Overview ¶
Example (FileClient_CopyFileUsingDestinationProperties) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" "time" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" dstFileName := "testFile2" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) dstFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(dstFileName) contentR, _ := generateData(int(fileSize)) _, err = srcFileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, contentR, nil) handleError(err) destCreationTime := time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute) destLastWriteTIme := time.Now().Add(6 * time.Minute) destChangeTime := time.Now().Add(7 * time.Minute) _, err = dstFileClient.StartCopyFromURL(context.Background(), srcFileClient.URL(), &file.StartCopyFromURLOptions{ CopyFileSMBInfo: &file.CopyFileSMBInfo{ CreationTime: file.DestinationCopyFileCreationTime(destCreationTime), LastWriteTime: file.DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime(destLastWriteTIme), ChangeTime: file.DestinationCopyFileChangeTime(destChangeTime), Attributes: file.DestinationCopyFileAttributes{ReadOnly: true}, }, }) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File copied") }
Example (FileClient_CopyFileUsingSourceProperties) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" dstFileName := "testFile2" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) dstFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(dstFileName) contentR, _ := generateData(int(fileSize)) _, err = srcFileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, contentR, nil) handleError(err) _, err = dstFileClient.StartCopyFromURL(context.Background(), srcFileClient.URL(), &file.StartCopyFromURLOptions{ CopyFileSMBInfo: &file.CopyFileSMBInfo{ CreationTime: file.SourceCopyFileCreationTime{}, LastWriteTime: file.SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime{}, ChangeTime: file.SourceCopyFileChangeTime{}, Attributes: file.SourceCopyFileAttributes{}, PermissionCopyMode: to.Ptr(file.PermissionCopyModeTypeSource), }, }) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File copied") }
Example (FileClient_CreateAndDelete) ¶
package main import ( "context" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(fileName) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.Background(), 5, nil) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_DownloadBuffer) ¶
package main import ( "context" "crypto/rand" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) content := make([]byte, fileSize) _, err = rand.Read(content) handleError(err) err = srcFileClient.UploadBuffer(context.Background(), content, nil) handleError(err) destBuffer := make([]byte, fileSize) _, err = srcFileClient.DownloadBuffer(context.Background(), destBuffer, nil) handleError(err) _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_DownloadFile) ¶
package main import ( "context" "crypto/rand" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) content := make([]byte, fileSize) _, err = rand.Read(content) handleError(err) err = srcFileClient.UploadBuffer(context.Background(), content, nil) handleError(err) destFileName := "file.bin" destFile, err := os.Create(destFileName) handleError(err) defer func(name string) { err = os.Remove(name) handleError(err) }(destFileName) defer func(destFile *os.File) { err = destFile.Close() handleError(err) }(destFile) _, err = srcFileClient.DownloadFile(context.Background(), destFile, nil) handleError(err) _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_DownloadStream) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) contentR, _ := generateData(int(fileSize)) _, err = srcFileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, contentR, nil) handleError(err) // validate data copied resp, err := srcFileClient.DownloadStream(context.Background(), &file.DownloadStreamOptions{ Range: file.HTTPRange{Offset: 0, Count: fileSize}, }) handleError(err) content1, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) handleError(err) fmt.Println(content1) _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_GetProperties) ¶
package main import ( "context" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(fileName) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.Background(), 5, nil) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.GetProperties(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_OAuth) ¶
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") if !ok { panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found") } cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) handleError(err) shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" fileURL := "https://" + accountName + "" + shareName + "/" + fileName fileClient, err := file.NewClient(fileURL, cred, &file.ClientOptions{FileRequestIntent: to.Ptr(file.ShareTokenIntentBackup)}) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.TODO(), 2048, nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File created") _, err = fileClient.GetProperties(context.TODO(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File properties retrieved") _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.TODO(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File deleted") }
Example (FileClient_Rename) ¶
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") if !ok { panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found") } cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) handleError(err) shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" destFileName := "newFile" srcFileURL := "https://" + accountName + "" + shareName + "/" + srcFileName srcFileClient, err := file.NewClient(srcFileURL, cred, &file.ClientOptions{FileRequestIntent: to.Ptr(file.ShareTokenIntentBackup)}) handleError(err) _, err = srcFileClient.Rename(context.TODO(), destFileName, nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File renamed") }
Example (FileClient_Resize) ¶
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) resp1, err := srcFileClient.GetProperties(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println(*resp1.ContentLength) _, err = srcFileClient.Resize(context.Background(), 6, nil) handleError(err) resp1, err = srcFileClient.GetProperties(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println(*resp1.ContentLength) _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_SetAndGetMetadata) ¶
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(fileName) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.Background(), 5, nil) handleError(err) opts := file.SetMetadataOptions{Metadata: map[string]*string{"hello": to.Ptr("world")}} _, err = fileClient.SetMetadata(context.Background(), &opts) handleError(err) get, err := fileClient.GetProperties(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) if get.Metadata == nil { log.Fatal("No metadata returned") } for k, v := range get.Metadata { fmt.Print(k + "=" + *v + "\n") } _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_StartCopyFromURL) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" dstFileName := "testFile2" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) dstFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(dstFileName) contentR, _ := generateData(int(fileSize)) _, err = srcFileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, contentR, nil) handleError(err) // you can also use AbortCopy to abort copying _, err = dstFileClient.StartCopyFromURL(context.Background(), srcFileClient.URL(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = dstFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_TrailingDot) ¶
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") if !ok { panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found") } cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil) handleError(err) shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile.." // file name with trailing dot fileURL := "https://" + accountName + "" + shareName + "/" + fileName fileClient, err := file.NewClient(fileURL, cred, &file.ClientOptions{ FileRequestIntent: to.Ptr(file.ShareTokenIntentBackup), AllowTrailingDot: to.Ptr(true), }) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.TODO(), 2048, nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File created") _, err = fileClient.GetProperties(context.TODO(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File properties retrieved") _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.TODO(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println("File deleted") }
