Access a docke container using an ssh server.
+----------+ | | +-------------+
| | | service | | |
| SSH +---------+ docker-container-remote +---------+ Container X |
| | | | | |
+-----+----+ +-------------------------+ +------+------+
| ^
| |
🚀 Getting started
First of all, create an ssh key for the server:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f ./id_rsa
Use case - Container with a ready bash command and a TTY
Build the executable:
go build -o server
Search with docker ps
the target container:
8c339fa9b54c ubuntu/latest "something" 29 hours ago Up 29 hours 8888-8889/tcp containerA
0c6a105bb567 ubuntu/latest "something" 32 hours ago Up 32 hours 8888-8889/tcp containerB
Start the server:
./server containerB@localhost --server_key ./id_rsa
By default, the server key is /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
and it will use the port 2232
Then, connect to the container using the ssh
server created to interact with it:
ssh -p 2232 containerB@localhost
Use case - Container with no bash command or a TTY started
In the following example, we will create an shell ssh connection in a container without a TTY and a shell already running. First, start a container with a service, e.g. nginx
docker run --rm -e IAM_CLIENT_ID=testiamclientid -e USERNAME=tester -d --name test_docker_ssh nginx
Now, run the container ssh service with the specific target image:
go run main.go -i id_rsa -d nginx -l localhost
Then, you can connect through ssh to the container:
ssh tester.test_docker_ssh@localhost -p 2232
📚 References
Con la nuova API non è possibile agganciarsi direttamente al nuovo exec creato, andrebbe implementato direttamente con la chiamata HTTP