Index ¶
- type AbstractBaseEntity
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) CommandBuilder(cmd string, value string, def bool, enable bool) string
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Config() string
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Configure(commands ...string) bool
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) ConfigureInterface(name string, commands ...string) bool
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Error() error
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) GetBlock(parent string) (string, error)
- func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Version() string
- type AclConfig
- type AclEntity
- func (a *AclEntity) AddEntry(name string, action string, addr string, prefixlen string, log bool) bool
- func (a *AclEntity) Create(name string) bool
- func (a *AclEntity) Default(name string) bool
- func (a *AclEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (a *AclEntity) Get(name string) (*AclConfig, error)
- func (a *AclEntity) GetAll() map[string]*AclConfig
- func (a *AclEntity) GetSection(name string) string
- func (a *AclEntity) RemoveEntry(name string, seqno int) bool
- func (a *AclEntity) UpdateEntry(name string, seqno string, action string, addr string, prefixlen string, ...) bool
- type AclEntry
- type AclEntryMap
- type BGPEntity
- func (b *BGPEntity) AddNetwork(prefix string, maskLen string) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) AddNetworkWithRouteMap(prefix string, maskLen string, routeMap string) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) ConfigureBgp(cmd string) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) Create(bgpAS int) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) Default() bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) Delete() bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) Get() *BgpConfig
- func (b *BGPEntity) GetSection() string
- func (b *BGPEntity) Neighbors() *BgpNeighborsEntity
- func (b *BGPEntity) RemoveNetwork(prefix string, maskLen string) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) RemoveNetworkWithRouteMap(prefix string, maskLen string, routeMap string) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetMaximumPaths(maxPath int) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetMaximumPathsDefault() bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetMaximumPathsWithEcmp(maxPath int, maxEcmp int) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetRouterID(value string) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetRouterIDDefault() bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetShutdown(enable bool) bool
- func (b *BGPEntity) SetShutdownDefault() bool
- type BGPNeighborSummary
- type BaseInterfaceEntity
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Create(name string) bool
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Default(name string) bool
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetDescription(name string, value string) bool
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetDescriptionDefault(name string) bool
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetShutdown(name string, shut bool) bool
- func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetShutdownDefault(name string) bool
- type BgpConfig
- type BgpNeighborCollection
- type BgpNeighborConfig
- type BgpNeighborsEntity
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) CommandBuilder(name string, cmd string, value string, def bool, shut bool) string
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Configure(cmd string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Create(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Get(name string) BgpNeighborConfig
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) GetAll() BgpNeighborCollection
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetDescription(name string, value string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetDescriptionDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetNextHopSelf(name string, enabled bool) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetNextHopSelfDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetPeerGroup(name string, value string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetPeerGroupDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRemoteAS(name string, value string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRemoteASDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapIn(name string, value string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapInDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapOut(name string, value string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapOutDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetSendCommunity(name string, enable bool) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetSendCommunityDefault(name string) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetShutdown(name string, shut bool) bool
- func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetShutdownDefault(name string) bool
- type BgpNetworkEntry
- type EthInterfaceCounters
- type EthernetInterfaceEntity
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) Create(name string) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) DisableFlowcontrolReceive(name string) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) DisableFlowcontrolSend(name string) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetFlowcontrolReceive(name string, value bool) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetFlowcontrolSend(name string, value bool) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetSflow(name string, value bool) bool
- func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetSflowDefault(name string) bool
- type GlobalMlagConfig
- type IPAddress
- type IPInterfaceConfig
- type IPInterfaceConfigMap
- type IPInterfaceEntity
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) Create(name string) bool
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) (IPInterfaceConfig, error)
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) GetAll() IPInterfaceConfigMap
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) GetEthInterfaces() []string
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetAddress(name string, value string) bool
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetAddressDefault(name string) bool
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetMtu(name string, value int) bool
- func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetMtuDefault(name string) bool
- type IPv4Neighbor
- type InterfaceAddress
- type InterfaceConfig
- type InterfaceMlagConfig
- type InterfaceStatistics
- type LLDPNeighbor
- type MACAddressTableEntry
- type MlagConfig
- type MlagEntity
- func (m *MlagEntity) ConfigureMlag(cmd string, value string, def bool, enable bool) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) Get() *MlagConfig
- func (m *MlagEntity) GetSection() string
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetDomainID(value string) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetDomainIDDefault() bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetLocalInterface(value string) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetLocalInterfaceDefault() bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetMlagID(name string, value string) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetMlagIDDefault(name string) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerAddress(value string) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerAddressDefault() bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerLink(value string) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerLinkDefault() bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetShutdown(enable bool) bool
- func (m *MlagEntity) SetShutdownDefault() bool
- type PTPEntity
- type PTPInterfaceCollection
- type PTPInterfaceConfig
- type PTPInterfaceEntity
- type PhysicalInputErrors
- type PhysicalOutputErrors
- type PortChannelInterfaceEntity
- func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
- func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetLacpMode(name string, mode string) bool
- func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMembers(name string, members ...string) bool
- func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMinimumLinks(name string, value int) bool
- func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMinimumLinksDefault(name string) bool
- type PtpClockSummary
- type PtpConfig
- type PtpIntf
- type Route
- type Routes
- type STPEntity
- type STPInstanceEntity
- type STPInterfaceCollection
- type STPInterfaceConfig
- type STPInterfaceEntity
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) ConfigureInterface(name string, cmds ...string) bool
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) STPInterfaceConfig
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) GetAll() STPInterfaceCollection
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetBPDUGuard(name string, enable bool) bool
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetBPDUGuardDefault(name string) bool
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfast(name string, enable bool) bool
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfastDefault(name string) bool
- func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfastType(name string, value string) bool
- type ShowARP
- type ShowEntity
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowARP() (ShowARP, error)
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowEnvironmentPower() (ShowEnvironmentPower, error)
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowIPBGPSummary() (ShowIPBGPSummary, error)
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowIPRoute() ShowIPRoute
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowInterfaces() ShowInterface
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowInterfacesSwitchport() ShowInterfacesSwitchport
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowLLDPNeighbors() ShowLLDPNeighbors
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowMACAddressTable() (ShowMACAddressTable, error)
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowPTP() (ShowPTP, error)
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowTrunkGroups() ShowTrunkGroup
- func (s *ShowEntity) ShowVersion() ShowVersion
- type ShowEnvironmentPower
- type ShowIPBGPSummary
- type ShowIPRoute
- type ShowInterface
- type ShowInterfacesSwitchport
- type ShowLLDPNeighbors
- type ShowMACAddressTable
- type ShowPTP
- type ShowTrunkGroup
- type ShowVersion
- type SwitchInterface
- type SwitchPortConfig
- type SwitchPortConfigMap
- type SwitchPortEntity
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) AddTrunkGroup(intf string, value string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Create(name string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Default(name string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Get(name string) SwitchPortConfig
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) GetAll() SwitchPortConfigMap
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) GetSection(name string) string
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) RemoveTrunkGroup(intf string, value string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetAccessVlan(name string, value string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetAccessVlanDefault(name string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetMode(name string, value string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetModeDefault(name string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkAllowedVlans(name string, value string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkAllowedVlansDefault(name string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkGroups(intf string, value []string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkGroupsDefault(intf string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkNativeVlan(name string, value string) bool
- func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkNativeVlanDefault(name string) bool
- type Switchport
- type SwitchportInfo
- type SystemConfig
- type SystemEntity
- type UserConfig
- type UserConfigMap
- type UserEntity
- func (u *UserEntity) Create(name string, nopassword bool, secret string, encryption string) (bool, error)
- func (u *UserEntity) CreateWithNoPassword(name string) bool
- func (u *UserEntity) CreateWithSecret(name string, secret string, encryption string) (bool, error)
- func (u *UserEntity) Default(name string) bool
- func (u *UserEntity) Delete(name string) bool
- func (u *UserEntity) Get(name string) UserConfig
- func (u *UserEntity) GetAll() UserConfigMap
- func (u *UserEntity) GetSection() string
- func (u *UserEntity) SetPrivilege(name string, value int) (bool, error)
- func (u *UserEntity) SetRole(name string, value string) bool
- func (u *UserEntity) SetSshkey(name string, value string) bool
- type VRF
- type VlanConfig
- type VlanConfigMap
- type VlanEntity
- func (v *VlanEntity) AddTrunkGroup(vid string, name string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) ConfigureVlan(vid string, cmds ...string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) Create(vid string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) Default(vid string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) Delete(vid string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) Get(vlan string) VlanConfig
- func (v *VlanEntity) GetAll() VlanConfigMap
- func (v *VlanEntity) GetSection(vlan string) string
- func (v *VlanEntity) RemoveTrunkGroup(vid string, name string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) SetName(vid string, name string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) SetNameDefault(vid string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) SetState(vid string, value string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) SetStateDefault(vid string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) SetTrunkGroup(vid string, value []string) bool
- func (v *VlanEntity) SetTrunkGroupDefault(vid string) bool
- type VxlanConfigCollection
- type VxlanInterfaceConfig
- type VxlanInterfaceEntity
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) AddVtepGlobalFlood(name string, vtep string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) AddVtepLocalFlood(name string, vtep string, vlan int) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVlan(name string, vid int) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVtepGlobalFlood(name string, vtep string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVtepLocalFlood(name string, vtep string, vlan int) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetMulticastGroup(name string, value string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetMulticastGroupDefault(name string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetSourceInterface(name string, value string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetSourceInterfaceDefault(name string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetUDPPort(name string, value int) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetUDPPortDefault(name string) bool
- func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) UpdateVlan(name string, vid int, vni int) bool
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AbstractBaseEntity ¶
type AbstractBaseEntity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AbstractBaseEntity object for all resources to derive from
This AbstractBaseEntity object should not be directly instatiated. It is designed to be implemented by all resource classes to provide common methods. Attributes:
node (Node): The node instance this resource will perform operations against for configuration config (Config): Returns an instance of Config with the nodes current running configuration error (CommandError): Holds the latest Error exception instance if raised
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) CommandBuilder ¶
CommandBuilder builds a command with keywords
cmd (string): The Command string value (string): The configuration setting to substitute into the command string. def (bool): Specifies if command should use default keyword argument enable (bool): Specifies if command is enabled or disabled
A command string that can be used to configure the node
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) Config ¶
func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Config() string
Config returns the current running configuration Returns:
String: running config
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) Configure ¶
func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Configure(commands ...string) bool
Configure sends the commands list to the node in config mode
This method performs configuration the node using the array of commands specified.
