
package module
v4.0.0-...-4a233e0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 15, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 31 Imported by: 0



Goose CI Go Reference Go Report Card

Goose is a database migration tool. Both a CLI and a library.

Manage your database schema by creating incremental SQL changes or Go functions.

  • Works against multiple databases:
    • Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, YDB, ClickHouse, MSSQL, Vertica, and more.
  • Supports Go migrations written as plain functions.
  • Supports embedded migrations.
  • Out-of-order migrations.
  • Seeding data.
  • Environment variable substitution in SQL migrations.
  • ... and more.


go install

This will install the goose binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory.

Binary too big? Build a lite version by excluding the drivers you don't need:

go build -tags='no_postgres no_mysql no_sqlite3 no_ydb' -o goose ./cmd/goose

# Available build tags:
#   no_clickhouse  no_libsql   no_mssql    no_mysql
#   no_postgres    no_sqlite3  no_vertica  no_ydb

For macOS users goose is available as a Homebrew Formulae:

brew install goose

See installation documentation for more details.


Click to show goose help output


Set environment key

Usage: goose [OPTIONS] COMMAND


    goose sqlite3 ./foo.db status
    goose sqlite3 ./foo.db create init sql
    goose sqlite3 ./foo.db create add_some_column sql
    goose sqlite3 ./foo.db create fetch_user_data go
    goose sqlite3 ./foo.db up

    goose postgres "user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable" status
    goose mysql "user:password@/dbname?parseTime=true" status
    goose redshift "postgres://" status
    goose tidb "user:password@/dbname?parseTime=true" status
    goose mssql "sqlserver://user:password@hostname:1433?database=master" status
    goose clickhouse "tcp://" status
    goose vertica "vertica://user:password@localhost:5433/dbname?connection_load_balance=1" status
    goose ydb "grpcs://localhost:2135/local?go_query_mode=scripting&go_fake_tx=scripting&go_query_bind=declare,numeric" status
    goose starrocks "user:password@/dbname?parseTime=true&interpolateParams=true" status

    GOOSE_DRIVER=sqlite3 GOOSE_DBSTRING=./foo.db goose status
    GOOSE_DRIVER=sqlite3 GOOSE_DBSTRING=./foo.db goose create init sql
    GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres GOOSE_DBSTRING="user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable" goose status
    GOOSE_DRIVER=mysql GOOSE_DBSTRING="user:password@/dbname" goose status
    GOOSE_DRIVER=redshift GOOSE_DBSTRING="postgres://" goose status
    GOOSE_DRIVER=clickhouse GOOSE_DBSTRING="clickhouse://" goose status


        applies missing (out-of-order) migrations
  -certfile string
        file path to root CA's certificates in pem format (only support on mysql)
  -dir string
        directory with migration files (default ".", can be set via the GOOSE_MIGRATION_DIR env variable).
  -h    print help
        disable color output (NO_COLOR env variable supported)
        apply migration commands with no versioning, in file order, from directory pointed to
  -s    use sequential numbering for new migrations
  -ssl-cert string
        file path to SSL certificates in pem format (only support on mysql)
  -ssl-key string
        file path to SSL key in pem format (only support on mysql)
  -table string
        migrations table name (default "goose_db_version")
  -timeout duration
        maximum allowed duration for queries to run; e.g., 1h13m
  -v    enable verbose mode
        print version

    up                   Migrate the DB to the most recent version available
    up-by-one            Migrate the DB up by 1
    up-to VERSION        Migrate the DB to a specific VERSION
    down                 Roll back the version by 1
    down-to VERSION      Roll back to a specific VERSION
    redo                 Re-run the latest migration
    reset                Roll back all migrations
    status               Dump the migration status for the current DB
    version              Print the current version of the database
    create NAME [sql|go] Creates new migration file with the current timestamp
    fix                  Apply sequential ordering to migrations
    validate             Check migration files without running them

Commonly used commands:

create •  up •  up-to •  down •  down-to •  status •  version


Create a new SQL migration.

$ goose create add_some_column sql
$ Created new file: 20170506082420_add_some_column.sql

$ goose -s create add_some_column sql
$ Created new file: 00001_add_some_column.sql

Edit the newly created file to define the behavior of your migration.

You can also create a Go migration, if you then invoke it with your own goose binary:

$ goose create fetch_user_data go
$ Created new file: 20170506082421_fetch_user_data.go


Apply all available migrations.

$ goose up
$ OK    001_basics.sql
$ OK    002_next.sql
$ OK    003_and_again.go


Migrate up to a specific version.

