk immediately, but the internal tree may be updated later.
Therefore a Get()
directly following a Set()
may still result in old data.
In these cases it's better to rely on the event mechanism, which is explained a few steps below.
If config was created with testfiles/json/userconfig.json
being the first file, the following content will be added to it:
"todo": {
"WriteCode": true
"time": {
"WriteCodeAt": "2019-07-24T14:46:24.000000124Z"
Write structure
str := struct {
Eat, Sleep bool
}{true, false}
// Pass an object to be written at the path ".todo".
err := c.Set(".todo", str)
if err != nil {
Which will result in the file testfiles/json/userconfig.json
to look like: (Assuming that "WriteCode": true
was already present)
"todo": {
"Eat": true,
"Sleep": false,
"WriteCode": true
Write nil
// You can also overwrite anything with nil.
err := c.Set(".todo", nil)
if err != nil {
Which will result in:
"todo": null
This can be used to overwrite and disable any defaults from other storage objects.
Reset element
// Resets the element at the path ".todo".
// This will restore any defaults, if there are any present in lower priority storage objects.
err := c.Reset(".todo")
if err != nil {
// This will reset everything to default.
// It has the same effect as deleting the highest priority file.
err = c.Reset("")
if err != nil {
Register and unregister event callback
// Register callback to listen for events.
// Once registered, the callback is called once to update the listener with the current state of the tree.
id := c.RegisterCallback(nil, func(c *config.Config, modified, added, removed []string) {
fmt.Printf("All m: %v, a: %v, r:%v\n", modified, added, removed)
// Use the result id to unregister later.
defer c.UnregisterCallback(id)
// Register callback to listen for events, but only inside the path ".something.to.watch".
// This includes modifications to ".something.to.watch" itself.
id = c.RegisterCallback([]string{".something.to.watch"}, func(c *config.Config, modified, added, removed []string) {
fmt.Printf("Filtered m: %v, a: %v, r:%v\n", modified, added, removed)
// Use the result id to unregister later.
defer c.UnregisterCallback(id)
// Test the callback.
err := c.Set(".something.to.watch.for", 125)
if err != nil {
// The event may not be sent immediately, wait a bit before terminating the program.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
The output could look like this:
All m: [], a: [.back .back.toTheFuture .box .box.width .box.height .box.names .slicedNodes .something .something.to .something.to.watch .something.to.watch.for], r:[]
Filtered m: [], a: [.something.to.watch .something.to.watch.for], r:[]
Filtered m: [.something.to.watch.for], a: [], r:[]
All m: [.something.to.watch.for], a: [], r:[]
When you register a new listener, there will be one initial call to your callback.
The parameters are lists of paths (strings) that have either been modified, added or deleted from the tree.
In most cases these lists can be ignored and are only needed for more advanced tasks.
A whitelist of paths can be defined to filter events.
This way only paths that are included in the whitelist (or that are child elements of whitelisted paths) will trigger a callback.
You can use this to restart a web server on configuration changes.
Additionally it is made sure that the tree is in sync with the changes. It's safe to use c.Get()
or even c.Set()
inside the callback.
Custom storage objects
// Implement Storage interface.
type CustomStorage struct {
func (f *CustomStorage) Read() (tree.Node, error) {
return tree.Node{
"SomethingPermanent": tree.Node{
"foo": tree.Number("123"),
"bar": tree.Number("-123.456"),
}, nil
func (f *CustomStorage) Write(t tree.Node) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Can't write into this storage object")
func (f *CustomStorage) RegisterWatcher(changeChan chan<- struct{}) error {
return nil
func TestCustomStorage(t *testing.T) {
// Use the custom made storage object along with others.
// Be aware, that if you have a non writable storage at the top, the tree can't be modified anymore.
storages := []config.Storage{
c, err := config.New(storages)
if err != nil {
defer c.Close()
What are valid element names?
Any character except period .
is allowed. Also empty names are valid too.
How to address elements of an array or slice with a path?
You can't. Paths can only address map elements or structure fields.
But you can use Get()
to read any slice or array.
If you need to register a callback on something inside an array or slice, you have to point on the array/slice itself.
E.g. .someField.slice
will also trigger an event when some element or value several levels deep inside of that slice is modified.
Is it really not possible to address elements inside arrays or slices?
With a trick it is:
- Import
- Use the following snippet:
var nodes []tree.Node
// Get a list of tree.Node objects.
// That will copy a subtree into the variable nodes.
err := c.Get(".slicedNodes", &nodes)
if err != nil {
// Read value of that subtree.
result := nodes[0].GetInt64(".something", 0)
Any edits you do on nodes
have no effect on the main tree.
You need to use c.Set(path, nodes)
to write it back.
This way you can also create copies to work with while the configuration is being modified.