Index ¶
- Constants
- func InterfaceReference(lib Library, name string, full bool) string
- func IsError(code Code) bool
- func MustReadResource[T any](val any, obj T) T
- func MustWriteResource(obj any) any
- func ReadResource(val any, obj any) error
- func WriteResource(obj any) (any, error)
- type AccessGroup
- type AccessOptions
- type AggregateNode
- type AggregateType
- type Callback
- type ChangeType
- type CmdType
- type Code
- type Context
- type ContextNode
- type ContextType
- type CreateLayerRequest
- type CreateObjectRequest
- type CreateRelationRequest
- type EndpointNode
- type EndpointType
- type Environment
- type EnvironmentType
- type EventType
- type FieldType
- type Filter
- type FilterNode
- type FormatType
- type GenericInterface
- type GenericSlot
- type GenericValuation
- type GetNodeRequest
- type GetResourceRequest
- type GroupNode
- type Info
- type InstanceNode
- type InstanceSwitch
- type Interface
- type InterfaceMatcher
- func (m InterfaceMatcher) Generics() GenericValuation
- func (m InterfaceMatcher) Match(ss, ts Interface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenerics(gs, ts Interface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsGeneric(gs, ts GenericInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsList(gs, ts ListInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsMap(gs, ts MapInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsNamed(gs, ts NamedInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsPrimitive(gs, ts PrimitiveInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsReference(gs, ts ReferenceInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplate(gs, ts Interface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateGeneric(gs, ts GenericInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateList(gs, ts ListInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateMap(gs, ts MapInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateNamed(gs, ts NamedInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplatePrimitive(gs, ts PrimitiveInterface) error
- func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateReference(gs, ts ReferenceInterface) error
- func (m InterfaceMatcher) Template() TemplateValuation
- type LayerInfo
- type LayerProfile
- type LayerToken
- type LayerTokenInfo
- type LayerTokens
- type Library
- type ListInterface
- type ListNode
- type MapInterface
- func (s MapInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (MapInterface, error)
- func (s MapInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (MapInterface, error)
- func (s MapInterface) Equals(s2 MapInterface) bool
- func (s MapInterface) GetEntry(name string) (MapInterfaceEntry, bool)
- func (s MapInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
- type MapInterfaceEntry
- type MapNode
- type MapNodeEntry
- type MappingType
- type MessageEvent
- type MessageInfo
- type MessageSubscribe
- type NamedInterface
- type Node
- type NodeType
- type Object
- type OperatorType
- type Order
- type Parameter
- type PermTriple
- type Permission
- type Permissions
- type PrimitiveInterface
- func (s PrimitiveInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (PrimitiveInterface, error)
- func (s PrimitiveInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (PrimitiveInterface, error)
- func (s PrimitiveInterface) Equals(s2 PrimitiveInterface) bool
- func (s PrimitiveInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
- type PrimitiveType
- type PutNodeRequest
- type PutResourceRequest
- type ReferenceInterface
- func (s ReferenceInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (ReferenceInterface, error)
- func (s ReferenceInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (ReferenceInterface, error)
- func (s ReferenceInterface) Equals(s2 ReferenceInterface) bool
- func (s ReferenceInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
- type ReferenceNode
- type RelationNode
- type Resolver
- type ResourceCallback
- type ResourceField
- type ResourceFilter
- type ResourceFilters
- type ResourceInstance
- type ResourceMapping
- type ResourceOptions
- type ResourceOrder
- type ResourceOrders
- type ResourceSchema
- func (r *ResourceSchema) AddObjectField(name string, fieldType FieldType, formatType FormatType) *ResourceSchema
- func (r *ResourceSchema) AddRelationField(name string, relation string, fieldType FieldType, formatType FormatType, ...) *ResourceSchema
- func (r ResourceSchema) GetField(name string) *ResourceField
- func (r *ResourceSchema) Resolve(resolver Resolver, base string) error
- type ResourceSpecials
- func (rs *ResourceSpecials) AddFilter(name string, value any, operatorType OperatorType) *ResourceSpecials
- func (rs *ResourceSpecials) AddOrder(name string, ascending bool) *ResourceSpecials
- func (rs *ResourceSpecials) SetLimit(limit int) *ResourceSpecials
- func (rs *ResourceSpecials) SetOffset(offset int) *ResourceSpecials
- type ResourceStreamInstance
- type ResourceStreamList
- type ResourceType
- type ReturnType
- type SchemaType
- type SessionInfo
- type SliceNode
- type SortNode
- type SourceType
- type SpecialsNode
- type StreamLayerTokens
- type StreamMessage
- type StreamResourceEvent
- type StreamResourceParams
- type StreamSubscriptionParams
- type StreamUnsubscribe
- type StructTemplateType
- type Subscription
- type SystemClient
- func (c *SystemClient) CreateKeyedRelation(originID core.ID, targetID core.ID, abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, ...) (Object, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) CreateLayer(abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) CreateObject(abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) CreateRelation(originID core.ID, targetID core.ID, abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, ...) (Object, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) DeleteData(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) error
- func (c *SystemClient) DeleteObject(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) error
- func (c *SystemClient) GetAbstracts(id core.ID, self bool, direct bool, indirect bool, options *AccessOptions) (core.IDSet, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetData(id core.ID, formatType FormatType, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetInfo(options *AccessOptions) (Info, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetName(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) (string, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetNode(node Node, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetObject(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetResourceInstance(resource *ResourceInstance, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetResourceList(resource *ResourceSpecials, options *AccessOptions) ([]any, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) GetSpecials(id core.ID, self bool, direct bool, indirect bool, options *AccessOptions) (core.IDSet, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) LayerProfile() *LayerProfile
- func (c *SystemClient) PutNode(node Node, value any, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) PutResourceInstance(resource *ResourceInstance, value any, accessName string, ...) (core.ID, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) PutResourceSpecials(resource *ResourceSpecials, values any, accessName string, ...) (core.IDList, error)
