
command module
v1.9.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 17, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0



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Application to keep track of items from multiple sources with a local database. It will download any detected item and update the index in the database on completion of the download.


Optional dependencies (some functionality may not be accessible without):

  • ImageMagick - for image to animation conversions (currently only used by the pixiv module).
    Windows will try to execute magick.exe convert(default for a chocolately installation), other operating systems convert
  • FFmpeg - for video to animation conversion (currently only used by the pixiv module)
  • SQLite3 - for restoring data from SQL files in backup archives

If ImageMagick and FFmpeg are not available a fallback is implemented to generate .gif animations using the golang imaging libraries. These libraries can only generate a GIF file with 256 colors, so it is not recommended.


These root commands are currently available with following functionality:

Available Commands:
  add                   add an item, account, OAuth2 client or cookie to the database
  backup                generates a backup of the current settings and database file
  generate-autocomplete generates auto completion for Bash, Zsh and PowerShell
  help                  Help about any command
  list                  lists items or accounts from the database
  module                lists the module specific commands and settings
  restore               restores the current settings/database from the passed backup archive
  run                   update all tracked items or directly passed items
  update                update the application or an item/account/OAuth2 client/cookie in the database
Global Flags

These flags are available for all commands and sub commands:

      --config                      config file (default is ./.watcher.yaml)
      --database string             database file (default is ./watcher.db)
  -v, --verbosity                   log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
      --version                     version for watcher
      --disable-sentry              disable sentry and don't send usage statistics/errors to the developer
      --enable-sentry               use sentry to send usage statistics/errors to the developer
      --log-disable-colors          disables colors even for tty terminals
      --log-force-colors            enforces colored output even for non-tty terminals
      --log-disable-timestamp       removes the time info of the log entries, useful if output is logged with a timestamp already
      --log-timestamp-passed-time   uses the passed time since the program is running in seconds instead of a formatted time
      --log-level-uppercase         transforms the log levels into upper case

The sentry is disabled by default and has to be enabled before errors will be sent to the sentry server. You can do so by adding --enable-sentry to any command. This setting will be active until --disable-sentry is being added to another execution.

Running the application

Just running the command watcher run will run the main functionality of the application:
checking all active sources and downloading updates.
Running the application only for specific items is possible by running:
watcher run [flags] [url1] [url2] [url3] ...

Flags for the run command are:

  -d, --directory string   download directory (will be saved in config file)
  -x, --disable strings    url of module you want don't want to run
  -p, --parallel           run modules parallel
  -u, --url strings        url of module you want to run

You can specify the download directory, which is getting saved in a configuration file, so you don't have to pass the argument every time.
You can also specify which module to run by passing an example url to retrieve the module from.
Modules can be run parallel to each other with the --parallel flag, causing each module to run independently from each other, ignoring possible rate limits from other modules.
It is also possible to run only specific modules by attaching the repeated flag --url.
In case you want to disable modules from being run you can attach the repeated flag --disable.

Adding Accounts/Items/OAuth2 Clients/Cookies

Accounts, tracked items, OAuth2 clients and cookies can be added by attaching to the add command (f.e. watcher add item)

Available Commands:
  account     adds an account to the database
  cookie      adds a cookie to the database
  item        adds an item to the database
  oauth       adds an OAuth2 client to the database

Following flags are available for the watcher add account command

  -P, --password string   password of the user (required)
  -u, --url string        url for the association of the account (required)
  -U, --user string       username you want to add (required)

Items can be added by executing following command:
watcher add item [url1] [url2] [url3] ...

OAuth2 clients have following flags and require either a client ID for the normal authentication or an access token for a static token source:

  -u, --url string             url for the association of the OAuth2 client (required)
      --client-id string       OAuth2 client ID
      --client-secret string   OAuth2 client secret
      --access-token string    OAuth2 access token
      --refresh-token string   OAuth2 refresh token
List Accounts/OAuth2 Clients/Cookies/Items/Modules

To see what accounts, items, OAuth2 clients, cookies and modules are available you can add following sub commands to the list command

Available Commands:
  all         displays modules, accounts and items in the database
  accounts    displays all accounts
  oauth       displays all OAuth2 clients
  cookies     displays all cookies
  items       displays all items
  modules     shows all registered modules

  -u, --url string   url of module

You can attach a --url flag to specify the module of all sub commands in the list category.
Watcher list items got the extra flag --include-completed if you also want to display completed items into the list.

