WeatherDate Service
This service utilizes Magic: The Gathering API to create a web based game.
Magic: The Gathering API Details
The MTG APIs used relate to card data and set data. The official website for MTG API can be found here: The official docs found in linked from above can be found here: And the go SDK can be found here:
The go client is used:
go get
Example of magicTheGathering (this project) API Call
** TODO **
Magic: The Gathering How to Play
Run weatherWebApp
Checkout the git repo clesnar/go and rely on the .vscode config - run debug. Or build and run executable.
The default host:port
is localhost:8111
Once weatherWebApp is running, then in a browser, navigate to http://localhost:8111/v1/magic.
debug build
go build -buildvcs=false -o /workspaces/clesnar-go/cmd/weatherWebApp/__debug_bin1800304272 -gcflags all=-N
Mermaid Diagrams; for details see or
Building the Deck
flowchart TD
A[Service] --> |Request|M[MTG Public API]
M --> |GET|C[Cards]
M --> |GET|S[Sets]
S --> |Validate|P(Card Pool)
C --> |Validate|P
UC[Client] <--> |GET|P
UC --> |POST|PD[Player Deck]
Main Thread Operations Sequence Diagram
participant db as Storage
participant gm as Game Manager
participant p1 as Player 1
participant p2 as Player 2
Note over db,p2: Setup Player Decks
Note over db,p2: Game Manager allows asynchronous player input in building Player Decks
p1 ->> gm: Build Deck
gm ->> db: validate & store p1 update
gm ->> p1: Game State
p2 ->> gm: Build Deck
gm ->> db: validate & store p1 update
gm ->> p2: Game State
Note over db,p2: When Player Decks are valid Game can commence
Note over db,p2: Game Manager waits for player input in turn based game
gm ->> p1: Game State
gm ->> p2: Game State
p1 ->> gm: action
gm ->> db: is player's turn, validate action
gm ->> p1: Game State
gm ->> p2: Game State
p2 ->> gm: action
gm ->> db: is player's turn, validate action
gm ->> p2: Game State
gm ->> p1: Game State
Note over db,p2: Iterate until Game is complete