Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetCommandOutput(command string, timeout time.Duration, arg ...string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetConfigPath() (c string, e error)
- func GetErrorJson(err error) string
- type Command
- func AddObjToGroupCmd(objectName string, object api.Object, group api.Object) *Command
- func DeleteCmd(objectName string, object api.Object) *Command
- func DeleteObjFromGroupCmd(objectName string, object api.Object, group api.Object) *Command
- func GetCmd(objectName string) *Command
- func ListCmd(objectName string) *Command
- func NewCommand(name, usage string, subCommands []*Command) *Command
- func (c *Command) GetAllSubCommands() []*Command
- func (c *Command) GetApi(baseUrl, accessToken, appId string, rawOutput bool) *api.Api
- func (c *Command) GetSubCommand(args []string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ParseArgs(args []string)
- func (c *Command) PrintResult(result string, err error)
- func (c *Command) PrintUsage()
- func (c *Command) Runnable() bool
Constants ¶
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const ( // Status codes for os.Exit. EXIT_SUCCESS int = 0 EXIT_SUCCESS_ERROR int = 1 EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR int = 2 EXIT_FLAG_ERROR int = 3 )
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const (
DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE string = `!>dUmmy<!`
Variables ¶
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var AlertActions = []*Command{ { Name: "list", UsageLine: "alert list [--filter]", Long: ` Get all alerts from CoScale Api. The flags for list alert action are: Optional: --filter List actions filtered by unresolved or by unacknowledged. `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var filter string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&filter, "filter", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "List actions filtered by unresolved or by unacknowledged.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) switch filter { case DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE: cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.GetObjects(alertObjectName)) case "unresolved": cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.GetAlertsBy("selectByResolved")) case "unacknowledged": cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.GetAlertsBy("selectByAcknowledged")) default: cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } }, }, { Name: "acknowledge", UsageLine: "alert acknowledge (--id | --name)", Long: ` Acknowledge an alert. The flags for acknowledge alert action are: Mandatory: --id The id of the alert. or --name The name of the alert. `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "The id of the alert.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var alert = &api.Alert{} var err error if id == -1 { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("alert", id, alert); err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.AlertSolution(alert, "acknowledge")) }, }, { Name: "resolve", UsageLine: "alert resolve (--id | --name)", Long: ` Resolve an alert. The flags for resolve alert action are: Mandatory: --id The id of the alert. or --name The name of the alert. `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "The id of the alert.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var alert = &api.Alert{} var err error if id == -1 { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("alert", id, alert); err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.AlertSolution(alert, "resolve")) }, }, }
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var AlertObject = NewCommand(alertObjectName, "alert <action> [--<field>='<data>']", AlertActions)
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var CheckObject = &Command{ Name: CheckObjectName, UsageLine: `check-config is used to check to api configuration file`, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { file, err := GetConfigPath() if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } if _, err := os.Stat(file); err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } config, err := api.ReadApiConfiguration(file) if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } api := api.NewApi(config.BaseUrl, config.AccessToken, config.AppId, false) err = api.Login() if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } cmd.PrintResult(`{"msg":"Configuration successfuly checked!"}`, nil) }, }
CheckObject is the check-config subcommand and is used to check to api configuration
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var CheckObjectName = "check-config"
CheckObjectName is the name of the check-config subcommand
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var DataActions = []*Command{ { Name: "get", UsageLine: `data get (--id --subjectIds) [--start --stop --aggregator --aggregateSubjects]`, Long: ` Retrieve a batch of data from the datastore. The flags for get data action are: Mandatory: --id Metric id. --subjectIds The subject string eg. s1 for server 1, g2 for servergroup 2, a for application. Optional: --start The start timestamp in seconds ago(negative values) or unix timestamp (positive values). [default: 0] --stop The stop timestamp in seconds ago(negative values) or unix timestamp (positive values). [default: 0] --aggregator The data aggregator (AVG, MIN, MAX). [default: AVG] --aggregateSubjects Boolean that indicates if the aggregated value over all subjectIds should be returned. [default: false] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var subjectIds, aggregator string var aggregateSubjects bool var start, stop int var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier for metric.") cmd.Flag.IntVar(&start, "start", 0, "The start timestamp in seconds ago.") cmd.Flag.IntVar(&stop, "stop", 0, "The stop timestamp in seconds ago.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&subjectIds, "subjectIds", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "The subject string") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&aggregator, "aggregator", "AVG", "The data aggregator (AVG, MIN, MAX).") cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&aggregateSubjects, "aggregateSubjects", false, "Boolean that indicates if the aggregated value over all subjectIds should be returned.