Terraform Stripe Provider
This provider enables Stripe merchants to manage certain parts of their Stripe infrastructure—products, plans, webhook endpoints—via Terraform.
Example use cases
- Create and update resources in a repeatable manner
- Clone resources across multiple Stripe accounts (e.g. different locales or brands)
Since Terraform 13 and the Terraform Registry, no need to download a release or compile this on your own machine (unless you really want to.) Just jump to the Basic Usage section and get going!
Building The Provider
Clone repository anywhere:
$ git clone
Enter the provider directory and build the provider
$ cd terraform-provider-stripe
$ make compile
Or alternatively, to install it as a plugin, run
$ cd terraform-provider-stripe
$ make install
Using the provider
If you're building the provider, follow the instructions to install it as a plugin. After placing it into your plugins directory, run terraform init
to initialize it.
Basic Usage
Set an environment variable, TF_VAR_stripe_api_token
to store your Stripe
API token. This helps ensure you do not accidentally commit this sensitive
token to your repository.
export TF_VAR_stripe_api_token=<your token>
Your token is now accessible in your Terraform configuration as
, and can be used to configure the provider.
The example below demonstrates the following operations:
- create a product
- create a plan for that product
- create a webhook endpoint for a few events
terraform {
required_providers {
stripe = {
source = "BristleBio/stripe"
version = "1.8.0"
provider "stripe" {
# NOTE: This is populated from the `TF_VAR_stripe_api_token` environment variable.
api_token = "${var.stripe_api_token}"
resource "stripe_product" "my_product" {
name = "My Product"
type = "service"
resource "stripe_plan" "my_product_plan1" {
product = "${}"
amount = 12345
interval = "month" # Options: day week month year
currency = "usd"
resource "stripe_webhook_endpoint" "my_endpoint" {
url = ""
enabled_events = [
resource "stripe_coupon" "mlk_day_coupon_25pc_off" {
code = "MLK_DAY"
name = "King Sales Event"
duration = "once"
amount_off = 4200
currency = "usd" # lowercase
metadata = {
mlk = "<3"
sales = "yes"
max_redemptions = 1024
redeem_by = "2019-09-02T12:34:56-08:00" # RFC3339, in the future
Supported resources
- Products
- name
- type
- active (Default: true)
- attributes (list)
- metadata (map)
- statement descriptor
- unit label
- Prices
- active (Default: true)
- currency
- metadata (map)
- nickname
- product
- recurring
- unit_amount
- billing_scheme
- unit_amount_decimal
- tiers (Stripe API doesn't provide the API to update this at the moment, so the deletion should be done via dashboard page)
- tiers mode
- Plans
- active (Default: true)
- aggregate usage
- amount
- amount_decimal
- billing scheme (Default: per_unit)
- currency
- interval
- interval_count (Default: 1)
- metadata (map)
- nickname
- product
- tiers
- tiers mode
- transform_usage
- trial period days
- usage type (Default: licensed)
- Webhook Endpoints
- url
- enabled_events (list)
- connect
- Computed:
- secret
- Coupons
- code (aka
) - name
- amount off
- currency
- percent off
- duration
- duration_in_months
- max redemptions
- metadata
- redeem by (should be RC3339-compliant)
- Computed:
- valid
- created
- livemode
- times redeemed
- code (aka
- TaxRates
- code (aka
) - active
- description
- display_name
- inclusive
- jurisdiction
- DELETE API (Stripe API doesn't provide the API at the moment, so the deletion should be done via dashboard page)
- Computed:
- created
- livemode
- code (aka
Importing existing resources
Scenario: you create something manually and would like to start managing it with Terraform instead.
This provider support a straightforward/naive import procedure, here's how you could do it for a coupon.
First, import the resource:
$ terraform import stripe_coupon.mlk_day_coupon_25pc_off MLK_DAY
Before importing this resource, please create its configuration in the root module. For example:
resource "stripe_coupon" "mlk_day_coupon_25pc_off" {
# (resource arguments)
Then after adding these lines to your Terraform file, a plan should result in:
$ terraform plan
-/+ stripe_coupon.mlk_day_coupon_25pc_off (new resource required)
id: "MLK_DAY" => <computed> (forces new resource)
amount_off: "4200" => "4200"
code: "" => "MLK_DAY"
created: "" => <computed>
currency: "usd" => "usd"
duration: "once" => "once"
livemode: "false" => <computed>
max_redemptions: "1024" => "1024"
metadata.%: "2" => "2"
metadata.mlk: "<3" => "<3"
metadata.sales: "yes" => "yes"
name: "King Sales Event" => "King Sales Event"
redeem_by: "" => "2019-09-02T12:34:56-08:00" (forces new resource)
times_redeemed: "0" => <computed>
valid: "true" => <computed>
Some updates might require replacing existing resources with new ones.
Developing the Provider
If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.8+ is required). You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin
to your $PATH
To compile the provider, run make
. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin
$ make bin
$ $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-stripe
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