$ goose up-to 20170506082420
$ OK    20170506082420_create_table.sql


Migrate up a single migration from the current version

$ goose up-by-one
$ OK    20170614145246_change_type.sql


Roll back a single migration from the current version.

$ goose down
$ OK    003_and_again.go


Roll back migrations to a specific version.

$ goose down-to 20170506082527
$ OK    20170506082527_alter_column.sql

Or, roll back all migrations (careful!):

$ goose down-to 0


Print the status of all migrations:

$ goose status
$   Applied At                  Migration
$   =======================================
$   Sun Jan  6 11:25:03 2013 -- 001_basics.sql
$   Sun Jan  6 11:25:03 2013 -- 002_next.sql
$   Pending                  -- 003_and_again.go

Note: for MySQL parseTime flag must be enabled.

Note: for MySQL multiStatements must be enabled. This is required when writing multiple queries separated by ';' characters in a single sql file.


Print the current version of the database:

$ goose version
$ goose: version 002

Environment Variables

If you prefer to use environment variables, instead of passing the driver and database string as arguments, you can set the following environment variables:

1. Via environment variables:


2. Via .env files with corresponding variables. .env file example:


Loading from .env files is enabled by default. To disable this feature, set the -env=none flag. If you want to load from a specific file, set the -env flag to the file path.

For more details about environment variables, see the official documentation on environment variables.


goose supports migrations written in SQL or in Go.

SQL Migrations

A sample SQL migration looks like:

-- +goose Up
    id int NOT NULL,
    title text,
    body text,

-- +goose Down

Each migration file must have exactly one -- +goose Up annotation. The -- +goose Down annotation is optional. If the file has both annotations, then the -- +goose Up annotation must come first.

Notice the annotations in the comments. Any statements following -- +goose Up will be executed as part of a forward migration, and any statements following -- +goose Down will be executed as part of a rollback.

By default, all migrations are run within a transaction. Some statements like CREATE DATABASE, however, cannot be run within a transaction. You may optionally add -- +goose NO TRANSACTION to the top of your migration file in order to skip transactions within that specific migration file. Both Up and Down migrations within this file will be run without transactions.

By default, SQL statements are delimited by semicolons - in fact, query statements must end with a semicolon to be properly recognized by goose.

More complex statements (PL/pgSQL) that have semicolons within them must be annotated with -- +goose StatementBegin and -- +goose StatementEnd to be properly recognized. For example:

-- +goose Up
-- +goose StatementBegin
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION histories_partition_creation( DATE, DATE )
returns void AS $$
  create_query text;
  FOR create_query IN SELECT
      'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS histories_'
      || TO_CHAR( d, 'YYYY_MM' )
      || ' ( CHECK( created_at >= timestamp '''
      || TO_CHAR( d, 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00' )
      || ''' AND created_at < timestamp '''
      || TO_CHAR( d + INTERVAL '1 month', 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00' )
      || ''' ) ) inherits ( histories );'
    FROM generate_series( $1, $2, '1 month' ) AS d
    EXECUTE create_query;
END;         -- FUNCTION END
language plpgsql;
-- +goose StatementEnd

Goose supports environment variable substitution in SQL migrations through annotations. To enable this feature, use the -- +goose ENVSUB ON annotation before the queries where you want substitution applied. It stays active until the -- +goose ENVSUB OFF annotation is encountered. You can use these annotations multiple times within a file.

This feature is disabled by default for backward compatibility with existing scripts.

For PL/pgSQL functions or other statements where substitution is not desired, wrap the annotations explicitly around the relevant parts. For example, to exclude escaping the ** characters:

-- +goose StatementBegin
RETURNS void AS $$
-- +goose ENVSUB ON
-- +goose ENVSUB OFF
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- +goose StatementEnd
Supported expansions (click here to expand):
  • ${VAR} or $VAR - expands to the value of the environment variable VAR
  • ${VAR:-default} - expands to the value of the environment variable VAR, or default if VAR is unset or null
  • ${VAR-default} - expands to the value of the environment variable VAR, or default if VAR is unset
  • ${VAR?err_msg} - expands to the value of the environment variable VAR, or prints err_msg and error if VAR unset
  • ${VAR:?err_msg} - expands to the value of the environment variable VAR, or prints err_msg and error if VAR unset or null. THIS IS NOT SUPPORTED

See mfridman/interpolate for more details on supported expansions.

Embedded sql migrations

Go 1.16 introduced new feature: compile-time embedding files into binary and corresponding filesystem abstraction.

