Utility that downloads videos from the HDrezka site
go install github.com/n0madic/go-hdrezka/cmd/hdrezka-dl@latest
Usage: hdrezka-dl [--info] [--overwrite] [--quality QUALITY] [--season SEASON] [--episodes EPISODES] [--translation NAME] [--subtitle LANG] URL [OUTPUT]
Positional arguments:
URL url for download video
OUTPUT output file or path for downloaded video
--info, -i show info about video only
--overwrite, -o overwrite output file if exists
--quality QUALITY, -q QUALITY
quality for download video [default: 1080p]
--season SEASON, -s SEASON
season for download series
--episodes EPISODES, -e EPISODES
range of episodes for download (required --season arg)
--translation NAME, -t NAME
translation for download video
--subtitle LANG, -c LANG
get subtitle for downloaded video
--help, -h display this help and exit