Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func IntegrityCheck(ctx context.Context, c *Client, method string) paypay.ExecuteElem
- func PPReqPrefix(debug bool, log xlog.XLogger) xhttp.ReqPrefixFunc
- func PPResSuffix(debug bool, log xlog.XLogger) xhttp.ResSuffixFunc
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AcceptClaim(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AcceptClaimRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) AcceptOffer2Resolve(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AcceptOffer2ResolveRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) AckReturnedItem(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AckReturnedItemRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ActivateSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ActivateSubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ActivePlan(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.ActivePlanRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) AddTrackerForOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AddTrackerForOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) AppealDispute(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.AppealDisputeRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) AuthorizeOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AuthorizeOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CancelSentInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CancelSentInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CancelSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CancelSubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CancelUnclaimedPayoutItem(ctx context.Context, payoutItemId string) (res *entity.CancelUnclaimedPayoutItemRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CaptureAuthorizedPayment(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CaptureAuthorizedPaymentRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CaptureOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CaptureOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ConfirmOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ConfirmOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateBatchPayout(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateBatchPayoutRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateInvoice(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateOrder(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreatePlan(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreatePlanRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateProduct(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateProductRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSubscription(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateSubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) CustomCallOnce(ctx context.Context, method Method, getKV func() map[string]string, ...) error
- func (c *Client) DeactivePlan(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.DeactivePlanRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteExternalPayment(ctx context.Context, invoiceId, transactionId string) (res *entity.DeleteExternalPaymentRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteExternalRefund(ctx context.Context, invoiceId, transactionId string) (res *entity.DeleteExternalRefundRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string) (res *entity.DeleteInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string) (res *entity.DeleteInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) DenyOffer2Resolve(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.DenyOffer2ResolveRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) EscalateDisputeToClaim(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.EscalateDisputeToClaimRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) FullyUpdateInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, query, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.FullyUpdateInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateInvoiceNumber(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.GenerateInvoiceNumberRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) GenerateInvoiceQRCode(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.GenerateInvoiceQRCodeRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListAllBalances(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListAllBalancesRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListDisputes(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListDisputesRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListInvoice(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListPlans(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListPlansRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListProducts(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListProductsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListTransactions(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListTransactionsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ListTransactions4Subscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListTransactions4SubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) MakeOffer2Resolve(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.MakeOffer2ResolveRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) NotifyDispute2ThirdParty(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.NotifyDispute2ThirdPartyRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) PartiallyUpdateDispute(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.PartiallyUpdateDisputeRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) Print()
