❯ fget --help
Usage of fget:
-f, --follow-redirect Follow redirects (Default: false)
-H, --header stringArray Add custom Headers to the request
--no-folders Don't store results on separate folders
-o, --output string Save to folder. Default: create results folder which will include a folder for each target
-p, --proxy string Add a HTTP proxy
-r, --random-agent Set a random User Agent
-t, --timeout int connection timeout (default 20)
--unique Use a unique name for each file
-u, --url string The url to check
-v, --verbose Display extra info about what is going on
-w, --workers int Number of workers (default 20)
!# Install
!# With root
sudo curl -qfsSL "https://bin.ajam.dev/x86_64_Linux/fget" -o "/usr/local/bin/fget" && sudo chmod +xwr "/usr/local/bin/fget"
sudo eget "https://bin.ajam.dev/x86_64_Linux/fget" --to "/usr/local/bin/fget"
!# Without ROOT
curl -qfsSL "https://bin.ajam.dev/x86_64_Linux/fget" -o "$HOME/bin/fget" && chmod +xwr "$HOME/bin/fget"
eget "https://bin.ajam.dev/x86_64_Linux/fget" --to "$HOME/bin/fget"
!# Using go
go install -v "github.com/Azathothas/Arsenal/fget@main"
!# Build
cd $(mktemp -d) && mkdir fget && cd fget
curl -qfsSLJO "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azathothas/Arsenal/main/fget/main.go"
curl -qfsSLJO "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azathothas/Arsenal/main/fget/go.mod"
go get github.com/Azathothas/Arsenal/fget
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags '-static'" -o "./fget"
file "./fget" ; ldd "./fget" ; ls -lah "./fget"