This feature can be used only for applying existing migrations. Modifying operations such as fix and create will continue to operate on OS filesystem even if using embedded files. This is expected behaviour because io/fs interfaces allows read-only access.

Make sure to configure the correct SQL dialect, see dialect.go for supported SQL dialects.

Example usage, assuming that SQL migrations are placed in the migrations directory:

package main

import (


//go:embed migrations/*.sql
var embedMigrations embed.FS

func main() {
    var db *sql.DB
    // setup database


    if err := goose.SetDialect(goose.DialectPostgres); err != nil {

    if err := goose.Up(db, "migrations"); err != nil {

    // run app

Note that we pass "migrations" as directory argument in Up because embedding saves directory structure.

Go Migrations

  1. Create your own goose binary, see example
  2. Import
  3. Register your migration functions
  4. Run goose command, ie. goose.Up(db *sql.DB, dir string)

A sample Go migration 00002_users_add_email.go file looks like:

package migrations

import (


func init() {
	goose.AddMigration(Up, Down)

func Up(tx *sql.Tx) error {
	_, err := tx.Exec("UPDATE users SET username='admin' WHERE username='root';")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func Down(tx *sql.Tx) error {
	_, err := tx.Exec("UPDATE users SET username='root' WHERE username='admin';")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

Note that Go migration files must begin with a numeric value, followed by an underscore, and must not end with *_test.go.

Hybrid Versioning

Please, read the versioning problem first.

By default, if you attempt to apply missing (out-of-order) migrations goose will raise an error. However, If you want to apply these missing migrations pass goose the -allow-missing flag, or if using as a library supply the functional option goose.WithAllowMissing() to Up, UpTo or UpByOne.

However, we strongly recommend adopting a hybrid versioning approach, using both timestamps and sequential numbers. Migrations created during the development process are timestamped and sequential versions are ran on production. We believe this method will prevent the problem of conflicting versions when writing software in a team environment.

To help you adopt this approach, create will use the current timestamp as the migration version. When you're ready to deploy your migrations in a production environment, we also provide a helpful fix command to convert your migrations into sequential order, while preserving the timestamp ordering. We recommend running fix in the CI pipeline, and only when the migrations are ready for production.


The gopher mascot was designed by Renée French / CC 3.0. For more info check out the Go Blog. Adapted by Ellen.


Licensed under MIT License



Package goose defines a generic Store interface for goose to use when interacting with the database. It is meant to be generic and not tied to any specific database technology.

At a high level, a Store is responsible for:

  • Creating a version table
  • Inserting and deleting a version
  • Getting a specific version
  • Listing all applied versions

Use the NewStore function to create a Store for one of the supported dialects.

For more advanced use cases, it's possible to implement a custom Store for a database that goose does not support.



View Source
const (
	// DefaultTablename is the default name of the database table used to track history of applied
	// migrations.
	DefaultTablename = "goose_db_version"
View Source
const VERSION = "v3.18.0"

Deprecated: VERSION will no longer be supported in the next major release.


View Source
var (
	// ErrNoMigrationFiles when no migration files have been found.
	ErrNoMigrationFiles = errors.New("no migration files found")
	// ErrNoCurrentVersion when a current migration version is not found.
	ErrNoCurrentVersion = errors.New("no current version found")
	// ErrNoNextVersion when the next migration version is not found.
	ErrNoNextVersion = errors.New("no next version found")
	// MaxVersion is the maximum allowed version.
	MaxVersion int64 = math.MaxInt64
View Source
var (
	// ErrVersionNotFound is returned when a specific migration version is not located. This can
	// occur if a .sql file or a Go migration function for the specified version is missing.
	ErrVersionNotFound = dialectstore.ErrVersionNotFound

	// ErrNoMigrations is returned by [NewProvider] when no migrations are found.
	ErrNoMigrations = errors.New("no migrations found")

	// ErrAlreadyApplied indicates that the migration cannot be applied because it has already been
	// executed. This error is returned by [Provider.Apply].
	ErrAlreadyApplied = errors.New("migration already applied")

	// ErrNotApplied indicates that the rollback cannot be performed because the migration has not
	// yet been applied. This error is returned by [Provider.Apply].
	ErrNotApplied = errors.New("migration not applied")
View Source
var (
	NewStore = dialectstore.NewStore


func AddMigration deprecated

func AddMigration(up, down GoMigration)

AddMigration adds Go migrations.

