
v1.9.9 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 1, 2024 License: GPL-3.0


Cudos Testnet


Starport: (linux only)
make (different ways to install it depending on OS)


This project uses the default blog project from starport. It's purpose is to prove POC 1 requirements, such as:

  • Ability to launch a "vanilla" Cosmos blockchain and create a closed public test environment.
  • Ability of the network to support Tendermint BFT with Ethereum type of wallets.
  • The network should start with ~20 accounts/validators that have pre-configured vested balance in the genesis block.

Ability to launch a "vanilla" Cosmos blockchain and create a closed public test environment.

Launching a vanilla Cosmos blockchain is possible by starting this project using methods below.

Ability of the network to support Tendermint BFT with Ethereum type of wallets

The network supports Tendermint BFT by default. The wallets private keys are generated using secp256k1 also by default. The retionale of using Ethereum type of wallets is to ensure that the users will be able to import their ethereum wallets into cudos blockchain using theirs seed phase. After the import the users will expect to see that their balance from ethereum blockchain is transferred to cudos. Although the cryptography is the same it is used in a slightly different manner so a converted is developed. Its usage is described below. It can convert ethereum public key to cudos wallet address. Using cudos wallet address a wallet can be pre-funded with required tokes so when a user import his wallet, using his seed, the balance will be correct.

Creating accounts/validators with preconfigured vested balance in the genesis block

There are three ways to add preconfigured accounts with/without vested balance in the genesis block.

  1. Modifying genesis.json after the blockchian is initialized, but before it is first started. This is not recommented method.
  2. Using config.yml. This method works if the blockchain is initialized with starport utility.
  3. Using commands from the binary itself. This method works if the blockchain is manually initialized without startport utility.

Manual build

Build the blockchian binary into $GOPATH directory using "cudos-noded" name. All these steps are combined into


Initialize the blockchain.

cudos-noded init cudos-node --chain-id=cudos-node

Creating accounts.

cudos-noded keys add validator01 --keyring-backend test 

Add balance in the genesis block to an account.

cudos-noded add-genesis-account $MY_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS 100000000000stake

Add validator

cudos-noded gentx validator01 100000000stake --chain-id cudos-node --keyring-backend test

Collect genesis transaction and start the blockchain

cudos-noded collect-gentxs
cudos-noded start

Starport build

Configure accounts and validators in config.yml after that just start the blockchain

starport serve

Docker build

  1. Build persistent-node cd ./docker docker-compose -f ./persistent-node.yml -p cudos-network-persistent-node up --build

  2. After node starts copy its it and paste it into full-node.yml Peer node looks like: P2P Node ID ID=de14a2005d220171c7133efb31b3f3e1d7ba776a file=/root/.blog/config/node_key.json module=p2p

  3. Run full-node cd ./docker docker-compose -f ./full-node.yml -p cudos-network-full-node up --build

Converting ethereum public keys to cosmos wallet address

Run the converter and pass a ethereum public key as argument.

go run ./converter 0x03139bb3b92e99d034ee38674a0e29c4aad83dd09b3fa465a265da310f9948fbe6

Example ethereum mnemonic: battle erosion opinion city birth modify scale hood caught menu risk rather
Example ethereum public key (32 bytes, compressed form): 0x03139bb3b92e99d034ee38674a0e29c4aad83dd09b3fa465a265da310f9948fbe6

This mnemonic could be imported into cudos blockchain in order to verify that resulting account access will be the same as generated from the converter.

cudos-noded keys add ruser02 --recover --hd-path="m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"

Usefull commands

Send currency

cudos-noded tx bank send $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS $RECIPIENT 51000000stake --chain-id=cudos-network --keyring-backend test

Check balances

cudos-noded query bank balances $RECIPIENT --chain-id=cudos-network

Create validator

cudos-noded tx staking create-validator --amount=2000000000000000000000000acudos \
--from=val-2 \
--pubkey=$(cudos-noded tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker=cudos-node-02 \
--chain-id=cudos-local-network \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="2000000000000000000000000" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-prices="5000000000000acudos" \
--gas-adjustment="1.80" \
--keyring-backend test

Reset the blockchain

All data of the blockchain is store at ~/.blog folder. By deleting it the entire blockchain is completely reset and it must be initialized again.