commands (list): A list of commands to be sent to the node in config mode
True if the commands are executed without exception otherwise False is returned
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) ConfigureInterface ¶
func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) ConfigureInterface(name string, commands ...string) bool
ConfigureInterface Configures the specified interface with the commands
name (str): The interface name to configure commands: The commands to configure in the interface
True if the commands completed successfully
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) Error ¶
func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Error() error
Error returns the current error exception Returns:
Error: current error
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) GetBlock ¶
func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) GetBlock(parent string) (string, error)
GetBlock scans the config and returns a block of code
parent (str): The parent string to search the config for and return the block
A string that represents the block from the config. If the parent string is not found, then this method will return None.
func (*AbstractBaseEntity) Version ¶
func (b *AbstractBaseEntity) Version() string
Version returns the current running version Returns:
String: version
type AclConfig ¶
type AclConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AclConfig represents an Acl Config entry with a name, type, and individual entries in AclEntryMap
func (AclConfig) Entries ¶
func (a AclConfig) Entries() AclEntryMap
Entries returns a map[string] of AclConfigs each keyed entry being the name/label of the AclConfig
type AclEntity ¶
type AclEntity struct {
AclEntity provides a configuration resource for Acl
func (*AclEntity) AddEntry ¶
func (a *AclEntity) AddEntry(name string, action string, addr string, prefixlen string, log bool) bool
AddEntry will add an entry to the specified ACL with the passed in parameters.
EosVersion 4.13.7M name (string): The ACL name to update on the node. action (string): The action triggered by the ACL. Valid values are 'permit', 'deny', or 'remark' addr (string): The IP address to permit or deny. prefixlen (string): The prefixlen for the IP address. log (bool): Triggers an informational log message to the console about the matching packet.
returns true if the command complete successfully
func (*AclEntity) Create ¶
Create will create a new ACL resource in the nodes current configuration with the specified name. If the create method is called and the ACL already exists, this method will still return true. The ACL will not have any entries. Use add_entry to add entries to the ACL.
EosVersion 4.13.7M
name (string): The ACL name to create on the node. Must begin with an alphabetic character. Cannot contain spaces or quotation marks.
returns true if the command completed successfully
func (*AclEntity) Default ¶
Default will configure the ACL using the default keyword. This command has the same effect as deleting the ACL from the nodes running configuration.
EosVersion 4.13.7M
name (string): The ACL name to set to the default value on the node.
returns true if the command complete successfully
func (*AclEntity) Delete ¶
Delete will delete an existing ACL resource from the nodes current running configuration. If the delete method is called and the ACL does not exist, this method will succeed.
EosVersion 4.13.7M Args: name (string): The ACL name to delete on the node.
returns true if the command completed successfully
func (*AclEntity) Get ¶
Get returns the specified AclEntity from the nodes current configuration.
name (string): The ACL name
Returns AclConfig object
func (*AclEntity) GetAll ¶
GetAll returns the collection of ACLs from the nodes running configuration as a hash. The ACL resource collection hash is keyed by the ACL name.
Returns: Returns a hash that represents the entire ACL collection from
the nodes running configuration. If there are no ACLs configured, this method will return an empty hash.
func (*AclEntity) GetSection ¶
GetSection returns the specified Acl Entry for the name specified.
name (string): The ACL name
Returns string representation of Acl config entry
func (*AclEntity) RemoveEntry ¶
RemoveEntry will remove the entry specified by the seqno for the ACL specified by name.
EosVersion: 4.13.7M
name (string): The ACL name to update on the node. seqno (int): The sequence number of the entry in the ACL to remove.
returns true if the command complete successfully
func (*AclEntity) UpdateEntry ¶
func (a *AclEntity) UpdateEntry(name string, seqno string, action string, addr string, prefixlen string, log bool) bool
UpdateEntry will update an entry, identified by the seqno in the ACL specified by name, with the passed in parameters.
EosVersion 4.13.7M name (string): The ACL name to update on the node. seqno (string): The sequence number of the entry in the ACL to update. action (string): The action triggered by the ACL. Valid values are 'permit', 'deny', or 'remark' addr (string): The IP address to permit or deny. prefixlen (string): The prefixlen for the IP address. log (bool): Triggers an informational log message to the console about the matching packet.
returns true if the command complete successfully
type AclEntry ¶
AclEntry represents a parsed Acl entry of the form
{ "action" : "" "srcaddr" : "" "srclen" : "" "log" : "" }
type BGPEntity ¶
type BGPEntity struct { *AbstractBaseEntity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BGPEntity provides a configuration resource for Bgp
func (*BGPEntity) AddNetwork ¶
AddNetwork configures BGP network using supplied network prefix and mask length. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) AddNetworkWithRouteMap ¶
AddNetworkWithRouteMap configures BGP network using supplied network prefix, mask length, and route-map Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) ConfigureBgp ¶
ConfigureBgp configures the BGP Entity with the given command. Returns true (bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) Create ¶
Create creates a BGP instance on the node using the given AS value. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) Default ¶
Default sets the default config for BGP instance on the node. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) Delete ¶
Delete deletes the BGP instance on the node. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) GetSection ¶
GetSection returns the BGP config section as a string.
func (*BGPEntity) Neighbors ¶
func (b *BGPEntity) Neighbors() *BgpNeighborsEntity
Neighbors returns the instance of the BgpNeighborsEntity for this BGPEntity
func (*BGPEntity) RemoveNetwork ¶
RemoveNetwork removes the configured BGP network config using the supplied network prefix and mask length Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) RemoveNetworkWithRouteMap ¶
RemoveNetworkWithRouteMap removes the configured BGP network config using the supplied network prefix, mask length, and route-map Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetMaximumPaths ¶
SetMaximumPaths sets the BGP maximum path using the provided maxPath value. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetMaximumPathsDefault ¶
SetMaximumPathsDefault resets the maximum paths configuration to its default values Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetMaximumPathsWithEcmp ¶
SetMaximumPathsWithEcmp set the BGP maximum path / max Ecmp configuration for this entity. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetRouterID ¶
SetRouterID configures the router-id using the provided value. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetRouterIDDefault ¶
SetRouterIDDefault sets the default router-id value Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetShutdown ¶
SetShutdown configures this BGP entity to be 'shutdown' (true), or 'no shutdown' (false) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BGPEntity) SetShutdownDefault ¶
SetShutdownDefault configures the default shutdown configuration for this BGPEntity Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
type BGPNeighborSummary ¶
type BGPNeighborSummary struct { MsgSent int `json:"msgSent"` InMsgQueue int `json:"inMsgQueue"` PrefixReceived int `json:"prefixReceived"` UpDownTime float64 `json:"upDownTime"` Version int `json:"version"` MsgReceived int `json:"msgReceived"` PrefixAccepted int `json:"prefixAccepted"` PeerState string `json:"peerState"` PeerStateIdleReason string `json:"peerStateIdleReason,omitempty"` OutMsgQueue int `json:"outMsgQueue"` UnderMaintenance bool `json:"underMaintenance"` ASN int64 `json:"asn"` }
type BaseInterfaceEntity ¶
type BaseInterfaceEntity struct {
BaseInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for Interface
func Interface ¶
func Interface(node *goeapi.Node) *BaseInterfaceEntity
Interface factory function to initiallize BaseInterfaceEntity resource given a Node
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) Create ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Create(name string) bool
Create creates a new interface on the node
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) Default ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Default(name string) bool
Default reverts back to default config for interface
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) Delete ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Delete(name string) bool
Delete removes an interface from the node
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
Get returns the interface config for the given interface name(string)
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) SetDescription ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetDescription(name string, value string) bool
SetDescription sets the description on the interface name(sting) to value(string)
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) SetDescriptionDefault ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetDescriptionDefault(name string) bool
SetDescriptionDefault reverts back to the default description value
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) SetShutdown ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetShutdown(name string, shut bool) bool
SetShutdown sets the interface name(string) to shutdown(true) or no-shutdown(false)
func (*BaseInterfaceEntity) SetShutdownDefault ¶
func (i *BaseInterfaceEntity) SetShutdownDefault(name string) bool
SetShutdownDefault reverts back to the default shutdown config for interface
type BgpConfig ¶
type BgpConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BgpConfig represents the parsed Bgp config for an interface
func (*BgpConfig) BgpAs ¶
BgpAs returns the BGP config AS number Empty string is returned if no value set.
