A goland implementation of a RMI (Recursive Model Indexes),
a Learned Index structure based on the research work by Kraska & al.

Create an index and make lookups
// load the age column and parse values into float64 values
ageColumn := extractAgeColumn("data/people.csv")
// create an index over the age column
index := index.New(ageColumn)
// search an age and get back its line position inside the file people.csv
search, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Args[1], 64)
lines, _ := index.Lookup(search)
the main.go
file contains an example of a learned index overdata/people.csv
age column.
It outputs :
$ cat data/people.csv
$ go run main.go 23
2020/11/15 20:29:56 People who are 23 years old are located at [8 3] inside data/people.csv
This is the plot showing the approximation (the linear regression), the cumulative distribution function for each value,
and the current age's value (the Keys of the index) :

- A simple linear regression model learning the CDF of a float64 array
- A learned index structure fitted on keys of a collection
- Finding rows id on a CSV file
- Return a list of lines matching the key
- Use max + min error bounding elements to search quickly
- Benchmarks InMemory LearnedIndex against InMem BinarySearch
- Store offset lines and a primary key index
- Store the sortedTable
- CLI to create indexes over CSV
- Benchmarks Learned against BinarySearchTree
- A two layer recursive index
- Learn on integer
- Index is persistent and durable (on hard drive)
- A sort algorythm using learned structure
- Learning on string type ?