Deprecated: Use AddMigrationContext.

func AddMigrationContext

func AddMigrationContext(up, down GoMigrationContext)

AddMigrationContext adds Go migrations.

func AddMigrationNoTx deprecated

func AddMigrationNoTx(up, down GoMigrationNoTx)

AddMigrationNoTx adds Go migrations that will be run outside transaction.

Deprecated: Use AddMigrationNoTxContext.

func AddMigrationNoTxContext

func AddMigrationNoTxContext(up, down GoMigrationNoTxContext)

AddMigrationNoTxContext adds Go migrations that will be run outside transaction.

func AddNamedMigration deprecated

func AddNamedMigration(filename string, up, down GoMigration)

AddNamedMigration adds named Go migrations.

Deprecated: Use AddNamedMigrationContext.

func AddNamedMigrationContext

func AddNamedMigrationContext(filename string, up, down GoMigrationContext)

AddNamedMigrationContext adds named Go migrations.

func AddNamedMigrationNoTx deprecated

func AddNamedMigrationNoTx(filename string, up, down GoMigrationNoTx)

AddNamedMigrationNoTx adds named Go migrations that will be run outside transaction.

Deprecated: Use AddNamedMigrationNoTxContext.

func AddNamedMigrationNoTxContext

func AddNamedMigrationNoTxContext(filename string, up, down GoMigrationNoTxContext)

AddNamedMigrationNoTxContext adds named Go migrations that will be run outside transaction.

func Create

func Create(db *sql.DB, dir, name, migrationType string) error

Create writes a new blank migration file.

func CreateWithTemplate

func CreateWithTemplate(db *sql.DB, dir string, tmpl *template.Template, name, migrationType string) error

Create writes a new blank migration file.

func Down

func Down(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

Down rolls back a single migration from the current version.

func DownContext

func DownContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

DownContext rolls back a single migration from the current version.

func DownTo

func DownTo(db *sql.DB, dir string, version int64, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

DownTo rolls back migrations to a specific version.

func DownToContext

func DownToContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, version int64, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

DownToContext rolls back migrations to a specific version.

func EnsureDBVersion

func EnsureDBVersion(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)

EnsureDBVersion retrieves the current version for this DB. Create and initialize the DB version table if it doesn't exist.

func EnsureDBVersionContext

func EnsureDBVersionContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) (int64, error)

EnsureDBVersionContext retrieves the current version for this DB. Create and initialize the DB version table if it doesn't exist.

func Fix

func Fix(dir string) error

func GetDBVersion

func GetDBVersion(db *sql.DB) (int64, error)

GetDBVersion is an alias for EnsureDBVersion, but returns -1 in error.

func GetDBVersionContext

func GetDBVersionContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) (int64, error)

GetDBVersionContext is an alias for EnsureDBVersion, but returns -1 in error.

func NumericComponent

func NumericComponent(filename string) (int64, error)

NumericComponent parses the version from the migration file name.

XXX_descriptivename.ext where XXX specifies the version number and ext specifies the type of migration, either .sql or .go.

func OpenDBWithDriver

func OpenDBWithDriver(driver string, dbstring string) (*sql.DB, error)

OpenDBWithDriver creates a connection to a database, and modifies goose internals to be compatible with the supplied driver by calling SetDialect.

The Go ecosystem has added more and more drivers over the years. As a result, there's no longer a one-to-one match between the driver name and the dialect name. For instance, there's no "redshift" driver, but that's the internal dialect name within goose. Hence, we need to convert the dialect name to a supported driver name. This conversion is a best-effort attempt, as we can't support both lib/pq and pgx, which some users might have.

We recommend users to create a NewProvider with the desired dialect, open a connection using their preferred driver, and provide the *sql.DB to goose. This approach removes the need for mapping dialects to drivers, rendering this function unnecessary. Deprecated

func Redo

func Redo(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

Redo rolls back the most recently applied migration, then runs it again.

func RedoContext

func RedoContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

RedoContext rolls back the most recently applied migration, then runs it again.

func Reset

func Reset(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

Reset rolls back all migrations

func ResetContext

func ResetContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

ResetContext rolls back all migrations

func ResetGlobalMigrations

func ResetGlobalMigrations()

ResetGlobalMigrations resets the global Go migrations registry.

Not safe for concurrent use.

func Run deprecated

func Run(command string, db *sql.DB, dir string, args ...string) error

Run runs a goose command.

Deprecated: Use RunContext.

func RunContext

func RunContext(ctx context.Context, command string, db *sql.DB, dir string, args ...string) error

RunContext runs a goose command.

func RunWithOptions deprecated

func RunWithOptions(command string, db *sql.DB, dir string, args []string, options ...OptionsFunc) error

RunWithOptions runs a goose command with options.