- func (c *SystemClient) SetData(id core.ID, value any, formatType FormatType, options *AccessOptions) error
- func (c *SystemClient) SetDefaultOptions(options *AccessOptions)
- func (c *SystemClient) SetLayerProfile(layerProfile LayerProfile)
- func (c *SystemClient) SetName(id core.ID, name string, options *AccessOptions) error
- func (c *SystemClient) VerifyToken(token string) (LayerTokenInfo, error)
- type SystemStreamClient
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Connect() error
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Connected() bool
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Disconnect() error
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) GetResourceInstance(resource *ResourceInstance, options ResourceOptions) (*ResourceStreamInstance, error)
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) GetResourceList(resource *ResourceSpecials, options ResourceOptions) (*ResourceStreamList, error)
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Info() (chan MessageInfo, error)
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) LayerTokens() (chan LayerTokens, error)
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) RegisterLayerProfile(profile LayerProfile) error
- func (sc *SystemStreamClient) RegisterLayerToken(token LayerToken) error
- type TemplateExpansion
- type TemplateSlot
- type TemplateString
- type TemplateValuation
- type TemplateValue
- type Universe
- func (rf *Universe) AbstractsOf(ri UniverseIdentifier) map[string]bool
- func (rf *Universe) Clean()
- func (rf *Universe) Copy(base string, bases bool, deps bool, objects bool) Universe
- func (rf *Universe) Dump(w io.Writer, compressed bool) error
- func (rf *Universe) DumpFile(filepath string) error
- func (rf *Universe) Extend(base string) Universe
- func (rf *Universe) GetEndpoint(name string) *EndpointNode
- func (rf *Universe) GetInterface(name string) *NamedInterface
- func (rf *Universe) GetModel(ident string, base string) *UniverseObjectInfo
- func (rf *Universe) GetOrigin(model UniverseIdentifier) *UniverseIdentifier
- func (rf *Universe) GetTarget(model UniverseIdentifier) *UniverseIdentifier
- func (rf *Universe) HasAbstract(model UniverseIdentifier, abs UniverseIdentifier) bool
- func (rf *Universe) JSONSchema() (json.RawMessage, error)
- func (rf *Universe) Library() Library
- func (rf *Universe) Load(r io.Reader, compressed bool) error
- func (rf *Universe) LoadFile(filepath string) error
- func (rf *Universe) Resolve(ident string, base string) core.ID
- type UniverseAbstraction
- type UniverseIdentifier
- func (ri UniverseIdentifier) Canonical(base string, target string) string
- func (ri UniverseIdentifier) Equals(ri2 UniverseIdentifier) bool
- func (ri UniverseIdentifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (ri UniverseIdentifier) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
- func (ri UniverseIdentifier) String() string
- func (ri *UniverseIdentifier) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- func (ri *UniverseIdentifier) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
- type UniverseObjectInfo
- type UniverseRelation
- type ValueNode
- type ValueSource
Constants ¶
const ( PermDeleteObject = Permission(1) << iota PermViewName = Permission(1) << iota PermChangeName = Permission(1) << iota PermViewData = Permission(1) << iota PermChangeData = Permission(1) << iota PermCreated = Permission(1) << iota PermUser = Permission(1) << iota PermViewAbstract = Permission(1) << iota PermAddAbstract = Permission(1) << iota PermRemoveAbstract = Permission(1) << iota PermViewSpecial = Permission(1) << iota PermAddSpecial = Permission(1) << iota PermRemoveSpecial = Permission(1) << iota PermViewTarget = Permission(1) << iota PermAddTarget = Permission(1) << iota PermRemoveTarget = Permission(1) << iota PermViewOrigin = Permission(1) << iota PermAddOrigin = Permission(1) << iota PermRemoveOrigin = Permission(1) << iota PermViewObject = Permission(1) << iota PermAddObject = Permission(1) << iota PermRemoveObject = Permission(1) << iota PermViewSpace = Permission(1) << iota PermAddSpace = Permission(1) << iota PermRemoveSpace = Permission(1) << iota PermReserved1 = Permission(1) << iota PermReserved2 = Permission(1) << iota PermReserved3 = Permission(1) << iota PermMeta1 = Permission(1) << iota PermMeta2 = Permission(1) << iota PermMeta3 = Permission(1) << iota PermMeta4 = Permission(1) << iota )
4 permission bytes
const MaxDuration = (1<<31 - 1) * time.Second
const PermAbstract = PermViewAbstract | PermChangeAbstract
const PermAll = PermDeleteObject | PermView | PermChange
const PermChange = PermChangeName | PermChangeData | PermChangeAbstract | PermChangeSpecial | PermChangeTarget | PermChangeOrigin | PermChangeObject | PermChangeSpace
const PermChangeAbstract = PermAddAbstract | PermRemoveAbstract
const PermChangeObject = PermAddObject | PermRemoveObject
const PermChangeOrigin = PermAddOrigin | PermRemoveOrigin
const PermChangeSpace = PermAddSpace | PermRemoveSpace
const PermChangeSpecial = PermAddSpecial | PermRemoveSpecial
const PermChangeTarget = PermAddTarget | PermRemoveTarget
const PermData = PermViewData | PermChangeData
const PermName = PermViewName | PermChangeName
const PermOrigin = PermViewOrigin | PermChangeOrigin
const PermSpecial = PermViewSpecial | PermChangeSpecial
const PermTarget = PermViewTarget | PermChangeTarget
const PermView = PermViewName | PermViewData | PermCreated | PermUser | PermViewAbstract | PermViewSpecial | PermViewTarget | PermViewOrigin | PermViewObject | PermViewSpace
const PermissionSize = 4
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func MustReadResource ¶
MustReadResource behaves similar to ReadResource but creates a new instance from the passed type and panics in case of an error.
func MustWriteResource ¶
MustWriteResource behaves like WriteResource but panics in case of an error.
func ReadResource ¶
ReadResource turns a nested structure composed of maps, slices and primitive values into a Go variable.
func WriteResource ¶
WriteResource obtains a nested structure composed of maps, slices and primitive values from a Go variable.
Types ¶
type AccessGroup ¶
type AccessGroup struct { Name string Permissions uint32 Tokens []LayerToken }
AccessGroup is a group of layer tokens having at least the group's permissions.
func ReadAccessGroup ¶
func ReadAccessGroup(groupString string) (*AccessGroup, error)
ReadAccessGroup parses a string obtained by AccessGroup.String and returns an access group instance.
func (*AccessGroup) RegisterLayerToken ¶
func (ac *AccessGroup) RegisterLayerToken(token LayerToken) error
RegisterLayerToken adds a layer token to this access group. It returns an error if the layer token does not have sufficient permissions for that group.
func (AccessGroup) String ¶
func (ac AccessGroup) String() string
String returns a string representation of this access group. The string can be parsed using ReadAccessGroup.
func (*AccessGroup) UnregisterLayerToken ¶
func (ac *AccessGroup) UnregisterLayerToken(token string)
UnregisterLayerToken removes a token from this access group. If the token is not present, nothing will happen.