Static compile

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' ./cmd/cudos-noded/

export CGO_LDFLAGS="-lpthread -ldl" go build -v -a -tags netgo,osusergo -ldflags='-lpthread -extldflags "-lpthread -static"' ./cmd/cudos-noded/

NFT Module Specification


A module for operating with Non-Fungible Tokens on the CUDOS network. The methods that are exposed by it are mainly based on ERC721 interface from the Ethereum network and not so much on the CW-721 from the Cosmos network. The reason for this is that the main idea of the module is to transfer tokens through a bridge between CUDOS network and Ethereum and thus it is better to follow the ERC721 standard.

Module Interface

The module gives the user the ability to either write(via transaction) or read(via query) to/from the network.

The following commands are available (click on them for further info)
Command Description
issue Issues a new denomination to the specified owner
mint Mints a new NFT in a given denomination to the specified owner
edit Edits an already existing NFT
transfer Transfers an existing NFT from one owner to another
transfer-denom Transfers an existing NFT classification from one owner to another
burn Burns the specified NFT . Only the owner can burn the NFT
approve Adds an approved operator that can transfer the NFT
revoke Removes an approved operated for the NFT
approveAll Approves an operator on user level - the operator can transfer all of the user tokens
Command Description
denom Queries for a denomination by denomination Id
denom-by-name Queries for a denomination by denomination name
denom-by-symbol Queries for a denomination by denomination symbol
denoms Query for all denominations of all collections of NFTs
collection Get all the NFTs from a given collection.
supply Returns the total supply of a collection or owner of NFTs.
owner Queries for the owner and returns the NFTs owned by an account address.
token Query a single NFT from a collection.
approvals Get the approved addresses for the NFT
isApprovedForAll Gets whether the address is approved for all

Usage from inside a CosmWasm smart contract

You can check how to use the module from a rust smart contract in the cudos-cosmwasm-bindings

Object types:

// NFT non fungible token interface
type NFT interface {
    GetID() string              // unique identifier of the NFT
    GetName() string            // return the name of BaseNFT
    GetOwner() sdk.AccAddress   // gets owner account of the NFT
    GetURI() string             // tokenData field: URI to retrieve the of chain tokenData of the NFT
    GetData() string            // return the Data of BaseNFT
    GetApprovedAddresses() map[string]bool// returns the approved addresses of BaseNFT

NFT implementation
type BaseNFT struct {
	Id                string          `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name              string          `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
	URI               string          `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=uri,proto3" json:"uri,omitempty"`
	Data              string          `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"`
	Owner             string          `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=owner,proto3" json:"owner,omitempty"`
	ApprovedAddresses map[string]bool `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=approvedAddresses,proto3" json:"approvedAddresses,omitempty" protobuf_key:"bytes,1,opt,name=key,proto3" protobuf_val:"varint,2,opt,name=value,proto3"`


As all NFTs belong to a specific Collection under {denomID}/{tokenID}

// Collection of non fungible tokens
type Collection struct {
    Denom Denom     `json:"denom"`  // Denom of the collection; not exported to clients
    NFTs  []BaseNFT `json:"nfts"`   // NFTs that belongs to a collection


Owner holds the address of the user and his collection of NFTs

// Owner of non fungible tokens
type Owner struct {
    Address       string            `json:"address"`
    IDCollections []IDCollection    `json:"id_collections"`


IDCollection holds the denomId and the Ids of the NFTs(insted of the full object)

// IDCollection of non fungible tokens
type IDCollection struct {
    DenomId string   `json:"denom_id"`
    TokenIds []string `json:"token_ids"`


The denomination is used to group NFTs under it

// Denom defines a type of NFT
type Denom struct {
	Id      string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name    string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
	Symbol    string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"symbol,omitempty"`
	Schema  string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=schema,proto3" json:"schema,omitempty"`
	Creator string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=creator,proto3" json:"creator,omitempty"`


The events that are emitted after certain operations

	EventTypeIssueDenom    = "issue_denom"
	EventTypeTransferNft   = "transfer_nft"
  EventTypeTransferDenom = "transfer_denom"
	EventTypeApproveNft    = "approve_nft"
	EventTypeApproveAllNft = "approve_all_nft"
	EventTypeRevokeNft     = "revoke_nft"
	EventTypeEditNFT       = "edit_nft"
	EventTypeMintNFT       = "mint_nft"
	EventTypeBurnNFT       = "burn_nft"

Full commands info:

Transaction commands

Issues a new denom that will be used for minting new NFTs. Only the denom creator can issue new NFTs

