Server Installation
This version is written primarily in Go, so the server needs a working installation.
Follow the instructions here:
The server code has these dependencies, which can be fulfilled using go get:
$ go get
$ go get
$ go get
Stripe is used to process donations on the site, which is why their library is necessary here too.
It is possible to run this service without a Stripe account, but for the time being, the library is still needed to build the server binary (at some point in the future, this dependency will be removed).
With the above dependencies installed, fetch this package:
$ go get
There will be a warning about no buildable files, like this, which can be ignored:
package no buildable Go source files in $GOPATH/src/
Finally, back in this project's root folder (i.e., inside $GOPATH/src/, use the Makefile to create the server binary:
$ make all
go build -o $GOPATH/src/ $GOPATH/src/
Which should produce a TeamWorkServer binary file in the $GOPATH/src/ folder.
Generate the static HTML files (optional)
The default package comes with a few static files for running in combination with a web server, but are not needed for using the core service.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ ./TeamWorkServer -staticHtml=true -templates=$GOPATH/src/
This produces the static files in /tmp, which can be moved to /var/www/html or wherever the web server document root is.
The output target can be changed from /tmp by setting the -staticHtmlFolder option to another folder instead.
Use the --help option to see the configuration settings:
$ ./TeamWorkServer --help
Usage of ./TeamWorkServer:
-dbName string
The database name (default "db")
-dbPass string
The database password (default "pass")
Does the database use SSL mode? (default true)
-dbUser string
The database user (default "user")
-host string
The (externally-facing) name of the server (default "")
-ip string
The hostname or IP address of the server (default "localhost")
-port int
The server port (default 8080)
Does the server use SSL? (default true)
Generate the static HTML files? (if yes, does not start the server)
-staticHtmlFolder string
Output folder for the static HTML files (default "/tmp")
-stripePK string
The Stripe Public Key (default "pk_test_")
-stripeSK string
The Stripe Secret Key (default "sk_test_")
-templates string
Path to html templates and static resources (default "/opt/data/html/templates")
-words string
Dictionary file (for generating random session codes) (default "/usr/share/dict/words")
Saving these in an LSBInitScript and running from /etc/init.d is recommended.