Development Environment
In local dev env we use docker-compose to have our dependencies setup for us.
Fire up all services
docker-compose up -d
CLI access to local dev db
docker-compose exec db psql -U user -d chronicles
Production Environment
Once you have ssh access to production server you could:
CLI access to production db
cd /opt/chronicles
docker-compose exec db psql -U chronicles
Application logs
cd /opt/chronicles
docker-compose logs -f app
Try out the API
To try out authenticated endpoints on your local environment set the SKIP_AUTH=true
environment variable.
This will allow every request to any endpoint.
However, on production, you must send a valid Authorization
You can get one by inspecting network traffic in browser after login in.
Copy paste the value of the Authorization
header and use that.
DB Migrations
DB Migrations are managed by migrate
On mac install with brew. For other platforms see the project homepage.
brew install golang-migrate
Create a new migration by
migrate create -ext .sql -dir migrations -format 20060102150405 <migration_name_goes_here>
Run migrations
migrate -database "postgres://user:password@localhost/chronicles?sslmode=disable" -path migrations up
Regenerate models
sqlboiler psql
Download instructions for sqlboiler can be found here.