Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Connect()
- func Disconnect()
- func HardwareID() string
- func MacGetADR() bool
- func MacGetApplicationEUI() string
- func MacGetChannelDutyCycle(channelID uint8) float32
- func MacGetChannelFrequency(channelID uint8) uint32
- func MacGetChannelStatus(channelID uint8) bool
- func MacGetDataRate() uint8
- func MacGetDeviceAddress() string
- func MacGetDeviceEUI() string
- func MacGetPowerIndex() uint8
- func MacJoin(mode string) bool
- func MacPause() uint32
- func MacReset(band uint16) bool
- func MacResume() bool
- func MacSetADR(adr bool) error
- func MacSetApplicationEUI(eui string) error
- func MacSetApplicationKey(key string) error
- func MacSetApplicationSessionKey(key string) error
- func MacSetChannelDutyCycle(channelID uint8, dcycle float32) error
- func MacSetChannelFrequency(channelID uint8, frequency uint32) error
- func MacSetChannelStatus(channelID uint8, status bool) error
- func MacSetDataRate(dr uint8) error
- func MacSetDeviceAddress(address string) error
- func MacSetDeviceEUI(eui string) error
- func MacSetLinkCheck(interval uint16) error
- func MacSetNetworkSessionKey(key string) error
- func MacSetPowerIndex(index uint8) error
- func MacTx(confirmed bool, port uint8, data []byte, callback receiveCallback) bool
- func RadioGetBandWidth() uint16
- func RadioGetCodingRate() uint8
- func RadioGetCrc() bool
- func RadioGetFrequency() uint32
- func RadioGetIqi() bool
- func RadioGetModulation() string
- func RadioGetPower() int8
- func RadioGetSNR() int8
- func RadioGetSpreadingFactor() uint8
- func RadioGetSyncWord() bool
- func RadioGetWatchDogTimer() uint32
- func RadioRxBlocking(window uint16) []byte
- func RadioSetBandWidth(bw uint16) bool
- func RadioSetCodingRate(cr uint8) bool
- func RadioSetCrc(on bool) bool
- func RadioSetFrequency(freq uint32) bool
- func RadioSetIqi(on bool) bool
- func RadioSetModulation(mod string) bool
- func RadioSetPower(pwr int8) bool
- func RadioSetSpreadingFactor(sf uint8) bool
- func RadioSetSyncWord(public bool) bool
- func RadioSetWatchDogTimer(length uint32) bool
- func RadioTx(data []byte) bool
- func ReadByte(address uint16) (byte, error)
- func Reset() bool
- func SaveByte(address uint16, data uint8) bool
- func SetBaud(baud int)
- func SetName(name string)
- func SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func Sleep(length uint32) bool
- func Version() string
- func Voltage() (uint16, error)
- type Logger
- type NOOPLogger
Constants ¶
const ( LoRa = "lora" FSK = "fsk" )
The possible modulations
const ( SF7 = "sf7" SF8 = "sf8" SF9 = "sf9" SF10 = "sf10" SF11 = "sf11" SF12 = "sf12" )
The possible spreading factors
const ( CR5 = "4/5" CR6 = "4/6" CR7 = "4/7" CR8 = "4/8" )
The possible coding rates
const ( BW1 = "125" BW2 = "250" BW3 = "500" )
The possible bandwidths
const ( OTAA = "otaa" ABP = "abp" )
The possible join modes
const ( CONFIRMED = "cnf" UNCONFIRMED = "uncnf" )
The possible uplink types
const ( SF7BW125 = uint8(5) SF8BW125 = uint8(4) SF9BW125 = uint8(3) SF10BW125 = uint8(2) SF11BW125 = uint8(1) SF12BW125 = uint8(0) )
The possible data rates
const ( DBm20 = 0 DBm14 = 1 DBm11 = 2 DBm8 = 3 DBm5 = 4 DBm2 = 5 )
The possible TXPowers
Variables ¶
BWs is the mapping of the bandwidths
CodingRates is the mapping of the coding rates
SFs is the mapping of the spreading factors
Functions ¶
func Disconnect ¶
func Disconnect()
Disconnect will disconnect the serial device that is currently connected. If no device is connected, it will recover from the panic.
func HardwareID ¶
func HardwareID() string
HardwareID will return the HWEUI of the RN2483 module as a string. The HWEUI is actually an 8 bit hex string.
func MacGetADR ¶
func MacGetADR() bool
MacGetADR will return the state of the adpative data rate mechanism.
func MacGetApplicationEUI ¶
func MacGetApplicationEUI() string
MacGetApplicationEUI will return the current configured application EUI. The EUI is represented as a 8-byte hexadecimal number and returned as a string. The default value of 0000000000000000 will be returned in case of an error.
func MacGetChannelDutyCycle ¶
MacGetChannelDutyCycle will return the duty cycle on the requested channelID. The duty cycle will be returned as a percentage. The channelID has to be in the range of [0-15].
func MacGetChannelFrequency ¶
MacGetChannelFrequency will return the frequency on the requested channelID. This frequency is returned in Hz. The channelID has to be in the range of [0-15].
