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Published: May 7, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 0




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func Activate

func Activate(c *fiber.Ctx) error

Activation method for activating a new unactivated user.

@Description	Activate a new user.
@Summary		activate
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id		query		string	true	"id"
@Param			code	query		string	true	"code"
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	interface{}				"Ok"
@Router			/api/v1/auth/activate [post]

func AdminCreateUser

func AdminCreateUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error

CreateUser func for creates a new user.

@Description	Create a new user.
@Summary		create a new user
@Tags			Admin
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			createuser		body		schema.CreateUser		true	"Create new user"
@Failure		400,401,409,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.User				"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/admin/users [post]

func AdminDeleteUser

func AdminDeleteUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error

DeleteUser func delete a user.

@Description	delete user
@Summary		delete a user
@Tags			Admin
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id				path		string					true	"User ID"
@Success		200				{object}	interface{}				"Ok"
@Failure		401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/admin/users/{id} [delete]

func AdminGetUser

func AdminGetUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetUser func get a user.

@Description	a user.
@Summary		get a user
@Tags			Admin
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id				path		string	true	"User ID"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.UserDetail
@Failure		400,401,403,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/admin/users/{id} [get]

func AdminGetUsers

func AdminGetUsers(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetUsers func get all users.

@Description	Get all users.
@Summary		get all users
@Tags			Admin
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			offset		query		integer	false	"offset"
@Param			limit		query		integer	false	"limit"
@Success		200			{object}	schema.UserDetailNoCardsListResponse
@Failure		400,401,403	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/admin/users [get]

func AdminUpdateUser

func AdminUpdateUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error

UpdateUser func update a user.

@Description	first_name, last_name, is_active, is_admin only
@Summary		update a user
@Tags			Admin
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id					path		string				true	"User ID"
@Param			updateuser			body		schema.AdminUpdateUser	true	"Update a user"
@Success		200					{object}	schema.User
@Failure		400,401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/admin/users/{id} [put]

func ChangePassword

func ChangePassword(c *fiber.Ctx) error

ChangePassword method for changing the user's password.

@Description	Change the user's password.
@Summary		change password
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			changePassword			body		schema.UserChangePassword	true	"Change password"
@Param			redirect_url	query		string					false	"Redirect url after login"
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.UserChangePassword	"Ok"				"Ok"
@Router			/api/v1/auth/changepassword [post]

func CheckoutOrder

func CheckoutOrder(c *fiber.Ctx) error

CheckoutOrder func for check out an existing order.

@Description	Checkout a order.
@Summary		checkout a order
@Tags			Order
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id			path		string					true	"Order ID"
@Param			Card		body		schema.UpdateCard		true	"Card to checkout"
@Failure		400,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200			{object}	schema.Order			"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/orders/{id}/checkout [post]

func CreateMovie

func CreateMovie(c *fiber.Ctx) error

CreateMovie func for creates a new movie.

@Description	Create a new movie.
@Summary		create a new movie
@Tags			Movie
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			movie		body		schema.UpsertMovie		true	"Create new movie"
@Failure		400,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200			{object}	schema.Movie			"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/movies [post]

func CreateOrder

func CreateOrder(c *fiber.Ctx) error

CreateOrder func for creates a new order.

@Description	Create a new order.
@Summary		create a new order
@Tags			Order
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			Order		body		schema.CreateOrder		true	"Create new order"
@Failure		400,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200			{object}	schema.Order			"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/orders [post]

func CreatePromo

func CreatePromo(c *fiber.Ctx) error

CreatePromo func creates a new promotion

@Description Create a new promotion. @Summary create a new promotion @Tags Admin @Accept json @Produce json @Param promotion body schema.UpsertPromotion true "Create new promo" @Success 200 {object} schema.Promotion @Failure 400 {object} schema.ErrorResponse "Error" @Router /api/v1/admin/promotions [post] @Security ApiKeyAuth

func CreateShow

func CreateShow(c *fiber.Ctx) error

CreateShow func for creates a new show.

@Description	Create a new show.
@Summary		create a new show
@Tags			Show
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			Show		body		schema.UpsertShow		true	"Create new Show"
@Failure		400,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200			{object}	schema.Show			"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/shows [post]

func DeleteMovie

func DeleteMovie(c *fiber.Ctx) error

DeleteMovie func delete a movie.