Example (FileClient_UploadAndClearRange) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(fileName) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.Background(), 5, nil) handleError(err) contentR, _ := generateData(5) _, err = fileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, contentR, nil) handleError(err) rangeList, err := fileClient.GetRangeList(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println(rangeList.Ranges) _, err = fileClient.ClearRange(context.Background(), file.HTTPRange{Offset: 0, Count: int64(5)}, nil) handleError(err) rangeList2, err := fileClient.GetRangeList(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println(rangeList2.Ranges, 0) _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_UploadBuffer) ¶
package main import ( "context" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(fileName) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.Background(), 5, nil) handleError(err) data := []byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'} err = fileClient.UploadBuffer(context.Background(), data, nil) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_UploadFile) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) _, content := generateData(int(fileSize)) err = os.WriteFile(srcFileName, content, 0644) handleError(err) defer func() { err = os.Remove(srcFileName) handleError(err) }() fh, err := os.Open(srcFileName) handleError(err) defer func(fh *os.File) { err := fh.Close() handleError(err) }(fh) err = srcFileClient.UploadFile(context.Background(), fh, nil) destFileName := "file.bin" destFile, err := os.Create(destFileName) handleError(err) defer func(name string) { err = os.Remove(name) handleError(err) }(destFileName) defer func(destFile *os.File) { err = destFile.Close() handleError(err) }(destFile) _, err = srcFileClient.DownloadFile(context.Background(), destFile, nil) handleError(err) _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_UploadRangeFromURL) ¶
package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "io" "log" "os" "strings" "time" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } const random64BString string = "2SDgZj6RkKYzJpu04sweQek4uWHO8ndPnYlZ0tnFS61hjnFZ5IkvIGGY44eKABov" func generateData(sizeInBytes int) (io.ReadSeekCloser, []byte) { data := make([]byte, sizeInBytes) _len := len(random64BString) if sizeInBytes > _len { count := sizeInBytes / _len if sizeInBytes%_len != 0 { count++ } copy(data, strings.Repeat(random64BString, count)) } else { copy(data, random64BString) } return streaming.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), data } func main() { accountName, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME") if !ok { panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME could not be found") } accountKey, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY") if !ok { panic("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY could not be found") } serviceURL := fmt.Sprintf("", accountName) cred, err := service.NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey) handleError(err) client, err := service.NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(serviceURL, cred, nil) handleError(err) shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" dstFileName := "testFile2" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient := client.NewShareClient(shareName) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) contentR, _ := generateData(int(fileSize)) _, err = srcFileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, contentR, nil) handleError(err) contentSize := 1024 * 8 // 8KB content := make([]byte, contentSize) body := bytes.NewReader(content) rsc := streaming.NopCloser(body) _, err = srcFileClient.UploadRange(context.Background(), 0, rsc, nil) handleError(err) perms := sas.FilePermissions{Read: true, Write: true} sasQueryParams, err := sas.SignatureValues{ Protocol: sas.ProtocolHTTPS, // Users MUST use HTTPS (not HTTP) ExpiryTime: time.Now().UTC().Add(48 * time.Hour), // 48-hours before expiration ShareName: shareName, FilePath: srcFileName, Permissions: perms.String(), }.SignWithSharedKey(cred) handleError(err) srcFileSAS := srcFileClient.URL() + "?" + sasQueryParams.Encode() destFClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(dstFileName) _, err = destFClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) _, err = destFClient.UploadRangeFromURL(context.Background(), srcFileSAS, 0, 0, int64(contentSize), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (FileClient_UploadStream) ¶
package main import ( "context" "" "" "log" "os" "strings" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" fileName := "testFile" shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) fileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(fileName) _, err = fileClient.Create(context.Background(), 5, nil) handleError(err) err = fileClient.UploadStream( context.TODO(), streaming.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("Some text")), nil, ) handleError(err) _, err = fileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (File_ClientGetSASURL) ¶
package main import ( "context" "" "" "" "log" "os" "time" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" srcFileName := "testFile" fileSize := int64(5) shareClient, err := share.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Create(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) srcFileClient := shareClient.NewRootDirectoryClient().NewFileClient(srcFileName) _, err = srcFileClient.Create(context.Background(), fileSize, nil) handleError(err) permission := sas.FilePermissions{Read: true} start := time.Now() expiry := start.AddDate(1, 0, 0) options := file.GetSASURLOptions{StartTime: &start} sasURL, err := srcFileClient.GetSASURL(permission, expiry, &options) handleError(err) _ = sasURL _, err = srcFileClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) _, err = shareClient.Delete(context.Background(), nil) handleError(err) }
Example (File_NewClientFromConnectionString) ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "" "log" "os" ) func handleError(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } func main() { // Your connection string can be obtained from the Azure Portal. connectionString, ok := os.LookupEnv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING") if !ok { log.Fatal("the environment variable 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING' could not be found") } shareName := "testShare" filePath := "testDir/testFile" fileClient, err := file.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, shareName, filePath, nil) handleError(err) fmt.Println(fileClient.URL()) }
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AbortCopyOptions
- type AbortCopyResponse
- type ClearRange
- type ClearRangeOptions
- type ClearRangeResponse
- type Client
- func NewClient(fileURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
- func NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString string, shareName string, filePath string, ...) (*Client, error)
- func NewClientWithNoCredential(fileURL string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
- func NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(fileURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
- func (f *Client) AbortCopy(ctx context.Context, copyID string, options *AbortCopyOptions) (AbortCopyResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) ClearRange(ctx context.Context, contentRange HTTPRange, options *ClearRangeOptions) (ClearRangeResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) Create(ctx context.Context, fileContentLength int64, options *CreateOptions) (CreateResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) Delete(ctx context.Context, options *DeleteOptions) (DeleteResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) DownloadBuffer(ctx context.Context, buffer []byte, o *DownloadBufferOptions) (int64, error)