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if subjectIds == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE || id == -1 { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.GetData(start, stop, id, subjectIds, aggregator, aggregateSubjects)) }, }, { Name: "insert", UsageLine: `data insert (--datapoint)`, Long: ` Create new EventData for a given event. The flags for data event action are: Mandatory: --datapoint Data format is:"M<metric id>:<subject Id>:<seconds ago>:<value/s>" eg:"M1:S100:120:1,2" `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var datapoint string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&datapoint, "datapoint", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if datapoint == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } data, err := api.ParseDataPoint(datapoint) if err != nil { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.InsertData(data)) }, }, }
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var DataObject = NewCommand(dataObjectName, "data <action> [--<field>='<data>']", DataActions)
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var EventActions = []*Command{ ListCmd(eventObjectName), GetCmd(eventObjectName), DeleteCmd(eventObjectName, &api.Event{}), { Name: "new", UsageLine: "event new (--name) [--description --attributeDescriptions --source]", Long: ` Create new event category. The flags for new event action are: Mandatory: --name specify name of the event. Optional: --description specify the description of the event. --attributeDescriptions JSON string describing what items the "attribute" of an EventData instance belonging to this Event must have. [default: "[]"] --source Describes who added the event. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, attributeDescriptions, source string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "specify the event name of the event") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", "", "specify the description of the event") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&attributeDescriptions, "attributeDescriptions", "[]", "") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", "cli", "Describes who added the event") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.CreateEvent(name, description, attributeDescriptions, source, "")) }, }, { Name: "update", UsageLine: "event update (--name | --id) [--description --attributeDescriptions --source]", Long: ` Update a CoScale event object. The flags for update event action are: The name or id should be specified --id Unique identifier, if we want to update the name of the event, this become mandatory --name specify the event name of the event. --description specify the description of the event. --attributeDescriptions JSON string describing what items the "attribute" of an EventData instance belonging to this Event must have. --source Describes who added the event. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, attributeDescriptions, source string var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "specify the event name of the event") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "specify the description of the event") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&attributeDescriptions, "attributeDescriptions", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes who added the event") cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var eventObj = &api.Event{} var err error if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("event", id, eventObj) } else if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("event", name, eventObj) } else { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { eventObj.Name = name } if description != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { eventObj.Description = description } if attributeDescriptions != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { eventObj.AttributeDescriptions = attributeDescriptions } if source != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { eventObj.Source = source } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.UpdateEvent(eventObj)) }, }, { Name: "data", UsageLine: "event data (--name --id --message --subject) [--attribute --timestamp --stopTime]", Long: ` Insert event data. The flags for data event action are: Mandatory: --name specify the event name. --id specify the event id. Only one from id/name is neccessary. --message The message for the event data. --subject The subject for the event data. The subject is structured as follows: s<serverId> for a server, g<servergroupId> for a server group, a for the application. Optional: --attribute JSON String detailing the progress of the event. --timestamp Timestamp in seconds ago(negative values) or unix timestamp(positive values). [default: 0] --stopTime The time at which the EventData stopped in seconds ago(negative values) or unix timestamp(positive values). [default: 0] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var id, timestamp, stopTime int64 var name, message, subject, attribute string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "event name") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&message, "message", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "message for the event data") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&subject, "subject", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "subject for the event data") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&attribute, "attribute", "{}", "JSON String detailing the progress of the event") cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier") cmd.Flag.Int64Var(×tamp, "timestamp", 0, "Timestamp in seconds ago") cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&stopTime, "stopTime", 0, "The time at which the EventData stopped in seconds ago") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var eventObj = &api.Event{} var err error flagErr := message == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE || subject == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE if !flagErr { if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("event", id, eventObj) } else if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("event", name, eventObj) } else { flagErr = true } } if flagErr { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.InsertEventData(eventObj.ID, message, subject, attribute, timestamp, stopTime)) }, }, }