func (*BgpConfig) MaximumEcmpPaths ¶
MaximumEcmpPaths returns the configured value for BGP max ECMP paths. Empty string is returned if no value set.
func (*BgpConfig) MaximumPaths ¶
MaximumPaths returns the BGP config value for maximum paths. Empty string is returned if no value set.
func (*BgpConfig) Networks ¶
func (b *BgpConfig) Networks() []BgpNetworkEntry
Networks returns a list of configured network statements Each entry represents a bgp network entry. Entry formed as follows: [
{ "prefix":"", "masklen":"", "route_map":"", }, {..
type BgpNeighborCollection ¶
type BgpNeighborCollection map[string]BgpNeighborConfig
BgpNeighborCollection is a collection of BgpNeighborConfigs. Each key entry of the collection is a unique neighbor(key:string) mapping to its respective BGPNeighborConfig: Example:
{ "" : BgpNeighborConfig { "peer_group" : "", "remote_as" : "", ... }, }
type BgpNeighborConfig ¶
BgpNeighborConfig represents the parsed Bgp neighbor config
{ "peer_group" : "peer1", "remote_as" : "99", "send_community" : "true", "shutdown" : "false", "description" : "This is a bgp entity", "next_hop_self" : "", "route_in_map" : "in-map", "route_out_map" : "out-map", }
type BgpNeighborsEntity ¶
type BgpNeighborsEntity struct {
BgpNeighborsEntity provides a configuration resource for Bgp neighbors
func BgpNeighbors ¶
func BgpNeighbors(node *goeapi.Node) *BgpNeighborsEntity
BgpNeighbors factory function to initiallize BgpNeighborsEntity resource given a Node
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) CommandBuilder ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) CommandBuilder(name string, cmd string, value string, def bool, shut bool) string
CommandBuilder (redefined from base) Builds proper bgp neighbot configuration command based on provided arguments:
name(string) - neighbor name cmd(string) - command to use value(string) - additional parameters for command def(bool) - If true, Default configuration needed shut(bool) - If true, negate configure command
Returns compiled command. If def is 'true', command is returned with 'default' prepended. If shut is 'true', command is returned with 'no' prepended.
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) Configure ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Configure(cmd string) bool
Configure (redefined from base) Configures router bgp instance. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully, false if configure fails or device BGP instance doesn't exsist.
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) Create ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Create(name string) bool
Create creates a neighbor entry in the shutdown state. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) Delete ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Delete(name string) bool
Delete removes the neighbor name(string) entry. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) Get ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) Get(name string) BgpNeighborConfig
Get the BGP Neighbot Config for the current entity. Returns a BgpNeighborConfig object
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) GetAll ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) GetAll() BgpNeighborCollection
GetAll returns the BGP Neighbor Collection
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetDescription ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetDescription(name string, value string) bool
SetDescription sets the neighbor name(string) using the provided value(string) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetDescriptionDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetDescriptionDefault(name string) bool
SetDescriptionDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor description configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetNextHopSelf ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetNextHopSelf(name string, enabled bool) bool
SetNextHopSelf sets the neighbor name(string) next-hop-self to enabled(true) or disabled(false) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetNextHopSelfDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetNextHopSelfDefault(name string) bool
SetNextHopSelfDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor next-hop-self configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetPeerGroup ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetPeerGroup(name string, value string) bool
SetPeerGroup sets the neighbor(string) peer-group value(string) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetPeerGroupDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetPeerGroupDefault(name string) bool
SetPeerGroupDefault sets the default configuration value for neighbor peer-group configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRemoteAS ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRemoteAS(name string, value string) bool
SetRemoteAS sets the neighbor name(string) remote-as configuration to value(string) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRemoteASDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRemoteASDefault(name string) bool
SetRemoteASDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor remote-as configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapIn ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapIn(name string, value string) bool
SetRouteMapIn sets the neighbor name(string) inbound route-map entry using value(string) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapInDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapInDefault(name string) bool
SetRouteMapInDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor inbound route-map configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapOut ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapOut(name string, value string) bool
SetRouteMapOut sets the neighbor name(string) outbound route-map entry using value(string) Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapOutDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetRouteMapOutDefault(name string) bool
SetRouteMapOutDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor outbound route-map configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetSendCommunity ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetSendCommunity(name string, enable bool) bool
SetSendCommunity sets the neighbor name(string) send-community configuration to value(string). Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetSendCommunityDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetSendCommunityDefault(name string) bool
SetSendCommunityDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor send-community configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetShutdown ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetShutdown(name string, shut bool) bool
SetShutdown set the neighbor name(string) shutdown state to
shut(boo) - true:shutdown, false:no shutdown
Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*BgpNeighborsEntity) SetShutdownDefault ¶
func (b *BgpNeighborsEntity) SetShutdownDefault(name string) bool
SetShutdownDefault sets the default configuration value for the neighbor shutdown configuration Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
type BgpNetworkEntry ¶
BgpNetworkEntry represents a BGP network config entry
func (BgpNetworkEntry) MaskLen ¶
func (b BgpNetworkEntry) MaskLen() string
MaskLen returns the masklen data for this BgpNetworkEntry
func (BgpNetworkEntry) Prefix ¶
func (b BgpNetworkEntry) Prefix() string
Prefix returns the prefix data for this BgpNetworkEntry
func (BgpNetworkEntry) RouteMap ¶
func (b BgpNetworkEntry) RouteMap() string
RouteMap returns the routemap data for this BgpNetworkEntry
type EthInterfaceCounters ¶
type EthInterfaceCounters struct { CounterRefreshTime float64 InBroadcastPkts int InDiscards int InMulticastPkts int InOctets int InUcastPkts int InputErrorsDetail PhysicalInputErrors LastClear float64 LinkStatusChanges int OutBroadcastPkts int OutDiscards int OutMulticastPkts int OutOctets int OutUcastPkts int OutErrorsDetail PhysicalOutputErrors TotalInErrors int TotalOutErrors int }
EthInterfaceCounters defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type EthernetInterfaceEntity ¶
type EthernetInterfaceEntity struct {
EthernetInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for Ethernet Interface
func EthernetInterface ¶
func EthernetInterface(node *goeapi.Node) *EthernetInterfaceEntity
EthernetInterface factory function to initiallize EthernetInterfaceEntity resource given a Node
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) Create ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) Create(name string) bool
Create not supported
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) Delete ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) Delete(name string) bool
Delete not supported
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) DisableFlowcontrolReceive ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) DisableFlowcontrolReceive(name string) bool
DisableFlowcontrolReceive disables the interface flowcontrol receive value
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) DisableFlowcontrolSend ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) DisableFlowcontrolSend(name string) bool
DisableFlowcontrolSend disables the interface flowcontrol send value
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
Get returns interface as a set of key/value pairs in InterfaceConfig
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetFlowcontrolReceive ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetFlowcontrolReceive(name string, value bool) bool
SetFlowcontrolReceive configures the interface flowcontrol receive value(true: on)
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetFlowcontrolSend ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetFlowcontrolSend(name string, value bool) bool
SetFlowcontrolSend configures the interface flowcontrol send value(true: on)
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetSflow ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetSflow(name string, value bool) bool
SetSflow configures the sFlow state (true:enable, false:disable) on the interface name(string)
func (*EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetSflowDefault ¶
func (e *EthernetInterfaceEntity) SetSflowDefault(name string) bool
SetSflowDefault configures the defalt sFlow state on the interface name(string)
type GlobalMlagConfig ¶
GlobalMlagConfig represents a parsed Global Mlag entry
{ "domain_id" : "2", "local_interface": "", "peer_address" : "", "peer_link" : "Ethernet1", "shutdown" : "false", }
type IPAddress ¶
IPAddress defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type IPInterfaceConfig ¶
IPInterfaceConfig represents a parsed IPInterface entry
func (IPInterfaceConfig) Address ¶
func (i IPInterfaceConfig) Address() string
Address returns the address of the Ip Interface Config
func (IPInterfaceConfig) Mtu ¶
func (i IPInterfaceConfig) Mtu() string
Mtu returns the mtu within Ip Interface Config
func (IPInterfaceConfig) Name ¶
func (i IPInterfaceConfig) Name() string
Name returns the name of the Ip Interface
type IPInterfaceConfigMap ¶
type IPInterfaceConfigMap map[string]IPInterfaceConfig
IPInterfaceConfigMap represents a hash of various IPInterfaceConfig's
type IPInterfaceEntity ¶
type IPInterfaceEntity struct {
IPInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for IpInterfaces
func IPInterface ¶
func IPInterface(node *goeapi.Node) *IPInterfaceEntity
IPInterface factory function to initiallize IPInterface resource given a Node
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) Create ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) Create(name string) bool
Create Creates a new IP interface instance This method will create a new logical IP interface for the specified physical interface. If a logical IP interface already exists then this operation will have no effect.