- func (c *Client) ProvideEvidence(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.ProvideEvidenceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ProvideInfo4Dispute(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.ProvideInfo4DisputeRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ReauthorizePayment(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ReauthorizePaymentRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) RecordPaymentForInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.RecordPaymentForInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) RecordRefundForInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.RecordRefundForInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) RefundCapturedPayment(ctx context.Context, captureId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.RefundCapturedPaymentRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string) (res *entity.RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) SearchInvoice(ctx context.Context, query, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SearchInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) SendInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SendInvoiceRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) SendInvoiceReminder(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SendInvoiceReminderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetails(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string) (res *entity.ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowCapturedPayment(ctx context.Context, captureId string) (res *entity.ShowCapturedPaymentRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowDisputeDetails(ctx context.Context, disputeId string) (res *entity.ShowDisputeDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowInvoiceDetail(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowInvoiceDetailRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, orderId string, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowOrderDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowPayoutBatchDetail(ctx context.Context, batchId string, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowPayoutBatchDetailRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowPayoutItemDetail(ctx context.Context, payoutItemId string) (res *entity.ShowPayoutItemDetailRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowPlanDetails(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.ShowPlanDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowProductDetails(ctx context.Context, productId string) (res *entity.ShowProductDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowRefundDetails(ctx context.Context, refundId string) (res *entity.ShowRefundDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowSubscriptionDetails(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string) (res *entity.ShowSubscriptionDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) ShowTemplateDetails(ctx context.Context, templateId string, _ paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowTemplateDetailsRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) SuspendSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SuspendSubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) TrackersOfOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId, trackerId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.TrackersOfOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdateOrderRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatePlan(ctx context.Context, planId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdatePlanRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpdatePricing(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.UpdatePricingRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateProduct(ctx context.Context, productId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdateProductRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdateSubscriptionRes, err error)
- func (c *Client) Use(ops ...Settings) *Client
- func (c *Client) VoidAuthorizePayment(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.VoidAuthorizePaymentRes, err error)
- type DoPayPalRequest
- func DeletePayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
- func EmptyPaypal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
- func GetPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
- func PatchPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
- func PostPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
- func PutPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
- func UploadFilePaypal(c *Client, files map[string]paypay.File, ops ...xhttp.CfgOp) DoPayPalRequest
- type Method
- type QueryPlaceholder
- type Settings
- func Checker(checker paypay.PayloadRuler) Settings
- func ClientID(cid string) Settings
- func Debug(d bool) Settings
- func DefaultChecker() Settings
- func DefaultHClient() Settings
- func DefaultHeaders() Settings
- func DefaultLogger() Settings
- func DefaultPrefixFunc() Settings
- func DefaultSettings(ins ...Settings) []Settings
- func DefaultSuffixFunc() Settings
- func HClient(hc xhttp.HttpClientWrapper) Settings
- func Headers(headers map[string]string) Settings
- func NewSettings(ins ...Settings) []Settings
- func NewToken(ctx context.Context, clientId, clientSecret string) Settings
- func PackSettings(i1 []Settings, i2 ...Settings) []Settings
- func PayloadPreSetter(setter map[string][]paypay.PayloadPreSetter) Settings
- func PrefixFunc(suppress bool, pres ...xhttp.ReqPrefixFunc) Settings
- func Prod(prod bool) Settings
- func Proxy(prod, sandbox string) Settings
- func Secret(secret string) Settings
- func SetLogger(logger xlog.XLogger) Settings
- func SuffixFunc(suppress bool, sufs ...xhttp.ResSuffixFunc) Settings
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IntegrityCheck ¶
func PPReqPrefix ¶
func PPReqPrefix(debug bool, log xlog.XLogger) xhttp.ReqPrefixFunc
PPReqPrefix 闭包注入 logger 和 debug 信息
func PPResSuffix ¶
func PPResSuffix(debug bool, log xlog.XLogger) xhttp.ResSuffixFunc
PPResSuffix 闭包注入 logger 和 debug 信息
Types ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // 配置组 config.Config // 操作组 operate.Operates // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Client) AcceptClaim ¶
func (c *Client) AcceptClaim(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AcceptClaimRes, err error)
AcceptClaim 接受索赔(Accept claim) 文档: Bug:原文有错误,文档中显示上传文件,例子中是正常的 payload fixme : testify
func (*Client) AcceptOffer2Resolve ¶
func (c *Client) AcceptOffer2Resolve(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AcceptOffer2ResolveRes, err error)
AcceptOffer2Resolve 客户接受商家的解决方案,结束争议(Accept offer to resolve dispute) 文档:
func (*Client) AckReturnedItem ¶
func (c *Client) AckReturnedItem(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AckReturnedItemRes, err error)
AckReturnedItem ack 退回的商品(Acknowledge returned item) 文档: fixme : testify
func (*Client) ActivateSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) ActivateSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ActivateSubscriptionRes, err error)
ActivateSubscription 取消订阅(Activate subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) ActivePlan ¶
func (c *Client) ActivePlan(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.ActivePlanRes, err error)