- func (f *Client) DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, file *os.File, o *DownloadFileOptions) (int64, error)
- func (f *Client) DownloadStream(ctx context.Context, options *DownloadStreamOptions) (DownloadStreamResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) ForceCloseHandles(ctx context.Context, handleID string, options *ForceCloseHandlesOptions) (ForceCloseHandlesResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *GetPropertiesOptions) (GetPropertiesResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) GetRangeList(ctx context.Context, options *GetRangeListOptions) (GetRangeListResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.FilePermissions, expiry time.Time, o *GetSASURLOptions) (string, error)
- func (f *Client) ListHandles(ctx context.Context, options *ListHandlesOptions) (ListHandlesResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) Rename(ctx context.Context, destinationPath string, options *RenameOptions) (RenameResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) Resize(ctx context.Context, size int64, options *ResizeOptions) (ResizeResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, options *SetHTTPHeadersOptions) (SetHTTPHeadersResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *SetMetadataOptions) (SetMetadataResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) StartCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *StartCopyFromURLOptions) (StartCopyFromURLResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) URL() string
- func (f *Client) UploadBuffer(ctx context.Context, buffer []byte, options *UploadBufferOptions) error
- func (f *Client) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, file *os.File, options *UploadFileOptions) error
- func (f *Client) UploadRange(ctx context.Context, offset int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, ...) (UploadRangeResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) UploadRangeFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, sourceOffset int64, ...) (UploadRangeFromURLResponse, error)
- func (f *Client) UploadStream(ctx context.Context, body io.Reader, options *UploadStreamOptions) error
- type ClientOptions
- type CopyFileAttributes
- type CopyFileChangeTime
- type CopyFileCreationTime
- type CopyFileLastWriteTime
- type CopyFileSMBInfo
- type CopyStatusType
- type CreateOptions
- type CreateResponse
- type DeleteOptions
- type DeleteResponse
- type DestinationCopyFileAttributes
- type DestinationCopyFileChangeTime
- type DestinationCopyFileCreationTime
- type DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime
- type DestinationLeaseAccessConditions
- type DownloadBufferOptions
- type DownloadFileOptions
- type DownloadResponse
- type DownloadStreamOptions
- type DownloadStreamResponse
- type ForceCloseHandlesOptions
- type ForceCloseHandlesResponse
- type GetPropertiesOptions
- type GetPropertiesResponse
- type GetRangeListOptions
- type GetRangeListResponse
- type GetSASURLOptions
- type HTTPHeaders
- type HTTPRange
- type Handle
- type LastWrittenMode
- type LeaseAccessConditions
- type ListHandlesOptions
- type ListHandlesResponse
- type ListHandlesSegmentResponse
- type NTFSFileAttributes
- type PermissionCopyModeType
- type PermissionFormat
- type Permissions
- type RangeWriteType
- type RenameOptions
- type RenameResponse
- type ResizeOptions
- type ResizeResponse
- type RetryReader
- type RetryReaderOptions
- type SMBProperties
- type SetHTTPHeadersOptions
- type SetHTTPHeadersResponse
- type SetMetadataOptions
- type SetMetadataResponse
- type ShareFileRange
- type ShareFileRangeList
- type ShareTokenIntent
- type SharedKeyCredential
- type SourceContentValidationType
- type SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64
- type SourceCopyFileAttributes
- type SourceCopyFileChangeTime
- type SourceCopyFileCreationTime
- type SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime
- type SourceLeaseAccessConditions
- type SourceModifiedAccessConditions
- type StartCopyFromURLOptions
- type StartCopyFromURLResponse
- type TransferValidationType
- type TransferValidationTypeMD5
- type URLParts
- type UploadBufferOptions
- type UploadFileOptions
- type UploadRangeFromURLOptions
- type UploadRangeFromURLResponse
- type UploadRangeOptions
- type UploadRangeResponse
- type UploadStreamOptions
Examples ¶
- Package (Client_NewClient_CreateShare_CreateDir_CreateFile)
- Package (FileClient_CopyFileUsingDestinationProperties)
- Package (FileClient_CopyFileUsingSourceProperties)
- Package (FileClient_CreateAndDelete)
- Package (FileClient_DownloadBuffer)
- Package (FileClient_DownloadFile)
- Package (FileClient_DownloadStream)
- Package (FileClient_GetProperties)
- Package (FileClient_OAuth)
- Package (FileClient_Rename)
- Package (FileClient_Resize)
- Package (FileClient_SetAndGetMetadata)
- Package (FileClient_StartCopyFromURL)
- Package (FileClient_TrailingDot)
- Package (FileClient_UploadAndClearRange)
- Package (FileClient_UploadBuffer)
- Package (FileClient_UploadFile)
- Package (FileClient_UploadRangeFromURL)
- Package (FileClient_UploadStream)
- Package (File_ClientGetSASURL)
- Package (File_NewClientFromConnectionString)
Constants ¶
const ( CountToEnd = 0 // MaxUpdateRangeBytes indicates the maximum number of bytes that can be updated in a call to Client.UploadRange. MaxUpdateRangeBytes = 4 * 1024 * 1024 // 4MiB // MaxFileSize indicates the maximum size of the file allowed. MaxFileSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 4 TiB // DefaultDownloadChunkSize is default chunk size DefaultDownloadChunkSize = int64(4 * 1024 * 1024) // 4MiB )
const ReadOnClosedBodyMessage = "read on closed response body"
ReadOnClosedBodyMessage of retry reader
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AbortCopyOptions ¶
type AbortCopyOptions struct { // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. // Required if the destination file has an active lease. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
AbortCopyOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.AbortCopy method.
type AbortCopyResponse ¶
type AbortCopyResponse = generated.FileClientAbortCopyResponse
AbortCopyResponse contains the response from method Client.AbortCopy.
type ClearRangeOptions ¶
type ClearRangeOptions struct { // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
ClearRangeOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ClearRange method.
type ClearRangeResponse ¶
type ClearRangeResponse = generated.FileClientUploadRangeResponse
ClearRangeResponse contains the response from method Client.ClearRange.
type Client ¶
type Client base.Client[generated.FileClient]
Client represents a URL to the Azure Storage file.
func NewClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewClient(fileURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
NewClient creates an instance of Client with the specified values.
- fileURL - the URL of the file e.g. https://<account>
- cred - an Azure AD credential, typically obtained via the azidentity module
- options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values
Note that ClientOptions.FileRequestIntent is currently required for token authentication.
func NewClientFromConnectionString ¶
func NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString string, shareName string, filePath string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
NewClientFromConnectionString creates an instance of Client with the specified values.
- connectionString - a connection string for the desired storage account
- shareName - the name of the share within the storage account
- filePath - the path of the file within the share
- options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values
func NewClientWithNoCredential ¶
func NewClientWithNoCredential(fileURL string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
NewClientWithNoCredential creates an instance of Client with the specified values. This is used to anonymously access a file or with a shared access signature (SAS) token.