type AccessOptions ¶
type AggregateNode ¶
type AggregateNode struct { Source ValueSource `json:"source"` Function AggregateType `json:"function"` }
AggregateNode turns a list or a keyed list context into a single value
func (AggregateNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en AggregateNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type AggregateType ¶
type AggregateType string
AggregateType defines the type of aggregation
const ( AggregateTypeCount AggregateType = "count" AggregateTypeMinimum AggregateType = "minimum" AggregateTypeMaximum AggregateType = "maximum" AggregateTypeSum AggregateType = "sum" AggregateTypeAverage AggregateType = "average" )
type Callback ¶
type Callback func(message StreamMessage)
type ChangeType ¶
type ChangeType string
const ( CngChange ChangeType = "change" CngAdd ChangeType = "add" CngRemove ChangeType = "remove" )
type Code ¶
type Code int
const ( // CodeUndefined should not be used and will most likely trigger an error CodeUndefined Code = iota // CodeSuccess200 represents a 200 (OK) status CodeSuccess200 Code = iota // CodePartial206 represents a 206 (partial content) status CodePartial206 Code = iota // CodeError403 represents a 403 (authentication required) error CodeError403 Code = iota // CodeError400BadRequest represents a 400 (bad request) error CodeError400BadRequest Code = iota // CodeError404NotFound represents a 404 (not found) error CodeError404NotFound Code = iota // CodeError416InvalidRange represents a 416 (range not satisfiable) error CodeError416InvalidRange Code = iota // CodeError500OrUnknown represents a server-side error or an unknown error CodeError500OrUnknown Code = iota )
type Context ¶
type Context struct { Environment Environment `json:"environment"` Value any `json:"value"` }
type ContextNode ¶
type ContextNode struct { Context Context `json:"context" yaml:"context"` Node Node `json:"node" yaml:"node"` }
func (ContextNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en ContextNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type ContextType ¶
type ContextType string
ContextType defines the type of context
const ( ContextTypeBlank ContextType = "blank" ContextTypeSpecials ContextType = "specials" ContextTypeRelation ContextType = "relation" )
type CreateLayerRequest ¶ added in v0.0.14
type CreateObjectRequest ¶
type CreateRelationRequest ¶
type EndpointNode ¶
type EndpointNode struct { Type EndpointType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` ID core.ID `json:"id" yaml:"id"` Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Node Node `json:"node" yaml:"node"` Context Context `json:"context,omitempty" yaml:"context,omitempty"` Interface *Interface `json:"interface,omitempty" yaml:"interface,omitempty"` Parameters []Parameter `json:"parameters,omitempty" yaml:"parameters,omitempty"` }
EndpointNode injects a constant context into the first node
func (EndpointNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en EndpointNode) InterfaceSchema(universe Universe) (Interface, error)
type EndpointType ¶
type EndpointType string
const ( EndpointTypeGet EndpointType = "get" EndpointTypePut EndpointType = "put" )
type Environment ¶
type Environment struct { Type EnvironmentType `json:"type"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` }
type EnvironmentType ¶
type EnvironmentType string
EnvironmentType defines the type of environment
const ( EnvironmentTypePrimitive EnvironmentType = "primitive" EnvironmentTypeList EnvironmentType = "list" EnvironmentTypeKeyedList EnvironmentType = "keyed_list" )
type Filter ¶
type Filter struct { Source ValueSource `json:"source"` Operator OperatorType `json:"operator"` Value any `json:"value"` }
type FilterNode ¶
FilterNode modifies a list or a keyed list context by removing elements
func (FilterNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en FilterNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type FormatType ¶
type FormatType string
FormatType specifies the way of mapping binary data to or from JSON values.
const ( FormatTypeRaw FormatType = "raw" FormatTypeHex FormatType = "hex" FormatTypeBase64 FormatType = "base64" FormatTypeString FormatType = "string" FormatTypeInteger FormatType = "integer" FormatTypeFloat FormatType = "float" FormatTypeBoolean FormatType = "boolean" )
type GenericInterface ¶
type GenericInterface struct {
Name TemplateString `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
func (GenericInterface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s GenericInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (GenericInterface, error)
func (GenericInterface) Equals ¶
func (s GenericInterface) Equals(s2 GenericInterface) bool
func (GenericInterface) JSONSchema ¶
func (s GenericInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
type GenericSlot ¶
type GenericSlot struct { Name TemplateString `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"` }
type GenericValuation ¶
A GenericValuation maps a type onto generic placeholders
type GetNodeRequest ¶
type GetNodeRequest struct {
Node Node `json:"node"`
type GetResourceRequest ¶
type GetResourceRequest struct { ObjectID core.ID `json:"objectId"` Object ResourceType `json:"object"` Schema ResourceSchema `json:"schema"` Filter ResourceFilters `json:"filter,omitempty"` Order ResourceOrders `json:"order,omitempty"` Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
type GroupNode ¶
type GroupNode struct { Source ValueSource `json:"source"` Node Node `json:"node"` }
GroupNode turns a list into a group context
func (GroupNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en GroupNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type Info ¶
type Info struct { // APIVersion represents the API version APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion"` // ServerVersion represents the version of the server ServerVersion string `json:"serverVersion"` // UnixTime contains the server time UnixTime int64 `json:"unixTime"` // Layers contains layer info for the connecting client Layers []LayerInfo `json:"layers"` }
type InstanceNode ¶
type InstanceNode struct { Format FormatType `json:"format"` Switches []InstanceSwitch `json:"switches"` }
InstanceNode turns a primitive context into a single value, based on the abstracts of the context value
func (InstanceNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en InstanceNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type InstanceSwitch ¶
type Interface ¶
type Interface struct { Type SchemaType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` Named *NamedInterface `json:"named,omitempty" yaml:"named,omitempty"` Primitive *PrimitiveInterface `json:"primitive,omitempty" yaml:"primitive,omitempty"` Map *MapInterface `json:"map,omitempty" yaml:"map,omitempty"` List *ListInterface `json:"list,omitempty" yaml:"list,omitempty"` Generic *GenericInterface `json:"generic,omitempty" yaml:"generic,omitempty"` Reference *ReferenceInterface `json:"reference,omitempty" yaml:"reference,omitempty"` }
func (Interface) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (s Interface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (Interface, error)
func (Interface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s Interface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (Interface, error)
type InterfaceMatcher ¶
type InterfaceMatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInterfaceMatcher ¶
func NewInterfaceMatcher(generics []GenericSlot, template []TemplateSlot) InterfaceMatcher
func (InterfaceMatcher) Generics ¶
func (m InterfaceMatcher) Generics() GenericValuation
func (InterfaceMatcher) Match ¶
func (m InterfaceMatcher) Match(ss, ts Interface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenerics ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenerics(gs, ts Interface) error
MatchGenerics attempts to find a generic valuation which transforms gs into ts when the returned valuation is applied to gs via gs.ApplyGenerics
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsGeneric ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsGeneric(gs, ts GenericInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsList ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsList(gs, ts ListInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsMap ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsMap(gs, ts MapInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsNamed ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsNamed(gs, ts NamedInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsPrimitive ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsPrimitive(gs, ts PrimitiveInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsReference ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchGenericsReference(gs, ts ReferenceInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplate ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplate(gs, ts Interface) error
MatchTemplate attempts to find a template valuation which transforms gs into ts when the returned valuation is applied to gs via gs.ApplyTemplate
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateGeneric ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateGeneric(gs, ts GenericInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateList ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateList(gs, ts ListInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateMap ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateMap(gs, ts MapInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateNamed ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateNamed(gs, ts NamedInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplatePrimitive ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplatePrimitive(gs, ts PrimitiveInterface) error
func (*InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateReference ¶
func (m *InterfaceMatcher) MatchTemplateReference(gs, ts ReferenceInterface) error
func (InterfaceMatcher) Template ¶
func (m InterfaceMatcher) Template() TemplateValuation
type LayerInfo ¶
type LayerInfo struct { // LayerID represents the layer of this info LayerID core.ID `json:"layerId"` // UserID represents the user for whom this token was issues UserID core.ID `json:"userId"` // Permissions contains granted, mandatory and exclusive permissions for this layer Permissions string `json:"permissions"` }
type LayerProfile ¶
type LayerProfile map[string]*AccessGroup
LayerProfile maps names of access groups onto group instances.
