Gogs commit hook -> dokku deploy
Build a docker image off of this repo. Next make a new repo for your
FROM cinemaquestria/gokku
ADD gokku.key /root/.ssh/id_rsa
RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
ADD known_hosts /root/.ssh/known_hosts
RUN mkdir -p /gokku/repo
Next you need to set your environment variables. As we are mainly on PonyChat,
gokku is currently hardcoded to connect to irc.ponychat.net
ENV BOT_CHANNEL commits # An IRC channel name without the leading hash
ENV BOT_PASS foobang barbaz # NickServ credentials
# What to git pull from
ENV GOKKU_REPO git@github.com:cinemaquestria/site
# Where to git push to
ENV GOKKU_DOKKU_REMOTE dokku@cq.internal:cinemaquestria
Now run this somewhere. We run this on the same server that hosts the site for
In Action