Deprecated: Use RunWithOptionsContext.

func RunWithOptionsContext

func RunWithOptionsContext(ctx context.Context, command string, db *sql.DB, dir string, args []string, options ...OptionsFunc) error

RunWithOptionsContext runs a goose command with options.

func SetBaseFS

func SetBaseFS(fsys fs.FS)

SetBaseFS sets a base FS to discover migrations. It can be used with 'embed' package. Calling with 'nil' argument leads to default behaviour: discovering migrations from os filesystem. Note that modifying operations like Create will use os filesystem anyway.

func SetDialect

func SetDialect[D string | Dialect](d D) error

SetDialect sets the dialect to use for the goose package.

func SetGlobalMigrations

func SetGlobalMigrations(migrations ...*Migration) error

SetGlobalMigrations registers Go migrations globally. It returns an error if a migration with the same version has already been registered. Go migrations must be constructed using the NewGoMigration function.

Not safe for concurrent use.

func SetLogger

func SetLogger(l Logger)

SetLogger sets the logger for package output

func SetSequential

func SetSequential(s bool)

SetSequential set whether to use sequential versioning instead of timestamp based versioning

func SetTableName

func SetTableName(n string) error

SetTableName set goose db version table name

func SetVerbose

func SetVerbose(v bool)

SetVerbose set the goose verbosity mode

func Status

func Status(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

Status prints the status of all migrations.

func StatusContext

func StatusContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

StatusContext prints the status of all migrations.

func TableName

func TableName() string

TableName returns goose db version table name

func Up

func Up(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

Up applies all available migrations.

func UpByOne

func UpByOne(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

UpByOne migrates up by a single version.

func UpByOneContext

func UpByOneContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

UpByOneContext migrates up by a single version.

func UpContext

func UpContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

UpContext applies all available migrations.

func UpTo

func UpTo(db *sql.DB, dir string, version int64, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

UpTo migrates up to a specific version.

func UpToContext

func UpToContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, version int64, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

func Version

func Version(db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

Version prints the current version of the database.

func VersionContext

func VersionContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dir string, opts ...OptionsFunc) error

VersionContext prints the current version of the database.


type DBTxConn

type DBTxConn = gooseSql.DBTxConn

type Dialect

type Dialect = dialect.Dialect

Dialect is the type of database dialect.

const (
	DialectClickHouse Dialect = dialect.Clickhouse
	// Deprecated: use [DialectSqlserver]
	DialectMSSQL     Dialect = dialect.Sqlserver
	DialectSqlserver Dialect = dialect.Sqlserver
	DialectMySQL     Dialect = dialect.Mysql
	DialectPostgres  Dialect = dialect.Postgres
	DialectRedshift  Dialect = dialect.Redshift
	DialectSQLite3   Dialect = dialect.Sqlite3
	DialectTiDB      Dialect = dialect.Tidb
	DialectVertica   Dialect = dialect.Vertica
	DialectYdB       Dialect = dialect.Ydb
	DialectTurso     Dialect = dialect.Turso
	DialectStarrocks Dialect = dialect.Starrocks

func GetDialect

func GetDialect(s string) (Dialect, error)

type GoFunc

type GoFunc struct {
	// Exactly one of these must be set, or both must be nil.
	RunTx func(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error
	// -- OR --
	RunDB func(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error

	// Mode is the transaction mode for the migration. When one of the run functions is set, the
	// mode will be inferred from the function and the field is ignored. Users do not need to set
	// this field when supplying a run function.
	// If both run functions are nil, the mode defaults to TransactionEnabled. The use case for nil
	// functions is to record a version in the version table without invoking a Go migration
	// function.
	// The only time this field is required is if BOTH run functions are nil AND you want to
	// override the default transaction mode.
	Mode TransactionMode

GoFunc represents a Go migration function.

type GoMigration deprecated

type GoMigration func(tx *sql.Tx) error

GoMigration is a Go migration func that is run within a transaction.

Deprecated: Use GoMigrationContext.

type GoMigrationContext

type GoMigrationContext func(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error

GoMigrationContext is a Go migration func that is run within a transaction and receives a context.

type GoMigrationNoTx deprecated

type GoMigrationNoTx func(db *sql.DB) error

GoMigrationNoTx is a Go migration func that is run outside a transaction.

Deprecated: Use GoMigrationNoTxContext.

type GoMigrationNoTxContext

type GoMigrationNoTxContext func(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error

GoMigrationNoTxContext is a Go migration func that is run outside a transaction and receives a context.

