Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. Replacement can be found under []( We strongly encourage you to upgrade to continue receiving updates. See [Migration Guide]( for guidance on upgrading. Refer to our [deprecation policy]( for more details.
In order to run examples/go-keyvault-msi-example.go, follow these steps:
Create a keyvaul and a secret
Create a managed identity
Set the environment variables
go run examples/go-keyvault-msi-example.go
Create a vault and a secret
Logon to the azure portal in to your subscription and create an user assigned managed id.
Create a vault, a secret and set a value for that secret
Take a note of the keyvault name and set the KVAULT_NAME environment variable.
Take a note of the secret name and set the KVAULT_SECRET_NAME environment variable.
Create a managed identity
Logon to the azure portal in to your subscription and create an user assigned managed id.
Assign a contributor role to the managed identity.
Assign managed id to VM.
Copy client ID and assign is to the environment AZURE_CLIENT_ID variable.
Set the environment variables
AZURE_TENANT_ID: Your Azure tenant ID
AZURE_CLIENT_ID: Your Azure client ID. This will be an app ID from your AAD.
KVAULT_NAME: The name of your vault (just the name, not the full URL/path)
KVAULT_SECRET_NAME to the secret's name.
**Important note:** Do NOT set AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET. This example uses Managed identities.
Run examples/go-keyvault-msi-example.go
On your terminal where you have the environment variables set:
$cd ~/go/src/azure-sdk-for-go-samples/keyvault/examples
$go run go-keyvault-msi-example.go
Listing secret names in keyvault:
KVAULT_SECRET Value: mesecretvalue
Setting 'newsecret' to 'newvalue'
Listing secret names in keyvault: