Mattermost Plugin Dialog Example
This plugin serves as an example for writing a Mattermost plugin to open a custom modal.
Open Modal API
Use the following sample API request using postman to open the relevant modal in the webapp.
POST http://localhost:8065/plugins/com.brightscout.dialog.example/dialog
"username": "test",
"payload": {
"title":"Hiiiiiii this is title set from response",
"header": "This is a header message.",
"form_fields": [
"label": "First Name",
"id": "first_name",
"type": "text"
"label": "Last Name",
"id": "last_name",
"type": "text"
"label": "Age",
"id": "age",
"type": "number"
"footer": "This is a footer message."
API Schema
- username: The username of the user who should see the modal
- title: The title of the modal.
- header: The header text for the modal.
- footer: The footer text for the modal.
- form_fields: An array of form fields that act as the body of the modal.
- label: The label of the form field.
- id: A unique id for the field.
- type: The input type (text, number etc.) of the field.
Getting Started
Note that this project uses Go modules. Be sure to locate the project outside of $GOPATH
To learn more about plugins, see our plugin documentation.
Build your plugin:
make dist
This will produce a single plugin file (with support for multiple architectures) for upload to your Mattermost server:
To avoid having to manually install your plugin, build and deploy your plugin using one of the following options.
Deploying with Local Mode
If your Mattermost server is running locally, you can enable local mode to streamline deploying your plugin. Edit your server configuration as follows:
"ServiceSettings": {
"EnableLocalMode": true,
"LocalModeSocketLocation": "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket"
and then deploy your plugin:
make deploy
You may also customize the Unix socket path:
export MM_LOCALSOCKETPATH=/var/tmp/alternate_local.socket
make deploy
If developing a plugin with a webapp, watch for changes and deploy those automatically:
export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
export MM_ADMIN_TOKEN=j44acwd8obn78cdcx7koid4jkr
make watch
Deploying with credentials
Alternatively, you can authenticate with the server's API with credentials:
export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
export MM_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin
export MM_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
make deploy
or with a personal access token:
export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=http://localhost:8065
export MM_ADMIN_TOKEN=j44acwd8obn78cdcx7koid4jkr
make deploy