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{})
	Printf(format string, v ...interface{})

Logger is standard logger interface

func NopLogger

func NopLogger() Logger

NopLogger returns a logger that discards all logged output.

type Migration

type Migration struct {
	Type    MigrationType
	Version int64
	// Source is the path to the .sql script or .go file. It may be empty for Go migrations that
	// have been registered globally and don't have a source file.
	Source string

	UpFnContext, DownFnContext         GoMigrationContext
	UpFnNoTxContext, DownFnNoTxContext GoMigrationNoTxContext

	// These fields will be removed in a future major version. They are here for backwards
	// compatibility and are an implementation detail.
	Registered bool
	UseTx      bool
	Next       int64 // next version, or -1 if none
	Previous   int64 // previous version, -1 if none

	UpFn       GoMigration     // Deprecated: use UpFnContext instead.
	DownFn     GoMigration     // Deprecated: use DownFnContext instead.
	UpFnNoTx   GoMigrationNoTx // Deprecated: use UpFnNoTxContext instead.
	DownFnNoTx GoMigrationNoTx // Deprecated: use DownFnNoTxContext instead.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Migration struct represents either a SQL or Go migration.

Avoid constructing migrations manually, use NewGoMigration function.

func NewGoMigration

func NewGoMigration(version int64, up, down *GoFunc) *Migration

NewGoMigration creates a new Go migration.

Both up and down functions may be nil, in which case the migration will be recorded in the versions table but no functions will be run. This is useful for recording (up) or deleting (down) a version without running any functions. See GoFunc for more details.

func (*Migration) Down

func (m *Migration) Down(db *sql.DB) error

Down runs a down migration.

func (*Migration) DownContext

func (m *Migration) DownContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error

DownContext runs a down migration.

func (*Migration) String

func (m *Migration) String() string

func (*Migration) Up

func (m *Migration) Up(db *sql.DB) error

Up runs an up migration.

func (*Migration) UpContext

func (m *Migration) UpContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error

UpContext runs an up migration.

type MigrationRecord deprecated

type MigrationRecord struct {
	VersionID int64
	TStamp    time.Time
	IsApplied bool // was this a result of up() or down()

MigrationRecord struct.

Deprecated: unused and will be removed in a future major version.

type MigrationResult

type MigrationResult struct {
	Source    *Source
	Duration  time.Duration
	Direction string
	// Empty indicates no action was taken during the migration, but it was still versioned. For
	// SQL, it means no statements; for Go, it's a nil function.
	Empty bool
	// Error is only set if the migration failed.
	Error error

MigrationResult is the result of a single migration operation.

func (*MigrationResult) String

func (m *MigrationResult) String() string

String returns a string representation of the migration result.

Example down:

EMPTY down 00006_posts_view-copy.sql (607.83µs)
OK    down 00005_posts_view.sql (646.25µs)

Example up:

OK    up 00005_posts_view.sql (727.5µs)
EMPTY up 00006_posts_view-copy.sql (378.33µs)

type MigrationStatus

type MigrationStatus struct {
	Source    *Source
	State     State
	AppliedAt time.Time

MigrationStatus represents the status of a single migration.

type MigrationType

type MigrationType string

MigrationType is the type of migration.

const (
	TypeGo  MigrationType = "go"
	TypeSQL MigrationType = "sql"

type Migrations

type Migrations []*Migration

Migrations slice.

func CollectMigrations

func CollectMigrations(dirpath string, current, target int64) (Migrations, error)

CollectMigrations returns all the valid looking migration scripts in the migrations folder and go func registry, and key them by version.

func (Migrations) Current

func (ms Migrations) Current(current int64) (*Migration, error)

Current gets the current migration.

func (Migrations) Last

func (ms Migrations) Last() (*Migration, error)

Last gets the last migration.

func (Migrations) Len

func (ms Migrations) Len() int

helpers so we can use pkg sort

func (Migrations) Less

func (ms Migrations) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Migrations) Next

func (ms Migrations) Next(current int64) (*Migration, error)

Next gets the next migration.

func (Migrations) Previous

func (ms Migrations) Previous(current int64) (*Migration, error)

Previous : Get the previous migration.