Configuring a logical IP interface on a physical interface will remove any existing logical switchports have have been created
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 3 IP interface for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1).
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False. If the specified interface is already created the this method will have no effect but will still return True
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) Delete ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) Delete(name string) bool
Delete Deletes an IP interface instance from the running configuration This method will delete the logical IP interface for the specified physical interface. If the interface does not have a logical IP interface defined, then this method will have no effect.
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 3 IP interface for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1).
True if the delete operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) (IPInterfaceConfig, error)
Get Returns the specific IP interface properties The IPinterface resource returns the following:
- name (str): The name of the interface
- address (str): The IP address of the interface in the form of A.B.C.D/E
- mtu (int): The configured value for IP MTU.
name (string): The interface identifier to retrieve the configuration for
An IPInterfaceConfig object of key/value pairs that represents the current configuration of the node. If the specified interface does not exist then nil is returned.
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) GetAll ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) GetAll() IPInterfaceConfigMap
GetAll Returns all of the IP interfaces found in the running-config Example:
{ 'Ethernet1': {...}, 'Ethernet2': {...} }
A map'd object of key/value pairs keyed by interface name that represents all of the IP interfaces on the current node.
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) GetEthInterfaces ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) GetEthInterfaces() []string
GetEthInterfaces Returns all of the Interfaces found in the running-config Returns:
[]string of interfaces
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) SetAddress ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetAddress(name string, value string) bool
SetAddress Configures the interface IP address Args:
name (string): The interface identifier to apply the interface config to value (string): The IP address and mask to set the interface to. The value should be in the format of A.B.C.D/E Value of "" deconfigured ip address
True if the operation succeeds
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) SetAddressDefault ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetAddressDefault(name string) bool
SetAddressDefault Configures the default interface IP address Args:
name (string): The interface identifier to apply the interface config to
True if the operation succeeds
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) SetMtu ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetMtu(name string, value int) bool
SetMtu Configures the interface IP MTU Args:
name (string): The interface identifier to apply the interface config to value (integer): The MTU value to set the interface to. Accepted values include 68 to 65535
True if the operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*IPInterfaceEntity) SetMtuDefault ¶
func (i *IPInterfaceEntity) SetMtuDefault(name string) bool
SetMtuDefault Configures the default interface IP MTU Args:
name (string): The interface identifier to apply the interface config to
True if the operation succeeds otherwise False.
type IPv4Neighbor ¶
type InterfaceAddress ¶
type InterfaceAddress struct { BroadcastAddress string PrimaryIP IPAddress SecondaryIPs interface{} SecondaryIPOrderedList []IPAddress VirtualIP IPAddress }
InterfaceAddress defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type InterfaceConfig ¶
InterfaceConfig represents the parsed Interface config
{ "name" : "ethernet1", "type" : "generic", "shutdown" : "false", "description" : "Backhaul-to-East", }
type InterfaceMlagConfig ¶
InterfaceMlagConfig represents the parsed Mlag config for all interfaces
{ "Port-Channel1" : "2", "Port-Channel10" : "5", ... }
type InterfaceStatistics ¶
type InterfaceStatistics struct { InBitsRate float64 OutBitsRate float64 InPktsRate float64 UpdateInterval float64 OutPktsRate float64 }
InterfaceStatistics defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type LLDPNeighbor ¶
type MACAddressTableEntry ¶
type MlagConfig ¶
type MlagConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MlagConfig represents an Mlag Config entry
func (MlagConfig) DomainID ¶
func (m MlagConfig) DomainID() string
DomainID returns the mlag global domain id Empty string is returned if not found
func (MlagConfig) InterfaceConfig ¶
func (m MlagConfig) InterfaceConfig(intf string) string
InterfaceConfig returns the mlag ID for the given interface. Empty string is returned if not found
func (MlagConfig) LocalInterface ¶
func (m MlagConfig) LocalInterface() string
LocalInterface returns the mlag local inteface Empty string is returned if not found
func (MlagConfig) PeerAddress ¶
func (m MlagConfig) PeerAddress() string
PeerAddress returns the mlag peer address Empty string is returned if not found
func (MlagConfig) PeerLink ¶
func (m MlagConfig) PeerLink() string
PeerLink returns configured peer-link Empty string is returned if not found
func (MlagConfig) Shutdown ¶
func (m MlagConfig) Shutdown() string
Shutdown returns string 'true' if mlag shutdown
type MlagEntity ¶
type MlagEntity struct {
MlagEntity provides a configuration resource for Mlags
func Mlag ¶
func Mlag(node *goeapi.Node) *MlagEntity
Mlag factory function to initiallize MlagEntity resource given a Node
func (*MlagEntity) ConfigureMlag ¶
ConfigureMlag is a config wrapper for initial mlag config command
cmd (string): command to issue value (string): The value to configure the mlag default (bool): Configures using the default keyword
bool: True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) GetSection ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) GetSection() string
GetSection returns the specified Mlag Entry for the name specified.
name (string): The Mlag name
Returns string representation of Mlag config entry
func (*MlagEntity) SetDomainID ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetDomainID(value string) bool
SetDomainID Configures the mlag domain-id value
value (str): The value to configure the domain-id
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetDomainIDDefault ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetDomainIDDefault() bool
SetDomainIDDefault Configures the default mlag domain-id value
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetLocalInterface ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetLocalInterface(value string) bool
SetLocalInterface Configures the mlag local-interface value
value (str): The value to configure the local-interface
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetLocalInterfaceDefault ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetLocalInterfaceDefault() bool
SetLocalInterfaceDefault Configures the default mlag local-interface value
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetMlagID ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetMlagID(name string, value string) bool
SetMlagID Configures the interface mlag value for the specified interface
name (str): The interface to configure. Valid values for the name arg include Port-Channel* value (str): The mlag identifier to cofigure on the interface
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetMlagIDDefault ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetMlagIDDefault(name string) bool
SetMlagIDDefault Configures the default interface mlag value for the specified interface
name (str): The interface to configure. Valid values for the name arg include Port-Channel* value (str): The mlag identifier to cofigure on the interface
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetPeerAddress ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerAddress(value string) bool
SetPeerAddress Configures the mlag peer-address value
value (str): The value to configure the peer-address default (bool): Configures the peer-address using the
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetPeerAddressDefault ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerAddressDefault() bool
SetPeerAddressDefault Configures the default mlag peer-address value
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetPeerLink ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerLink(value string) bool
SetPeerLink Configures the mlag peer-link value
value (str): The value to configure the peer-link default (bool): Configures the peer-link using the default keyword
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetPeerLinkDefault ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetPeerLinkDefault() bool
SetPeerLinkDefault Configures the default mlag peer-link value
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetShutdown ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetShutdown(enable bool) bool
SetShutdown Configures the mlag shutdown value Args:
enable (bool): true for enabled, false for shutdown
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
func (*MlagEntity) SetShutdownDefault ¶
func (m *MlagEntity) SetShutdownDefault() bool
SetShutdownDefault Configures the mlag default shutdown value
bool: Returns True if the commands complete successfully
type PTPEntity ¶
type PTPEntity struct { *AbstractBaseEntity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PTPEntity provides a configuration resource for ptp
func (*PTPEntity) ConfigurePtp ¶
ConfigurePtp configures the PTP Entity with the given command. Returns true (bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*PTPEntity) Interfaces ¶
func (p *PTPEntity) Interfaces() *PTPInterfaceEntity
Interfaces returns the STPInterfaces instance
func (*PTPEntity) SetMode ¶
SetMode configures the ptp mode using the provided value. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
func (*PTPEntity) SetSourceIP ¶
SetSourceIP configures the source ip using the provided value. Returns true(bool) if the commands complete successfully
type PTPInterfaceCollection ¶
type PTPInterfaceCollection map[string]PTPInterfaceConfig
PTPInterfaceCollection is a collection of PTPInterfaceConfigs mapped by interface name:
{ "Ethernet49/1" : PTPInterfaceConfig { "enabled" : "false", "role" : "dynamic", "transport" : "layer2", }, "Ethernet1" : ... }
type PTPInterfaceConfig ¶
PTPInterfaceConfig represents the parsed PTP interface config
{ "enabled" : "true", "role" : "dynamic", "transport" : "layer2", }
func (PTPInterfaceConfig) GetPTPAdminStatus ¶
func (p PTPInterfaceConfig) GetPTPAdminStatus() string
GetPTPAdminStatus returns "true" if ptp enabled on this interfaces
type PTPInterfaceEntity ¶
type PTPInterfaceEntity struct {
PTPInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for PTP
func PTPInterfaces ¶
func PTPInterfaces(node *goeapi.Node) *PTPInterfaceEntity
PTPInterfaces factory function to initiallize PTPInterfaceEntity resource given a Node
func (*PTPInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (p *PTPInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) PTPInterfaceConfig
Get returns an PTPInterfaceConfig type for a given interface name(string).