- fileURL - the URL of the file e.g. https://<account><sas token>
- options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values
The directoryPath is optional in the fileURL. If omitted, it points to file within the specified share.
func NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential ¶
func NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(fileURL string, cred *SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error)
NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential creates an instance of Client with the specified values.
- fileURL - the URL of the file e.g. https://<account>
- cred - a SharedKeyCredential created with the matching file's storage account and access key
- options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values
The directoryPath is optional in the fileURL. If omitted, it points to file within the specified share.
func (*Client) AbortCopy ¶
func (f *Client) AbortCopy(ctx context.Context, copyID string, options *AbortCopyOptions) (AbortCopyResponse, error)
AbortCopy operation cancels a pending Copy File operation, and leaves a destination file with zero length and full metadata.
- copyID: the copy identifier provided in the x-ms-copy-id header of the original Copy File operation.
For more information, see
func (*Client) ClearRange ¶
func (f *Client) ClearRange(ctx context.Context, contentRange HTTPRange, options *ClearRangeOptions) (ClearRangeResponse, error)
ClearRange operation clears the specified range and releases the space used in storage for that range.
- contentRange: Specifies the range of bytes to be cleared.
For more information, see
func (*Client) Create ¶
func (f *Client) Create(ctx context.Context, fileContentLength int64, options *CreateOptions) (CreateResponse, error)
Create operation creates a new file or replaces a file. Note it only initializes the file with no content.
- fileContentLength: Specifies the maximum size for the file in bytes, up to 4 TB.
ParseNTFSFileAttributes method can be used to convert the file attributes returned in response to NTFSFileAttributes. For more information, see
func (*Client) Delete ¶
func (f *Client) Delete(ctx context.Context, options *DeleteOptions) (DeleteResponse, error)
Delete operation removes the file from the storage account. For more information, see
func (*Client) DownloadBuffer ¶
func (f *Client) DownloadBuffer(ctx context.Context, buffer []byte, o *DownloadBufferOptions) (int64, error)
DownloadBuffer downloads an Azure file to a buffer with parallel.
func (*Client) DownloadFile ¶
func (f *Client) DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, file *os.File, o *DownloadFileOptions) (int64, error)
DownloadFile downloads an Azure file to a local file. The file would be truncated if the size doesn't match.
func (*Client) DownloadStream ¶
func (f *Client) DownloadStream(ctx context.Context, options *DownloadStreamOptions) (DownloadStreamResponse, error)
DownloadStream operation reads or downloads a file from the system, including its metadata and properties. ParseNTFSFileAttributes method can be used to convert the file attributes returned in response to NTFSFileAttributes. For more information, see
func (*Client) ForceCloseHandles ¶
func (f *Client) ForceCloseHandles(ctx context.Context, handleID string, options *ForceCloseHandlesOptions) (ForceCloseHandlesResponse, error)
ForceCloseHandles operation closes a handle or handles opened on a file.
- handleID - Specifies the handle ID to be closed. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard string to specify all handles.
For more information, see
func (*Client) GetProperties ¶
func (f *Client) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *GetPropertiesOptions) (GetPropertiesResponse, error)
GetProperties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the file. ParseNTFSFileAttributes method can be used to convert the file attributes returned in response to NTFSFileAttributes. For more information, see
func (*Client) GetRangeList ¶
func (f *Client) GetRangeList(ctx context.Context, options *GetRangeListOptions) (GetRangeListResponse, error)
GetRangeList operation returns the list of valid ranges for a file. For more information, see
func (*Client) GetSASURL ¶
func (f *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.FilePermissions, expiry time.Time, o *GetSASURLOptions) (string, error)
GetSASURL is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at file. It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential.
func (*Client) ListHandles ¶
func (f *Client) ListHandles(ctx context.Context, options *ListHandlesOptions) (ListHandlesResponse, error)
ListHandles operation returns a list of open handles on a file. For more information, see
func (*Client) Rename ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (f *Client) Rename(ctx context.Context, destinationPath string, options *RenameOptions) (RenameResponse, error)
Rename operation renames a file, and can optionally set system properties for the file.
- destinationPath: the destination path to rename the file to.
For more information, see
func (*Client) Resize ¶
func (f *Client) Resize(ctx context.Context, size int64, options *ResizeOptions) (ResizeResponse, error)
Resize operation resizes the file to the specified size. For more information, see
func (*Client) SetHTTPHeaders ¶
func (f *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, options *SetHTTPHeadersOptions) (SetHTTPHeadersResponse, error)
SetHTTPHeaders operation sets HTTP headers on the file. ParseNTFSFileAttributes method can be used to convert the file attributes returned in response to NTFSFileAttributes. For more information, see
func (*Client) SetMetadata ¶
func (f *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *SetMetadataOptions) (SetMetadataResponse, error)
SetMetadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified file. For more information, see
func (*Client) StartCopyFromURL ¶
func (f *Client) StartCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *StartCopyFromURLOptions) (StartCopyFromURLResponse, error)
StartCopyFromURL operation copies the data at the source URL to a file.
- copySource: specifies the URL of the source file or blob, up to 2KiB in length.
For more information, see
func (*Client) UploadBuffer ¶
func (f *Client) UploadBuffer(ctx context.Context, buffer []byte, options *UploadBufferOptions) error
UploadBuffer uploads a buffer in chunks to an Azure file.
func (*Client) UploadFile ¶
UploadFile uploads a file in chunks to an Azure file.
func (*Client) UploadRange ¶
func (f *Client) UploadRange(ctx context.Context, offset int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *UploadRangeOptions) (UploadRangeResponse, error)
UploadRange operation uploads a range of bytes to a file.
- offset: Specifies the start byte at which the range of bytes is to be written.
- body: Specifies the data to be uploaded.
For more information, see
func (*Client) UploadRangeFromURL ¶
func (f *Client) UploadRangeFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, sourceOffset int64, destinationOffset int64, count int64, options *UploadRangeFromURLOptions) (UploadRangeFromURLResponse, error)
UploadRangeFromURL operation uploads a range of bytes to a file where the contents are read from a URL.
- copySource: Specifies the URL of the source file or blob, up to 2 KB in length.
- destinationRange: Specifies the range of bytes in the file to be written.
- sourceRange: Bytes of source data in the specified range.