ActivePlan 激活计划(Active plan) 文档:
func (*Client) AddTrackerForOrder ¶
func (c *Client) AddTrackerForOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AddTrackerForOrderRes, err error)
AddTrackerForOrder 给订单添加物流信息(Add tracking information for an Order) 文档:
func (*Client) AppealDispute ¶
func (c *Client) AppealDispute(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.AppealDisputeRes, err error)
AppealDispute 上诉(Appeal dispute) 文档: fixme : testify
func (*Client) AuthorizeOrder ¶
func (c *Client) AuthorizeOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.AuthorizeOrderRes, err error)
AuthorizeOrder 订单支付确认(Authorize payment for order) 文档:
func (*Client) CancelSentInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) CancelSentInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CancelSentInvoiceRes, err error)
CancelSentInvoice 取消已发送发票(Cancel sent invoice) 文档:
func (*Client) CancelSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) CancelSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CancelSubscriptionRes, err error)
CancelSubscription 取消订阅(Cancel subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) CancelUnclaimedPayoutItem ¶
func (c *Client) CancelUnclaimedPayoutItem(ctx context.Context, payoutItemId string) (res *entity.CancelUnclaimedPayoutItemRes, err error)
CancelUnclaimedPayoutItem 取消批量支付中收款人无PayPal账号的项目(Cancel Unclaimed Payout Item)主动取消,超过30天 Paypal 系统自动取消 文档:
func (*Client) CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscriptionRes, err error)
CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscription 捕获订阅的授权支付信息(Capture authorized payment on subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) CaptureAuthorizedPayment ¶
func (c *Client) CaptureAuthorizedPayment(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CaptureAuthorizedPaymentRes, err error)
CaptureAuthorizedPayment 支付授权捕获(Capture authorized payment) 文档:
func (*Client) CaptureOrder ¶
func (c *Client) CaptureOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CaptureOrderRes, err error)
CaptureOrder 订单支付确认(Capture payment for order) 文档:
func (*Client) ConfirmOrder ¶
func (c *Client) ConfirmOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ConfirmOrderRes, err error)
ConfirmOrder 订单支付确认(Confirm the Order) 文档:
func (*Client) CreateBatchPayout ¶
func (c *Client) CreateBatchPayout(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateBatchPayoutRes, err error)
CreateBatchPayout 创建批量支付(Create batch payout) 文档:
func (*Client) CreateInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) CreateInvoice(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateInvoiceRes, err error)
CreateInvoice 创建虚拟发票(Create draft invoice) 文档:
func (*Client) CreateInvoiceTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) CreateInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
CreateInvoiceTemplate 创建发票模板(Create template) 文档:
func (*Client) CreateOrder ¶
func (c *Client) CreateOrder(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateOrderRes, err error)
CreateOrder 创建订单(Create order) 文档:
func (*Client) CreatePlan ¶
func (c *Client) CreatePlan(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreatePlanRes, err error)
CreatePlan 创建计划(Create Plan) 文档:
func (*Client) CreateProduct ¶
func (c *Client) CreateProduct(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateProductRes, err error)
CreateProduct 创建目录商品(Create product) 文档:
func (*Client) CreateSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) CreateSubscription(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.CreateSubscriptionRes, err error)
CreateSubscription 创建订阅(Create subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) CustomCallOnce ¶
func (c *Client) CustomCallOnce( ctx context.Context, method Method, getKV func() map[string]string, pl paypay.Payload, query paypay.Payload, patches []*entity.Patch, emptyRes entity.EmptyRes, response interface{}, ops ...Settings) error
CustomCallOnce single call with custom settings @params: ctx = context of any function caller
@params: method = Paypal request predefined info
@params: getKv = placeholder and target value of uri eg:
/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}?{{.params}} getKv can be : func() map[string]string {return map[string]string{OrderId.String(): "yourId"}} you can skip params because its a build-in placeholder no need concerned from outside of the function. will return an error if getKv is nil.
@params: pl = payload you build to make a http request. should be nil if no use.
@params: query = will transform to urlparams and attached to uri in method. should be nil if no use.
@params: patches = payload of your changes in update* requests. should be nil if no use.
@params: emptyRes = err msg in case there`s sth. wrong with the request.
@params: response
@params: ops = custom settings you want to use in this request.
you can check out usage in examples
func (*Client) DeactivePlan ¶
func (c *Client) DeactivePlan(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.DeactivePlanRes, err error)
DeactivePlan 暂停计划(Deactive plan) 文档:
func (*Client) DeleteExternalPayment ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteExternalPayment(ctx context.Context, invoiceId, transactionId string) (res *entity.DeleteExternalPaymentRes, err error)
DeleteExternalPayment 删除额外支付(Delete external payment) 文档:
func (*Client) DeleteExternalRefund ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteExternalRefund(ctx context.Context, invoiceId, transactionId string) (res *entity.DeleteExternalRefundRes, err error)
DeleteExternalRefund 删除额外支付(Delete external refund) 文档:
func (*Client) DeleteInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string) (res *entity.DeleteInvoiceRes, err error)
DeleteInvoice 删除发票(Delete invoice) 文档:
func (*Client) DeleteInvoiceTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) DeleteInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string) (res *entity.DeleteInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
DeleteInvoiceTemplate 删除发票模板(Delete template) 文档:
func (*Client) DenyOffer2Resolve ¶
func (c *Client) DenyOffer2Resolve(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.DenyOffer2ResolveRes, err error)
DenyOffer2Resolve 拒绝方案(Deny offer to resolve dispute) 文档:
func (*Client) EscalateDisputeToClaim ¶
func (c *Client) EscalateDisputeToClaim(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.EscalateDisputeToClaimRes, err error)
EscalateDisputeToClaim 将投诉升级为索赔(Escalate dispute to claim) 文档: make sure dispute lifecycle must be INQUIRY.