func (*PTPInterfaceEntity) GetAll ¶
func (p *PTPInterfaceEntity) GetAll() PTPInterfaceCollection
GetAll returns a collection of PTPInterfaceConfigs key'd by interface name.
type PhysicalInputErrors ¶
type PhysicalInputErrors struct { AlignmentErrots int FcsErrors int GiantFrames int RuntFrames int RxPause int SymbolErrors int }
PhysicalInputErrors defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type PhysicalOutputErrors ¶
type PhysicalOutputErrors struct { Collisions int DeferredTransmissions int LateCollisions int TxPause int }
PhysicalOutputErrors defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type PortChannelInterfaceEntity ¶
type PortChannelInterfaceEntity struct {
PortChannelInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for PortChannel
func PortChannel ¶
func PortChannel(node *goeapi.Node) *PortChannelInterfaceEntity
PortChannel factory function to initiallize VxlanInterfaceEntity resource given a Node
func (*PortChannelInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
Get returns the PortChannel interface config for the interface name(string) given. Returned is a InterfaceConfig type
func (*PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetLacpMode ¶
func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetLacpMode(name string, mode string) bool
SetLacpMode configures the LACP mode of the member interfaces
func (*PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMembers ¶
func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMembers(name string, members ...string) bool
SetMembers configures the array of member interfaces for the Port-Channel
func (*PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMinimumLinks ¶
func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMinimumLinks(name string, value int) bool
SetMinimumLinks configures the Port-Channel min-links value
func (*PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMinimumLinksDefault ¶
func (p *PortChannelInterfaceEntity) SetMinimumLinksDefault(name string) bool
SetMinimumLinksDefault returns the specified interface min-links config to it's default configuration.
type PtpClockSummary ¶
type PtpClockSummary struct { ClockIdentity string `json:"clockIdentity"` MeanPathDelay int `json:"meanPathDelay"` StepsRemoved int `json:"stepsRemoved"` Skew float64 `json:"skew"` GmClockIdentity string `json:"gmClockIdentity"` SlavePort string `json:"slavePort"` NumberOfMasterPorts int `json:"numberOfMasterPorts"` NumberOfSlavePorts int `json:"numberOfSlavePorts"` CurrentPtpSystemTime int `json:"currentPtpSystemTime"` OffsetFromMaster int `json:"offsetFromMaster"` LastSyncTime int `json:"lastSyncTime"` }
PtpClockSummary represents common data in "show ptp" output
type PtpConfig ¶
type PtpConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PtpConfig represents the parsed ptp config
type PtpIntf ¶
type PtpIntf struct { PortState string `json:"portState"` DelayMechanism string `json:"delayMechanism"` TransportMode string `json:"transportMode"` }
PtpIntf represents inidividual interface in "show ptp" output
type Route ¶
type Route struct { KernelProgrammed bool `json:"kernelProgrammed"` DirectlyConnected bool `json:"directlyConnected"` Preference int `json:"preference"` RouteAction string `json:"routeAction"` Vias []struct { Interface string `json:"interface"` NexthopAddr string `json:"nexthopAddr"` } `json:"vias"` Metric int `json:"metric"` HardwareProgrammed bool `json:"hardwareProgrammed"` RouteType string `json:"routeType"` }
type STPEntity ¶
type STPEntity struct { *AbstractBaseEntity // contains filtered or unexported fields }
STPEntity provides a configuration resource for STP
func (*STPEntity) Instances ¶
func (s *STPEntity) Instances() *STPInstanceEntity
Instances returns the STPInstances resource for STP instances
func (*STPEntity) Interfaces ¶
func (s *STPEntity) Interfaces() *STPInterfaceEntity
Interfaces returns the STPInterfaces instance
type STPInstanceEntity ¶
type STPInstanceEntity struct {
STPInstanceEntity provides a configuration resource for STPInstance
func STPInstance ¶
func STPInstance(node *goeapi.Node) *STPInstanceEntity
STPInstance factory function to initiallize STPInstanceEntity resource given a Node
type STPInterfaceCollection ¶
type STPInterfaceCollection map[string]STPInterfaceConfig
STPInterfaceCollection is a collection of STPInterfaceConfigs mapped by interface name:
{ "Port-Channel1" : STPInterfaceConfig { "bpduguard" : "false", "portfast" : "true", "portfast_type" : "edge", }, "Ethernet1" : ... }
type STPInterfaceConfig ¶
STPInterfaceConfig represents the parsed STP interface config
{ "bpduguard" : "false", "portfast" : "true", "portfast_type" : "edge", }
type STPInterfaceEntity ¶
type STPInterfaceEntity struct {
STPInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for STP
func STPInterfaces ¶
func STPInterfaces(node *goeapi.Node) *STPInterfaceEntity
STPInterfaces factory function to initiallize STPInterfaceEntity resource given a Node
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) ConfigureInterface ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) ConfigureInterface(name string, cmds ...string) bool
ConfigureInterface (redefined from Base) Returns true(bool) if configuration successful
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) STPInterfaceConfig
Get returns an STPInterfaceConfig type for a given interface name(string).
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) GetAll ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) GetAll() STPInterfaceCollection
GetAll returns a collection of STPInterfaceConfigs key'd by interface name.
