There are four entry points to this application:
- Command line Batch script
. This is what is run by the kubernetes cronjob to pull new valuations every so often.
It is defined in /cmd/valuations-api/pull_valuations.go
- Kafka event consumer. This triggers new valuations from newly paired vehicles. Listens to events topic, and filters for
event type. This is currently disabled b/c we were getting way too many events - most
likely need to filter by more parameters to isolate only new pairings that have a tokenId.
defined in vehicle_mint_consumer.go
- REST API. Serves up some rest endpoints that Frontend clients use to get previously pulled valuations, or request a new instant offer.
defined in
-> StartWebAPI
- gRPC served endpoints used for internal cluster communication operations.
Developing locally
This application has various dependencies, which can be viewed in main.go
Aside from needing a database and kafka locally, also needs to connect via gRPC to following services:
- device-definitions-api (future, move to identity-api)
- devices-api (future, move to identity-api)
- device-data-api (future, move to telemetry-api)
- users-api
Currently do not have a short & easy way to run this, but steps basically boil down to:
- get and follow instructions there so that you have all above dependencies
$ cp settings.sample.yaml settings.yaml
- modify
so that dependent services port numbers match what is being hosted by local cluster (everything should be localhost)
- create local db if not exists:
create database valuations_api with owner dimo;
. Assumes you're using dimo
user locally.
- run migrations:
go run ./cmd/valuations-api migrate
- Run batch script:
go run ./cmd/valuations-api pull-valuations
- Run events consumer, REST and gRPC:
go run ./cmd/valuations-api
Thoughts on improving local dev:
- Only require dependencies needed for the entrypoint of the app you're trying to run (eg. batch script doesn't need kafka consumer).
- migrating to identity-api may allow some reduction in dependencies, and locally could just run against dev data in cloud.
GRPC Generating client and server code
- Install the protocol compiler plugins for Go using the following commands
brew install protobuf
go install
go install
- Run protoc in the root directory
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
brew install golangci-lint
golangci-lint run
This should use the settings from .golangci.yml
, which you can override.
If brew version does not work, download from (darwin arm64 if M1), then copy to /usr/local/bin and sudo xattr -c golangci-lint
Make sure you're running the docker image (ie. docker compose up)
If you get a command not found error with sqlboiler, make sure your go install is correct.
Instructions here
Local development
Generate swagger docs:
swag init -g cmd/valuations-api/main.go --parseDependency --parseInternal --generatedTime true
go install
goose -dir internal/infrastructure/db/migrations create slugs_not_null sql
Run the migrations up: go run ./cmd/valuations-api migrate
Regen the models: sqlboiler psql --no-tests --wipe