Updating Application/Accounts/Items/OAuth2 Clients/Cookies

The update sub command will check for available updates of the application and download it. In case you want to update an account or tracked item you can add the following sub commands:

Available Commands:
  -           updates the application
  account     updates the saved account
  item        updates the saved current item
  cookie      updates the cookie for a new value and expiration date
  oauth       updates the saved OAuth2 client

accounts got the following flags:

Available Commands:
  disable     disable an account based on the username
  enable      enables an account based on the username

  -p, --password string   new password (required)
  -u, --url string        url of module (required)
  -u, --user string       username (required)

items got the following flags:

  -c, --current string   current item in case you don't want to download older items
  -u, --url string       url of tracked item you want to update (required)

oauth got the following flags:

Available Commands:
  disable     disable an OAuth2 client based on the client ID or access token
  enable      enables an OAuth2 client based on the client ID or access token

      --client-id string       OAuth2 client ID
      --client-secret string   OAuth2 client secret
      --access-token string    OAuth2 access token
      --refresh-token string   OAuth2 refresh token
  -u, --url string             url of module (required)

cookies got the following flags:

Available Commands:
  disable     disables the cookie matching to the passed module and name
  enable      enables the cookie matching to the passed module and name

  -e  --expiration string   cookie expiration
  -h, --help                help for cookie
  -N, --name string         cookie name (required)
  -u, --url string          url for the association of the cookie (required)
  -V, --value string        cookie value (required)
Enabling/Disabling Accounts/Items/OAuth2 Clients/Cookies

You can also enable/disable accounts, OAuth2 clients, cookies and items individually with the update sub command.
To enable accounts run watcher update account enable, to disable accounts watcher update account disable.

Accounts need the following flags:

  -u, --url string    url of module (required)
  -U, --user string   username (required)

OAuth2 clients requires the following flags (either client ID or Access Token has to be passed to the function):

      --access-token string   OAuth2 access token
      --client-id string      OAuth2 client ID
  -u, --url string            url of module (required)

Cookies require the following flags:

  -N, --name string   cookie name (required)
  -u, --url string    url of module (required)

Similar to the accounts is the command for enabling items:
watcher update item enable [url1] [url2] [url3] ...
and the command for disabling items:
watcher update item disable [url1] [url2] [url3] ...

No flags are required for enabling/disabling items.

Enabling Auto Completion

Auto Completion can be generated for the terminals bash, powershell and zsh. Simply run watcher generate-autocomplete with the following sub commands to generate a script in ~/.watcher/completion and printing you the command to activate it.

Available Commands:
  bash        generates auto completion for Bash
  powershell  generates auto completion for PowerShell
  zsh         generates auto completion for Zsh
Backup Database/Settings

You can backup the database and the settings with the backup [archive] command.
It is also possible to further specify more precisely what you want to backup using these sub commands.

Available Commands:
  accounts    generates a backup of the current accounts
  cookies     generates a backup of the current cookies
  items       generates a backup of the current items
  oauth       generates a backup of the current OAuth2 clients
  settings    generates a backup of the current settings

There are currently gzip, tar and zip archive formats supported which can be specified with the command flags

      --gzip   use a gzip(.tar.gz) archive
      --tar    use a tar(.tar) archive
      --zip    use a zip(.zip) archive
      --sql    generate a .sql file

The --sql flags does not exist for the backup settings sub command, but for every other sub command.

Restore Database/Settings

The generated archives from the watcher backup command can be directly used to restore the database/settings.
As with the backup command it is possible to further specify what you want to restore using these flags:

Available Commands:
  accounts    restores the accounts table from the passed archive
  cookies     restores the cookies table from the passed archive
  items       restores the tracked_items table from the passed archive
  oauth       restores the oauth_clients table from the passed archive
  settings    restores the settings file from the passed archive

The binary backup from the database will be preferred over the .sql files in the archive (only used in full restore) in case that the archive got manually modified (the backup command can either backup the binary file or .sql files, not both). Neither the binary file nor the .sql files are further checked for invalid/corrupted data.

Module Settings

Each module can bring custom commands and settings. You can list all modules with custom commands/settings using watcher module --help.
Due to the modular structure with later planned external module support I'd recommend checking the commands/setting yourself.


