Render is a CLI tool for generating the Kubernetes artifacts for a source Helm Chart and a custom values specification.
We built render at Comun because:
- At Comun, we manage multiple kubernetes clusters via fluxcd. Many of the clusters share the same core helm chart components with similar values. Render allows us to share code between all clusters.
- We have found helm deployments to be operationally complex, but still want to take advantage of helm's packaging and templating capabilities.
- Disaster recovery is important to us and render allows us to store raw kubernetes yaml specifications in our fluxcd state repository instead of pointing to remote charts stored in remote helm or ocr repositories.
- We use kustomize to package together our kubernetes apps that will be deployed by fluxcd. Render works seamlessly with kustomize by generating the full yaml for a helm chart and writing it to a file that can be included in a kustomization.
- The values that we plug in to our helm charts are very similar across our clusters. Therefore, we would like to be able share code in our values specifications. Render solves this by building on top of the Jsonnet programming language.
How to use Render
Render has two main inputs, a root yaml specification (render.yaml
) and multiple values specifications (values.jsonnet
The outputs of render are *.generated.yaml
files which contain all the kubernetes artifacts that are included in the helm chart according to the specified values.
tells the Render CLI how and where to render helm templates. Each entry in the render.yaml
consists of:
- A link to either a public remote helm repository chart, or a locally stored repository.
- A list of locations to render the helm chart. The most important of the fields in each list entry is the
which tells render where to render the chart. In addition, within the workingDirectory
, there must be a values.jsonnet
file, which tells the Render CLI what values to use when rendering the chart.
Each render workingDirectory should have a jsonnet file called values.jsonnet
. The Render CLI is responsible for compiling the values.jsonnet
file into json values that are then fed into helm when rendering the chart. You can structure values.jsonnet
however you want as long as it can compile into a json file via the jsonnet compiler. You can even import from other jsonnet or libsonnet files.
*.generated.yaml files
One .generated.yaml
is generated per render in the render.yaml
You can see a full example of a use case of the the Render
tool in the example folder. In this example we generate apps from helm charts and values.jsonnet
files and package them into Kustomization
s to be applied onto a cluster.
You can run the render CLI by invoking
render path/to/render.yaml
Optionally, you may provide a -s
flag to select one specific entry in the render.yaml
to render. This would look like
render render.yaml -s some-package