  • arguments:
    • denom-id string Unique Id that identifies the denom. Must be all lowercase required: true
  • flags:
    • --name string The unique name of the denom. required: true
    • --symbol string The unique symbol of the denom. required: true
    • --from string The address that is issuing the denom. Will be set as denom creator. Can be either an address or alias to that address required: true
    • --schema string Metadata about the NFT. Schema-content or path to schema.json. required: false
    • --traits string Traits that define the denom behavior and restrictions required: false
    • --description string Text description of the denom required: false
    • --data string Denom metadata required: false
    • --minter string Address that will be allowed to mint NFTs from this denom other than the owner required: false


$ cudos-noded tx nft issue <denom-id> --from=<key-name> --name=<denom-name> --symbol=<denom-symbol> --schema=<schema-content or path to schema.json> --chain-id=<chain-id>

Mint a NFT and set the owner to the recipient. Only the denom creator can mint a new NFT

  • arguments:
    • denom-id string The denomId that this NFT will be associated required: true
  • flags:
    • --name string The name of the NFT. required: true
    • --data string The data of the NFT. required: false
    • --from string The address that is minting the NFT. Must be denom creator. Can be either an address or alias to that address required: true
    • --recipient string The user(owner) that will receive the NFT required: true
    • --uri string The URI of the NFT. required: false


$ cudos-noded tx nft mint <denom-id> <token-id> --recipient=<recipient> --from=<key-name> --uri=<uri> --chain-id=<chain-id>


Edit an NFT - can change name, uri or data. Only the owner can edit the NFT.

  • arguments:
    • denom-id string The denomId of the edited NFT required: true
    • token-id string Unique Id that identifies the token. Must be all lowercase required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is editing the NFT. Can be either an address or alias to that address required: true
    • --uri string The URI of the NFT. required: false


$ cudos-noded tx nft edit <denom-id> <token-id>  --from=<key-name> --uri=<uri> --chain-id=<chain-id>

Burns the NFT - deletes it permanently

  • arguments:
    • denom-id string The denomId of the edited NFT required: true
    • token-id string Unique Id that identifies the token. Must be all lowercase required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is editing the NFT. Can be either an address or alias to that address required: true


$ cudos-noded tx nft burn <denom-id> <token-id> --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id>

Transfer an NFT - from one owner to another The sender must be either the owner, approved address on NFT or globally approved operator.

  • arguments:
    • from string The address of the NFT owner required: true
    • to string The address of the user that will receive the NFT required: true
    • denom-id string The denomId of the edited NFT required: true
    • token-id string Unique Id that identifies the token. Must be all lowercase required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is requesting the transfer of the NFT. Can be either an address or alias to that address. must be either the owner, approved address on NFT or globally approved operator. required: true
    • --uri string The URI of the NFT. required: false


$ cudos-noded tx nft transfer <from> <to> <denom-id> <token-id>  --from=<key-name> --uri=<uri> --chain-id=<chain-id>

Transfers the ownership of the NFT classification to others. The sender must be the owner.

  • arguments:
    • recipient string The address of the new NFT classification owner required: true
    • denom-id string The denomId of the transferred NFT classification required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is requesting the transfer of the NFT collection. Must be the owner. required: true


$ cudos-noded tx nft transfer-denom <recipient> <denom-id> --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>

Adds an address to the approved list. Approved address on NFT level can transfer the NFT from one owner to another. Approved addresses for the NFT are cleared upon transfer.

  • arguments:
    • approvedAddress string The address that will be approved required: true
    • denom-id string The denomId of the edited NFT required: true
    • token-id string Unique Id that identifies the token. Must be all lowercase required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is requesting the approval. Can be either an address or alias to that address. must be either the owner or globally approved operator. required: true


$ cudos-noded tx nft approve <approvedAddress> <denom-id> <token-id> --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id>

Removes the address from the approved list. Approved address on NFT level can transfer the nft from one owner to another. Approved addresses for the NFT are cleared upon transfer.

  • arguments:
    • addressToRevoke string The address that will be removed required: true
    • denom-id string The denomId of the edited NFT required: true
    • token-id string Unique Id that identifies the token. Must be all lowercase required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is requesting the removal of approval. Can be either an address or alias to that address. Must be either the owner or globally approved operator. required: true


$ cudos-noded tx nft revoke <addressToRevoke> <denom-id> <token-id>--uri=<uri> --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id>

Adds the address to the approved operator list for the user. Approved address on user level can transfer the nft from one owner to another. The address is automatically added to the msg.sender(--from) approved list

  • arguments:
    • operator string The address that will be approved required: true
    • approved string Boolean value indicating if the addres is approved: can be true or false required: true
  • flags:
    • --from string The address that is requesting the approval. The approved address will be able to handle the transfers of --from assets. Can be either an address or alias to that address. must be either the owner or globally approved operator. required: true


$ cudos-noded tx nft approveAll <operator> <true/false> --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id>
Query commands

Query the denom by the specified denom id.

