Golang library for handling ASTM lis2a2 Procotol
go get
- Encoding
- UTF8
- Windows1250
- Windows1251
- Windows1252
- DOS852
- DOS855
- DOS866
- ISO8859_1
- Timezone conversion on marshal and unmarshal
- Marshalling and Unmarshalling supported
- Custom delimiters are recognized in the Header and appplied (defaults are ^&)
- Supported Types : string, float32, float64, time.Time, enums, int
Install the package with the following command.
go get
Messaage Structure
Every instrument is a little different. Use the lis2a2-default implmenetation provided with this library as a starting point.
type CommentedResult struct {
Result Result `astm:"R"`
Comment []Comment `astm:"C,optional"`
type PORC struct {
Patient Patient `astm:"P"`
Comment []Comment `astm:"C,optional"`
Order Order `astm:"O"`
CommentedResult []CommentedResult
type DefaultMessage struct {
Header Header `astm:"H"`
Manufacturer Manufacturer `astm:"M,optional"`
OrderResults []PORC
Terminator Terminator `astm:"L"`
Reading ASTM
The following Go code decodes a ASTM provided as a string and stores all its information in the &message.
var message standardlis2a2.DefaultMessage
err := lis2a2.Unmarshal([]byte(textdata), &message,
lis2a2.EncodingUTF8, lis2a2.TimezoneEuropeBerlin)
if err != nil {
Reading ASTM with multiple message in one transmission
The same code, just use DefaultMultiMessage:
var message standardlis2a2.DefaultMultiMessage
lis2a2.Unmarshal([]byte(textdata), &message,
lis2a2.EncodingUTF8, lis2a2.TimezoneEuropeBerlin)
for _, message := range message.Messages {
fmt.Printf("%+v", message)
Writing ASM
Converting an annotated Structure (see above) to an enocded bytestream.
The bytestream is encoded by-row, lacking the CR code at the end.
lines, err := lis2a2.Marshal(msg, lis2a2.EncodingASCII, lis2a2.TimezoneEuropeBerlin, lis2a2.ShortNotation)
// output on screen
for _, line := range lines {
linestr := string(line)
Message Structure and Annotation
Optional records
type SimpleMessage struct {
Header standardlis2a2.Header `astm:"H"`
Manufacturer standardlis2a2.Manufacturer `astm:"M,optional"`
Patient standardlis2a2.Patient `astm:"P"`
Order standardlis2a2.Order `astm:"O"`
Result standardlis2a2.Result `astm:"R"`
Terminator standardlis2a2.Terminator `astm:"L"`
Nested arrays
type MessagePORC struct {
Header standardlis2a2.Header `astm:"H"`
Manufacturer standardlis2a2.Manufacturer `astm:"M,optional"`
OrderResults []struct {
Patient standardlis2a2.Patient `astm:"P"`
Order standardlis2a2.Order `astm:"O"`
CommentedResult []struct {
Result standardlis2a2.Result `astm:"R"`
Comment []standardlis2a2.Comment `astm:"C,optional"`
Terminator standardlis2a2.Terminator `astm:"L"`
Custom Record Structure
Addressing fields
Often the default is not enough. You can customize any record with annotation.
... by Field#
Filed string `astm:"3"` // Select 3rd field, start counting with 1
X|field2|field3|field4| Result: "field3"
X|field2^1^2|field3^1^2|field4^5^6| Result: "field3"
X|field2^1^2|field3_1^1_1^2_!\\field3_2^5_2^2_2|field4^6^2| Result: "field3_1"
... by Field#.Component#
Filed string `astm:"3.2"` // Select 3rd field, 2nd component, start counting with 1
X|field2|field3|field4| Result: ""
X|field2^1^2|field3^1^2|field4^5^6| Result: "1"
X|field2^1^2|field3_1^1_1^2_!\\field3_2^1_2^2_2|field4^1^2| Result: "1_1"
... by Field#.Repeat#.Component#
Filed string `astm:"3.2.2"` // Select 3rd field, 2nd array index, 2nd component, start counting with 1
X|field2|field3|field4| Result: ""
X|field2^1^2|field3^1^2|field4^5^6| Result: ""
X|field2^1^2|field3_1^1_1^2_!\\field3_2^1_2^2_2|field4^1^2| Result: "1_2"
Custom Record Format
type Result struct {
SequenceNumber int `astm:"2,sequence"` // sequence generates numbers when value is 0
UniversalTestID string `astm:"3.1"`
UniversalTestIDName string `astm:"3.2"`
UniversalTestIDType string `astm:"3.3"`
ManufacturersTestType string `astm:"3.4"`
ManufacturersTestName string `astm:"3.5"`
ManufacturersTestCode string `astm:"3.6"`
TestCode string `astm:"3.7"`
DataMeasurementValue string `astm:"4.1"`
InitialMeasurementValue string `astm:"4.2"`
MeasurementValueOfDevice string `astm:"4.3"`
Units string `astm:"5"`
ReferenceRange string `astm:"6"`
ResultAbnormalFlag string `astm:"7"`
NatureOfAbnormalTesting string `astm:"8"`
ResultStatus string `astm:"9"`
DateOfChangeInInstrumentNormativeTesting time.Time `astm:"10,longdate"`
OperatorIDPerformed string `astm:"11.1"`
OperatorIDVerified string `astm:"11.2"`
DateTimeTestStarted time.Time `astm:"12,longdate"`
DateTimeCompleted time.Time `astm:"13,longdate"`
IntstrumentIdentification string `astm:"14"`
Path | Synopsis |
Standard implementation for the lis2a2 protocol according to standard in every detail, will work for most with some tinkering....
Standard implementation for the lis2a2 protocol according to standard in every detail, will work for most with some tinkering.... |
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