For more information, see
func (*Client) UploadStream ¶
func (f *Client) UploadStream(ctx context.Context, body io.Reader, options *UploadStreamOptions) error
UploadStream copies the file held in io.Reader to the file at fileClient. A Context deadline or cancellation will cause this to error.
type ClientOptions ¶
type ClientOptions base.ClientOptions
ClientOptions contains the optional parameters when creating a Client.
type CopyFileAttributes ¶
type CopyFileAttributes = exported.CopyFileAttributes
CopyFileAttributes specifies either the option to copy file attributes from a source file(source) to a target file or a list of attributes to set on a target file.
type CopyFileChangeTime ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CopyFileChangeTime = exported.CopyFileChangeTime
CopyFileChangeTime specifies either the option to copy file change time from a source file(source) to a target file or a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as change time on a target file.
type CopyFileCreationTime ¶
type CopyFileCreationTime = exported.CopyFileCreationTime
CopyFileCreationTime specifies either the option to copy file creation time from a source file(source) to a target file or a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as creation time on a target file.
type CopyFileLastWriteTime ¶
type CopyFileLastWriteTime = exported.CopyFileLastWriteTime
CopyFileLastWriteTime specifies either the option to copy file last write time from a source file(source) to a target file or a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as last write time on a target file.
type CopyFileSMBInfo ¶
type CopyFileSMBInfo struct { // Specifies either the option to copy file attributes from a source file(source) to a target file or a list of attributes to set on a target file. // CopyFileAttributes is an interface and its underlying implementation are: // - SourceCopyFileAttributes - specifies to copy file attributes from a source file to a target file. // - DestinationCopyFileAttributes - specifies a list of attributes to set on a target file. Attributes CopyFileAttributes // Specifies either the option to copy file change time from a source file(source) to a target file or a time value in // ISO 8601 format to set as change time on a target file. // CopyFileChangeTime is an interface and its underlying implementation are: // - SourceCopyFileChangeTime - specifies to copy file change time from a source file to a target file. // - DestinationCopyFileChangeTime - specifies a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as change time on a target file. ChangeTime CopyFileChangeTime // Specifies either the option to copy file creation time from a source file(source) to a target file or a time value in ISO // 8601 format to set as creation time on a target file. // CopyFileCreationTime is an interface and its underlying implementation are: // - SourceCopyFileCreationTime - specifies to copy file creation time from a source file to a target file. // - DestinationCopyFileCreationTime - specifies a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as creation time on a target file. CreationTime CopyFileCreationTime // Specifies either the option to copy file last write time from a source file(source) to a target file or a time value in // ISO 8601 format to set as last write time on a target file. // CopyFileLastWriteTime is an interface and its underlying implementation are: // - SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime - specifies to copy file last write time from a source file to a target file. // - DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime - specifies a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as last write time on a target file. LastWriteTime CopyFileLastWriteTime // Specifies the option to copy file security descriptor from source file or to set it using the value which is defined by // the header value of x-ms-file-permission or x-ms-file-permission-key. PermissionCopyMode *PermissionCopyModeType // Specifies the option to overwrite the target file if it already exists and has read-only attribute set. IgnoreReadOnly *bool // Specifies the option to set archive attribute on a target file. True means archive attribute will be set on a target file // despite attribute overrides or a source file state. SetArchiveAttribute *bool }
CopyFileSMBInfo contains a group of parameters for the FileClient.StartCopy method.
type CopyStatusType ¶
type CopyStatusType = generated.CopyStatusType
CopyStatusType defines the states of the copy operation.
const ( CopyStatusTypePending CopyStatusType = generated.CopyStatusTypePending CopyStatusTypeSuccess CopyStatusType = generated.CopyStatusTypeSuccess CopyStatusTypeAborted CopyStatusType = generated.CopyStatusTypeAborted CopyStatusTypeFailed CopyStatusType = generated.CopyStatusTypeFailed )
func PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues ¶
func PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues() []CopyStatusType
PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues returns the possible values for the CopyStatusType const type.
type CreateOptions ¶
type CreateOptions struct { // The default value is 'None' for Attributes and 'now' for CreationTime and LastWriteTime fields in file.SMBProperties. SMBProperties *SMBProperties // The default value is 'inherit' for Permission field in file.Permissions. Permissions *Permissions FilePermissionFormat *PermissionFormat HTTPHeaders *HTTPHeaders LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions // A name-value pair to associate with a file storage object. Metadata map[string]*string }
CreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Create method.
type CreateResponse ¶
type CreateResponse = generated.FileClientCreateResponse
CreateResponse contains the response from method Client.Create.
type DeleteOptions ¶
type DeleteOptions struct { // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
DeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Delete method.
type DeleteResponse ¶
type DeleteResponse = generated.FileClientDeleteResponse
DeleteResponse contains the response from method Client.Delete.
type DestinationCopyFileAttributes ¶
type DestinationCopyFileAttributes = exported.DestinationCopyFileAttributes
DestinationCopyFileAttributes specifies a list of attributes to set on a target file.
type DestinationCopyFileChangeTime ¶ added in v1.1.0
type DestinationCopyFileChangeTime = exported.DestinationCopyFileChangeTime
DestinationCopyFileChangeTime specifies a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as change time on a target file.
type DestinationCopyFileCreationTime ¶
type DestinationCopyFileCreationTime = exported.DestinationCopyFileCreationTime
DestinationCopyFileCreationTime specifies a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as creation time on a target file.
type DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime ¶
type DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime = exported.DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime
DestinationCopyFileLastWriteTime specifies a time value in ISO 8601 format to set as last write time on a target file.
type DestinationLeaseAccessConditions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type DestinationLeaseAccessConditions = generated.DestinationLeaseAccessConditions
DestinationLeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access the destination directory.
type DownloadBufferOptions ¶
type DownloadBufferOptions struct { // Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes. Range HTTPRange // ChunkSize specifies the chunk size to use for each parallel download; the default size is 4MB. ChunkSize int64 // Progress is a function that is invoked periodically as bytes are received. Progress func(bytesTransferred int64) // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions // Concurrency indicates the maximum number of chunks to download in parallel (0=default). Concurrency uint16 // RetryReaderOptionsPerChunk is used when downloading each chunk. RetryReaderOptionsPerChunk RetryReaderOptions }
DownloadBufferOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.DownloadBuffer method.