  • arguments:
    • denom-id string The denomId to search for required: true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft denom <denomId>

Query the denom by the specified denom name.

  • arguments:
    • denom-name string The denom name to search for required: true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft denom-by-name <denomName>

Query the denom by the specified denom symbol.

  • arguments:
    • symbol string The denom symbol to search for required: true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft denom-by-symbol <symbol>

Query all denominations of all collections of NFTs.

  • arguments:
    • none
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft denoms

Query all denominations of all collections of NFTs.

  • arguments:
    • denom-id: The id of the denomination collection. required:true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft collection <denom-id>

Gets the total supply of a collection or owner of NFTs.

  • arguments:
    • denom-id: The id of the denomination collection. required:true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft supply <denom-id>

Get the NFTs owned by an account address for a given denom.

  • arguments:
    • address: The address of the owner. required:true
  • flags:
    • --denom-id: The id of the denom required:false


$ cudos-noded query nft owner <address> --denom-id=<denom-id>

Query a single NFT from a collection.

  • arguments:
    • denom-id: The id of the denom collection required:true
    • token-id: The id of the NFT required:true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft token <denom-id> <token-id>

Get the approved addresses for the NFT

  • arguments:
    • denom-id: The id of the denom collection required:true
    • token-id: The id of the NFT required:true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft approvals <denomId> <tokenId>

Query if an address is an authorized operator for another address

  • arguments:
    • owner: The owner addresses to search required:true
    • operator: The operator address to be searched for required:true
  • flags:
    • none


$ cudos-noded query nft isApprovedForAll <owner> <operator>

API Endpoints

default API local url: localhost:1317

All the requests/response below are used as an example, for the full capabilities and parameters, consult the full command specifications

Issue Denom : POST



  "owner": "test",
  "id": "testdenom",
  "name": "testname",
  "symbol": "testDenomSymbol",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "id": "testdenom",
          "name": "testname",
          "test_denom_symbol": "testDenomSymbol",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"



  "denom_id": "testdenom",
  "name": "testTokenName",
  "uri": "testuri",
  "data": "testdata",
  "recipient": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "name": "testTokenName",
          "uri": "testuri",
          "data": "testdata",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze",
          "recipient": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"
Edit NFT : PUT



  "uri": "testuri",
  "data": "testdata",
  "name": "testname",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "id": "1",
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "name": "testname",
          "uri": "testuri",
          "data": "testdata",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"
Transfer NFT : POST



  "from": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "to": "cudos18vpe7dfn6038ceae0ndlxdyuvgafrk2y6klzkx",
  "recipient": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "token_id": "1",
          "from": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
          "to": "cudos18vpe7dfn6038ceae0ndlxdyuvgafrk2y6klzkx",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"
Transfer Denom : POST



  "recipient": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "denom-id": "testdenom",
  "base_req": {


    "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
    "value": {
        "msg": [
                "type": "",
                "value": {
                    "id": "whathever",
                    "sender": "cudos1detu83m7rd9ygvuzg3mee53sgwdae852ve5xav",
                    "recipient": "cudos1xlvmmvvmwvkcugkmjxc06du8qs2vrw337w5jda"
        "fee": {
            "amount": [],
            "gas": "200000"
        "signatures": [],
        "memo": "",
        "timeout_height": "0"
Approve NFT : POST



  "address_to_approve": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "id": "1",
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze",
          "approvedAddress": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"
Revoke NFT : POST



  "address_to_revoke": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "addressToRevoke": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "token_id": "1",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"



  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "id": "1",
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze"
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"
Approve All : POST



  "approved": true,
  "approved_operator": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
  "base_req": {


  "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
  "value": {
    "msg": [
        "type": "",
        "value": {
          "operator": "cudos1s609vqsnwxpm2t4scjq70770kph7uaz53lg89v",
          "sender": "cudos1qy7a8qvmqtqrscz7rf9l3xlllm0l6x3xnmarze",
          "approved": true
    "fee": {
      "gas": "200000"
    "signatures": [],
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0"
Query Denom By Id : GET



  "height": "4774",
  "result": {
    "denom": {
      "id": "testdenom",
      "name": "TESTDENOM",
      "schema": "testschema",
      "creator": "cudos13kkzjnz9t30dtkcevcvk2n2xu2n8mnzxuwnuur"
Query Denom By Name: GET



