
go-cryptodog is a general-purpose Golang API for writing programs that interact with Cryptodog.
This software has not been audited, and probably never will be. Use at your own risk.
Basic example
package main
import (
func main() {
d := dog.New()
// Sets long-term storage system to a local folder
// %USERROFILE%\AppData\Local\DemoBot\ on Windows
// $HOME/.local/share/DemoBot/ on Unix-like systems
// Completely optional. if d.DB is not set, it will default to an in-memory store.
d.DB = dog.FolderStore("DemoBot")
// Alternatively:
// d.DB = dog.Disk("/full/path/")
// Want to connect via Tor/Tor Browser's process? (Note: won't work when compiled to webassembly.)
// d.Proxy = ""
d.On(dog.Connected, func(e dog.Event) {
d.JoinRoom("elysium", "DemoBot")
d.On(dog.RoomJoined, func(e dog.Event) {
fmt.Println("Joined room", e.Room)
d.On(dog.NicknameInUse, func(e dog.Event) {
fmt.Println("Nickname is in use.")
// If this happens, the bot will automatically try to reconnect.
d.On(dog.Disconnected, func(e dog.Event) {
fmt.Println("Disconnected :(")
d.On(dog.GroupMessage, func(event dog.Event) {
if event.Body == "hello" {
d.GMf(event.Room, "Hello, %s! How are you today?", event.User)
if event.Body == "begone" {
d.GM(event.Room, "sure thing!")
// Causes d.Run() to return nil (graceful exit)
// Blocks until error is returned.
if err := d.Run(); err != nil {