func (Migrations) String

func (ms Migrations) String() string

func (Migrations) Swap

func (ms Migrations) Swap(i, j int)

type OptionsFunc

type OptionsFunc func(o *options)

func WithAllowMissing

func WithAllowMissing() OptionsFunc

func WithNoColor

func WithNoColor(b bool) OptionsFunc

func WithNoVersioning

func WithNoVersioning() OptionsFunc

type PartialError

type PartialError struct {
	// Applied are migrations that were applied successfully before the error occurred. May be
	// empty.
	Applied []*MigrationResult
	// Failed contains the result of the migration that failed. Cannot be nil.
	Failed *MigrationResult
	// Err is the error that occurred while running the migration and caused the failure.
	Err error

PartialError is returned when a migration fails, but some migrations already got applied.

func (*PartialError) Error

func (e *PartialError) Error() string

func (*PartialError) Unwrap

func (e *PartialError) Unwrap() error

type Provider

type Provider struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provider is a goose migration provider.

func NewProvider

func NewProvider(dialect Dialect, db *sql.DB, fsys fs.FS, opts ...ProviderOption) (*Provider, error)

NewProvider returns a new goose provider.

The caller is responsible for matching the database dialect with the database/sql driver. For example, if the database dialect is "postgres", the database/sql driver could be or Each dialect has a corresponding dialect.Dialect constant backed by a default [database.Store] implementation. For more advanced use cases, such as using a custom table name or supplying a custom store implementation, see WithStore.

fsys is the filesystem used to read migration files, but may be nil. Most users will want to use os.DirFS, os.DirFS("path/to/migrations"), to read migrations from the local filesystem. However, it is possible to use a different "filesystem", such as embed.FS or filter out migrations using fs.Sub.

See ProviderOption for more information on configuring the provider.

Unless otherwise specified, all methods on Provider are safe for concurrent use.

func (*Provider) ApplyVersion

func (p *Provider) ApplyVersion(ctx context.Context, version int64, direction bool) (*MigrationResult, error)

ApplyVersion applies exactly one migration for the specified version. If there is no migration available for the specified version, this method returns ErrVersionNotFound. If the migration has already been applied, this method returns ErrAlreadyApplied.

The direction parameter determines the migration direction: true for up migration and false for down migration.

func (*Provider) Close

func (p *Provider) Close() error

Close closes the database connection initially supplied to the provider.

func (*Provider) Down

func (p *Provider) Down(ctx context.Context) (*MigrationResult, error)

Down rolls back the most recently applied migration. If there are no migrations to rollback, this method returns ErrNoNextVersion.

Note, migrations are rolled back in the order they were applied. And not in the reverse order of the migration version. This only applies in scenarios where migrations are allowed to be applied out of order.

func (*Provider) DownTo

func (p *Provider) DownTo(ctx context.Context, version int64) ([]*MigrationResult, error)

DownTo rolls back all migrations down to, but not including, the specified version.

For example, if the current database version is 11,10,9... and the requested version is 9, only migrations 11, 10 will be rolled back.

Note, migrations are rolled back in the order they were applied. And not in the reverse order of the migration version. This only applies in scenarios where migrations are allowed to be applied out of order.

func (*Provider) GetDBVersion

func (p *Provider) GetDBVersion(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)

GetDBVersion returns the highest version recorded in the database, regardless of the order in which migrations were applied. For example, if migrations were applied out of order (1,4,2,3), this method returns 4. If no migrations have been applied, it returns 0.

func (*Provider) GetVersions

func (p *Provider) GetVersions(ctx context.Context) (current, target int64, err error)

GetVersions returns the max database version and the target version to migrate to.

Note, this method will not use a SessionLocker if one is configured. This allows callers to check for versions without blocking or being blocked by other operations.

func (*Provider) HasPending

func (p *Provider) HasPending(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)

HasPending returns true if there are pending migrations to apply, otherwise, it returns false. If out-of-order migrations are disabled, yet some are detected, this method returns an error.

Note, this method will not use a SessionLocker if one is configured. This allows callers to check for pending migrations without blocking or being blocked by other operations.

func (*Provider) ListSources

func (p *Provider) ListSources() []*Source

ListSources returns a list of all migration sources known to the provider, sorted in ascending order by version. The path field may be empty for manually registered migrations, such as Go migrations registered using the WithGoMigrations option.

func (*Provider) Ping

func (p *Provider) Ping(ctx context.Context) error

Ping attempts to ping the database to verify a connection is available.

func (*Provider) Status

func (p *Provider) Status(ctx context.Context) ([]*MigrationStatus, error)

Status returns the status of all migrations, merging the list of migrations from the database and filesystem. The returned items are ordered by version, in ascending order.

func (*Provider) Up

func (p *Provider) Up(ctx context.Context) ([]*MigrationResult, error)

Up applies all pending migrations. If there are no new migrations to apply, this method returns empty list and nil error.

func (*Provider) UpByOne

func (p *Provider) UpByOne(ctx context.Context) (*MigrationResult, error)

UpByOne applies the next pending migration. If there is no next migration to apply, this method returns ErrNoNextVersion.

func (*Provider) UpTo

func (p *Provider) UpTo(ctx context.Context, version int64) ([]*MigrationResult, error)

UpTo applies all pending migrations up to, and including, the specified version. If there are no migrations to apply, this method returns empty list and nil error.