func NewLayerProfile ¶
func NewLayerProfile() LayerProfile
NewLayerProfile creates a LayerProfile instance.
func ReadLayerProfile ¶
func ReadLayerProfile(profileString string) (LayerProfile, error)
ReadLayerProfile parses a string representation obtained via LayerProfile.String and returns a new LayerProfile instance.
func (*LayerProfile) AddAccessGroup ¶
func (lp *LayerProfile) AddAccessGroup(name string, permissions uint32) (*AccessGroup, error)
AddAccessGroup creates a new access group and attaches it to the LayerProfile instance. If an access group with that name already exists, it will return that instance instead of creating a new one.
func (LayerProfile) GetAccessGroup ¶
func (lp LayerProfile) GetAccessGroup(name string) *AccessGroup
GetAccessGroup returns an access group instance with the given name or nil if it does not exist.
func (LayerProfile) RemoveAccessGroup ¶
func (lp LayerProfile) RemoveAccessGroup(name string)
RemoveAccessGroup removes an access group.
func (LayerProfile) String ¶
func (lp LayerProfile) String() string
String returns a string representation of the layer profile.
type LayerToken ¶
type LayerToken struct { LayerID core.ID `json:"layer"` UserID core.ID `json:"user"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Expiry time.Duration `json:"expiry"` Granted uint32 `json:"granted"` Mandatory uint32 `json:"mandatory"` Exclusive uint32 `json:"exclusive"` IsAdmin bool `json:"admin"` Signature core.Binary `json:"signature"` Token string `json:"token"` }
LayerToken is a parsed layer token issued by the VYZE service.
func ReadLayerToken ¶
func ReadLayerToken(tokenString string) (LayerToken, error)
ReadLayerToken parses a token string and returns a new LayerToken instance.
func (LayerToken) Expired ¶
func (lt LayerToken) Expired() bool
Expired returns true if the token has expired.
func (LayerToken) Expires ¶
func (lt LayerToken) Expires() time.Time
Expires returns the time the token expires.
type LayerTokenInfo ¶
type LayerTokenInfo struct { // LayerID represents the layer of this token LayerID core.ID `json:"layer"` // UserID represents the user for whom this token was issued UserID core.ID `json:"user"` // Granted contains the granted permissions Granted uint32 `json:"granted"` // Mandatory contains the mandatory permissions Mandatory uint32 `json:"mandatory"` // Exclusive contains the exclusive permissions Exclusive uint32 `json:"exclusive"` // Created contains the creation date Created int64 `json:"created"` // Expiry contains the duration of validity Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"` // Admin indicates whether this user is an admin Admin bool `json:"admin"` }
type LayerTokens ¶
type LayerTokens struct {
Tokens []LayerTokenInfo `json:"tokens"`
type Library ¶
type Library struct { Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Filename string `json:"filename" yaml:"filename"` Interfaces map[string]NamedInterface `json:"schemas" yaml:"schemas"` Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"` }
func NewLibrary ¶
func NewLibrary() Library
func (*Library) AddSchema ¶
func (l *Library) AddSchema(schema NamedInterface)
func (*Library) GetSchema ¶
func (l *Library) GetSchema(name string) *NamedInterface
func (Library) JSONSchema ¶
func (l Library) JSONSchema() (json.RawMessage, error)
type ListInterface ¶
type ListInterface struct {
Entry Interface `json:"entry" yaml:"entry"`
func (ListInterface) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (s ListInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (ListInterface, error)
func (ListInterface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s ListInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (ListInterface, error)
func (ListInterface) Equals ¶
func (s ListInterface) Equals(s2 ListInterface) bool
func (ListInterface) JSONSchema ¶
func (s ListInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
type ListNode ¶
type ListNode struct { Entry Node `json:"entry"` KeyFormat FormatType `json:"keyFormat,omitempty" yaml:"keyFormat,omitempty"` KeyName string `json:"keyName,omitempty" yaml:"keyName,omitempty"` ValueName string `json:"valueName,omitempty" yaml:"valueName,omitempty"` }
ListNode turns a list or a keyed list context into a primitive context
func (ListNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en ListNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type MapInterface ¶
type MapInterface struct {
Entries []MapInterfaceEntry `json:"entries" yaml:"entries"`
func (MapInterface) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (s MapInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (MapInterface, error)
func (MapInterface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s MapInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (MapInterface, error)
func (MapInterface) Equals ¶
func (s MapInterface) Equals(s2 MapInterface) bool
func (MapInterface) GetEntry ¶
func (s MapInterface) GetEntry(name string) (MapInterfaceEntry, bool)
func (MapInterface) JSONSchema ¶
func (s MapInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
type MapInterfaceEntry ¶
type MapInterfaceEntry struct { Key TemplateString `json:"key" yaml:"key"` Expansion *TemplateExpansion `json:"expansion,omitempty" yaml:"expansion,omitempty"` Schema Interface `json:"schema" yaml:"schema"` }
func (MapInterfaceEntry) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (e MapInterfaceEntry) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (MapInterfaceEntry, error)
func (MapInterfaceEntry) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (e MapInterfaceEntry) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (MapInterfaceEntry, error)
type MapNode ¶
type MapNode struct {
Entries []MapNodeEntry `json:"entries"`
MapNode turns a primitive context into a map of multiple primitive contexts
func (MapNode) GetEntry ¶
func (en MapNode) GetEntry(name string) *MapNodeEntry
func (MapNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en MapNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type MapNodeEntry ¶
type MappingType ¶
type MappingType string
MappingType specifies how multiple relations should be mapped onto or from JSON values.