type DownloadFileOptions ¶
type DownloadFileOptions struct { // Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes. Range HTTPRange // ChunkSize specifies the chunk size to use for each parallel download; the default size is 4MB. ChunkSize int64 // Progress is a function that is invoked periodically as bytes are received. Progress func(bytesTransferred int64) // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions // Concurrency indicates the maximum number of chunks to download in parallel (0=default). Concurrency uint16 // RetryReaderOptionsPerChunk is used when downloading each chunk. RetryReaderOptionsPerChunk RetryReaderOptions }
DownloadFileOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.DownloadFile method.
type DownloadResponse ¶
type DownloadResponse = generated.FileClientDownloadResponse
DownloadResponse contains the response from method FileClient.Download.
type DownloadStreamOptions ¶
type DownloadStreamOptions struct { // Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes. Range HTTPRange // When this header is set to true and specified together with the Range header, the service returns the MD5 hash for the // range, as long as the range is less than or equal to 4 MB in size. RangeGetContentMD5 *bool // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. // If specified, the operation is performed only if the file's lease is currently active and // the lease ID that's specified in the request matches the lease ID of the file. // Otherwise, the operation fails with status code 412 (Precondition Failed). LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
DownloadStreamOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.DownloadStream method.
type DownloadStreamResponse ¶
type DownloadStreamResponse struct { DownloadResponse // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DownloadStreamResponse contains the response from method Client.DownloadStream. To read from the stream, read from the Body field, or call the NewRetryReader method.
func (*DownloadStreamResponse) NewRetryReader ¶
func (r *DownloadStreamResponse) NewRetryReader(ctx context.Context, options *RetryReaderOptions) *RetryReader
NewRetryReader constructs new RetryReader stream for reading data. If a connection fails while reading, it will make additional requests to reestablish a connection and continue reading. Pass nil for options to accept the default options. Callers of this method should not access the DownloadStreamResponse.Body field.
type ForceCloseHandlesOptions ¶
type ForceCloseHandlesOptions struct { // A string value that identifies the portion of the list to be returned with the next list operation. The operation returns // a marker value within the response body if the list returned was not complete. // The marker value may then be used in a subsequent call to request the next set of list items. The marker value is opaque // to the client. Marker *string ShareSnapshot *string }
ForceCloseHandlesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ForceCloseHandles method.
type ForceCloseHandlesResponse ¶
type ForceCloseHandlesResponse = generated.FileClientForceCloseHandlesResponse
ForceCloseHandlesResponse contains the response from method Client.ForceCloseHandles.
type GetPropertiesOptions ¶
type GetPropertiesOptions struct { string // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }ShareSnapshot *
GetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetProperties method.
type GetPropertiesResponse ¶
type GetPropertiesResponse = generated.FileClientGetPropertiesResponse
GetPropertiesResponse contains the response from method Client.GetProperties.
type GetRangeListOptions ¶
type GetRangeListOptions struct { string // Specifies the range of bytes over which to list ranges, inclusively. Range HTTPRange ShareSnapshot *string // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions // SupportRename determines whether the changed ranges for a file should be listed when the file's location in the // previous snapshot is different from the location in the Request URI, as a result of rename or move operations. SupportRename *bool }PrevShareSnapshot *
GetRangeListOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetRangeList method.
type GetRangeListResponse ¶
type GetRangeListResponse = generated.FileClientGetRangeListResponse
GetRangeListResponse contains the response from method Client.GetRangeList.
type GetSASURLOptions ¶
GetSASURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetSASURL method.
type HTTPHeaders ¶
type HTTPHeaders = generated.ShareFileHTTPHeaders
HTTPHeaders contains optional parameters for the Client.Create method.
type HTTPRange ¶
HTTPRange defines a range of bytes within an HTTP resource, starting at offset and ending at offset+count. A zero-value HTTPRange indicates the entire resource. An HTTPRange which has an offset and zero value count indicates from the offset to the resource's end.
type LastWrittenMode ¶ added in v1.1.0
type LastWrittenMode = generated.FileLastWrittenMode
LastWrittenMode specifies if the file last write time should be preserved or overwritten
const ( LastWrittenModeNow LastWrittenMode = generated.FileLastWrittenModeNow LastWrittenModePreserve LastWrittenMode = generated.FileLastWrittenModePreserve )
func PossibleLastWrittenModeValues ¶ added in v1.1.0
func PossibleLastWrittenModeValues() []LastWrittenMode
PossibleLastWrittenModeValues returns the possible values for the LastWrittenMode const type.
type LeaseAccessConditions ¶
type LeaseAccessConditions = generated.LeaseAccessConditions
LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity.
type ListHandlesOptions ¶
type ListHandlesOptions struct { // A string value that identifies the portion of the list to be returned with the next list operation. The operation returns // a marker value within the response body if the list returned was not complete. // The marker value may then be used in a subsequent call to request the next set of list items. The marker value is opaque // to the client. Marker *string // Specifies the maximum number of entries to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value greater // than 5,000, the server will return up to 5,000 items. MaxResults *int32 ShareSnapshot *string }
ListHandlesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ListHandles method.
type ListHandlesResponse ¶
type ListHandlesResponse = generated.FileClientListHandlesResponse
ListHandlesResponse contains the response from method Client.ListHandles.
type ListHandlesSegmentResponse ¶
type ListHandlesSegmentResponse = generated.ListHandlesResponse
ListHandlesSegmentResponse - An enumeration of handles.
type NTFSFileAttributes ¶
type NTFSFileAttributes = exported.NTFSFileAttributes
NTFSFileAttributes for Files and Directories. The subset of attributes is listed at:
func ParseNTFSFileAttributes ¶ added in v1.0.0
func ParseNTFSFileAttributes(attributes *string) (*NTFSFileAttributes, error)
ParseNTFSFileAttributes parses the file attributes from *string to *NTFSFileAttributes. It can be used to convert the file attributes to *NTFSFileAttributes where it is returned as *string type in the response. It returns an error for any unknown file attribute.
type PermissionCopyModeType ¶
type PermissionCopyModeType = generated.PermissionCopyModeType
PermissionCopyModeType determines the copy behavior of the security descriptor of the file.
- source: The security descriptor on the destination file is copied from the source file.
