
v0.0.0-...-99e5d07 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 2, 2021 License: Apache-2.0



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authentication_handler_service is built on the podinfo open source golang microservice template which showcases the best practices of running microservices in Kubernetes.

Please reference SLA Details for further information specific to the various SLAs (Service Level Agreements)


  • Health checks (readiness and liveness)
  • Graceful shutdown on interrupt signals
  • File watcher for secrets and configmaps
  • Instrumented with Prometheus
  • Tracing with Istio and Jaeger
  • Linkerd service profile
  • Structured logging with zap
  • 12-factor app with viper
  • Fault injection (random errors and latency)
  • Swagger docs
  • Helm and Kustomize installers
  • End-to-End testing with Kubernetes Kind and Helm
  • Kustomize testing with GitHub Actions and Open Policy Agent
  • Multi-arch container image with Docker buildx and Github Actions
  • CVE scanning with trivy

Web API:

  • GET / prints runtime information
  • GET /version prints authentication_handler_service version and git commit hash
  • GET /metrics return HTTP requests duration and Go runtime metrics
  • GET /healthz used by Kubernetes liveness probe
  • GET /readyz used by Kubernetes readiness probe
  • POST /readyz/enable signals the Kubernetes LB that this instance is ready to receive traffic
  • POST /readyz/disable signals the Kubernetes LB to stop sending requests to this instance
  • GET /status/{code} returns the status code
  • GET /panic crashes the process with exit code 255
  • POST /echo forwards the call to the backend service and echos the posted content
  • GET /env returns the environment variables as a JSON array
  • GET /headers returns a JSON with the request HTTP headers
  • GET /delay/{seconds} waits for the specified period
  • POST /token issues a JWT token valid for one minute JWT=$(curl -sd 'anon' authentication_handler_service:9898/token | jq -r .token)
  • GET /token/validate validates the JWT token curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" authentication_handler_service:9898/token/validate
  • GET /configs returns a JSON with configmaps and/or secrets mounted in the config volume
  • POST/PUT /cache/{key} saves the posted content to Redis
  • GET /cache/{key} returns the content from Redis if the key exists
  • DELETE /cache/{key} deletes the key from Redis if exists
  • POST /store writes the posted content to disk at /data/hash and returns the SHA1 hash of the content
  • GET /store/{hash} returns the content of the file /data/hash if exists
  • GET /ws/echo echos content via websockets podcli ws ws://localhost:9898/ws/echo
  • GET /chunked/{seconds} uses transfer-encoding type chunked to give a partial response and then waits for the specified period
  • GET /swagger.json returns the API Swagger docs, used for Linkerd service profiling and Gloo routes discovery
  • POST /v1/account/create creates an account record from the context of the authentication service through a distributed transaction. Request body must be a json string comprised of the following {"email":, "password": sample_password}
  • DELETE /v1/account/delete/{id} deletes a user account record from the context of the authentication service through a distributed transaction.
  • GET /v1/account/{id} gets an account from the context of the authentication service by ID.
  • POST /v1/account/lock/{id} locks an account from the context of the authentication service by ID.
  • POST /v1/account/login logs in a user into the system and returns a jwt token which must be used to authenticate all requests. Request body must be a json string comprised of the following {"email":, "password": sample_password}
  • POST /v1/account/logout/{id{} logs out a user account from the system
  • POST /v1/account/unlock/{id} unlocks an account from the context of the authentication service by ID.
  • POST /v1/account/update/{id} updates a user account's email address from the context of the authentication service.


  • / health checking

Web UI:


To access the Swagger UI open <localhost:port>/swagger/index.html in a browser.



helm repo add authentication_handler_service

helm upgrade --install --wait frontend \
--namespace test \
--set replicaCount=2 \
--set backend=http://backend-authentication_handler_service:9898/echo \

# Test pods have hook-delete-policy: hook-succeeded
helm test frontend

helm upgrade --install --wait backend \
--namespace test \
--set hpa.enabled=true \


kubectl apply -k


docker run -dp 9898:9898
Starting Locally

To start the service and its dependencies locally, in the command line, run make start-e2e-dependencies. This will spin up a set of docker containers connected to the same docker network.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL