AKS Node Controller
AKS Node Controller is a go binary that is responsible for bootstrapping AKS nodes. The controller expects a predefined contract from the client of type aksnodeconfigv1.Configuration
AKS Node Controller relies on two Azure mechanisms for injecting the necessary bootstrap data during provisioning: Custom Script Extension (CSE)
and Custom Data
. The bootstrapper should use GetNodeBootstrapping
which returns the corresponding CustomData
and CSE
based on the given AKSNodeConfig
. For guidance on populating the config, please refer to this doc.
Here is an example of how to retrieve node bootstrapping parameters and use the returned CSE
and CustomData
for creating a Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) instance via the CRP API.
config := &aksnodeconfigv1.Configuration{
Version: "v1",
// fill in the rest of the fields
customData, err := nodeconfigutils.CustomData(config)
if err != nil {
return err
cse := nodeconfigutils.CSE
model := armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSet{
Properties: &armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetProperties{
VirtualMachineProfile: &armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile{
OSProfile: &armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetOSProfile{
CustomData: &customData,
ExtensionProfile: &armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionProfile{
Extensions: []*armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension{
Name: to.Ptr("vmssCSE"),
Properties: &armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetExtensionProperties{
Publisher: to.Ptr("Microsoft.Azure.Extensions"),
Type: to.Ptr("CustomScript"),
TypeHandlerVersion: to.Ptr("2.0"),
AutoUpgradeMinorVersion: to.Ptr(true),
Settings: map[string]interface{}{},
ProtectedSettings: map[string]interface{}{
"commandToExecute": cse,
The provision status can be extracted from the CSE response. CSE takes the stdout from the bootstrap scripts which contains information in the form datamodel.CSEStatus
Here is an example response return by CSE:
"ExitCode": "0",
"Output": "+ [[ ubuntu != \\a\\z\\u\\r\\e\\l\\i\\n\\u\\x ]]\n++ date\n+ echo 'Recreating man-db auto-update flag file and kicking off man-db update process at Tue Nov 12 17:24:23 UTC 2024....endcustomscript\n+ exit 0",
"Error": "",
"ExecDuration": "18",
"KernelStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:33 UTC",
"CloudInitLocalStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:35 UTC",
"CloudInitStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:39 UTC",
"CloudFinalStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:24:05 UTC",
"NetworkdStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:37 UTC",
"CSEStartTime": "Tue Nov 12 17:24:06 UTC 2024",
"GuestAgentStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:53 UTC",
"SystemdSummary": "",
"BootDatapoints": {
"KernelStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:33 UTC",
"CSEStartTime": "Tue Nov 12 17:24:06 UTC 2024",
"GuestAgentStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:23:53 UTC",
"KubeletStartTime": "Tue 2024-11-12 17:24:20 UTC"
Provisioning Flow
Here is an indepth explanation of the provisioning flow. Upon first startup, CustomData is made available to the VM, after which cloud-init is able to process the content, in this case, writing the bootstrap config to disk. The binary is triggered by a systemd unit, aks-node-controller.service
which is automatically run once cloud-init is complete. In this way, we are ensuring the bootstrapping config is present on the node and can proceeed to run the go binary to start the bootstrapping process.
Clients need to provide CSE and Custom Data. nodeconfigutils module contains helpers for generating these values.
- Custom Data: Contains base64 encoded bootstrap configuration of type aksnodeconfigv1.Configuration in json format which is placed on the node through cloud-init write directive.
- path: /opt/azure/containers/aks-node-controller-config.json
permissions: "0755"
owner: root
content: !!binary |
{{ encodedAKSNodeConfig }}`
- CSE: Script used to poll bootstrap status and return exit status once complete.
CSE script: /opt/azure/containers/aks-node-controller provision-wait
Provisioning flow diagram:
participant Client as Client
participant ARM as Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
participant VM as Virtual Machine (VM)
Client->>ARM: Request to create VM<br/>with CustomData & CSE
ARM->>VM: Deploy config.json<br/>(CustomData)
note over VM: cloud-init handles<br/>config.json deployment
note over VM: cloud-init completes processing
note over VM: Start aks-node-controller.service (systemd service)<br/> after cloud-init
VM->>VM: Run aks-node-controller<br/>(Go binary) in provision mode<br/>using config.json
ARM->>VM: Initiate aks-node-controller (Go binary)<br/>in provision-wait mode via CSE
loop Monitor provisioning status
VM->>VM: Check /opt/azure/containers/provision.complete
VM->>Client: Return CSE status with<br/>/var/log/azure/aks/provision.json content
Key components:
: systemd unit that is triggered once cloud-init is complete (guaranteeing that config is present on disk) and then kickstarts bootstrapping.
go binary with two modes:
- provision: parses the node config and triggers bootstrap process
- provision-wait: waits for
to be present and reads provision.json
which contains the provision output of type CSEStatus
and is returned by CSE through capturing stdout