There are two types of users - regular users and admins
Regular users can send messages and join rooms
Admins can create room, moderate messages and users
Room is just a space for users to chat
Messages and commands
All users can send regular text messages or special commands.
Commands should start with special character / and command name, such as rooms or quit.
User1 connect to WS Service.
WS Service create User1 goroutine
Inside User1 gouroutine all user messages/commands are read, parsed and send to command channel.
Another Run gouroutine inside WS Service is reading command channel and depending on command do some actions.
4.1 Command Join will add User to room. If room does not exists it will create new one.
4.2 Command Rooms will send back to user a list of existing rooms.
4.3 Command Users will send back to user a list of users in the same room.
4.4 Command Quit will remove user from room.
4.5 If the are no commands at all the message will be sent to all users in the room.