const ( MappingTypePrimitive MappingType = "primitive" MappingTypeList MappingType = "list" )
type MessageEvent ¶
type MessageEvent struct {
Event json.RawMessage `json:"event"`
type MessageInfo ¶
type MessageInfo struct { // APIVersion represents the API version APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion"` // ServerVersion represents the version of the server ServerVersion string `json:"serverVersion"` // UnixTime contains the server time UnixTime int64 `json:"unixTime"` // Session provides information about the session Session SessionInfo `json:"session"` // Subscriptions contains the number of currently open subscriptions Subscriptions int `json:"subscriptions"` }
type MessageSubscribe ¶
type MessageSubscribe struct { Event EventType `json:"event"` Params StreamSubscriptionParams `json:"params"` }
MessageSubscribe binds a stream message and stream subscription request together
type NamedInterface ¶
type NamedInterface struct { ID core.ID `json:"id" yaml:"id"` Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Template []TemplateSlot `json:"template,omitempty" yaml:"template,omitempty"` Generics []GenericSlot `json:"generics,omitempty" yaml:"generics,omitempty"` Schema Interface `json:"schema" yaml:"schema"` }
func (NamedInterface) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (s NamedInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (NamedInterface, error)
func (NamedInterface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s NamedInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (NamedInterface, error)
func (NamedInterface) Equals ¶
func (s NamedInterface) Equals(s2 NamedInterface) bool
func (NamedInterface) JSONSchema ¶
func (s NamedInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
type Node ¶
type Node struct { Type NodeType `json:"type"` Endpoint *EndpointNode `json:"endpoint,omitempty" yaml:"endpoint,omitempty"` Reference *ReferenceNode `json:"reference,omitempty" yaml:"reference,omitempty"` Context *ContextNode `json:"context,omitempty" yaml:"context,omitempty"` Relation *RelationNode `json:"relation,omitempty" yaml:"relation,omitempty"` Specials *SpecialsNode `json:"specials,omitempty" yaml:"specials,omitempty"` Value *ValueNode `json:"value,omitempty" yaml:"value,omitempty"` Instance *InstanceNode `json:"instance,omitempty" yaml:"instance,omitempty"` Group *GroupNode `json:"group,omitempty" yaml:"group,omitempty"` List *ListNode `json:"list,omitempty" yaml:"list,omitempty"` Filter *FilterNode `json:"filter,omitempty" yaml:"filter,omitempty"` Sort *SortNode `json:"sort,omitempty" yaml:"sort,omitempty"` Slice *SliceNode `json:"slice,omitempty" yaml:"slice,omitempty"` Aggregate *AggregateNode `json:"aggregate,omitempty" yaml:"aggregate,omitempty"` Map *MapNode `json:"map,omitempty" yaml:"map,omitempty"` }
func (Node) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (n Node) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type NodeType ¶
type NodeType string
NodeType defines the type of node
const ( NodeTypeEndpoint NodeType = "endpoint" NodeTypeContext NodeType = "context" NodeTypeRelation NodeType = "relation" NodeTypeSpecials NodeType = "specials" NodeTypeValue NodeType = "value" NodeTypeInstance NodeType = "instance" NodeTypeGroup NodeType = "group" NodeTypeList NodeType = "list" NodeTypeFilter NodeType = "filter" NodeTypeSort NodeType = "sort" NodeTypeSlice NodeType = "slice" NodeTypeAggregate NodeType = "aggregate" NodeTypeMap NodeType = "map" NodeTypeReference NodeType = "reference" )
type OperatorType ¶
type OperatorType string
OperatorType defines the operator to be used for filters
const ( OperatorTypeEqual OperatorType = "eq" OperatorTypeGreater OperatorType = "gt" OperatorTypeGreaterEqual OperatorType = "ge" OperatorTypeLess OperatorType = "lt" OperatorTypeLessEqual OperatorType = "le" OperatorTypeNotEqual OperatorType = "ne" )
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Source ValueSource `json:"source"` Descending bool `json:"descending"` }
type PermTriple ¶
type PermTriple [3]Permission
func ParsePermTriple ¶
func ParsePermTriple(str string) PermTriple
func (PermTriple) Bytes ¶
func (t PermTriple) Bytes() []byte
func (PermTriple) Equal ¶
func (t PermTriple) Equal(other PermTriple) bool
func (PermTriple) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t PermTriple) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (PermTriple) String ¶
func (t PermTriple) String() string
func (*PermTriple) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *PermTriple) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Permission ¶
type Permission uint32
func ParsePermission ¶
func ParsePermission(str string) Permission
func (Permission) Bytes ¶
func (p Permission) Bytes() []byte
func (Permission) String ¶
func (p Permission) String() string
type Permissions ¶
type Permissions map[core.ID]PermTriple
func (Permissions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t Permissions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Permissions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *Permissions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PrimitiveInterface ¶
type PrimitiveInterface struct { Model string `json:"model,omitempty" yaml:"model,omitempty"` Value PrimitiveType `json:"value" yaml:"value"` }
func (PrimitiveInterface) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (s PrimitiveInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (PrimitiveInterface, error)
func (PrimitiveInterface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s PrimitiveInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (PrimitiveInterface, error)
func (PrimitiveInterface) Equals ¶
func (s PrimitiveInterface) Equals(s2 PrimitiveInterface) bool
func (PrimitiveInterface) JSONSchema ¶
func (s PrimitiveInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
type PrimitiveType ¶
type PrimitiveType string
const ( PrimitiveTypeVoid PrimitiveType = "void" PrimitiveTypeID PrimitiveType = "id" PrimitiveTypeString PrimitiveType = "string" PrimitiveTypeInteger PrimitiveType = "integer" PrimitiveTypeFloat PrimitiveType = "float" PrimitiveTypeBoolean PrimitiveType = "boolean" )
type PutNodeRequest ¶
type PutResourceRequest ¶
type PutResourceRequest struct { ObjectID core.ID `json:"objectId"` Object ResourceType `json:"object"` Schema ResourceSchema `json:"schema"` Value any `json:"value"` Layer core.ID `json:"layer"` }
type ReferenceInterface ¶
type ReferenceInterface struct { Generics GenericValuation `json:"generics,omitempty" yaml:"generics,omitempty"` Template TemplateValuation `json:"template,omitempty" yaml:"template,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` }
func (ReferenceInterface) ApplyGenerics ¶
func (s ReferenceInterface) ApplyGenerics(gv GenericValuation) (ReferenceInterface, error)
func (ReferenceInterface) ApplyTemplate ¶
func (s ReferenceInterface) ApplyTemplate(t TemplateValuation) (ReferenceInterface, error)
func (ReferenceInterface) Equals ¶
func (s ReferenceInterface) Equals(s2 ReferenceInterface) bool
func (ReferenceInterface) JSONSchema ¶
func (s ReferenceInterface) JSONSchema(lib *Library) (map[string]any, error)
type ReferenceNode ¶
type ReferenceNode struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ReferenceNode is replaced by its reference, thereby accepting and producing the same contexts as the referenced node
func (ReferenceNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en ReferenceNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type RelationNode ¶
type RelationNode struct { Type EnvironmentType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` Relation string `json:"relation" yaml:"relation"` Reverse bool `json:"reverse" yaml:"reverse"` Node Node `json:"node" yaml:"node"` PutAdd bool `json:"putAdd" yaml:"putAdd"` PutDuplicates bool `json:"putDuplicates" yaml:"putDuplicates"` }
func (RelationNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en RelationNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type ResourceCallback ¶
type ResourceCallback func(message StreamResourceEvent)
type ResourceField ¶
type ResourceField struct { // Name is the name of the field as it appears in the Name string `json:"name"` // Relation is the ID or the identifier of the relation of this field Relation *string `json:"relation,omitempty"` // Mapping is the type of mapping for this field Mapping MappingType `json:"mapping"` // MappingParams are the parameters of the mapping specified in Mapping MappingParams map[string]any `json:"mappingParams,omitempty"` // Field is the type of this field Field FieldType `json:"field"` // Format is the format used for the values carried by this field Format FormatType `json:"format"` }
ResourceField represents a key in the JSON object to be rendered to or from a ResourceSchema.
