Repository that contains all the protocol buffer specifications for data interchange within and from/to the
CSU netsec group.
common/ contains commonly used types like IPAddressWrapper PrefixWrapper and CaptureSpec
protocol/bgp contains protocol buffers to store parsed BGP messages
bgpmon/ contains the protobuf specification to interact with the BGPMon system
For golang hopefully you have cloned this repo in $GOPATH/src/github.com/CSUNetSec/netsec-protobufs
Since generated files exist in the repo, go should handle this import automatically.
From your project just import:
If you wish to generated the .go files run:
make go
Currently it requires that you install protoc-gen-go from the v1.2.0 tag
since there are still breaking changes as golang moves to modules instead
of GOPATH. Follow instructions in https://github.com/golang/protobuf