Confidential computing example - Set-Intersection
@ref - research gate
Kissner L , Song D . Private and threshold set-intersection[J]. Advances in Cryptology – Crypto ’, 2004.
Alice has Set A (SA)
Bob has Set B (SB)
Alice and Bob want to compute the set-intersection of
SA and SB, but they do not want to
leak any information about their set.
This protocol is used for confidential computing.
Alice and Bob both run this protocol with their set's as input,
at the end of this protocol, they both have the intersection of
their sets.
In this protocol, Set
is defined as a collection of big numbers.
For other type of elements, we can map them to big numbers.
base knowledge
Additively Homomorphic Cryptosystem
Paillier’s cryptosystem
TODO:: 找 golang 的 Paillier 库, 或者自行实现(推荐)
the encryption function with public key pk:
The cryptosystem
supports the following two operations,
which can be performed without knowledge of the
private key:
We also require that the homomorphic public-key cryptosystem support secure (n, n)-
threshold decryption.
Polynomials Over Rings
TODO:: 需要一人确定是否用到此部分
TODO:: 需要具体方案
Hash Function
TODO:: 需要确定使用哪种hash
- a hash function from
{0, 1}* to {0, 1}l ( l = lg(1 / ε) ),
where ε is a probability parameter chosen to be negligable)
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
TODO:: 确定是否均为标准 ZKP 流程
TODO:: 理清流程, 将上方的内容对号入座
The protocol is based on section 6.2 of Private and threshold set-intersection, named Intersection-Mal