Lightweight command line utility for interacting with the BindPlane public API
Cloudshell Tutorial
Download the release zip for your platform, unzip, and place the
binary in your path:
unzip bpcli_darwin_amd64.zip
chmod +x bpcli
mv bpcli /usr/local/bin
bpcli uses cobra for managing
commands and flags.
See /doc
for usage examples.
All commands have a built in help flag. --help
can be passed at any time.
bpcli --help
bpcli source
bpcli source create
bpcli source delete
bpcli source get
bpcli source list
bpcli source type
bpcli source type get
bpcli source type list
bpcli source type template
bpcli credential
bpcli credential create
bpcli credential delete
bpcli credential get
bpcli credential list
bpcli credential type
bpcli credential type get
bpcli credential type template
bpcli collector get
bpcli collector list
bpcli collector delete
bpcli collector group get
bpcli collector group list
bpcli job list
bpcli job get
bpcli account list
bpcli account add
bpcli account set
bpcli account remove
Credentials File
bpcli allows the user to change the account they are manipulating by utilizing
a credentials file.
The BINDPLANE_API_KEY environment variable will always take precedence over the
credentials file, if it is present.
Example Usage
Adding and setting an account to be used by bpcli
The set
command makes the given account the Active account and is
required even when only one entry is present in the credentials file
bpcli account add --name=<ACCOUNT NAME> --id=<API_KEY>
bpcli account set --name=<ACCOUNT_NAME>
List all accounts that have been added to the configuration file
bpcli account list
Remove an account from the configuration file
bpcli account remove --name=<ACCOUNT_NAME>
Shell Completion
bash-completion v2 requires bash version 4+
On MacOS, the default version is below 4 and will need to be updated!
Follow these instructions on Upgrading Bash on MacOS.
To setup bash completion for bpcli on MacOS:
- Install bash-completion by running
brew install bash-completion@2
- Include the following lines in
export BASH_COMPLETION_COMPAT_DIR="/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d"
[[ -r "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" ]] && . "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh"
- Run the following command to include the bash-completion script in
bpcli completion >/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/bpcli
- Restart the shell and bpcli tab completions will be available
To setup zsh completion for bpcli on MacOS:
- Include the following lines in
autoload -Uz compinit
- Locate
by running echo $fpath
- Run the following command to generate the zsh tab completion script.
bpcli completion --zsh ><YOUR FPATH HERE>/_bpcli
- Restart zsh and the bpcli tab completions will be available.
When making changes please write tests and lint your code with golint
make lint
Tests require an api key to be set, even if it is invalid
export BINDPLANE_API_KEY='somefakekey'
make test
Tests can be run against the live Bindplane api, however, a valid
Bindplane environment and api key must be present
export BINDPLANE_API_KEY='somerealkey'
make test
Alternative API
If you wish to target an API other than the default ("https://public-api.bindplane.bluemedora.com/v1"),
set the following environment variables:
export BINDPLANE_API_ENDPOINT="https://public-api.gcloud.bindplane.bluemedora.com"
can be set independently
The Makefile
in this repository will use Docker to build
. This is to ensure a consistent build environment.
Compiling with Docker is optional.
Build with Docker, and check the artifacts directory when finished
- linux zip archive
- darwin zip archive
- windows zip archive
- SHA256 sum file
To build on your own, without Docker, clone this repo outside of your GOPATH, as
bpcli uses go modules:
env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a
To cross compile on your own system, without Docker, set
, and GOARCH
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go get ./...
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
Third party packages
bpcli relies on:
- cobra for command line flags