@Description	delete movie
@Summary		delete a movie
@Tags			Movie
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id				path		string					true	"Movie ID"
@Success		200				{object}	interface{}				"Ok"
@Failure		401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/movies/{id} [delete]

func DeleteShow

func DeleteShow(c *fiber.Ctx) error

DeleteShow func delete a Show.

@Description	delete show
@Summary		delete a show
@Tags			Show
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id				path		string					true	"Show ID"
@Success		200				{object}	interface{}				"Ok"
@Failure		401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/shows/{id} [delete]

func ForgotPassword

func ForgotPassword(c *fiber.Ctx) error

ForgotPassword method for initiating the password reset process.

@Description	Initiate the password reset process.
@Summary		forgot password
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			email	query		string	false	"Email"
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	interface{}				"Ok"
@Router			/api/v1/auth/forgotpassword [post]

func GenerateNewAccessToken

func GenerateNewAccessToken(userID uuid.UUID, isAdmin bool, timeToExpire int64) (string, error)

func GeneratePasswordHash

func GeneratePasswordHash(password []byte) (string, error)

func GetCard

func GetCard(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetCard func gets a card.

@Description a payment card. @Summary get a payment card @Tags Card @Accept json @Produce json @Param id path string true "Card ID" @Success 200 {object} schema.Card @Failure 400,404 {object} schema.ErrorResponse "Error" @Router /api/v1/cards/{id} [get]

func GetDBInstance

func GetDBInstance(newDB *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB

singleton pattern

func GetJWTUser

func GetJWTUser(c *fiber.Ctx) (user model.User, err error)

func GetMovie

func GetMovie(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetMovie func gets a movie.

@Description	a movie.
@Summary		get a movie
@Tags			Movie
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id		path		string	true	"Movie ID"
@Success		200		{object}	schema.Movie
@Failure		400,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Router			/api/v1/movies/{id} [get]

func GetMovieShows

func GetMovieShows(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetMovieShows func gets all shows of a movie.

@Description	 shows of a movie.
@Summary		get shows of a movie
@Tags			Movie
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id		path		string	true	"Movie ID"
@Success		200		{object}	schema.ShowListResponse
@Failure		400,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Router			/api/v1/movies/{id}/shows [get]

func GetMovies

func GetMovies(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetMovies func gets all movies.

		@Description	Get all movies.
		@Summary		get all movies
		@Tags			Movie
		@Accept			json
		@Produce		json
		@Param			offset	query		integer	false	"offset"
		@Param			limit	query		integer	false	"limit"
		@Param			search	query		string	false	"search by title"
		@Param			running	query		bool	false	"the movie is running or not"
	    @Param          category query      string  false   "filter by category"
        @Param          showTime query      string  false   "filter by show time"
		@Success		200		{object}	schema.MovieListResponse
		@Failure		400		{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
		@Router			/api/v1/movies [get]

func GetOrder

func GetOrder(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetOrder func gets a order.

@Description	a order.
@Summary		get a order
@Tags			Order
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id		path		string	true	"Order ID"
@Success		200		{object}	schema.Order
@Failure		400,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/orders/{id} [get]

func GetPagination

func GetPagination(c *fiber.Ctx) schema.Pagination

func GetPromos

func GetPromos(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetPromos func gets all promotions.

@Description Get all promotions. @Summary get all promotions @Tags Admin @Accept json @Produce json @Param search query string false "search by code" @Param offset query integer false "offset" @Param limit query integer false "limit" @Success 200 {object} schema.PromoListResponse @Failure 400 {object} schema.ErrorResponse "Error" @Router /api/v1/admin/promotions [get]

func GetShow

func GetShow(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetShow func gets a Show.

@Description	a show.
@Summary		get a show
@Tags			Show
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id		path		string	true	"Show ID"
@Success		200		{object}	schema.Show
@Failure		400,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Router			/api/v1/shows/{id} [get]

func GetTicket

func GetTicket(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetTicket func retrieves a ticket by ID

@Description Retrieve a ticket by ID. @Summary retrieve a ticket by ID @Tags Ticket @Accept json @Produce json @Param id path string true "Ticket ID" @Success 200 {object} schema.Ticket @Failure 400,404 {object} schema.ErrorResponse "Error" @Router /api/v1/tickets/{id} [get] @Security ApiKeyAuth

func GetUserMe

func GetUserMe(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetUserMe func get a user me.