  "height": "4994",
  "result": {
    "denom": {
      "id": "testdenom1",
      "name": "testDenomNewName",
      "schema": "testschema",
      "creator": "cudos13kkzjnz9t30dtkcevcvk2n2xu2n8mnzxuwnuur"
Query Denom By Symbol: GET



  "height": "23",
  "result": {
    "denom": {
      "id": "testdenom",
      "name": "testName",
      "schema": "",
      "creator": "cudos1wye475erldt37cgj3kf4j35w24emhh0cdddg7z",
      "symbol": "testSymbol"
Query All Denoms: POST




Optional pagination:

    "pagination": {
        "offset": "0",
        "limit":  "5",
        "count_total": true


  "height": "5061",
  "result": {
    "denoms": [
        "id": "testdenom",
        "name": "TESTDENOM",
        "schema": "testschema",
        "creator": "cudos13kkzjnz9t30dtkcevcvk2n2xu2n8mnzxuwnuur"
        "id": "testdenom1",
        "name": "testDenomNewName",
        "schema": "testschema",
        "creator": "cudos13kkzjnz9t30dtkcevcvk2n2xu2n8mnzxuwnuur"
    "pagination": {
      "total": "2"
Query Collection for a Denom: POST


Request: Pagination is optional

  "denom_id": "testdenom",
  "pagination": {
    "offset": "0",
    "limit":  "5",
    "count_total": true


  "height": "5189",
  "result": {
    "collection": {
      "denom": {
        "id": "testdenom",
        "name": "TESTDENOM",
        "schema": "testschema",
        "creator": "cudos13kkzjnz9t30dtkcevcvk2n2xu2n8mnzxuwnuur"
      "nfts": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "testtoken",
          "uri": "",
          "data": "testData",
          "owner": "cudos1ztwjs6cp8t369l6ckgv5fg8vzleqn3qdkycll4"
    "pagination": {
      "total": "1"
Query Supply for a Denom : GET

Gets the total NFT count for a given denomId


TODO: Must add pagination support to request and handle in the node


  "height": "5221",
  "result": {
    "amount": "1"
Query Owner GET

Gets the NFTs for a given Owner ( Optional denomId )

http://localhost:1317/nft/owners/{{ownerAddress}}/{denomId} Request:

    "denom_id": "testdenom",
    "owner_address": "cudos1s6ncz2gyy0cgzzk5yctjx7yx7tyjzxnmnx9xlj",
    "pagination": {
        "offset": "1",
        "limit":  "5",
        "count_total": true


  "height": "10001",
  "result": {
    "owner": {
      "address": "cudos1ztwjs6cp8t369l6ckgv5fg8vzleqn3qdkycll4",
      "id_collections": [
          "denom_id": "testdenom",
          "token_ids": [
    "pagination": {
      "total": "1"
Query NFT : GET

Gets the NFT by a given denomId and tokenId



  "height": "10001",
  "result": {
    "nft": {
      "id": "1",
      "name": "testtoken",
      "uri": "",
      "data": "testData",
      "owner": "cudos1ztwjs6cp8t369l6ckgv5fg8vzleqn3qdkycll4"

Response with approved addresses:

    "height": "161",
    "result": {
        "nft": {
            "id": "1",
            "name": "testtoken",
            "uri": "",
            "data": "testData",
            "owner": "cudos17najx40kq4f6yrslw6ggr5qm4meqs8p72jhv2f",
            "approved_addresses": {
                "cudos1yg8et80vfyjetyafqcpr8geyp2ypmnd3rk54z2": true
Query Approvals NFT : GET

Gets the approvals for a NFT



  "height": "238",
  "result": {
    "approved_addresses": {
      "cudos1yg8et80vfyjetyafqcpr8geyp2ypmnd3rk54z2": true,
      "cudos1y43rjgknmk2hv3cpcu007crucwsgrv4n4rhmcs": true
Query IsApprovedForAll : POST

Gets the approvals for a NFT



        "owner": "cudos1y43rjgknmk2hv3cpcu007crucwsgrv4n4rhmcs",
        "operator": "cudos17najx40kq4f6yrslw6ggr5qm4meqs8p72jhv2f"


  "height": "409",
  "result": {
    "is_approved": true


Path Synopsis
Package nullify provides methods to init nil values structs for test assertion.
Package nullify provides methods to init nil values structs for test assertion.
Package types is a reverse proxy.
Package types is a reverse proxy.
Package types is a reverse proxy.
Package types is a reverse proxy.
Package types is a reverse proxy.
Package types is a reverse proxy.

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