func (*Client) FullyUpdateInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) FullyUpdateInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, query, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.FullyUpdateInvoiceRes, err error)
FullyUpdateInvoice 更新发票(Fully update invoice) 文档:
func (*Client) FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplate 更新发票模板(Fully update template) 文档:
func (*Client) GenerateInvoiceNumber ¶
func (c *Client) GenerateInvoiceNumber(ctx context.Context, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.GenerateInvoiceNumberRes, err error)
GenerateInvoiceNumber 生成发票码(Generate invoice number) 文档:
func (*Client) GenerateInvoiceQRCode ¶
func (c *Client) GenerateInvoiceQRCode(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.GenerateInvoiceQRCodeRes, err error)
GenerateInvoiceQRCode 生成发票二维码(Generate QR code) 文档:
func (*Client) ListAllBalances ¶
func (c *Client) ListAllBalances(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListAllBalancesRes, err error)
ListAllBalances 获取所有余额 (List all balances) 文档:
func (*Client) ListDisputes ¶
func (c *Client) ListDisputes(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListDisputesRes, err error)
ListDisputes 获取争议列表(List disputes) 文档:
func (*Client) ListInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) ListInvoice(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListInvoiceRes, err error)
ListInvoice 发票列表(List invoices) 文档:
func (*Client) ListInvoiceTemplate ¶
func (c *Client) ListInvoiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListInvoiceTemplateRes, err error)
ListInvoiceTemplate 发票模板列表(List templates) 文档:
func (*Client) ListPlans ¶
func (c *Client) ListPlans(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListPlansRes, err error)
ListPlans 展示订阅计划(List plans) 文档:
func (*Client) ListProducts ¶
func (c *Client) ListProducts(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListProductsRes, err error)
ListProducts 商品列表(List products) 文档:
func (*Client) ListTransactions ¶
func (c *Client) ListTransactions(ctx context.Context, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListTransactionsRes, err error)
ListTransactions 交易列表 (List transactions) 文档:
func (*Client) ListTransactions4Subscription ¶
func (c *Client) ListTransactions4Subscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ListTransactions4SubscriptionRes, err error)
ListTransactions4Subscription 列出一个订阅的所有交易记录 (List transactions for subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) MakeOffer2Resolve ¶
func (c *Client) MakeOffer2Resolve(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.MakeOffer2ResolveRes, err error)
MakeOffer2Resolve 发起方案(Make offer to resolve dispute) 文档:
func (*Client) NotifyDispute2ThirdParty ¶
func (c *Client) NotifyDispute2ThirdParty(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.NotifyDispute2ThirdPartyRes, err error)
NotifyDispute2ThirdParty 向第三方发送相关内容(Send message about dispute to other party) 文档: fixme : testify
func (*Client) PartiallyUpdateDispute ¶
func (c *Client) PartiallyUpdateDispute(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.PartiallyUpdateDisputeRes, err error)
PartiallyUpdateDispute 更新争议(Update dispute) 文档:
func (*Client) ProvideEvidence ¶
func (c *Client) ProvideEvidence(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.ProvideEvidenceRes, err error)
ProvideEvidence 上诉(Provide evidence) 文档: fixme : testify
func (*Client) ProvideInfo4Dispute ¶
func (c *Client) ProvideInfo4Dispute(ctx context.Context, disputeId string, getFiles func() map[string]paypay.File) (res *entity.ProvideInfo4DisputeRes, err error)
ProvideInfo4Dispute 提供有效信息(Provide supporting information for dispute) 文档: fixme : testify
func (*Client) ReauthorizePayment ¶
func (c *Client) ReauthorizePayment(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ReauthorizePaymentRes, err error)
ReauthorizePayment 重新授权支付授权(Reauthorize authorized payment) 文档:
func (*Client) RecordPaymentForInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) RecordPaymentForInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.RecordPaymentForInvoiceRes, err error)
RecordPaymentForInvoice 记录发票付款(Record payment for invoice) 文档:
func (*Client) RecordRefundForInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) RecordRefundForInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.RecordRefundForInvoiceRes, err error)
RecordRefundForInvoice 记录发票退款(Record refund for invoice) 文档:
func (*Client) RefundCapturedPayment ¶
func (c *Client) RefundCapturedPayment(ctx context.Context, captureId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.RefundCapturedPaymentRes, err error)
RefundCapturedPayment 支付捕获退款(Refund captured payment) 文档:
func (*Client) RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsription ¶
func (c *Client) RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string) (res *entity.RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsriptionRes, err error)
ShowSubscriptionDetails 更新计划或者数量(Revise plan or quantity of subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) SearchInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) SearchInvoice(ctx context.Context, query, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SearchInvoiceRes, err error)
SearchInvoice 查询发票(Search for invoices) 文档:
func (*Client) SendInvoice ¶
func (c *Client) SendInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SendInvoiceRes, err error)
SendInvoice 发票列表(List invoices) 文档:
func (*Client) SendInvoiceReminder ¶
func (c *Client) SendInvoiceReminder(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SendInvoiceReminderRes, err error)
SendInvoiceReminder 发票列表(List invoices) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetails(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string) (res *entity.ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetailsRes, err error)
ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetails 支付授权详情(Show details for authorized payment) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowCapturedPayment ¶
func (c *Client) ShowCapturedPayment(ctx context.Context, captureId string) (res *entity.ShowCapturedPaymentRes, err error)
