Secret Santa Allocator
A stupidly over engineered secret santa allocator.
Simple binary to create a secret santa allocation of santas to santees.
Loads two text files and creates a derangement of names to names with a password
so users can input the password and find who their match is.
Default usage is providing a config file which defines the names and constraints of the allocation
secret-santa --configFile config.yaml
The config file is a yaml file with these fields
# must provide either `file` or `data` field. If both then they are unioned and deduped
file: "names.txt" # name of file that contains a list of names
data: ["sam", "tom", "jim", "grace", "bill"] # array of names that is unioned with the above file
# same as above but for passwords
file: "passwords.txt"
data: ["password1", "password2", "password3"]
canAllocateSelf: false # can you be allocated yourself
timeout: 5s # timeout of finding a suitable allocation
# rules per name
- name: "sam"
cannotGet: # will not be allocated
- "matt"
- "grace"
- name: "grace"
- "sam"
- "olivia c."