Barcode Database
The database is clone of the Open Product Database (POD), with additional tables for user-reported contributions, for cases when a given scan is not found in POD, but someone manually identifies it.
The goal is to post these individual contributions back into POD, following the Open Street Map model.
This barcode database will be hosted and available at [TBD], but this guide is here for anyone who wants to run it themselves.
n.b. the barcode database should not be run on the Raspberry Pi device controlling the scanner.
Install mysql
On debian/ubuntu, use the built-in package manager:
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server
2. Download the POD data
The latest version is [pod_web_2014.01.01_01.sql.gz](
gunzip pod_web_2014.01.01_01.sql.gz
Create the database and import the download
mysqladmin -u root create product_open_data mysql -u root product_open_data < pod_web_2014.01.01_01.sql
4. Install the additional tables from this folder
cd $GOPATH/src/
mysql -u root product_open_data < contributors.sql
mysql -u root product_open_data < products.sql
mysql -u root product_open_data < books.sql
mysql -u root product_open_data < commerce.sql