CloudCoreo CLI.
coreo [command]
Available Commands:
cloud Manage Coreo Cloud Accounts
composite Manage Coreo Composites
configure Manage Coreo Configuration
git-key Manage Coreo Git keys
plan Manage Coreo Plans
team Manage Coreo Teams
token Manage Coreo Tokens
version Print the version number of Coreo CLI
--api-key string Coreo API Key (default "None")
--api-secret string Coreo API Secret (default "None")
--config string Config file (default is $HOME/.cloudcoreo/profiles.yaml)
--json Output in json format
--profile string Coreo profile to use. (default "default")
--team-id string Coreo team id (default "None")
--verbose Enable verbose output
Use "coreo [command] --help" for more information about a command.