- override: The security descriptor on the destination file is determined via the x-ms-file-permission or x-ms-file-permission-key header.
const ( PermissionCopyModeTypeSource PermissionCopyModeType = generated.PermissionCopyModeTypeSource PermissionCopyModeTypeOverride PermissionCopyModeType = generated.PermissionCopyModeTypeOverride )
func PossiblePermissionCopyModeTypeValues ¶
func PossiblePermissionCopyModeTypeValues() []PermissionCopyModeType
PossiblePermissionCopyModeTypeValues returns the possible values for the PermissionCopyModeType const type.
type PermissionFormat ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PermissionFormat = generated.FilePermissionFormat
PermissionFormat contains the format of the file permissions, Can be sddl (Default) or Binary.
const ( FilePermissionFormatBinary PermissionFormat = generated.FilePermissionFormatBinary FilePermissionFormatSddl PermissionFormat = generated.FilePermissionFormatSddl )
func PossibleFilePermissionFormatValues ¶ added in v1.4.0
func PossibleFilePermissionFormatValues() []PermissionFormat
PossibleFilePermissionFormatValues returns the possible values for the FilePermissionFormat const type.
type Permissions ¶
type Permissions = exported.Permissions
Permissions contains the optional parameters for the permissions on the file.
type RangeWriteType ¶
type RangeWriteType = generated.FileRangeWriteType
RangeWriteType represents one of the following options.
- update: Writes the bytes specified by the request body into the specified range. The Range and Content-Length headers must match to perform the update.
- clear: Clears the specified range and releases the space used in storage for that range. To clear a range, set the Content-Length header to zero, and set the Range header to a value that indicates the range to clear, up to maximum file size.
const ( RangeWriteTypeUpdate RangeWriteType = generated.FileRangeWriteTypeUpdate RangeWriteTypeClear RangeWriteType = generated.FileRangeWriteTypeClear )
func PossibleRangeWriteTypeValues ¶
func PossibleRangeWriteTypeValues() []RangeWriteType
PossibleRangeWriteTypeValues returns the possible values for the RangeWriteType const type.
type RenameOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type RenameOptions struct { // SMBProperties contains the optional parameters regarding the SMB/NTFS properties for a file. SMBProperties *SMBProperties // Permissions contains the optional parameters for the permissions on the file. Permissions *Permissions // Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later. Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable // values are SDDL or binary. If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or // explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format. If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to // binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary // encoding of the permission FilePermissionFormat *PermissionFormat // ContentType sets the content type of the file. ContentType *string // IgnoreReadOnly specifies whether the ReadOnly attribute on a pre-existing destination file should be respected. // If true, rename will succeed, otherwise, a previous file at the destination with the ReadOnly attribute set will cause rename to fail. IgnoreReadOnly *bool // A name-value pair to associate with a file storage object. Metadata map[string]*string // ReplaceIfExists specifies that if the destination file already exists, whether this request will overwrite the file or not. // If true, rename will succeed and will overwrite the destination file. If not provided or if false and the destination file does exist, // the request will not overwrite the destination file. // If provided and the destination file does not exist, rename will succeed. ReplaceIfExists *bool // SourceLeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access the source directory. SourceLeaseAccessConditions *SourceLeaseAccessConditions // DestinationLeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access the destination directory. DestinationLeaseAccessConditions *DestinationLeaseAccessConditions }
RenameOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Rename method.
type RenameResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type RenameResponse struct {
RenameResponse contains the response from method Client.Rename.
type ResizeOptions ¶
type ResizeOptions struct { // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
ResizeOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Resize method.
type ResizeResponse ¶
type ResizeResponse = generated.FileClientSetHTTPHeadersResponse
ResizeResponse contains the response from method Client.Resize.
type RetryReader ¶
type RetryReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RetryReader attempts to read from response, and if there is a retry-able network error returned during reading, it will retry according to retry reader option through executing user defined action with provided data to get a new response, and continue the overall reading process through reading from the new response. RetryReader implements the io.ReadCloser interface.
type RetryReaderOptions ¶
type RetryReaderOptions struct { // MaxRetries specifies the maximum number of attempts a failed read will be retried // before producing an error. // The default value is three. MaxRetries int32 // OnFailedRead, when non-nil, is called after any failure to read. Expected usage is diagnostic logging. OnFailedRead func(failureCount int32, lastError error, rnge HTTPRange, willRetry bool) // EarlyCloseAsError can be set to true to prevent retries after "read on closed response body". By default, // retryReader has the following special behaviour: closing the response body before it is all read is treated as a // retryable error. This is to allow callers to force a retry by closing the body from another goroutine (e.g. if the = // read is too slow, caller may want to force a retry in the hope that the retry will be quicker). If // TreatEarlyCloseAsError is true, then retryReader's special behaviour is suppressed, and "read on closed body" is instead // treated as a fatal (non-retryable) error. // Note that setting TreatEarlyCloseAsError only guarantees that Closing will produce a fatal error if the Close happens // from the same "thread" (goroutine) as Read. Concurrent Close calls from other goroutines may instead produce network errors // which will be retried. // The default value is false. EarlyCloseAsError bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RetryReaderOptions configures the retry reader's behavior. Zero-value fields will have their specified default values applied during use. This allows for modification of a subset of fields.
type SMBProperties ¶
type SMBProperties = exported.SMBProperties
SMBProperties contains the optional parameters regarding the SMB/NTFS properties for a file.
type SetHTTPHeadersOptions ¶
type SetHTTPHeadersOptions struct { // Resizes a file to the specified size. If the specified byte value is less than the current size of the file, then all ranges // above the specified byte value are cleared. FileContentLength *int64 // The default value is 'preserve' for Attributes, CreationTime and LastWriteTime fields in file.SMBProperties. SMBProperties *SMBProperties // The default value is 'preserve' for Permission field in file.Permissions. Permissions *Permissions // Optional. Available for version 2023-06-01 and later. Specifies the format in which the permission is returned. Acceptable // values are SDDL or binary. If x-ms-file-permission-format is unspecified or // explicitly set to SDDL, the permission is returned in SDDL format. If x-ms-file-permission-format is explicitly set to // binary, the permission is returned as a base64 string representing the binary // encoding of the permission FilePermissionFormat *PermissionFormat HTTPHeaders *HTTPHeaders // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
SetHTTPHeadersOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.SetHTTPHeaders method.
