Stupid Backend
A purposely simple and "stupid" backend. Primarily created for SWAssistant with that specific implementation found at swassistant-backend. Though made for SWAssistant, this is a barebones that provides some common use cases I (and potentially others) that can be quickly and easily deployed.
- Disable or enable any capabilities based on an API key or server configuration.
- Log anonymously
- Deleted after 30 days. Purely for user count purposes.
- Crash reports
- Anonymouse with optional extra data.
- User accounts
- Authentication provided, but specific uses are left up to the implementation.
- All of the above, but with multiple apps using the same backend.
- Each app will have a seperate App ID.
- Users will be shared between multiple apps.
Base URLs
These are the available functions in the core setup. These are meant to be added to in a specific implementation.
API Key Info
GET: /key/{api_key}
Requires the key permission.
"id": "uuid string",
"appID": "myApp",
"alias": "Human readable description of the key",
"permissions": {
"key": true, // Get info about this key.
"count": true, // Get user count; Total user and users per platform. Based on Log.
"log": true, // Log a user connecting.
"auth": true, // Authenticate and create user accounts.
"crash": true // Send crash reports
// Additional permissions should be added by specific implementations.
"death": -1 // Unix timestamp (seconds) of the planned death of the key. Keys can be expired at any time without warning. -1 indicates no intended death time.
User Count
GET: /count?key={api_key}&platform={platform}
Required the count permission. Platform query is optional.
"platform": "platform", // If no platform is given, will be "all".
"count": 0
Log Connection
POST: /log?key={api_key}&id={uuid}&platform={platform}
Requires the log permission.
Logs that a user connected to the API. This is purely meant to get a rough amount of active users. Should be opt-in and IDs are removed if they haven't logged within 30 days.
If successful, returns 201.
Report Crash
POST: /crash?key={api_key}
Requires the crash permission.
Request body:
"id": "uuid string",
"error": "error",
"platform": "platform",
"stack": "stacktrace",
"version": "app version",
If successful, returns 201.
Create User
POST: /createUser?key={api_key}
Requires the userAuth permission. If not using stupid-server, make sure user creation is only allowed when using TLS.
Request Body:
// Must not be empty or just spaces and cannot end or begin with spaces.
// Must be less then 64 characters.
// Spaces will be trimmed.
"username": "username",
// Passwords must be between 5-32 characters.
"password": "password",
"email": "email"
"token": "jwt token",
// Only populated if there's some problem with creating the user.
// username - Username is already taken or invalid.
// email - email is (probably) invalid.
// password - Password is invalid.
"problem": "username"
POST: /auth?key={api_key}
Requires the userAuth permission. If not using stupid-server, make sure user authentication is only allowed when using TLS.
Requests will timout every 3 failed attempts for 3^((failed/3)-1)
minutes with a maximum of 60 minutes of timeout.
Request Body:
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
If username is not found, returns 404 with no body.
"token": "jwt token",
"timeout": -1 // Minutes remaining until timeout is done. -1 if no timeout.
Authenticated requests
There are no requests provided by stupid-backend that requires authentication, but will check authentications if the token
query is given and extension on stupid-backend will have access to some basic info about the user. Ex:
GET: /getdata?key={api_key}&token={jwt_token}
If a token is present, but the token is invalid (expired or otherwise), returns 401.
This libary is yet unfinished, and still needs a couple things.
- Change passwords.
- De-authorize JWT tokens when this is done.
- Provide more pre-made db's
- Proper tests
- Could cause less headaches for me in the future.
- Build a dashboard
- Add the necessary APIs for access to this info.