For example, if there are three new migrations (9,10,11) and the current database version is 8 with a requested version of 10, only versions 9,10 will be applied.

type ProviderOption

type ProviderOption interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ProviderOption is a configuration option for a goose goose.

func WithAllowOutofOrder

func WithAllowOutofOrder(b bool) ProviderOption

WithAllowOutofOrder allows the provider to apply missing (out-of-order) migrations. By default, goose will raise an error if it encounters a missing migration.

For example: migrations 1,3 are applied and then version 2,6 are introduced. If this option is true, then goose will apply 2 (missing) and 6 (new) instead of raising an error. The final order of applied migrations will be: 1,3,2,6. Out-of-order migrations are always applied first, followed by new migrations.

func WithDisableGlobalRegistry

func WithDisableGlobalRegistry(b bool) ProviderOption

WithDisableGlobalRegistry prevents the provider from registering Go migrations from the global registry. By default, goose will register all Go migrations including those registered globally.

func WithDisableVersioning

func WithDisableVersioning(b bool) ProviderOption

WithDisableVersioning disables versioning. Disabling versioning allows applying migrations without tracking the versions in the database schema table. Useful for tests, seeding a database or running ad-hoc queries. By default, goose will track all versions in the database schema table.

func WithExcludeNames

func WithExcludeNames(excludes []string) ProviderOption

WithExcludeNames excludes the given file name from the list of migrations. If called multiple times, the list of excludes is merged.

func WithExcludeVersions

func WithExcludeVersions(versions []int64) ProviderOption

WithExcludeVersions excludes the given versions from the list of migrations. If called multiple times, the list of excludes is merged.

func WithGoMigrations

func WithGoMigrations(migrations ...*Migration) ProviderOption

WithGoMigrations registers Go migrations with the provider. If a Go migration with the same version has already been registered, an error will be returned.

Go migrations must be constructed using the NewGoMigration function.

func WithLogger

func WithLogger(l Logger) ProviderOption

WithLogger will set a custom Logger, which will override the default logger.

func WithSessionLocker

func WithSessionLocker(locker lock.SessionLocker) ProviderOption

WithSessionLocker enables locking using the provided SessionLocker.

If WithSessionLocker is not called, locking is disabled.

func WithStore

func WithStore(store dialectstore.Store) ProviderOption

WithStore configures the provider with a custom dialectstore.Store implementation.

By default, the provider uses the dialectstore.NewStore function to create a store backed by the given dialect. However, this option allows users to provide their own implementation or call [database.NewStore] with custom options, such as setting the table name.


// Create a store with a custom table name.
store, err := dialectstore.NewStore(database.DialectPostgres, "my_custom_table_name")
if err != nil {
    return err
// Create a provider with the custom store.
provider, err := goose.NewProvider("", db, nil, goose.WithStore(store))
if err != nil {
    return err

func WithVerbose

func WithVerbose(b bool) ProviderOption

WithVerbose enables verbose logging.

type Source

type Source struct {
	Type    MigrationType
	Path    string
	Version int64

Source represents a single migration source.

The Path field may be empty if the migration was registered manually. This is typically the case for Go migrations registered using the [WithGoMigration] option.

type State

type State string

State represents the state of a migration.

const (
	// StatePending is a migration that exists on the filesystem, but not in the database.
	StatePending State = "pending"
	// StateApplied is a migration that has been applied to the database and exists on the
	// filesystem.
	StateApplied State = "applied"

type Store

type Store = dialectstore.Store

type TransactionMode

type TransactionMode int

TransactionMode represents the possible transaction modes for a migration.

const (
	TransactionEnabled TransactionMode = iota + 1

func (TransactionMode) String

func (m TransactionMode) String() string


Path Synopsis
Package gooseutil provides utility functions we want to keep internal to the package.
Package gooseutil provides utility functions we want to keep internal to the package.
Package lock defines the Locker interface and implements the locking logic.
Package lock defines the Locker interface and implements the locking logic.

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