BB archive Metadata Database.
This system aims to be a single source of truth for all content produced by Bnei Baruch.
The mdb is meant to be executed as command line.
Type mdb <command> -h
to see how to use each command.
mdb server
Run the server
mdb config <path>
Generate default configuration in the given path. If path is omitted STDOUT is used instead.
Note that default value to config file is config.toml
in project root directory.
mdb migration my-migration-name
Create new migration. (See Schema migrations section for more information).
mdb version
Print the version of MDB
Implementation Notes
Dates and Times
All timestamps fields are expecting values in UTC only.
Languages are represented in the system as a two letters code adhering to the ISO_639-1 standard.
Special values:
- Unknown -
- Multiple languages -
Release and Deployment
Once development is done, all tests are green, we want to go live.
All we have to do is simply execute misc/release.sh
To add a pre-release tag, add the relevant environment variable. For example,
PRE_RELEASE=rc.1 misc/release.sh
Schema Migrations
We keep track of all changes to the MDB schema under migrations
These are pure postgres sql scripts.
To create a new migration file with name run in project root directory:
mdb migration my-migration-name
This will create a migration file in migrations directory with name like: 2017-01-07_14:21:02_my-migration-name.sql
They play along well with rambler A simple and language-independent SQL schema migration tool.
Download the rambler executable for your system from the release page.
(on linux chmod +x
Under migrations
folder add a rambler.json
config file. An example:
"driver": "postgresql",
"protocol": "tcp",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"user": "",
"password": "",
"database": "mdb",
"directory": "migrations",
"table": "migrations"
Important make sure never to commit such files to SCM.
On the command line:
rambler -c migrations/rambler.json apply -a
We use logrus for logging.
All logs are written to STDOUT or STDERR. It's up to the running environment
to pipe these into physical files and rotate those using logrotate(8)
If the rollbar-token
config is found we'll use our own recovery middleware to send errors to Rollbar.
If not, we'll use gin.Recovery() to print stacktrace to console. Using rollbar is meant for production environment.
In addition, you could log whatever error you want to rollbar directly, for example:
if _, err := SomeErrorProneFunc(); err != nil {
rollbar.Error("level", err,...)
Check out the docs for more info on how to use the Rollbar client.
Documentation is based on tests and will be generated automatically with each make build
. To generate static html documentation (docs.html
) install:
npm install -g aglio
Then run:
make api
Installation details
Postgresql installation
sudo apt-get update
sudo curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Detailes can be found here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-go-1-6-on-ubuntu-14-04)
sudo tar -xvf go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local
export GOROOT=/user/local/go
While at /home/kolmanv/go
export GOPATH=/home/kolmanv/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
git clone https://github.com/Bnei-Baruch/mdb.git
Install Packages - Using godep
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
go get gopkg.in/gin-gonic/gin.v1
go get github.com/lib/pq
go get github.com/tools/godep
# https://github.com/tools/godep
godep save