@Description	a user me.
@Summary		get a user me
@Tags			User
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Success		200				{object}	schema.UserDetail
@Failure		400,401,403,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/users/me [get]

func GetUserOrders

func GetUserOrders(c *fiber.Ctx) error

GetUserOrders func gets the list of all orders history from the current user.

@Description	get all orders history from the current user.
@Summary		get all orders history
@Tags			User
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			offset			query		integer	false	"offset"
@Param			limit			query		integer	false	"limit"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.OrderListResponse
@Failure		400,401,403,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/users/me/orders [get]

func IsValidPassword

func IsValidPassword(hash, password []byte) bool

func JWT

func JWT(c *fiber.Ctx) error

Get current JWT method for debugging.

@Description	Get current JWT.
@Summary		JWT
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.JWT				"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/auth/jwt [post]

func ListObjs

func ListObjs[Schema any](
	statement *gorm.DB,
	pagination schema.Pagination,
) (schemaValue []Schema, count int64, err error)

func Login

func Login(c *fiber.Ctx) error

Login method for creating a new access token.

@Description	Set new access token to cookies and redirect. Demo username: demo, password: 123456
@Summary		login
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			login			body		schema.Auth				true	"Request for token"
@Param			redirect_url	query		string					false	"Redirect url after login"
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.TokenResponse	"Ok"
@Router			/api/v1/auth/login [post]

func Logout

func Logout(c *fiber.Ctx) error

Logout method.

@Description	Clean cookies
@Summary		logout
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	interface{}				"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/auth/logout [post]

func Paginate

func Paginate(pagination schema.Pagination) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB

func Register

func Register(c *fiber.Ctx) error

Register method for creating a new unactivated user.

@Description	Register for a new user.
@Summary		register
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			register		body		schema.RegisterUser		true	"register user"
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.User	"Ok"
@Router			/api/v1/auth/register [post]

func ResetPassword

func ResetPassword(c *fiber.Ctx) error

ResetPassword method for resetting the user's password.

@Description	Reset the user's password.
@Summary		reset password
@Tags			Auth
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			resetPassword			body		schema.UserResetPassword	true	"Reset password"
@Param			redirect_url	query		string					false	"Redirect url after login"
@Failure		400,404,401,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.UserResetPassword 	"Ok" 				"Ok"
@Router			/api/v1/auth/resetpassword [post]

func UpdateMovie

func UpdateMovie(c *fiber.Ctx) error

UpdateMovie func update a movie.

@Description	update movie
@Summary		update a movie
@Tags			Movie
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id					path		string			true	"Movie ID"
@Param			updatemovie			body		schema.UpsertMovie	true	"Update a movie"
@Success		200					{object}	schema.Movie
@Failure		400,401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/movies/{id} [put]

func UpdatePromo

func UpdatePromo(c *fiber.Ctx) error

UpdatePromo func update a promo.

@Description	update promo
@Summary		update a promo
@Tags			Admin
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id					path		string			true	"Promo ID"
@Param			updatepromo			body		schema.UpsertPromotion	true	"Update a promo"
@Success		200					{object}	schema.Promotion
@Failure		400,401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/admin/promotions/{id} [put]

func UpdateShow

func UpdateShow(c *fiber.Ctx) error

UpdateShow func update a Show.

@Description	update show
@Summary		update a show
@Tags			Show
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			id					path		string			true	"Show ID"
@Param			updateShow			body		schema.UpsertShow	true	"Update a Show"
@Success		200					{object}	schema.Show
@Failure		400,401,403,404,500	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/shows/{id} [put]

func UpdateUserMe

func UpdateUserMe(c *fiber.Ctx) error

UpdateUser update user information.

@Description	update user info.
@Summary		update user info
@Tags			User
@Accept			json
@Produce		json
@Param			user			body		schema.UpdateUser		true	"update user profile"
@Failure		400,401,403,404	{object}	schema.ErrorResponse	"Error"
@Success		200				{object}	schema.UserDetail		"Ok"
@Security		ApiKeyAuth
@Router			/api/v1/users/me [put]

func Version

func Version(c *fiber.Ctx) error


@Summary	get current software version
@Tags		Misc
@Accept		json
@Produce	json
@Success	200	{object}	interface{}
@Router		/api/v1/version [get]


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