ShowCapturedPayment 支付捕获详情(Show captured payment details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowDisputeDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowDisputeDetails(ctx context.Context, disputeId string) (res *entity.ShowDisputeDetailsRes, err error)
ShowDisputeDetails 获取争议详情c(Show dispute details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowInvoiceDetail ¶
func (c *Client) ShowInvoiceDetail(ctx context.Context, invoiceId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowInvoiceDetailRes, err error)
ShowInvoiceDetail 查看发票详情(Show invoice details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowOrderDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowOrderDetails(ctx context.Context, orderId string, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowOrderDetailsRes, err error)
ShowOrderDetails 查看订单详情(Show order details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowPayoutBatchDetail ¶
func (c *Client) ShowPayoutBatchDetail(ctx context.Context, batchId string, query paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowPayoutBatchDetailRes, err error)
ShowPayoutBatchDetail 查看批量支付详情(Show payout batch details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowPayoutItemDetail ¶
func (c *Client) ShowPayoutItemDetail(ctx context.Context, payoutItemId string) (res *entity.ShowPayoutItemDetailRes, err error)
ShowPayoutItemDetail 查看支付详情(Show payout detail) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowPlanDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowPlanDetails(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.ShowPlanDetailsRes, err error)
ShowPlanDetails 展示计划(show plan details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowProductDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowProductDetails(ctx context.Context, productId string) (res *entity.ShowProductDetailsRes, err error)
ShowProductDetails 查看商品详情(Show product details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowRefundDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowRefundDetails(ctx context.Context, refundId string) (res *entity.ShowRefundDetailsRes, err error)
ShowRefundDetails 支付捕获退款(Refund captured payment) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowSubscriptionDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowSubscriptionDetails(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string) (res *entity.ShowSubscriptionDetailsRes, err error)
ShowSubscriptionDetails 查看订阅详情(Show subscription details) 文档:
func (*Client) ShowTemplateDetails ¶
func (c *Client) ShowTemplateDetails(ctx context.Context, templateId string, _ paypay.Payload) (res *entity.ShowTemplateDetailsRes, err error)
ShowTemplateDetails 查看模板详情(Show template details) 文档:
func (*Client) SuspendSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) SuspendSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.SuspendSubscriptionRes, err error)
SuspendSubscription 暂定订阅(Suspend subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) TrackersOfOrder ¶
func (c *Client) TrackersOfOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId, trackerId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.TrackersOfOrderRes, err error)
TrackersOfOrder 更新或取消物流信息(Update or cancel tracking information for a PayPal order) 文档:
func (*Client) UpdateOrder ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdateOrderRes, err error)
UpdateOrder 更新订单(Update order) 文档:
func (*Client) UpdatePlan ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatePlan(ctx context.Context, planId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdatePlanRes, err error)
UpdatePlan 更新计划(Update plan) 文档:
func (*Client) UpdatePricing ¶
func (c *Client) UpdatePricing(ctx context.Context, planId string) (res *entity.UpdatePricingRes, err error)
UpdatePricing 更新计划价格方案(Update pricing) 文档:
func (*Client) UpdateProduct ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateProduct(ctx context.Context, productId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdateProductRes, err error)
UpdateProduct 更新商品(Update product) 文档:
func (*Client) UpdateSubscription ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateSubscription(ctx context.Context, subscriptionId string, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *entity.UpdateSubscriptionRes, err error)
UpdateSubscription 更新订阅(Update subscription) 文档:
func (*Client) VoidAuthorizePayment ¶
func (c *Client) VoidAuthorizePayment(ctx context.Context, authorizationId string, pl paypay.Payload) (res *entity.VoidAuthorizePaymentRes, err error)
VoidAuthorizePayment 作废支付授权(Void authorized payment) 文档:
type DoPayPalRequest ¶
type DoPayPalRequest func(ctx context.Context, uri string, urlGenerator func(string) string, pl paypay.Payload, patches []*entity.Patch) (res *http.Response, bs []byte, err error)
func DeletePayPal ¶
func DeletePayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
func EmptyPaypal ¶
func EmptyPaypal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
func GetPayPal ¶
func GetPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
func PatchPayPal ¶
func PatchPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
func PostPayPal ¶
func PostPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
func PutPayPal ¶
func PutPayPal(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest
func UploadFilePaypal ¶
type Method ¶
type Method struct { Uri string ValidStatusCode int Do func(c *Client) DoPayPalRequest Checker paypay.PayloadRuler }