type SetHTTPHeadersResponse ¶
type SetHTTPHeadersResponse = generated.FileClientSetHTTPHeadersResponse
SetHTTPHeadersResponse contains the response from method Client.SetHTTPHeaders.
type SetMetadataOptions ¶
type SetMetadataOptions struct { // A name-value pair to associate with a file storage object. Metadata map[string]*string // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
SetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.SetMetadata method.
type SetMetadataResponse ¶
type SetMetadataResponse = generated.FileClientSetMetadataResponse
SetMetadataResponse contains the response from method Client.SetMetadata.
type ShareFileRange ¶
ShareFileRange - An Azure Storage file range.
type ShareFileRangeList ¶
type ShareFileRangeList = generated.ShareFileRangeList
ShareFileRangeList - The list of file ranges.
type ShareTokenIntent ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ShareTokenIntent = generated.ShareTokenIntent
ShareTokenIntent is required if authorization header specifies an OAuth token.
const (
)func PossibleShareTokenIntentValues ¶ added in v1.1.0
func PossibleShareTokenIntentValues() []ShareTokenIntent
PossibleShareTokenIntentValues returns the possible values for the ShareTokenIntent const type.
type SharedKeyCredential ¶
type SharedKeyCredential = exported.SharedKeyCredential
SharedKeyCredential contains an account's name and its primary or secondary key.
func NewSharedKeyCredential ¶
func NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey string) (*SharedKeyCredential, error)
NewSharedKeyCredential creates an immutable SharedKeyCredential containing the storage account's name and either its primary or secondary key.
type SourceContentValidationType ¶ added in v1.1.1
type SourceContentValidationType interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
SourceContentValidationType abstracts mechanisms used to validate source content
type SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64 ¶ added in v1.1.1
type SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64 uint64
SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64 is a SourceContentValidationType used to provide a precomputed CRC64.
type SourceCopyFileAttributes ¶
type SourceCopyFileAttributes = exported.SourceCopyFileAttributes
SourceCopyFileAttributes specifies to copy file attributes from a source file(source) to a target file
type SourceCopyFileChangeTime ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SourceCopyFileChangeTime = exported.SourceCopyFileChangeTime
SourceCopyFileChangeTime specifies to copy file change time from a source file(source) to a target file.
type SourceCopyFileCreationTime ¶
type SourceCopyFileCreationTime = exported.SourceCopyFileCreationTime
SourceCopyFileCreationTime specifies to copy file creation time from a source file(source) to a target file.
type SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime ¶
type SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime = exported.SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime
SourceCopyFileLastWriteTime specifies to copy file last write time from a source file(source) to a target file.
type SourceLeaseAccessConditions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SourceLeaseAccessConditions = generated.SourceLeaseAccessConditions
SourceLeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access the source directory.
type SourceModifiedAccessConditions ¶
type SourceModifiedAccessConditions = generated.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the FileClient.UploadRangeFromURL method.
type StartCopyFromURLOptions ¶
type StartCopyFromURLOptions struct { // A name-value pair to associate with a file storage object. Metadata map[string]*string // required if x-ms-file-permission-copy-mode is specified as override Permissions *Permissions CopyFileSMBInfo *CopyFileSMBInfo // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. // Required if the destination file has an active lease. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
StartCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.StartCopyFromURL method.
type StartCopyFromURLResponse ¶
type StartCopyFromURLResponse = generated.FileClientStartCopyResponse
StartCopyFromURLResponse contains the response from method Client.StartCopyFromURL.
type TransferValidationType ¶
type TransferValidationType = exported.TransferValidationType
TransferValidationType abstracts the various mechanisms used to verify a transfer.
type TransferValidationTypeMD5 ¶
type TransferValidationTypeMD5 = exported.TransferValidationTypeMD5
TransferValidationTypeMD5 is a TransferValidationType used to provide a precomputed MD5.
type URLParts ¶
URLParts object represents the components that make up an Azure Storage Share/Directory/File URL. NOTE: Changing any SAS-related field requires computing a new SAS signature.
type UploadBufferOptions ¶
type UploadBufferOptions = uploadFromReaderOptions
UploadBufferOptions provides set of configurations for Client.UploadBuffer operation.
type UploadFileOptions ¶
type UploadFileOptions = uploadFromReaderOptions
UploadFileOptions provides set of configurations for Client.UploadFile operation.
type UploadRangeFromURLOptions ¶
type UploadRangeFromURLOptions struct { // Only Bearer type is supported. Credentials should be a valid OAuth access token to copy source. CopySourceAuthorization *string // SourceContentValidation contains the validation mechanism used on the range of bytes read from the source. SourceContentValidation SourceContentValidationType SourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions // LastWrittenMode specifies if the file last write time should be preserved or overwritten. LastWrittenMode *LastWrittenMode // Deprecated: Specify the crc64 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source. SourceContentCRC64 uint64 }
UploadRangeFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.UploadRangeFromURL method.
type UploadRangeFromURLResponse ¶
type UploadRangeFromURLResponse = generated.FileClientUploadRangeFromURLResponse
UploadRangeFromURLResponse contains the response from method Client.UploadRangeFromURL.
type UploadRangeOptions ¶
type UploadRangeOptions struct { // TransactionalValidation specifies the transfer validation type to use. // The default is nil (no transfer validation). TransactionalValidation TransferValidationType // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions // LastWrittenMode specifies if the file last write time should be preserved or overwritten. LastWrittenMode *LastWrittenMode }
UploadRangeOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.UploadRange method.
type UploadRangeResponse ¶
type UploadRangeResponse = generated.FileClientUploadRangeResponse
UploadRangeResponse contains the response from method Client.UploadRange.
type UploadStreamOptions ¶
type UploadStreamOptions struct { // ChunkSize defines the size of the buffer used during upload. The default and minimum value is 1 MiB. // Maximum size of a chunk is MaxUpdateRangeBytes. ChunkSize int64 // Concurrency defines the max number of concurrent uploads to be performed to upload the file. // Each concurrent upload will create a buffer of size ChunkSize. The default value is one. Concurrency int // LeaseAccessConditions contains optional parameters to access leased entity. LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions }
UploadStreamOptions provides set of configurations for Client.UploadStream operation.