Want to contribute? Great!
I'm always glad hearing about bugs or pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package watcher contains all configuration options for the command line interface
Package watcher contains all configuration options for the command line interface
Package database is the implementation of the DatabaseInterface using SQLite3
Package database is the implementation of the DatabaseInterface using SQLite3
Package http contains the basic HTTP functionality of the application
Package http contains the basic HTTP functionality of the application
Package session contains a default implementation of the session browser
Package session contains a default implementation of the session browser
Package models contains structs and default functions used all over the application to avoid circular dependencies
Package models contains structs and default functions used all over the application to avoid circular dependencies
Package modules contains the management implementation of all different modules
Package modules contains the management implementation of all different modules
Package deviantart contains the implementation of the deviantart module
Package deviantart contains the implementation of the deviantart module
Package api is the implementation of the DeviantArt API including the authentication using the Implicit Grant OAuth2
Package api is the implementation of the DeviantArt API including the authentication using the Implicit Grant OAuth2
Package ehentai contains the implementation of the e-hentai/exhentai module
Package ehentai contains the implementation of the e-hentai/exhentai module
Package gdrive contains the implementation of the google drive module
Package gdrive contains the implementation of the google drive module
Package giantessworld contains the implementation of the giantessworld module
Package giantessworld contains the implementation of the giantessworld module
Package jinjamodoki contains the implementation of the jinjamodoki module
Package jinjamodoki contains the implementation of the jinjamodoki module
Package patreon contains the implementation of the patreon module
Package patreon contains the implementation of the patreon module
Package pixiv contains the implementation of the pixiv module
Package pixiv contains the implementation of the pixiv module
Package ajaxapi handles the AJAX functionality which is not usable from neither the public or the mobile API such as the fanboxes or possibly the like functionality
Package ajaxapi handles the AJAX functionality which is not usable from neither the public or the mobile API such as the fanboxes or possibly the like functionality
Package mobileapi handles the default API functionality reverse engineered from the mobile application since the API is not documented or intended to be used outside of the mobile application
Package mobileapi handles the default API functionality reverse engineered from the mobile application since the API is not documented or intended to be used outside of the mobile application
Package pixivapi offers shared functionality for the public API and the mobile API
Package pixivapi offers shared functionality for the public API and the mobile API
Package internal contains all the internal functions for the pixiv API token retrieval and refresh process
Package internal contains all the internal functions for the pixiv API token retrieval and refresh process
Package publicapi handles the default API functionality reverse engineered from the public API
Package publicapi handles the default API functionality reverse engineered from the public API
Package sankakucomplex contains the implementation of the sankakucomplex module
Package sankakucomplex contains the implementation of the sankakucomplex module
Package twitter contains the implementation of the twitter module
Package twitter contains the implementation of the twitter module
Package api is the implementation of the DeviantArt API including the authentication using the Implicit Grant OAuth2
Package api is the implementation of the DeviantArt API including the authentication using the Implicit Grant OAuth2
Package raven implements the remote error tracking package using
Package raven implements the remote error tracking package using
Package update implements the self updating mechanism
Package update implements the self updating mechanism
Package version contains the version and repository URL of the application
Package version contains the version and repository URL of the application
Package watcher is the implementation of the application regardless of CLI or UI
Package watcher is the implementation of the application regardless of CLI or UI
Package archive provides a reader and writer interface for the different archive types
Package archive provides a reader and writer interface for the different archive types
Package archivetest contains the shared testing utility of all archive implementations
Package archivetest contains the shared testing utility of all archive implementations
Package gzip contains the implementation of the gzip archive
Package gzip contains the implementation of the gzip archive
Package tar contains the implementation of the tar archive
Package tar contains the implementation of the tar archive
Package zip contains the implementation of the zip archive
Package zip contains the implementation of the zip archive
Package imaging contains relevant general functions for imaging functions used by the sub packages
Package imaging contains relevant general functions for imaging functions used by the sub packages
Package animation contains the functionality to convert an array of images to animations
Package animation contains the functionality to convert an array of images to animations
Package duplication uses ImageMagick to check for similarity in pictures after calculating them down for performance
Package duplication uses ImageMagick to check for similarity in pictures after calculating them down for performance
Package io contains various Input Output functions used within the watcher application
Package io contains various Input Output functions used within the watcher application
Package implicitoauth2 contains the basic functionality to realize an Implicit Grant OAuth2 authentication
Package implicitoauth2 contains the basic functionality to realize an Implicit Grant OAuth2 authentication

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