var ( // CreateOrder 创建订单 POST CreateOrder Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/checkout/orders": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("purchase_units", `purchase_units != nil && len(purchase_units) <= 10 && all(purchase_units, {.Amount != nil}) `, "purchase_units 最多一次性传入10个", ), paypay.NewRuler("intent", `intent in ["CAPTURE", "AUTHORIZE"]`, ""), }, }), } // ShowOrderDetails order_id 查看订单详情 GET ShowOrderDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // UpdateOrder order_id 更新订单 PATCH UpdateOrder Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PatchPayPal, } // ConfirmOrder order_id 订单支付确认 POST ConfirmOrder Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/confirm-payment-source", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/confirm-payment-source": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("payment_source", `payment_source != nil`, "payment_source 不为空"), }, }), } // AuthorizeOrder order_id 订单支付授权 POST AuthorizeOrder Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/authorize", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, } // CaptureOrder order_id 订单支付捕获 POST CaptureOrder Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/capture", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/capture": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("payment_source", `payment_source != nil`, "payment_source 不为空"), }, }), } // AddTracking4Order order_id 订单追踪 POST AddTracking4Order Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/track", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/track": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("tracking_number", `tracking_number != nil`, "运单号不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("carrier", `carrier != nil`, "承运机构不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("capture_id", `capture_id != nil`, "capture_id 不为空"), }, }), } // UpOrCancelTracking4Order order_id, tracker_id 更新或取消订单追踪 POST UpOrCancelTracking4Order Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/checkout/orders/{{.order_id}}/trackers/{{.tracker_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } )
var ( // ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetails authorization_id 支付授权详情 GET ShowAuthorizedPaymentDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/authorizations/{{.authorization_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: GetPayPal, } // CaptureAuthorizedPayment authorization_id 支付授权捕获 POST CaptureAuthorizedPayment Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/authorizations/{{.authorization_id}}/capture", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, } ReauthorizePayment Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/authorizations/{{.authorization_id}}/reauthorize", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, } // VoidAuthorizePayment authorization_id 作废支付授权 POST VoidAuthorizePayment Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/authorizations/{{.authorization_id}}/void", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } // ShowCapturedPayment capture_id 支付捕获详情 GET ShowCapturedPayment Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/captures/{{.capture_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // RefundCapturedPayment capture_id 支付捕获退款 POST RefundCapturedPayment Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/captures/{{.capture_id}}/refund", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, } // ShowRefundDetails refund_id 支付退款详情 GET ShowRefundDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/payments/refunds/{{.refund_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } )
var ( // CreateBatchPayout 创建批量支付 POST CreateBatchPayout Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/payments/payouts", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/payments/payouts": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("items", `items != nil`, "支付详情列表不能为空"), paypay.NewRuler("sender_batch_header", `sender_batch_header != nil`, "批次号不能为空"), }, }), } // ShowPayoutBatchDetail payout_batch_id 获取批量支付详情 GET ShowPayoutBatchDetail Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/payments/payouts/{{.payout_batch_id}}?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // ShowPayoutItemDetail payout_item_id 获取支付项目详情 GET ShowPayoutItemDetail Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/payments/payouts-item/{{.payout_item_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // CancelUnclaimedPayoutItem payout_item_id 取消支付项目 POST CancelUnclaimedPayoutItem Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/payments/payouts-item/{{.payout_item_id}}/cancel", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } )
支付 Payouts
var ( // CreateInvoices 创建发票 POST CreateInvoices Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // ListInvoices 查看发票列表 GET ListInvoices Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // SendInvoice invoice_id 发送发票 POST SendInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/send", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Do: PostPayPal, } // SendInvoiceReminder invoice_id 发送发票提醒 POST SendInvoiceReminder Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/remind", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } // CancelSentInvoice invoice_id 取消已发送发票 POST CancelSentInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/cancel", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } // RecordPaymentForInvoice invoice_id 记录发票付款 POST RecordPaymentForInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/payments", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/payments": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler( "method", `method != nil && method in [BANK_TRANSFER, CASH, CHECK, CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, PAYPAL, WIRE_TRANSFER, OTHER]`, "支付方案不能为空且要在以下内容中选取 [BANK_TRANSFER, CASH, CHECK, CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, PAYPAL, WIRE_TRANSFER, OTHER]"), }, }), } // DeleteExternalPayment invoice_id,transaction_id 删除额外支付 DELETE DeleteExternalPayment Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/payments/{{.transaction_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: DeletePayPal, } // RecordRefundForInvoice invoice_id 记录发票退款 POST RecordRefundForInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/refunds", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/payments": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler( "method", `method != nil && method in [BANK_TRANSFER, CASH, CHECK, CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, PAYPAL, WIRE_TRANSFER, OTHER]`, "支付方案不能为空且要在以下内容中选取 [BANK_TRANSFER, CASH, CHECK, CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, PAYPAL, WIRE_TRANSFER, OTHER]"), }, }), } // DeleteExternalRefund invoice_id,transaction_id 删除额外退款 DELETE DeleteExternalRefund Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/refunds/{{.transaction_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: DeletePayPal, } // GenerateInvoiceQRCode invoice_id 生成发票二维码 POST GenerateInvoiceQRCode Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}/generate-qr-code", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // GenerateInvoiceNumber 生成下个发票号码 POST GenerateInvoiceNumber Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/generate-next-invoice-number", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // ShowInvoiceDetail invoice_id 获取发票详情 GET ShowInvoiceDetail Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // FullyUpdateInvoice invoice_id 全量更新发票 PUT FullyUpdateInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PutPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}?