func (ResourceField) GetMappingParam ¶
func (f ResourceField) GetMappingParam(key string, def string) any
func (*ResourceField) SetMappingParam ¶
func (f *ResourceField) SetMappingParam(key string, val any)
type ResourceFilter ¶
type ResourceFilter struct { Name string `json:"name"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` Operator OperatorType `json:"operator"` }
type ResourceFilters ¶
type ResourceFilters []ResourceFilter
type ResourceInstance ¶
type ResourceInstance struct { ObjectID core.ID `json:"objectId"` Schema ResourceSchema `json:"schema"` }
ResourceInstance represents a resource object for single instances.
func NewResourceInstance ¶
func NewResourceInstance(id core.ID, schema *ResourceSchema) *ResourceInstance
NewResourceInstance creates a new resource object for single instances.
type ResourceMapping ¶
type ResourceMapping struct { ValueType MappingType ValueParams map[string]any }
ResourceMapping represents the type of mapping used to map object or relation field values onto a JSON object.
func NewListMapping ¶
func NewListMapping() ResourceMapping
func NewPrimitiveMapping ¶
func NewPrimitiveMapping() ResourceMapping
func (*ResourceMapping) Set ¶
func (rm *ResourceMapping) Set(key string, value any) *ResourceMapping
type ResourceOptions ¶
type ResourceOrder ¶
type ResourceOrders ¶
type ResourceOrders []ResourceOrder
type ResourceSchema ¶
type ResourceSchema struct {
Fields []ResourceField `json:"fields"`
ResourceSchema represents a mapping between JSON objects and VYZE objects.
func ExtractSchema ¶
func ExtractSchema(obj any, resolver Resolver, base string) (ResourceSchema, error)
ExtractSchema extracts a ResourceSchema instance from a go structure.
func MustExtractSchema ¶
func MustExtractSchema(obj any, univ *Universe, base string) *ResourceSchema
MustExtractSchema behaves like ExtractSchema but panics in case of an error.
func NewResourceSchema ¶
func NewResourceSchema() *ResourceSchema
NewResourceSchema creates a new ResourceSchema instance.
func (*ResourceSchema) AddObjectField ¶
func (r *ResourceSchema) AddObjectField(name string, fieldType FieldType, formatType FormatType) *ResourceSchema
AddObjectField attaches a new object field to the resource schema.
func (*ResourceSchema) AddRelationField ¶
func (r *ResourceSchema) AddRelationField(name string, relation string, fieldType FieldType, formatType FormatType, mapping ResourceMapping) *ResourceSchema
AddRelationField attaches a new relation field to the resource schema.
func (ResourceSchema) GetField ¶
func (r ResourceSchema) GetField(name string) *ResourceField
GetField returns a field of this schema identified by its name.
type ResourceSpecials ¶
type ResourceSpecials struct { ObjectID core.ID `json:"objectId"` Schema ResourceSchema `json:"schema"` Filter ResourceFilters `json:"filter,omitempty"` Order ResourceOrders `json:"order,omitempty"` Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` }
ResourceSpecials represents a resource object for lists of instances.
func NewResourceSpecials ¶
func NewResourceSpecials(id core.ID, schema *ResourceSchema) *ResourceSpecials
NewResourceSpecials creates a new resource object for lists of instances.
func (*ResourceSpecials) AddFilter ¶
func (rs *ResourceSpecials) AddFilter(name string, value any, operatorType OperatorType) *ResourceSpecials
AddFilter attaches a filter to the resource object.
func (*ResourceSpecials) AddOrder ¶
func (rs *ResourceSpecials) AddOrder(name string, ascending bool) *ResourceSpecials
AddOrder attaches an order to the resource object.
func (*ResourceSpecials) SetLimit ¶
func (rs *ResourceSpecials) SetLimit(limit int) *ResourceSpecials
SetLimit sets the limit for the resource object ensuring no more than limit instances are returned.
func (*ResourceSpecials) SetOffset ¶
func (rs *ResourceSpecials) SetOffset(offset int) *ResourceSpecials
SetOffset sets the offset for the resource object.
type ResourceStreamInstance ¶
type ResourceStreamInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ResourceStreamInstance) Subscribe ¶
func (sub *ResourceStreamInstance) Subscribe(cb ResourceCallback)
func (*ResourceStreamInstance) Value ¶
func (sub *ResourceStreamInstance) Value() any
type ResourceStreamList ¶
type ResourceStreamList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ResourceStreamList) Subscribe ¶
func (sub *ResourceStreamList) Subscribe(cb ResourceCallback)
func (*ResourceStreamList) Values ¶
func (sub *ResourceStreamList) Values() []any
type ResourceType ¶
type ResourceType string
ResourceType specifies the type of source of one or multiple instances.
const ( ResourceTypeSpecials ResourceType = "specials" ResourceTypeInstance ResourceType = "instance" )
type ReturnType ¶
type ReturnType string
ReturnType specifies how data from multiple relations should be returned.