func MacGetChannelStatus ¶
MacGetChannelStatus will return if the given channelID is currently enabled for use. The channelID has to be in the range of [0-15].
func MacGetDataRate ¶
func MacGetDataRate() uint8
MacGetDataRate will return the current data rate. The data rate is a number in the range of [0-5], with 0 = SF12BW125 and 5 = SF7BW125.
func MacGetDeviceAddress ¶
func MacGetDeviceAddress() string
MacGetDeviceAddress will return the current end device address of the module. The address is represented as a 4-byte hexadecimal number and returned as a string. The default value of 00000000 will be returned in case of an error.
func MacGetDeviceEUI ¶
func MacGetDeviceEUI() string
MacGetDeviceEUI will return the current end device EUI of the module. The EUI is represented as a 8-byte hexadecimal number and returned as a string. The default value of 0000000000000000 will be returned in case of an error.
func MacGetPowerIndex ¶
func MacGetPowerIndex() uint8
MacGetPowerIndex will return the current power index. The power index is a number in the range of [0-5], with 0 = 20 dBm (if available), 1 = 14 dBm, 2 = 11 dBm, 3 = 8 dBm, 4 = 5dBm and 5 = 2 dBm.
func MacPause ¶
func MacPause() uint32
MacPause will pause the LoRaWAN stack functionality to allow transceiver (radio) configuration. The length is the time in milliseconds the stack will be paused, with a maximum of 4294967295 (max of uint32), is returned as an uint32.
func MacReset ¶
MacReset will automatically reset the software LoRaWAN stack and initilize it with the parameters for the selected band.
func MacResume ¶
func MacResume() bool
MacResume will resume the LoRaWAN stack functionality, in order to continue normal functionality after being paused.
func MacSetApplicationEUI ¶
MacSetApplicationEUI will configure the module with a network application EUI. The EUI is a 8-byte hexadecimal value given as a string.
func MacSetApplicationKey ¶
MacSetApplicationKey will configure the module with an application key. The key is a 16-byte hexadecimal value given as a string.
func MacSetApplicationSessionKey ¶
MacSetApplicationSessionKey will configure the module with an application session key. The key is a 16-byte hexadecimal value given as a string.
func MacSetChannelDutyCycle ¶
MacSetChannelDutyCycle will set the duty cycle used on the given channel id. The applicable range for the channel id is [0-15]. The duty cycle can be given as a percentage.
func MacSetChannelFrequency ¶
MacSetChannelFrequency will set the frequency on the given channel id. The default channels (0-2) cannot be modified. The applicable range for the channel id is [3-15]. The frequency has to be given in Hz.
func MacSetChannelStatus ¶
MacSetChannelStatus will set the operation on the given channel id. The applicable range for the channel id is [0-15].
func MacSetDataRate ¶
MacSetDataRate will configure the data rate for the next transmission. The data rate has to be in the range of [0-5], with 0 = SF12BW125 and 5 = SF7BW125.
func MacSetDeviceAddress ¶
MacSetDeviceAddress will configure the module with a network device address. The address is a 4-byte hexadecimal value given as a string.
func MacSetDeviceEUI ¶
MacSetDeviceEUI will configure the module with a network device EUI. The EUI is a 8-byte hexadecimal value given as a string.
func MacSetLinkCheck ¶
MacSetLinkCheck will set the time interval for the link check process to be triggered.
func MacSetNetworkSessionKey ¶
MacSetNetworkSessionKey will configure the module with a network session key. The key is a 16-byte hexadecimal value given as a string.
func MacSetPowerIndex ¶
MacSetPowerIndex will configure the power index for the next transmission. The index has to be in the range of [1-5] for 868 MHz and [0-5] for 433 MHz.
func MacTx ¶
MacTX will transmit the given data on the given port. The transmission can either be confirmed (if the boolean is set), meaning that the server will response with an acknowledgement. If no acknowledgement is received, the message will be retransmitted by the number indicated by the MacSetRetx command. The port number has to be a value in the range of [1,223]. The receiveCallback function passed is responsible to handle the received answer from the server. If no answers are expected, nil can be passed as the callback argument.
func RadioGetBandWidth ¶
func RadioGetBandWidth() uint16
RadioGetBandWidth reads back the current bandwidth being used by the transceiver. It will return an uint16 with one of the values [125, 250, 500]. If an error occured, it will return 0.
func RadioGetCodingRate ¶
func RadioGetCodingRate() uint8
RadioGetCodingRate reads back the current coding rate being used by the transceiver. It will return an uint8 between [5, 8]. If an error occured, it will return 0.
func RadioGetCrc ¶
func RadioGetCrc() bool
RadioGetCrc reads back the status of the CRC header, to determine if it is to be included during operation. The function will return false as well if something went wrong.
func RadioGetFrequency ¶
func RadioGetFrequency() uint32
RadioGetFrequency returns the current operation frequency of the module. If there was an error, the function will return 0.
func RadioGetIqi ¶
func RadioGetIqi() bool
RadioGetIqi reads back the status of the Invert IQ functionality. The function will return false as well if something went wrong.
