Client authentication
In this example, we generate a PKI based on a yaml definition, then we
provision a nginx server that will only allow connections from clients
having a trusted certificate.
Build the PKI from the yaml definition:
go run client-auth.go -config_path pki.yaml -db_path pki.boltdb
Fetch the certificates needed for nginx:
go run client-auth.go -db_path pki.boltdb -ca_name "Admins Intermediate CA" -bundle_name "localhost"
go run client-auth.go -db_path pki.boltdb -bundle_name "Admins Intermediate CA"
Create the nginx config structure:
mkdir conf.d
cp nginx.conf conf.d/
mv localhost+chain.crt localhost.key conf.d/
mv Admins\ Intermediate\ CA+chain.crt conf.d/trusted+chain.crt
To import the client certs in a browser we need a pkcs12 file, unfortunately only provides decoding, so we use openssl.
Fetch the client certificate and create a pkcs12 formatted file:
go run client-auth.go -db_path pki.boltdb -ca_name "Admins Intermediate CA" -bundle_name -full_chain=false
cat{key,crt} | openssl pkcs12 -export -out
Import in your favorite browser.
Fetch the root CA to import in the browser:
go run client-auth.go -db_path pki.boltdb -bundle_name "CA"
Import CA+chain.crt in your favorite browser.
Run nginx:
docker run --rm -v $PWD/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d -p 8080:443 nginx
Open you browser at https://localhost:8080,
and you should see "Welcome to nginx!".
Try to remove your client certificate from your browser and you get 400 bad