const ( ReturnTypeObjects ReturnType = "objects" ReturnTypeRelations ReturnType = "relations" ReturnTypePairs ReturnType = "pairs" ReturnTypeMap ReturnType = "map" ReturnTypeKeyedObjects ReturnType = "keyed_objects" ReturnTypeKeyedRelations ReturnType = "keyed_relations" ReturnTypeKeyedPairs ReturnType = "keyed_pairs" )
type SchemaType ¶
type SchemaType string
const ( SchemaTypeNamed SchemaType = "named" SchemaTypePrimitive SchemaType = "primitive" SchemaTypeMap SchemaType = "map" SchemaTypeList SchemaType = "list" SchemaTypeGeneric SchemaType = "generic" SchemaTypeReference SchemaType = "reference" )
type SessionInfo ¶
type SliceNode ¶
type SliceNode struct { Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty" yaml:"offset,omitempty"` Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty" yaml:"limit,omitempty"` Node Node `json:"node"` }
SliceNode modifies a list or a keyed list context by taking a slice of successive elements from the list
func (SliceNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en SliceNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type SortNode ¶
SortNode modifies a list or a keyed list context by changing the order of elements
func (SortNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en SortNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type SourceType ¶
type SourceType string
const ( SourceTypeNode SourceType = "node" SourceTypeKey SourceType = "key" )
type SpecialsNode ¶
type SpecialsNode struct { Type EnvironmentType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` Direct bool `json:"direct" yaml:"direct"` Indirect bool `json:"indirect" yaml:"indirect"` Node Node `json:"node" yaml:"node"` }
func (SpecialsNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en SpecialsNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type StreamLayerTokens ¶
type StreamLayerTokens struct {
Tokens []string `json:"tokens"`
type StreamMessage ¶
type StreamMessage struct { // MessageID is the core.ID of this message MessageID core.ID `json:"messageId"` // ReferenceID is the core.ID of the referenced message ReferenceID core.ID `json:"referenceId"` // Command is the type of the message Command CmdType `json:"command"` // Payload contains the command-specific parameters Payload json.RawMessage `json:"payload"` }
type StreamResourceEvent ¶
type StreamResourceEvent struct { ID core.ID `json:"id"` Type ChangeType `json:"type"` Removed interface{} `json:"removed,omitempty"` Added interface{} `json:"added,omitempty"` }
type StreamResourceParams ¶
type StreamResourceParams struct { Object ResourceType `json:"object"` Schema ResourceSchema `json:"schema"` Filter ResourceFilters `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
type StreamSubscriptionParams ¶
type StreamSubscriptionParams struct { Object core.ID `json:"object"` Specials bool `json:"specials"` Payload bool `json:"payload"` // Payload specifies if payload should be included in triggered events Instant bool `json:"instant"` // Instant specifies if the current state should instantly be transmitted Interval int `json:"interval"` // Interval specifies how long changes should be collected before firing an update Params json.RawMessage `json:"params"` }
StreamSubscriptionParams contains generic parameters
type StreamUnsubscribe ¶
type StreamUnsubscribe struct{}
type StructTemplateType ¶
type StructTemplateType string
const ( TemplateTypePrimitive StructTemplateType = "primitive" TemplateTypeList StructTemplateType = "list" )
type Subscription ¶
type Subscription struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Subscription) Subscribe ¶
func (sub *Subscription) Subscribe(cb Callback)
type SystemClient ¶
type SystemClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSystemClient ¶
func NewSystemClient(endpoint string) *SystemClient
func (*SystemClient) CreateKeyedRelation ¶
func (c *SystemClient) CreateKeyedRelation(originID core.ID, targetID core.ID, abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, key any, keyFormat FormatType, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
func (*SystemClient) CreateLayer ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (c *SystemClient) CreateLayer(abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
func (*SystemClient) CreateObject ¶
func (c *SystemClient) CreateObject(abstractIDs core.IDSet, name string, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
func (*SystemClient) CreateRelation ¶
func (*SystemClient) DeleteData ¶
func (c *SystemClient) DeleteData(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) error
func (*SystemClient) DeleteObject ¶
func (c *SystemClient) DeleteObject(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) error
func (*SystemClient) GetAbstracts ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetAbstracts(id core.ID, self bool, direct bool, indirect bool, options *AccessOptions) (core.IDSet, error)
func (*SystemClient) GetData ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetData(id core.ID, formatType FormatType, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
func (*SystemClient) GetInfo ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetInfo(options *AccessOptions) (Info, error)
func (*SystemClient) GetName ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetName(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) (string, error)
func (*SystemClient) GetNode ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetNode(node Node, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
func (*SystemClient) GetObject ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetObject(id core.ID, options *AccessOptions) (Object, error)
func (*SystemClient) GetResourceInstance ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetResourceInstance(resource *ResourceInstance, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
GetResourceInstance returns a value specified by the resource parameter.
func (*SystemClient) GetResourceList ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetResourceList(resource *ResourceSpecials, options *AccessOptions) ([]any, error)
GetResourceList returns a slice of values specified by the resource parameter.
func (*SystemClient) GetSpecials ¶
func (c *SystemClient) GetSpecials(id core.ID, self bool, direct bool, indirect bool, options *AccessOptions) (core.IDSet, error)
func (*SystemClient) LayerProfile ¶
func (c *SystemClient) LayerProfile() *LayerProfile
func (*SystemClient) PutNode ¶
func (c *SystemClient) PutNode(node Node, value any, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (any, error)
func (*SystemClient) PutResourceInstance ¶
func (c *SystemClient) PutResourceInstance(resource *ResourceInstance, value any, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (core.ID, error)
func (*SystemClient) PutResourceSpecials ¶
func (c *SystemClient) PutResourceSpecials(resource *ResourceSpecials, values any, accessName string, options *AccessOptions) (core.IDList, error)
func (*SystemClient) SetData ¶
func (c *SystemClient) SetData(id core.ID, value any, formatType FormatType, options *AccessOptions) error
func (*SystemClient) SetDefaultOptions ¶
func (c *SystemClient) SetDefaultOptions(options *AccessOptions)
func (*SystemClient) SetLayerProfile ¶
func (c *SystemClient) SetLayerProfile(layerProfile LayerProfile)
func (*SystemClient) SetName ¶
func (c *SystemClient) SetName(id core.ID, name string, options *AccessOptions) error
func (*SystemClient) VerifyToken ¶
func (c *SystemClient) VerifyToken(token string) (LayerTokenInfo, error)
type SystemStreamClient ¶
type SystemStreamClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSystemStreamClient ¶
func NewSystemStreamClient(endpoint string) *SystemStreamClient
func (*SystemStreamClient) Connect ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Connect() error
func (*SystemStreamClient) Connected ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Connected() bool