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) SetBPDUGuard ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetBPDUGuard(name string, enable bool) bool
SetBPDUGuard eables(true) or disables(false) spanning-tree bpduguard for the interface name(string). Returns true(bool) if configuration successful
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) SetBPDUGuardDefault ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetBPDUGuardDefault(name string) bool
SetBPDUGuardDefault sets the spanning-tree bpduguard for the interface name(string) back to the default config. Returns true(bool) if configuration successful
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfast ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfast(name string, enable bool) bool
SetPortfast sets the spanning-tree portfast for the interface name(string) to be enabled(true) or disabled(false). Returns true(bool) if configuration successful
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfastDefault ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfastDefault(name string) bool
SetPortfastDefault sets the spanning-tree portfast for the interface name(string) back to the default config. Returns true(bool) if configuration successful
func (*STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfastType ¶
func (s *STPInterfaceEntity) SetPortfastType(name string, value string) bool
SetPortfastType sets the spanning-tree portfast type for the interface name(string) to one of the following valid args:
network edge normal
Returns true(bool) if configuration successful
type ShowARP ¶
type ShowARP struct { DynamicEntries int `json:"dynamicEntries"` IPv4Neighbors []IPv4Neighbor `json:"ipV4Neighbors"` NotLearnedEntries int `json:"notLearnedEntries"` TotalEntries int `json:"totalEntries"` StaticEntries int `json:"staticEntries"` }
type ShowEntity ¶
type ShowEntity struct {
ShowEntity provides a configuration resource for VLANs
func Show ¶
func Show(node *goeapi.Node) *ShowEntity
Show factory function to initiallize Show resource given a Node
func (*ShowEntity) ShowARP ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowARP() (ShowARP, error)
func (*ShowEntity) ShowEnvironmentPower ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowEnvironmentPower() (ShowEnvironmentPower, error)
func (*ShowEntity) ShowIPBGPSummary ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowIPBGPSummary() (ShowIPBGPSummary, error)
func (*ShowEntity) ShowIPRoute ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowIPRoute() ShowIPRoute
func (*ShowEntity) ShowInterfaces ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowInterfaces() ShowInterface
ShowInterfaces returns the pre-defined structure (with "json" key in the struct field's tag value) for the decoded response from 'show interfaces' command
func (*ShowEntity) ShowInterfacesSwitchport ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowInterfacesSwitchport() ShowInterfacesSwitchport
func (*ShowEntity) ShowLLDPNeighbors ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowLLDPNeighbors() ShowLLDPNeighbors
func (*ShowEntity) ShowMACAddressTable ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowMACAddressTable() (ShowMACAddressTable, error)
func (*ShowEntity) ShowPTP ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowPTP() (ShowPTP, error)
func (*ShowEntity) ShowTrunkGroups ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowTrunkGroups() ShowTrunkGroup
ShowTrunkGroups returns the pre-defined structure (with "json" key in the struct field's tag value) for the decoded response from 'show vlan trunk group' command
func (*ShowEntity) ShowVersion ¶
func (s *ShowEntity) ShowVersion() ShowVersion
ShowVersion returns the pre-defined structure (with "json" key in the struct field's tag value) for the decoded response from 'show version' command
type ShowEnvironmentPower ¶
type ShowEnvironmentPower struct { PowerSupplies map[string]struct { OutputPower float64 `json:"outputPower"` State string `json:"state"` ModelName string `json:"modelName"` Capacity int `json:"capacity"` InputCurrent float64 `json:"inputCurrent"` TempSensors map[string]struct { Status string `json:"status"` Temperature int `json:"temperature"` } `json:"tempSensors"` Fans map[string]struct { Status string `json:"status"` Speed int `json:"speed"` } `json:"fans"` OutputCurrent float64 `json:"outputCurrent"` Uptime float64 `json:"uptime"` Managed bool `json:"managed"` } `json:"powerSupplies"` }
func (*ShowEnvironmentPower) GetCmd ¶
func (b *ShowEnvironmentPower) GetCmd() string
type ShowIPBGPSummary ¶
func (*ShowIPBGPSummary) GetCmd ¶
func (b *ShowIPBGPSummary) GetCmd() string
type ShowIPRoute ¶
func (*ShowIPRoute) GetCmd ¶
func (r *ShowIPRoute) GetCmd() string
type ShowInterface ¶
type ShowInterface struct {
Interfaces map[string]SwitchInterface
ShowInterface defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
func (ShowInterface) GetCmd ¶
func (s ShowInterface) GetCmd() string
GetCmd returns the command type this EapiCommand relates to
type ShowInterfacesSwitchport ¶
type ShowInterfacesSwitchport struct {
Switchports map[string]Switchport `json:"switchports"`
func (*ShowInterfacesSwitchport) GetCmd ¶
func (l *ShowInterfacesSwitchport) GetCmd() string
type ShowLLDPNeighbors ¶
type ShowLLDPNeighbors struct { TablesLastChangeTime float64 `json:"tablesLastChangeTime"` TablesAgeouts int `json:"tablesAgeOuts"` TablesInserts int `json:"tablesInserts"` TablesDeletes int `json:"tablesDeletes"` TablesDrops int `json:"tablesDrops"` LLDPNeighbors []LLDPNeighbor `json:"lldpNeighbors"` }
func (*ShowLLDPNeighbors) GetCmd ¶
func (l *ShowLLDPNeighbors) GetCmd() string
type ShowMACAddressTable ¶
type ShowMACAddressTable struct { MulticastTable struct { TableEntries []MACAddressTableEntry `json:"tableEntries"` } `json:"multicastTable"` UnicastTable struct { TableEntries []MACAddressTableEntry `json:"tableEntries"` } `json:"unicastTable"` }
func (*ShowMACAddressTable) GetCmd ¶
func (a *ShowMACAddressTable) GetCmd() string
type ShowPTP ¶
type ShowPTP struct { PtpMode string `json:"ptpMode"` PtpClockSummary PtpClockSummary `json:"ptpClockSummary"` PtpIntfSummaries map[string]PtpIntf `json:"ptpIntfSummaries"` }
ShowPTP represents "show ptp" output
type ShowTrunkGroup ¶
ShowTrunkGroup defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show vlan trunk group' to manageable object
func (ShowTrunkGroup) GetCmd ¶
func (s ShowTrunkGroup) GetCmd() string
GetCmd returns the command type this EapiCommand relates to
type ShowVersion ¶
type ShowVersion struct { ModelName string InternalVersion string SystemMacAddress string SerialNumber string MemTotal int BootupTimestamp float64 MemFree int Version string Architecture string InternalBuildID string HardwareRevision string }
ShowVersion defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show version' to manageable object
func (ShowVersion) GetCmd ¶
func (s ShowVersion) GetCmd() string
GetCmd returns the command type this EapiCommand relates to
type SwitchInterface ¶
type SwitchInterface struct { Bandwidth int BurnedInAddress string Description string //`json:"description"` ForwardingModel string Hardware string InterfaceAddress []InterfaceAddress InterfaceCounters EthInterfaceCounters InterfaceMembership string InterfaceStatistics InterfaceStatistics InterfaceStatus string L2Mtu int LastStatusChangeTimestamp float64 LineProtocolStatus string Mtu int Name string PhysicalAddress string }
SwitchInterface defined data structure for mapping JSON response of 'show interface' to manageable object
type SwitchPortConfig ¶
SwitchPortConfig represents a parsed SwitchPort entry
func (SwitchPortConfig) AccessVlan ¶
func (s SwitchPortConfig) AccessVlan() string
AccessVlan returns the SwitchPortConfig access vlan(string)
func (SwitchPortConfig) Mode ¶
func (s SwitchPortConfig) Mode() string
Mode returns the SwitchPortConfig mode(string)
func (SwitchPortConfig) Name ¶
func (s SwitchPortConfig) Name() string
Name returns the SwitchPortConfig name(string)
func (SwitchPortConfig) TrunkAllowedVlans ¶
func (s SwitchPortConfig) TrunkAllowedVlans() string
TrunkAllowedVlans returns the SwitchPortConfig allowed trunk vlans(string)
func (SwitchPortConfig) TrunkGroups ¶
func (s SwitchPortConfig) TrunkGroups() string
TrunkGroups returns the SwitchPortConfig trunk groups(string) comma delimited string
func (SwitchPortConfig) TrunkNativeVlan ¶
func (s SwitchPortConfig) TrunkNativeVlan() string
TrunkNativeVlan returns the SwitchPortConfig native vlan(string)
type SwitchPortConfigMap ¶
type SwitchPortConfigMap map[string]SwitchPortConfig
SwitchPortConfigMap represents a parsed SwitchPort entry
type SwitchPortEntity ¶
type SwitchPortEntity struct {
SwitchPortEntity provides a configuration resource for SwitchPorts
Logical layer 2 interfaces built on top of physical Ethernet and bundled Port-Channel interfaces can be configured and managed with an instance of Switchport. The Switchport object is a resource collection and supports get and getall methods. The Switchports class is derived from the AbstractBaseEntity object
func SwitchPort ¶
func SwitchPort(node *goeapi.Node) *SwitchPortEntity
SwitchPort factory function to initiallize SwitchPortEntity resource given a Node
func (*SwitchPortEntity) AddTrunkGroup ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) AddTrunkGroup(intf string, value string) bool
AddTrunkGroup Adds the specified trunk group to the interface
intf (string): The interface name to apply the trunk group to value (string): The trunk group value to apply to the interface
True if the operation as successfully applied otherwise false
func (*SwitchPortEntity) Create ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Create(name string) bool
Create Creates a new logical layer 2 interface This method will create a new switchport for the interface specified in the arguments (name). If the logical switchport already exists then this command will have no effect
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False. If the interface specified in args is already a switchport then this method will have no effect but will still return True
func (*SwitchPortEntity) Default ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Default(name string) bool
Default Defaults the configuration of the switchport interface This method will default the configuration state of the logical layer 2 interface.
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False. If the interface specified in args is already a switchport then this method will have no effect but will still return True
func (*SwitchPortEntity) Delete ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Delete(name string) bool
Delete Deletes the logical layer 2 interface This method will delete the logical switchport for the interface specified in the arguments. If the interface doe not have a logical layer 2 interface defined, then this method will have no effect.