{{.params}}": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("detail", `detail != nil`, "detail 不为空"), }, }), } // DeleteInvoice // invoice_id 删除发票 DELETE DeleteInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/invoices/{{.invoice_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: DeletePayPal, } // SearchInvoice 搜索发票 POST SearchInvoice Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/search-invoices?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: nil, } // ListInvoiceTemplate 获取发票模板列表 GET ListInvoiceTemplate Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/templates?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // CreateInvoiceTemplate 创建发票模板 POST CreateInvoiceTemplate Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/templates", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // ShowTemplateDetails template_id 获取模版详情 GET ShowTemplateDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/templates/{{.template_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplate template_id 全量更新发票模板 PUT FullyUpdateInvoiceTemplate Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/templates/{{.template_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PutPayPal, } // DeleteInvoiceTemplate template_id 删除发票模板 DELETE DeleteInvoiceTemplate Method = Method{ Uri: "/v2/invoicing/templates/{{.template_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: DeletePayPal, } )
发票 Invoices
var ( // CreatePlan 创建订阅 POST CreatePlan Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/billing/plans": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("product_id", `product_id != nil`, "通过目录产品 API 创建的产品的 ID 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("name", `name != nil`, "计划名 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("billing_cycles", `billing_cycles != nil`, "billing_cycles 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("payment_preferences", `payment_preferences != nil`, "payment_preferences 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("status", `(status != nil && status in ["CREATED", "INACTIVE", "ACTIVE"]) || status == nil`, "status 默认 ACTIVE 或者 枚举值有误:ACTIVE,INACTIVE,CREATED"), }, }), } // ListPlans 列表展示计划 GET ListPlans Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // ShowPlanDetails plan_id 展示计划详情 GET ShowPlanDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans/{{.plan_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // UpdatePlan plan_id 更新计划 patch UpdatePlan Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans/{{.plan_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PatchPayPal, } // ActivePlan plan_id 激活计划 POST ActivePlan Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans/{{.plan_id}}/activate", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } DeactivePlan Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans/{{.plan_id}}/deactivate", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } // UpdatePricing plan_id 更新计划价格方案 POST UpdatePricing Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/plans/{{.plan_id}}/update-pricing-schemes", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } // CreateSubscription 创建订阅 POST CreateSubscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/billing/subscriptions": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("plan_id", `plan_id != nil`, "plan_id 不为空"), }, }), } // ShowSubscriptionDetails subscription_id 展示订阅详情 GET ShowSubscriptionDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // UpdateSubscription subscription_id 更新订阅 PATCH UpdateSubscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PatchPayPal, } // RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsription subscription_id 更新计划或者数量 POST RevisePlanOrQuantityOfSubsription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/revise", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // SuspendSubscription subscription_id 暂定订阅计划 POST SuspendSubscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/suspend", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/suspend": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("reason", `reason != nil`, "暂定原因 reason 不为空"), }, }), } // CancelSubscription subscription_id 取消订阅 POST CancelSubscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/cancel", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/cancel": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("reason", `reason != nil`, "取消原因 reason 不为空"), }, }), } // ActivateSubscription subscription_id 激活订阅 POST ActivateSubscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/activate", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PostPayPal, } // CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscription subscription_id 捕获订阅的授权支付信息 POST CaptureAuthoriedPaymentOnSubscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/capture", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/capture": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("note", `note != nil`, "note 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("capture_type", `capture_type == "OUTSTANDING_BALANCE"`, "capture_type = OUTSTANDING_BALANCE The outstanding balance that the subscriber must clear"), paypay.NewRuler("amount", `amount != nil && amount.currency_code != nil && amount.value != nil`, "amount 及其字段不为空"), }, }), } // ListTransactions4Subscription subscription_id 列出一个订阅的所有交易记录 ListTransactions4Subscription Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/transactions?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/billing/subscriptions/{{.subscription_id}}/transactions": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("start_time", `start_time != nil`, "query 参数 start_time 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("end_time", `end_time != nil`, "query 参数 end_time 不为空"), }, }), } )