func (*SystemStreamClient) Disconnect ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Disconnect() error
func (*SystemStreamClient) GetResourceInstance ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) GetResourceInstance(resource *ResourceInstance, options ResourceOptions) (*ResourceStreamInstance, error)
func (*SystemStreamClient) GetResourceList ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) GetResourceList(resource *ResourceSpecials, options ResourceOptions) (*ResourceStreamList, error)
func (*SystemStreamClient) Info ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) Info() (chan MessageInfo, error)
func (*SystemStreamClient) LayerTokens ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) LayerTokens() (chan LayerTokens, error)
func (*SystemStreamClient) RegisterLayerProfile ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) RegisterLayerProfile(profile LayerProfile) error
func (*SystemStreamClient) RegisterLayerToken ¶
func (sc *SystemStreamClient) RegisterLayerToken(token LayerToken) error
type TemplateExpansion ¶
type TemplateSlot ¶
type TemplateSlot struct { Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Type StructTemplateType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"` }
type TemplateString ¶
type TemplateString string
func (TemplateString) Apply ¶
func (t TemplateString) Apply(template TemplateValuation) TemplateString
Apply replaces placeholders with values from the template provided
func (TemplateString) Resolved ¶
func (t TemplateString) Resolved() bool
Resolved tells whether this template string has been properly resolved, i.e. does not contain placeholders
type TemplateValuation ¶
type TemplateValuation map[string]TemplateValue
func (TemplateValuation) Apply ¶
func (t TemplateValuation) Apply(source TemplateValuation) TemplateValuation
Apply returns a new template where all source values of the template are fetched from the sources template
func (TemplateValuation) Camel ¶
func (t TemplateValuation) Camel() string
Camel creates a string in pascal case suited to become part of a struct name
func (TemplateValuation) Copy ¶
func (t TemplateValuation) Copy() TemplateValuation
Copy returns a copy of the template
func (TemplateValuation) Expand ¶
func (t TemplateValuation) Expand(expansion TemplateExpansion) ([]TemplateValuation, error)
Expand creates a template for each value in the value list
type TemplateValue ¶
type TemplateValue struct { Type StructTemplateType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` Value any `json:"value,omitempty" yaml:"value,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty" yaml:"source,omitempty"` }
func (TemplateValue) Apply ¶
func (tv TemplateValue) Apply(template TemplateValuation) TemplateValue
Apply fetches the value for the template value from the given template
func (TemplateValue) Camel ¶
func (tv TemplateValue) Camel() string
Camel returns a camel case representation of the template value
type Universe ¶
type Universe struct { ID core.ID `json:"id" yaml:"id"` Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description"` Bases []string `json:"bases" yaml:"bases"` Dependencies []string `json:"dependencies" yaml:"dependencies"` Identifiers []UniverseIdentifier `json:"objects" yaml:"objects"` Models []UniverseObjectInfo `json:"info" yaml:"info"` Relations []UniverseRelation `json:"relations" yaml:"relations"` Abstractions []UniverseAbstraction `json:"abstractions" yaml:"abstractions"` Endpoints []EndpointNode `json:"endpoints" yaml:"endpoints"` Interfaces []NamedInterface `json:"interfaces" yaml:"interfaces"` }
A Universe serves as universal exchange format and captures a subpart of the VYZE graph
func (*Universe) AbstractsOf ¶
func (rf *Universe) AbstractsOf(ri UniverseIdentifier) map[string]bool
func (*Universe) GetEndpoint ¶
func (rf *Universe) GetEndpoint(name string) *EndpointNode
func (*Universe) GetInterface ¶
func (rf *Universe) GetInterface(name string) *NamedInterface
func (*Universe) GetModel ¶
func (rf *Universe) GetModel(ident string, base string) *UniverseObjectInfo
func (*Universe) GetOrigin ¶
func (rf *Universe) GetOrigin(model UniverseIdentifier) *UniverseIdentifier
func (*Universe) GetTarget ¶
func (rf *Universe) GetTarget(model UniverseIdentifier) *UniverseIdentifier
func (*Universe) HasAbstract ¶
func (rf *Universe) HasAbstract(model UniverseIdentifier, abs UniverseIdentifier) bool
func (*Universe) JSONSchema ¶
func (rf *Universe) JSONSchema() (json.RawMessage, error)
type UniverseAbstraction ¶
type UniverseAbstraction struct { Abstract UniverseIdentifier `json:"abstract" yaml:"abstract"` Special UniverseIdentifier `json:"special" yaml:"special"` }
func ParseUniverseFileAbstraction ¶
func ParseUniverseFileAbstraction(str string) (ri UniverseAbstraction)
func (UniverseAbstraction) MarshalYAML ¶
func (ri UniverseAbstraction) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
func (*UniverseAbstraction) UnmarshalYAML ¶
func (ri *UniverseAbstraction) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
type UniverseIdentifier ¶
type UniverseIdentifier struct { // Base is the base universe to which this object belongs Base string `json:"universe,omitempty" yaml:"universe,omitempty"` // Name is the name of the object Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` // Target indicates if this object is inside or outside the universe Target string `json:"base,omitempty" yaml:"base,omitempty"` }
func ParseUniverseObjectIdentifier ¶
func ParseUniverseObjectIdentifier(str string) (ri UniverseIdentifier)
func (UniverseIdentifier) Canonical ¶
func (ri UniverseIdentifier) Canonical(base string, target string) string
func (UniverseIdentifier) Equals ¶
func (ri UniverseIdentifier) Equals(ri2 UniverseIdentifier) bool
func (UniverseIdentifier) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ri UniverseIdentifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (UniverseIdentifier) MarshalYAML ¶
func (ri UniverseIdentifier) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
func (UniverseIdentifier) String ¶
func (ri UniverseIdentifier) String() string
func (*UniverseIdentifier) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ri *UniverseIdentifier) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
func (*UniverseIdentifier) UnmarshalYAML ¶
func (ri *UniverseIdentifier) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
type UniverseObjectInfo ¶
type UniverseObjectInfo struct { // Mapping contains the identifier Mapping UniverseIdentifier `json:"mapping" yaml:"mapping"` // Type specifies whether this object is a model, relation or data type Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"` // ObjectID contains the ID of the associated object ObjectID *core.ID `json:"object,omitempty" yaml:"object,omitempty"` // Description contains the description of the model Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` }
type UniverseRelation ¶
type UniverseRelation struct { Relation UniverseIdentifier `json:"relation" yaml:"relation"` Origin UniverseIdentifier `json:"origin" yaml:"origin"` Target UniverseIdentifier `json:"target" yaml:"target"` }
func ParseUniverseFileRelation ¶
func ParseUniverseFileRelation(str string) (ri UniverseRelation)
func (UniverseRelation) MarshalYAML ¶
func (ri UniverseRelation) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
func (*UniverseRelation) UnmarshalYAML ¶
func (ri *UniverseRelation) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
type ValueNode ¶
type ValueNode struct { Field FieldType `json:"field"` Format FormatType `json:"format"` }
ValueNode turns a primitive context into a single value, based on direct information (id, name, value, user, ...) about the context value
func (ValueNode) InterfaceSchema ¶
func (en ValueNode) InterfaceSchema(universe *Universe, environment Environment) (Interface, error)
type ValueSource ¶
type ValueSource struct { Type SourceType `json:"type" yaml:"type"` Format FormatType `json:"format" yaml:"format"` Node *Node `json:"node" yaml:"node"` }