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False. If the interface specified in args is already a switchport then this method will have no effect but will still return True
func (*SwitchPortEntity) Get ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) Get(name string) SwitchPortConfig
Get Returns a SwitchPortConfig object that represents a switchport The Switchport resource returns the following:
- name (string): The name of the interface
- mode (string): The switchport mode value
- access_vlan (string): The switchport access vlan value
- trunk_native_vlan (string): The switchport trunk native vlan vlaue
- trunk_allowed_vlans (string): The trunk allowed vlans value
- trunk_groups (string): The list of trunk groups configured
name (string): The interface identifier to get. Note: Switchports are only supported on Ethernet and Port-Channel interfaces
SwitchPortConfig: An object of key/value pairs that represent the switchport configuration for the interface specified If the specified argument is not a switchport then None is returned
func (*SwitchPortEntity) GetAll ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) GetAll() SwitchPortConfigMap
GetAll Returns a mapped object to all Switchports This method will return all of the configured switchports as a SwitchPortConfigMap object keyed by the interface identifier.
A map'd SwitchPort that represents all configured switchports in the current running configuration
func (*SwitchPortEntity) GetSection ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) GetSection(name string) string
GetSection returns the specified SwitchPort Entry for the name specified.
name (string): The port name
Returns string representation of SwitchPort config entry
func (*SwitchPortEntity) RemoveTrunkGroup ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) RemoveTrunkGroup(intf string, value string) bool
RemoveTrunkGroup Removes a specified trunk group to the interface
intf (string): The interface name to remove the trunk group from value (string): The trunk group value
True if the operation as successfully applied otherwise false
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetAccessVlan ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetAccessVlan(name string, value string) bool
SetAccessVlan Configures the switchport access vlan
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1) value (string): The value to set the access vlan to. The value must be a valid VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetAccessVlanDefault ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetAccessVlanDefault(name string) bool
SetAccessVlanDefault Configures the default switchport access vlan
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetMode ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetMode(name string, value string) bool
SetMode Configures the switchport mode
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1) value (string): The value to set the mode to. Accepted values for this argument are access or trunk default (bool): Configures the mode parameter to its default value using the EOS CLI
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetModeDefault ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetModeDefault(name string) bool
SetModeDefault Configures the switchport mode
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkAllowedVlans ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkAllowedVlans(name string, value string) bool
SetTrunkAllowedVlans Configures the switchport trunk allowed vlans value
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1) value (string): The value to set the trunk allowed vlans to. The value must be a valid VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkAllowedVlansDefault ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkAllowedVlansDefault(name string) bool
SetTrunkAllowedVlansDefault Configures the default switchport trunk allowed
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkGroups ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkGroups(intf string, value []string) bool
SetTrunkGroups Configures the switchport trunk group value
intf (string): The interface identifier to configure. value (string): The set of values to configure the trunk group
True if the config operation succeeds otherwise False
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkGroupsDefault ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkGroupsDefault(intf string) bool
SetTrunkGroupsDefault Configures default switchport trunk group value
intf (string): The interface identifier to configure.
True if the config operation succeeds otherwise False
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkNativeVlan ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkNativeVlan(name string, value string) bool
SetTrunkNativeVlan Configures the switchport trunk native vlan value
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1) value (string): The value to set the trunk nativevlan to. The value must be a valid VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.
True if the create operation succeeds otherwise False.
func (*SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkNativeVlanDefault ¶
func (s *SwitchPortEntity) SetTrunkNativeVlanDefault(name string) bool
SetTrunkNativeVlanDefault Configures the default switchport trunk native vlan value
name (string): The interface identifier to create the logical layer 2 switchport for. The name must be the full interface name and not an abbreviated interface name (eg Ethernet1, not Et1)
True if the operation succeeds otherwise False.
type Switchport ¶
type Switchport struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` SwitchportInfo SwitchportInfo `json:"switchportInfo"` }
type SwitchportInfo ¶
type SwitchportInfo struct { AccessVlanID int `json:"accessVlanId"` AccessVlanName string `json:"accessVlanName"` DynamicAllowedVlans struct{} `json:"dynamicAllowedVlans"` DynamicTrunkGroups []interface{} `json:"dynamicTrunkGroups"` MacLearning bool `json:"macLearning"` Mode string `json:"mode"` StaticTrunkGroups []interface{} `json:"staticTrunkGroups"` Tpid string `json:"tpid"` TpidStatus bool `json:"tpidStatus"` TrunkAllowedVlans string `json:"trunkAllowedVlans"` TrunkingNativeVlanID int `json:"trunkingNativeVlanId"` TrunkingNativeVlanName string `json:"trunkingNativeVlanName"` }
type SystemConfig ¶
SystemConfig represents a parsed system entry containing
func (SystemConfig) HostName ¶
func (s SystemConfig) HostName() string
HostName returns the hostname entry in the SystemConfig type
func (SystemConfig) IPRouting ¶
func (s SystemConfig) IPRouting() string
IPRouting returns the ip route entry in the SystemConfig type
type SystemEntity ¶
type SystemEntity struct {
SystemEntity provides a configuration resource for System
func System ¶
func System(node *goeapi.Node) *SystemEntity
System factory function to initiallize System resource given a Node
func (*SystemEntity) Get ¶
func (s *SystemEntity) Get() SystemConfig
Get Returns the system configuration abstraction
The System resource returns the following:
- hostname (str): The hostname value
SystemConfig: Represents the node's system configuration
func (*SystemEntity) SetHostname ¶
func (s *SystemEntity) SetHostname(hostname string) bool
SetHostname Configures the global system hostname setting
value (str): The hostname value default (bool): Controls use of the default keyword
bool: True if the commands are completed successfully
func (*SystemEntity) SetHostnameDefault ¶
func (s *SystemEntity) SetHostnameDefault() bool
SetHostnameDefault Configures the global default system hostname setting
bool: True if the commands are completed successfully
func (*SystemEntity) SetIPRouting ¶
func (s *SystemEntity) SetIPRouting(value string, enable bool) bool
SetIPRouting Configures the state of global ip routing
value(bool): True if ip routing should be enabled or False if ip routing should be disabled
bool: True if the commands completed successfully otherwise False
func (*SystemEntity) SetIPRoutingDefault ¶
func (s *SystemEntity) SetIPRoutingDefault(value string) bool
SetIPRoutingDefault Configures the default tate of global ip routing
bool: True if the commands completed successfully otherwise False
type UserConfig ¶
UserConfig represents a parsed user entry containing:
"username" : "", "privilege" : "", "role" : "", "nopassword" : "", "secret" : "", "format" : "", "sshkey" : "",
func (UserConfig) Format ¶
func (u UserConfig) Format() string
Format returns the format(string) for this UserConfig
func (UserConfig) Nopassword ¶
func (u UserConfig) Nopassword() string
Nopassword returns 'true'(string) if nopassowrd is configured for this UserConfig
func (UserConfig) Privilege ¶
func (u UserConfig) Privilege() string
Privilege returns the privilege mode(string) for this UserConfig
func (UserConfig) Role ¶
func (u UserConfig) Role() string
Role returns the role for this UserConfig
func (UserConfig) SSHKey ¶
func (u UserConfig) SSHKey() string
SSHKey returns the sshkey(string) for this UserConfig
func (UserConfig) Secret ¶
func (u UserConfig) Secret() string
Secret returns the login secret passwd type for this UserConfig
func (UserConfig) UserName ¶
func (u UserConfig) UserName() string
UserName returns the username(string) entry for this UserConfig
type UserConfigMap ¶
type UserConfigMap map[string]UserConfig
UserConfigMap is a mapped entry of UserConfigs containing:
"username" : { "username" : "", "privilege" : "", "role" : "", "nopassword" : "", "secret" : "", "format" : "", "sshkey" : "", }
type UserEntity ¶
type UserEntity struct {
UserEntity resource provides configuration for local user resources of an EOS node
func User ¶
func User(node *goeapi.Node) *UserEntity
User factory function to initiallize User resource given a Node
func (*UserEntity) Create ¶
func (u *UserEntity) Create(name string, nopassword bool, secret string, encryption string) (bool, error)
Create Creates a new user on the local system.
name (string): The name of the user to craete nopassword (bool): Configures the user to be able to authenticate without a password challenage secret (string): The secret (password) to assign to this user encryption (string): Specifies how the secret is encoded. Valid values are "cleartext", "md5", "sha512". The default is "cleartext"
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) CreateWithNoPassword ¶
func (u *UserEntity) CreateWithNoPassword(name string) bool
CreateWithNoPassword Creates a new user on the local node
name (string): The name of the user to create
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) CreateWithSecret ¶
CreateWithSecret Creates a new user on the local node
name (string): The name of the user to craete secret (string): The secret (password) to assign to this user encryption (string): Specifies how the secret is encoded. Valid values are "cleartext", "md5", "sha512". The default is "cleartext"
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) Default ¶
func (u *UserEntity) Default(name string) bool
Default Configures the local username using the default keyword
name (string): The name of the user to configure
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) Delete ¶
func (u *UserEntity) Delete(name string) bool
Delete Deletes the local username from the config
name (string): The name of the user to delete
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) Get ¶
func (u *UserEntity) Get(name string) UserConfig
Get Returns the local user configuration as a UserConfig.
name (string): The user name to return a resource for from the nodes configuration
UserConfig type
func (*UserEntity) GetAll ¶
func (u *UserEntity) GetAll() UserConfigMap
GetAll Returns the local user configuration as UserConfig
UserConfigMap object
func (*UserEntity) GetSection ¶
func (u *UserEntity) GetSection() string
GetSection Returns the local user configuration as string
UserConfigMap object
func (*UserEntity) SetPrivilege ¶
func (u *UserEntity) SetPrivilege(name string, value int) (bool, error)
SetPrivilege Configures the user privilege value in EOS
name (string): The name of the user to craete value (int): The privilege value to assign to the user. Valid values are in the range of 0 to 15
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) SetRole ¶
func (u *UserEntity) SetRole(name string, value string) bool
SetRole Configures the user role vale in EOS
name (string): The name of the user to craete value (string): The value to configure for the user role
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*UserEntity) SetSshkey ¶
func (u *UserEntity) SetSshkey(name string, value string) bool
SetSshkey Configures the user sshkey
name (string): The name of the user to add the sshkey to value (string): The value to configure for the sshkey.