func RadioGetModulation ¶
func RadioGetModulation() string
RadioGetModulation reads back the current mode of operation of the module. It returns an empty string if something went wrong.
func RadioGetPower ¶
func RadioGetPower() int8
RadioGetPower reads back the current power level setting used in operation. The function will return an int8 value, which will be between [-3, 15]. If an error occured, it will return -15.
func RadioGetSNR ¶
func RadioGetSNR() int8
RadioGetSNR reads back the Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) for the last received packet. The default is -128.
func RadioGetSpreadingFactor ¶
func RadioGetSpreadingFactor() uint8
RadioGetSpreadingFactor reads back the current spreading factor being used by the transceiver. It will return an uint8 between [7, 12]. If an error occured, it will return 0.
func RadioGetSyncWord ¶
func RadioGetSyncWord() bool
RadioGetSyncWord returns true if the sync word is set to public, and false when it is set to private. The function will return false as well if something went wrong.
func RadioGetWatchDogTimer ¶
func RadioGetWatchDogTimer() uint32
RadioGetWatchDogTimer reads back, in milliseconds, the length used for the watchdog time-out. It will return an uint32. If an error occured, it will return 0 (this also means it is disabled).
func RadioRxBlocking ¶
RadioRxBlocking will open the receiver. The window size is the number of symbols for LoRa modulation and the time in milliseconds for FSK modulation. In order to enable continuous reception, the window size should be 0. Don't forget to set the radio watchdog timer time-out! This function will return a valid packet that has been received, or an empty array of bytes when the receiver was busy or it timed out without receiving a valid packet. This function is blocking, which means if you enabled continous reception, it will block the program until a valid packet has been received or until a time out occured.
func RadioSetBandWidth ¶
RadioSetBandWidth sets the bandwidth used during transmission. The bandwidth has to be passed as an uint16 and has to be one of [125, 250, 500]. The function will return true if the command succeeded. If an error occured, it will return false.
func RadioSetCodingRate ¶
RadioSetCodingRate sets the coding rate used during transmission. The coding rate has to be passed as an uint8 between [5, 8]. The function will return true if the command succeeded. If an error occured, it will return false.
func RadioSetCrc ¶
RadioSetCrc enables or disables the CRC header for communications. The function will return true if the command succeeded, or false when it didn't.
func RadioSetFrequency ¶
RadioSetFrequency changes the communication frequency of the radio transceiver. It will only accept frequencies between [433050000, 434790000] and [863000000, 870000000]. The function will return true when the frequency changed and false when an error occured.
func RadioSetIqi ¶
RadioSetIqi enables or disables the Invert IQ for communications. The function will return true if the command succeeded, or false when it didn't.
func RadioSetModulation ¶
RadioSetModulation changes the modulation method being used by the module. The modulations are available as constants in the package. The function will return true when the change is accepted by the module. When the change isn't accepted or the modulation is wrong, it will return false.
func RadioSetPower ¶
RadioSetPower changes the transceiver output power. The output power has to be passed as an int8 value between [-3, 15]. The function will return true if the change succeeeded, or false when an error occured.
func RadioSetSpreadingFactor ¶
RadioSetSpreadingFactor sets the spreading factor used during transmission. The spreading factor has to be passed as an uint8 between [7, 12]. The function will return true if the command succeeded. If an error occured, it will return false.
func RadioSetSyncWord ¶
RadioSetSyncWord sets the sync word to either public or private. This is done by passing a boolean (public) which is true for public and false for private. The function will return true if the command succeeded, or false when it didn't.
func RadioSetWatchDogTimer ¶
RadioSetWatchDogTimer updates the time-out length, in milliseconds, applied to the radio Watchdog Timer. If this functionality is enabled, then the Watchdog Timer is started for every transceiver reception or transmission. The Watchdog Timer is stopped when the operation in progress in finished. The function will return true if the command succeeded. If an error occured, it will return false.
func RadioTx ¶
RadioTx will transmit the given data. The data has to have a length > 0 but has to be smaller than 255 if LoRa modulation is active or smaller than 64 if FSK modulation is active. It will return a boolean, true if the transmit was succesful, false is there was an error. For more info about the error, the user can check the log file.
func SaveByte ¶
SaveByte allows the user to modify the EEPROM at the specified address with the specified data (one byte).
func SetBaud ¶
func SetBaud(baud int)
SetBaud sets a new baud rate for the serial connection. Reconnect to the serial device required!
func SetName ¶
func SetName(name string)
SetName sets a new device name for the serial connection. Reconnect to the serial device required!
func SetTimeout ¶
SetTimeout sets a new read timeout for the serial connection. Reconnect to the serial device required!
Types ¶
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { Println(v ...interface{}) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) }
var ( ERROR Logger = NOOPLogger{} WARN Logger = NOOPLogger{} DEBUG Logger = NOOPLogger{} )
type NOOPLogger ¶
type NOOPLogger struct{}
func (NOOPLogger) Printf ¶
func (NOOPLogger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (NOOPLogger) Println ¶
func (NOOPLogger) Println(v ...interface{})