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var EventObject = NewCommand(eventObjectName, "event <action> [--<field>='<data>']", EventActions)
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var MetricActions = []*Command{ ListCmd("metric"), { Name: "listbygroup", UsageLine: `metric listbygroup (--id | --name)`, Long: ` Get all metrics from a metric group The flags for listbygroup metric action are: Mandatory: --id Unique identifier for a metricgroup or --name specify the name of the metrigroup. `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var id int64 var name string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the metric group.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var metricGroupObj = &api.MetricGroup{} var err error if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("metricgroup", id, metricGroupObj) } else if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("metricgroup", name, metricGroupObj) } else { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.GetMetricsByGroup(metricGroupObj)) }, }, { Name: "new", UsageLine: `metric new (--name --dataType --subject) [--period --description --unit --attachTo --source]`, Long: ` Create a new CoScale metric object. The flags for new metric action are: Mandatory: --name specify the name of the metric. --dataType The following data types are defined: "LONG", "DOUBLE", "HISTOGRAM". --subject A metric is defined on either a "SERVER", "GROUP" or "APPLICATION". This allows for metric per server, per server group or on the whole application. Optional: --period The amount of time (in seconds) between 2 data points. [default: 60] --description Description for the metric. [default: ""] --unit The unit for the metric. This is shown on the axis in the widgets. [default: ""] --attachTo Describes what the relation of this Metric is. Options are SERVER, SERVERGROUP, APPLICATION, REQUEST, DATABASE, QUERY and ANALYSIS. --source Describes who added the metric. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, dataType, subject, unit, attachTo, source string var period int cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the metric.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", "", "Description for the metric.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&dataType, "dataType", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `The following data types are defined: "LONG", "DOUBLE", "HISTOGRAM".`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&subject, "subject", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `A metric is defined on either a "SERVER", "GROUP" or "APPLICATION".`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&unit, "unit", "", "The unit for the metric.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&attachTo, "attachTo", "", "Describes what the relation of this Metric is.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", "cli", "Describes who added the metric.") cmd.Flag.IntVar(&period, "period", 60, "The amount of time (in seconds) between 2 data points.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE || dataType == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE || subject == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.CreateMetric(name, description, dataType, unit, subject, source, period)) }, }, { Name: "update", UsageLine: `metric update (--name | --id) [--description --dataType --subject --unit --period --attachTo --source]`, Long: ` Update a CoScale metric object. The flags for new event action are: Mandatory: --name specify the event name of the event. Optional: --id Unique identifier, if we want to update the name of a event, this become mandatory --description Description for the metric. --dataType The following data types are defined: "LONG", "DOUBLE", "HISTOGRAM". --subject A metric is defined on either a "SERVER", "GROUP" or "APPLICATION". This allows for metric per server, per server group or on the whole application. --unit The unit for the metric. This is shown on the axis in the widgets. [default: ""] --attachTo Describes what the relation of this Metric is. Options are SERVER, SERVERGROUP, APPLICATION, REQUEST, DATABASE, QUERY and ANALYSIS. --source Describes who added the event. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] --period The amount of time (in seconds) between 2 data points. [default: 60] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, dataType, subject, unit, attachTo, source string var period int var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the metric.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Description for the metric.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&dataType, "dataType", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `The following data types are defined: "LONG", "DOUBLE", "HISTOGRAM".`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&subject, "subject", "", `A metric is defined on either a "SERVER", "GROUP" or "APPLICATION".`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&unit, "unit", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "The unit for the metric.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&attachTo, "attachTo", "", "Describes what the relation of this Metric is.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes who added the metric.") cmd.Flag.IntVar(&period, "period", -1, "The amount of time (in seconds) between 2 data points.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var metricObj = &api.Metric{} var err error if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("metric", id, metricObj) } else { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("metric", name, metricObj) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricObj.Name = name } if dataType != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricObj.DataType = dataType } if description != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricObj.Description = description } if period != -1 { metricObj.Period = period } if source != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricObj.Source = source } if unit != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricObj.Unit = unit } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.UpdateMetric(metricObj)) }, }, }