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
type VRF ¶
type VRF struct { RouterID string `json:"routerId"` Peers map[string]BGPNeighborSummary `json:"peers"` VRF string `json:"vrf"` ASN int64 `json:"asn"` }
type VlanConfig ¶
VlanConfig represents a parsed vlan entry containing
func (VlanConfig) Name ¶
func (v VlanConfig) Name() string
Name returns the Vlan name for this VlanConfig Null string returned if not set
func (VlanConfig) State ¶
func (v VlanConfig) State() string
State returns the Vlan state for this VlanConfig Null string returned if not set
func (VlanConfig) TrunkGroups ¶
func (v VlanConfig) TrunkGroups() string
TrunkGroups returns the Vlan trunk groups configured for this VlanConfig Null string returned if not set
type VlanConfigMap ¶
type VlanConfigMap map[string]VlanConfig
VlanConfigMap represents a parsed vlan entry containing
type VlanEntity ¶
type VlanEntity struct {
VlanEntity provides a configuration resource for VLANs
func Vlan ¶
func Vlan(node *goeapi.Node) *VlanEntity
Vlan factory function to initiallize Vlans resource given a Node
func (*VlanEntity) AddTrunkGroup ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) AddTrunkGroup(vid string, name string) bool
AddTrunkGroup Adds a new trunk group to the Vlan in the running-config
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure name (string): The trunk group to add to the list
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) ConfigureVlan ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) ConfigureVlan(vid string, cmds ...string) bool
ConfigureVlan Configures the specified Vlan using commands
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure commands: The list of commands to configure
True if the commands completed successfully
func (*VlanEntity) Create ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) Create(vid string) bool
Create Creates a new VLAN resource
vid (string): The VLAN ID to create
True if create was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) Default ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) Default(vid string) bool
Default Defaults the VLAN configuration
.. code-block:: none
default vlan <vlanid>
vid (string): The VLAN ID to default
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) Delete ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) Delete(vid string) bool
Delete Deletes a VLAN from the running configuration
vid (string): The VLAN ID to delete
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) Get ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) Get(vlan string) VlanConfig
Get returns the VLAN configuration as a resource object. Args:
vid (string): The vlan identifier to retrieve from the running configuration. Valid values are in the range of 1 to 4095
VlanConfig object containing the VLAN attributes as key/value pairs.
func (*VlanEntity) GetAll ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) GetAll() VlanConfigMap
GetAll Returns a VlanConfigMap object of all Vlans in the running-config Returns:
A VlanConfigMap type of all Vlan attributes
func (*VlanEntity) GetSection ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) GetSection(vlan string) string
GetSection returns the specified Vlan Entry for the name specified.
vlan (string): The vlan id
Returns string representation of Vlan config entry
func (*VlanEntity) RemoveTrunkGroup ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) RemoveTrunkGroup(vid string, name string) bool
RemoveTrunkGroup Removes a trunk group from the list of configured trunk groups for the specified VLAN ID
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure name (string): The trunk group to add to the list
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) SetName ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) SetName(vid string, name string) bool
SetName Configures the VLAN name
vid (string): The VLAN ID to Configures name (string): The value to configure the vlan name
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) SetNameDefault ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) SetNameDefault(vid string) bool
SetNameDefault Configures the VLAN name
vid (string): The VLAN ID to Configures
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) SetState ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) SetState(vid string, value string) bool
SetState Configures the VLAN state
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure value (string): The value to set the vlan state to
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) SetStateDefault ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) SetStateDefault(vid string) bool
SetStateDefault Configures the VLAN state
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) SetTrunkGroup ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) SetTrunkGroup(vid string, value []string) bool
SetTrunkGroup Configures the list of trunk groups support on a vlan
This method handles configuring the vlan trunk group value to default if the default flag is set to True. If the default flag is set to False, then this method will calculate the set of trunk group names to be added and to be removed.
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure value (string): The list of trunk groups that should be configured for this vlan id.
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
func (*VlanEntity) SetTrunkGroupDefault ¶
func (v *VlanEntity) SetTrunkGroupDefault(vid string) bool
SetTrunkGroupDefault Configures the default list of trunk groups support on a vlan
This method handles configuring the vlan trunk group value to default if the default flag is set to True. If the default flag is set to False, then this method will calculate the set of trunk group names to be added and to be removed.
vid (string): The VLAN ID to configure
True if the operation was successful otherwise False
type VxlanConfigCollection ¶
type VxlanConfigCollection map[string]VxlanInterfaceConfig
VxlanConfigCollection is a collection of Vxlan interfaces
{ "1" : VxlanInterfaceConfig{}, }
type VxlanInterfaceConfig ¶
VxlanInterfaceConfig represents the parsed Vxlan interface config {
"name" : "Vxlan1" "type" : "vxlan" "shutdown" : "false" "description" : "" "source_interface" : "Ethernet1", "multicast_group" : "", "udp_port" : "1024", "flood_list" : "", }
type VxlanInterfaceEntity ¶
type VxlanInterfaceEntity struct {
VxlanInterfaceEntity provides a configuration resource for Vxlan
func Vxlan ¶
func Vxlan(node *goeapi.Node) *VxlanInterfaceEntity
Vxlan factory function to initiallize VxlanInterfaceEntity resource given a Node
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) AddVtepGlobalFlood ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) AddVtepGlobalFlood(name string, vtep string) bool
AddVtepGlobalFlood adds to interface name(string) a vtep(string) endpoint with the global flood list
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) AddVtepLocalFlood ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) AddVtepLocalFlood(name string, vtep string, vlan int) bool
AddVtepLocalFlood adds to interface name(string) a vtep(string) endpoint with the local vlan(int) flood list
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) Get ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) Get(name string) InterfaceConfig
Get returns the Vxlan interface config for the interface name(string) given. Returned is a InterfaceConfig type
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVlan ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVlan(name string, vid int) bool
RemoveVlan removes a vlan vid(int) to vni mapping from a given interface name(string).
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVtepGlobalFlood ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVtepGlobalFlood(name string, vtep string) bool
RemoveVtepGlobalFlood removes from interface name(string) a global vtep(string) flood list
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVtepLocalFlood ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) RemoveVtepLocalFlood(name string, vtep string, vlan int) bool
RemoveVtepLocalFlood removes from interface name(string) a vtep(string) endpoint from the local vlan(int) flood list
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetMulticastGroup ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetMulticastGroup(name string, value string) bool
SetMulticastGroup sets the vxlan interface multicast-group configuration to the value specified. If empty string is specified, then default setting is used.
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetMulticastGroupDefault ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetMulticastGroupDefault(name string) bool
SetMulticastGroupDefault sets the vxlan interface multicast-group configuration back to default settings.
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetSourceInterface ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetSourceInterface(name string, value string) bool
SetSourceInterface sets the vxlan interface to the given value(string). If empty string is specified, then default setting is used.
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetSourceInterfaceDefault ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetSourceInterfaceDefault(name string) bool
SetSourceInterfaceDefault sets the vxlan interface source-interface back to default settings
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetUDPPort ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetUDPPort(name string, value int) bool
SetUDPPort sets the vxlan interface udp port to the provided port value(int)
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetUDPPortDefault ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) SetUDPPortDefault(name string) bool
SetUDPPortDefault sets the vxlan interface udp port configuration to the default settings
func (*VxlanInterfaceEntity) UpdateVlan ¶
func (v *VxlanInterfaceEntity) UpdateVlan(name string, vid int, vni int) bool
UpdateVlan adds a new vlan vid(int) to vni(int) for the interface name(string)