The Chronix Ingester batches up sample data from various sources and
stores it as chunks in Chronix. Currently, only Prometheus
is supported.
Building requires Go 1.7 or newer, as well as a
working GOPATH
To build the ingester:
go build
./chronix.ingester -url=http://my-solr-host:8983/solr/chronix -max-chunk-age=30m
To show all flags:
./chronix.ingester -h
Usage of chronix.ingester.exe:
-checkpoint-file string
The path to the checkpoint file. (default "checkpoint.db")
-checkpoint-interval duration
The interval between checkpoints. (default 5m0s)
-chronix-commit-within duration
The duration after which updates to Chronix should be committed. (default 5s)
Whether to store some additional statistical data for each data chunk.
Deletes the index only with es.withIndex=true
Should elastic client sniff for ES nodes (only used with elastic search) (default true)
Creates an index (only used with elastic search (default true)
Whether to flush all chunks to Chronix on shutdown, rather than saving them to a checkpoint. A checkpoint will still be written, but will be empty.
-kind string
Possible values are: 'solr' or 'elastic' (default "solr")
-listen-addr string
The address to listen on. (default ":8080")
-log.format value
Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true" (default "logger:stderr")
-log.level value
Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal] (default "info")
-max-chunk-age duration
The maximum age of a chunk before it is closed and persisted. (default 1h0m0s)
-url string
The URL of the Chronix endpoint. (default "http://localhost:8983/solr/chronix")
Run in Docker container
A docker image is provided on Docker Hub.
The Dockerfile defines the entrypoint to the chronix.ingester binary but no program arguments. You have to
set the commands yourself, e.g.:
docker run --rm -it chronix/chronix.ingester -url=http://localhost:9200 -kind=elastic -es.deleteIndexIfExists=true
To run tests:
go test ./...
Configuring Prometheus
Sending samples to the Chronix ingester from Prometheus requires Prometheus
version 1.2.0 or newer. To configure Prometheus to send samples to the
ingester, add the following stanza to your Prometheus configuration file:
url: http://<host>:<port>/ingest