订阅 类似支付宝周期扣款
var ( // ListTransactions 交易列表 ListTransactions Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/reporting/transactions?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/reporting/transactions": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("start_date", `start_date != nil`, "query 参数 start_date 不为空"), paypay.NewRuler("end_date", `end_date != nil`, "query 参数 end_date 不为空"), }, }), } // ListAllBalances 获取所有余额 ListAllBalances Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/reporting/balances?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } )
Transaction 交易
var ( // CreateProduct 创建商品 POST CreateProduct Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/catalogs/products", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/catalogs/products": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("name", `name != nil`, "产品名不为空"), }, }), } // ListProducts 商品列表 GET ListProducts Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/catalogs/products", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // ShowProductDetails product_id 获取商品详情 GET ShowProductDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/catalogs/products/{{.product_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // UpdateProduct product_id 更新商品 PATCH UpdateProduct Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/catalogs/products/{{.product_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PatchPayPal, } )
Catalog Products 目录商品
var ( // EscalateDisputeToClaim dispute_id 将投诉升级为索赔 POST EscalateDisputeToClaim Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/escalate", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/escalate": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("note", `note != nil`, "note 不为空"), }, }), } // AcceptOffer2Resolve dispute_id 客户接受商家的解决方案,结束争议 POST AcceptOffer2Resolve Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/accept-offer", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Do: PostPayPal, } // ListDisputes 获取争议列表 GET ListDisputes Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes?{{.params}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // ProvideInfo4Dispute dispute_id 提供有效信息 POST ProvideInfo4Dispute Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/provide-supporting-info", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: EmptyPaypal, } // ShowDisputeDetails dispute_id 获取争议详情 GET ShowDisputeDetails Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: GetPayPal, } // PartiallyUpdateDispute dispute_id 部分更新 POST PartiallyUpdateDispute Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusNoContent, Do: PatchPayPal, } // DenyOffer2Resolve dispute_id 拒绝方案 POST DenyOffer2Resolve Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/deny-offer", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // MakeOffer2Resolve dispute_id 发起一个解决方案 POST MakeOffer2Resolve Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/make-offer", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, } // AppealDispute dispute_id 上诉 POST AppealDispute Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/appeal", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: EmptyPaypal, } ProvideEvidence Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/provide-evidence", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: EmptyPaypal, } AckReturnedItem Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/acknowledge-return-item", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: EmptyPaypal, } NotifyDispute2ThirdParty Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/send-message", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: EmptyPaypal, } AcceptClaim Method = Method{ Uri: "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/accept-claim", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: PostPayPal, Checker: paypay.InjectRuler(map[string][]paypay.Ruler{ "/v1/customer/disputes/{{.dispute_id}}/accept-claim": []paypay.Ruler{ paypay.NewRuler("note", `note != nil`, "note 不为空"), }, }), } )
Disputes 投诉 || 争议
var EmptyMethod Method = Method{ Uri: "", ValidStatusCode: http.StatusOK, Do: EmptyPaypal, }
type QueryPlaceholder ¶
type QueryPlaceholder string
var ( OrderId QueryPlaceholder = "order_id" TrackerId QueryPlaceholder = "tracker_id" AuthorizationId QueryPlaceholder = "authorization_id" CaptureId QueryPlaceholder = "capture_id" RefundId QueryPlaceholder = "refund_id" PayoutItemId QueryPlaceholder = "payout_item_id" InvoiceId QueryPlaceholder = "invoice_id" TemplateId QueryPlaceholder = "template_id" SubscriptionId QueryPlaceholder = "subscription_id" PlanId QueryPlaceholder = "plan_id" ProductId QueryPlaceholder = "product_id" DisputeId QueryPlaceholder = "dispute_id" )
func (QueryPlaceholder) String ¶
func (qp QueryPlaceholder) String() string
type Settings ¶
type Settings func(*Client)
func Checker ¶
func Checker(checker paypay.PayloadRuler) Settings
func DefaultChecker ¶
func DefaultChecker() Settings
func DefaultHClient ¶
func DefaultHClient() Settings
func DefaultHeaders ¶
func DefaultHeaders() Settings
func DefaultLogger ¶
func DefaultLogger() Settings
func DefaultPrefixFunc ¶
func DefaultPrefixFunc() Settings
func DefaultSettings ¶
DefaultSettings 默认沙盒配置,可自定义追加,按照顺序执行,自定义追加的部分会覆盖掉默认内容
func DefaultSuffixFunc ¶
func DefaultSuffixFunc() Settings
func HClient ¶
func HClient(hc xhttp.HttpClientWrapper) Settings
func PackSettings ¶
func PayloadPreSetter ¶
func PayloadPreSetter(setter map[string][]paypay.PayloadPreSetter) Settings
func PrefixFunc ¶
func PrefixFunc(suppress bool, pres ...xhttp.ReqPrefixFunc) Settings
func SuffixFunc ¶
func SuffixFunc(suppress bool, sufs ...xhttp.ResSuffixFunc) Settings