In this section we will go through each of the packages implemented in the system. Each package is illustrated with a UML diagram and then one or two functions/methods from the package will be revealed and briefly explained.
The packages in the backend logic
The central logic of the system is implemented in Go, and go is a structured language, so the UML syntax which is used in the following images is not following all the standard UML rules.
In go public functions are written with capital first letter and private are with lower case first letter. private means that they can be reached from within the package they live in. And there are no classes. So in some cases the packages on the map is just representing a file, in other they are representing a struct. The files are marked with a (f) and the structs are marked wiht an (s)
The main package
The main package has only one file which is the main.go file and it has two functions.
In the main function two threads will start up. One which is listening for HTTP connections, and another which is listening for websocket clients wanting to connect.
func main() {
go middle.Game.Run()
When setting up the REST service, a router is used to make the handlding of endpoints simpler, then the endpoints will be added and the cors headers will be added.
func startREST() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
handler := cors.Default().Handler(r)
fmt.Println("Running on port 8056")
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8056", handler))
The api package
This package holds the configuration of the endpoints and the handler functions which is being called when a user connects to a endpoint.
The endpoints function has a list of endpoints and takes a pointer to a mux.Router which it will assign each endpoint to as a side effect.
func addendpoints(r *mux.router) {
endpoints := []models.endpoint{
path: "/login",
handler: tokenhandler,
method: "post",
path: "/register",
handler: createuser,
method: "post",
path: "/join",
handler: joinwebsocketconnection,
login: true,
method: "get",
for _, e := range endpoints {
If an enpoint is marked with login = true, then the Add method is gonna wrap the handler function with a JWT Handler function which requires the user to pass a token in the HTTP header.
The middle package
This package contains functions which is not directly coupled to the presentation layer or the data layer. This is for instance the validation package which is used when a user is created.
Validation and conversion of users are done in this package as well as the logic for JWT.
func MakeToken(u models.User) (string, error) {
token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.MapClaims{
"user": u.Id,
"exp": time.Now().Add(time.Hour * time.Duration(1)).Unix(),
"iat": time.Now().Unix(),
return token.SignedString([]byte(appKey))
A token is created with a user id injected into it, and the token will live for 1 hour. The token is hashed with the appKey
the dao package
This package has the functions which can comunicate with the mongo database.
The functions are divided into two layers. One for the concrete which containing as little database specific code as possible.
func Create(user *user.User) (err error) {
q2 := AddOneQuery{
Model: &user,
Filter: nil,
Collection: "users",
return q2.Add()
And another more abstract which can be used by the concrete.
func (query *AddOneQuery) Add() error {
col, cli, err := connect(query.Collection)
defer cli.Disconnect(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = col.InsertOne(context.Background(), query.Model)
return err
The models package
Here the Endpoint, User and the game models live. The game has alot of stuff inside it so that one gets its own package which will be explaned later.
In Go the models are defined similar to the stucts in C, except the name is before the type, and it is possible to do alot of smart things.
The user struct is a DTO which is used in both the database and in the frontend. In go it is possible to Encode/Decode a struct to/from eg. JSON format very easily, and with the strings added in the struct stating json and bson, it gives the possibility to decide how the json or bson should look like
type User struct {
Id primitive.ObjectID `json:"-" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
PlayerID int `json:"-"`
Username Username `json:"username"`
Password Password `json:"password"`
Email Email `json:"email"`
Macs []Mac `json:"-"`
Ips []Ip `json:"-"`
In the user struct above some of the json has a 'dash' as a name, this means that this attribute is left out on the json side. And on the bson in the Id the name is changed to _id because that is how the autogenerated id in mongodb has its name
then we can decode json like this
var user User
var data = request.Body
err = json.NewDecoder(data).Decode(&user)
There exist a similar function for the MongoDB bson type which is also used in the dao package
The game package
This is the most central package of the whole system and contains all the logic that has to do with the websocket
Game is build as a pipelining hub with 3 channels and a map of currently registered clients.
func NewGame() *Game {
return &Game{
clients: make(map[*Client]bool),
broadcast: make(chan []byte),
register: make(chan *Client),
unregister: make(chan *Client),
The game struct is a critical point in the game bacause many corountines
will want to access the game at the same time, It is placed as a global
variable in the middle package, and accessed every time a new client
subscribes. The client will then create 2 coroutines which will
communicate with the games channels each time he sends a message.
These 3 channels are explained on the next page where we will look at
the games Run method which is running thorough the whole process of the
This method is the very first method which is executed in a goroutine just before the http server is started.
func (g *Game) Run() {
for {
select {
case client := <-g.register:
fmt.Println("Trying to connect new player")
err := client.sendStartCommand(assignPlayer(client.user.PlayerID))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error with json closing ws:", err)
g.clients[client] = true
fmt.Println("Player successfully connected")
case client := <-g.unregister:
if _, ok := g.clients[client]; ok {
delete(g.clients, client)
case message := <-g.broadcast:
This method is running forever. The select statement is like a switch statement, except this one is listening for events in channels.
When something is sent to one of the channels, the corresponding case will be executed.
register: When a client is first created he will send a pointer of himself to this channel.
unregister: If a client losses connection timeouts then he will send a pointer of himself to this channel and he will be deleted from the map
broadcast: This channel is used to send information between clients. When a client sends a message it will be broadcasted
We have created a website which connects to the backend via REST and a game which connects to the backend via REST and websocket but we will not talk about the implementation of those in this report, instead you will get some pictures.
Log in to the game
When you first open the game you will need to login, the text is written on the screen.
Play the game
When you are logged in you will have a dot with an arrow on the screen which you will be able to move around with
There is no documentation for this package.