HTTP output producer for the Elastic Beats framework
beats-output-ding-talk-api. Output for the Elastic Beats platform that simply
POSTs events to an HTTP endpoint.
This output require v7 beat API for older version try using
Compatibility testing conducted with beats 7.8 and output version v0.0.7
Not using pre-release version! It's only for tests.
To add support for this output plugin to a beat, you
have to import this plugin into your main beats package,
like this:
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
if err := cmd.RootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
for filebeat it's be filebeat/main.go fo example
Plugin configuration
Then configure the http output plugin in filebeat.yaml:
field1: 123
field2: "fedggd"
#add fields in out message, only if only_fields = true from v0.0.7
url: ''
# URL for sending POST request
max_retries: -1
# How many retry fail send: -1=infinite, 0=no retry, default=-1
compression: false
# Use HTTP client compression? default=false
keep_alive: true
# HTTP KeepAlive using default=true
max_idle_conns: 1
# Controls the maximum number of idle (keep-alive) must be 1 and greater
# Default=1
idle_conn_timeout: 0
# Is the maximum amount of time in seconds an idle (keep-alive)
# connection will remain idle before closing itself.
# Zero means no limit
# Default=0
response_header_timeout: 3000
# Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a server's response
# headers after fully writing the request (including its body, if any).
# This time does not include the time to read the response body.
# default=3000ms
api_access_token: 'test_tokenxxxxx'
# Required, dingTalk robot webhook api access token
# at:
# Users assigned to view
# at_mobiles:
# - '13600000000'
# The mobile phones number of the person being @ used
# at_user_ids:
# - 'clessli'
# User IDs of the @ person
# is_at_all: true
# Whether @ everyone
send_msg_type: 'text'
# Message types pushed to API
# Default=text