Use rofi to quickly open Visual Studio Code or Codium workspaces. Since I use it, I have more time to enjoy with my friends and family.
How to use it
Just run rofi-code
and a popup window should appear showing the list of all your workspaces. Get the list filtered by typing text, use the arrow keys to displace the cursor to the workspace you want to open, and press enter. That's it.
If you want to customize the behaviour you could use any of the options provided using the command line.
For a list of flags and options just type run rofi-code --help
in your terminal:
foo@bar:~$ rofi-code --help
usage: rofi-code [-h|--help] [-d|--dir "<value>"] [-s|--sort (time|path|name)]
[-f|--full] [-o|--output] [-r|--rofi "<value>"] [-c|--code
Use rofi to quickly open a VSCode or Codium workspace
-h --help Print help information
-d --dir Comma separated paths to the config directories. Default:
-s --sort How the workspaces should be sorted. Default: time
-f --full Show the full path instead of collapsing the home directory to
a tilde. Default: false
-o --output Just prints the workspaces to stdout and exit. Default: false
-r --rofi Command line to launch rofi. Default: rofi -dmenu -p "Open
workspace" -no-custom
-c --code Command line to launch the editor. It will try to detect codium
or code
I use rofi-code
everyday using a keystroke combination in my i3 window manager setup with the following line in ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+Shift+v exec --no-startup-id rofi-code
Of course you will need rofi installed.
Also you will be required to have installed the go language tools in your system as a prerequisite to build this software. Why? Because this is coded in go.
Install in Arch Linux
Use any Arch User Repository helper yaourt
, yay
, paru
for installing the rofi-code-git package
For example:
foo@bar:~$ yay -S rofi-code-git
Install from sources
Run the following commands in your terminal
foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ make install