Docker: Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications using containers.
PostgreSQL: The worlds most advanced Open Source Relational Database.
Redis: The world’s fastest in-memory database from the ones who built it.
User Authentication
Project management
Admin routes where Admins can directly score teams
How To Run
Docker: Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications using containers.
Postman/Apidog: A tool to test backend APIs without having to write frontends.
goose: Goose is a database migration tool. Manage your database schema by creating incremental SQL changes or Go functions.
Clone the Repository: git clone
Start the containers: cd devsoc-backend-24 && cp .env.example .env && make build. Please ensure that you put the correct SMTP credentials to get email services
Run the migrations: make migrate-up
Use postman and test the api at the endpoint http://localhost/api