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var MetricGroupActions = []*Command{ ListCmd("metricgroup"), GetCmd("metricgroup"), AddObjToGroupCmd("metric", &api.Metric{}, &api.MetricGroup{}), DeleteObjFromGroupCmd("metric", &api.Metric{}, &api.MetricGroup{}), { Name: "new", UsageLine: `servergroup new (--name --subject) [--description --state --source]`, Long: ` Create a new CoScale metricgroup object. The flags for new metricgroup action are: Mandatory: --name Name for the metric group. --subject The subject type of the metric group. "APPLICATION", "SERVERGROUP" or "SERVER". Optional: --description Description for the metric group. --type Describes the type of metric group. --state "ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard. --source Describes who added the metric group. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, Type, state, source, subject string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the metric group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", "", "Description for the metric group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&Type, "type", "", "Describes the type of metric group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&subject, "subject", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `The subject type of the metric group. "APPLICATION", "SERVERGROUP" or "SERVER".`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&state, "state", "ENABLED", `"ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard.`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", "cli", "Describes who added the metric group.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE || subject == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.CreateMetricGroup(name, description, Type, state, subject, source)) }, }, { Name: "update", UsageLine: `metricgroup update (--name | --id) [--description --type --state --source]`, Long: ` Update a CoScale metricgroup object. The flags for update metricgroup action are: Mandatory: --name Specify the name of the metricgroup. Optional: --id Unique identifier, if we want to update the name of the metricgroup, this become mandatory. --description Description for the metric group. --type Describes the type of metric group. --state "ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard. --source Describes who added the metric group. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var id int64 var name, description, Type, state, source string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the metric group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Description for the metric group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&Type, "type", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes the type of metric group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&state, "state", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `"ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard.`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes who added the metric group.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } var metricGroupObj = &api.MetricGroup{} var err error if name == "" { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("metricgroup", id, metricGroupObj) } else { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("metricgroup", name, metricGroupObj) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricGroupObj.Name = name } if description != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricGroupObj.Description = description } if Type != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricGroupObj.Type = Type } if source != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricGroupObj.Source = source } if state != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { metricGroupObj.State = state } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.UpdateMetricGroup(metricGroupObj)) }, }, }
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var MetricGroupObject = NewCommand("metricgroup", "metricgroup <action> [--<field>='<data>']", MetricGroupActions)
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var MetricObject = NewCommand("metric", "metric <action> [--<field>='<data>']", MetricActions)
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var ServerActions = []*Command{ ListCmd("server"), GetCmd("server"), DeleteCmd("server", &api.Server{}), { Name: "new", UsageLine: "server new (--name) [--description --serverType --source]", Long: ` Create a new CoScale server object. The flags for new server action are: Mandatory: --name Name for the server. Optional: --description Description for the server. --serverType Describes the type of server. --source Describes who added the server. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, serverType, source string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", "", "Description for the server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&serverType, "serverType", "", "Describes the type of server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", "cli", "Describes who added the server.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.CreateServer(name, description, serverType, source)) }, }, { Name: "update", UsageLine: "server update (--name | --id) [--description --serverType --state --source]", Long: ` Update a CoScale server object. The flags for update server action are: The name or id should be specified --id Unique identifier, if we want to update the name of the server, this become mandatory --name specify the name of the server. --description Description for the server. --serverType Describes the type of server. --source Describes who added the server. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] --state "ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard. `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, Type, source, state string var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Description for the server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&Type, "type", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes the type of server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes who added the server.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&state, "state", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `"ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard.`) cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var serverObj = &api.Server{} var err error if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("server", id, serverObj) } else if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("server", name, serverObj) } else { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverObj.Name = name } if description != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverObj.Description = description } if Type != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverObj.Type = Type } if source != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverObj.Source = source } if state != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverObj.State = state } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.UpdateServer(serverObj)) }, }, }
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var ServerGroupActions = []*Command{ ListCmd("servergroup"), GetCmd("servergroup"), DeleteCmd("servergroup", &api.ServerGroup{}), { Name: "new", UsageLine: `servergroup new (--name) [--description --type --state --source]`, Long: ` Create a new CoScale servergroup object. The flags for new servergroup action are: Mandatory: --name Name for the server group. Optional: --description Description for the server group. --type Describes the type of server group. --state "ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard. --source Describes who added the server group. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, Type, state, source string cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the server group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", "", "Description for the server group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&Type, "type", "", "Describes the type of server group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&state, "state", "", `"ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard.`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", "cli", "Describes who added the server group.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) if name == DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.CreateServerGroup(name, description, Type, state, source)) }, }, { Name: "update", UsageLine: `servergroup update (--name | --id) [--description --type --state --source]`, Long: ` Update a CoScale servergroup object. The flags for update servergroup action are: The name or id should be specified --id Unique identifier, if we want to update the name of the servergroup, this become mandatory --name Name for the server group. --description Description for the server group. --type Describes the type of server group. --state "ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard. --source Describes who added the server group. Can be chosen by the user. [default: "cli"] `, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { var name, description, Type, source, state string var id int64 cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.PrintUsage() } cmd.Flag.Int64Var(&id, "id", -1, "Unique identifier.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&name, "name", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Name for the server group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&description, "description", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Description for the server group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&Type, "type", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes the type of server group.") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&state, "state", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, `"ENABLED": capturing data, "INACTIVE": not capturing data, "DISABLED": not capturing data and not shown on the dashboard.`) cmd.Flag.StringVar(&source, "source", DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE, "Describes who added the server. Can be chosen by the user.") cmd.ParseArgs(args) var serverGroupObj = &api.ServerGroup{} var err error if id != -1 { err = cmd.Capi.GetObjectRef("servergroup", id, serverGroupObj) } else if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { err = cmd.Capi.GetObejctRefByName("servergroup", name, serverGroupObj) } else { cmd.PrintUsage() os.Exit(EXIT_FLAG_ERROR) } if err != nil { cmd.PrintResult("", err) } if name != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverGroupObj.Name = name } if description != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverGroupObj.Description = description } if Type != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverGroupObj.Type = Type } if source != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverGroupObj.Source = source } if state != DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE { serverGroupObj.State = state } cmd.PrintResult(cmd.Capi.UpdateServerGroup(serverGroupObj)) }, }, AddObjToGroupCmd("server", &api.Server{}, &api.ServerGroup{}), DeleteObjFromGroupCmd("server", &api.Server{}, &api.ServerGroup{}), }
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var ServerGroupObject = NewCommand("servergroup", "servergroup <action> [--<field>='<data>']", ServerGroupActions)
View Source
var ServerObject = NewCommand("server", "server <action> [--<field>='<data>']", ServerActions)
Functions ¶
func GetCommandOutput ¶
GetCommandOutput returns stdout of command as a string
func GetConfigPath ¶
GetConfigPath is used to return the absolut path of the api configuration file
func GetErrorJson ¶
GetErrorJson return only the json string from a error message from api
Types ¶
type Command ¶
type Command struct { Name string UsageLine string Long string SubCommands []*Command Capi *api.Api //api connector Flag flag.FlagSet Run func(cmd *Command, args []string) }
func AddObjToGroupCmd ¶
func DeleteObjFromGroupCmd ¶
func NewCommand ¶
func (*Command) GetAllSubCommands ¶
func (*Command) GetSubCommand ¶
func (*Command) PrintResult ¶
func (*Command) PrintUsage ¶
func (c *Command) PrintUsage()
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